Chapter 14

A fanfare of trumpets played as Twilight Sparkle strode along the red carpet, wearing a beautiful magenta princess gown with a white trail and a golden sash and collar. Sparkling gold slippers held her hooves, and around her neck was her shimmering white BFF necklace. True to her word, Twilight would never take it off.

As she strode elegantly past Discord, Discord's eyes welled up with tears. He conjured up a handkerchief and dabbed at his eyes.

"Turns out your heart isn't as stone as before, Discord," teased Twilight, as she walked past him.

"I'm not crying," sniffled Discord, wiping the tears from his eyes, "It's—liquid pride. Completely different thing."

Twilight reached the podium at the end of the red carpet and bowed to Princess Celestia.

"Fillies and gentlecolts," Celestia addressed the audience, "We are gathered here today to celebrate the coronation of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's daughter, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

The crowd cheered!

"On the day of her christening, she was cursed," said Celestia, "And we had no choice but to send her away for sixteen years. But thanks to her friendship and bravery, one of Equestria's greatest foes has become a powerful ally."

Twilight blushed.

"Princess Twilight," said Celestia, looking generous, "You have proven yourself to be a kind, honest, generous, loyal, and truly magical pony. And so, it is my great pleasure to bestow upon you, the final Element of Harmony. The Element of Magic. Spike?"

Twilighgt's eyes widened as Celestia's attendant, a tiny purple dragon with green spines, held up a plush purple cushion, on which sat Celestia's golden crown holding the Element of Magic. Celestia levitated up the crown with her magic and placed it on top of Twilight's head.

"Wow," breathed Twilight, touching the star-shaped gem in her crown, "It looks just like my cutie mark."

"We are all so proud of you," announced Celestia, as Twilight turned round to face the audience, with her crown perched on her head.

Tears ran down Twilight's cheeks as the crowd all cheered for Equestria's newest princess. "Thank you," she wept, "Thank you everypony."

"Mom, dad, Celestia, Luna. This was just one of the most wonderful days of my life," said Twilight to Celestia, Luna, Cadance and Shining Armor after the coronation, her eyes brimming up with tears, "It couldn't have been more perfect."

"It couldn't have been more perfect for us, either, Twily," said Shining Armor, wiping his eyes.

"We just can't tell you how happy we are that you're home after all these years," said Cadance, looking rather tearful as well, "I missed you so. We all did."

Tears streamed down Twilight's cheeks. "Awwww," she squealed, giving her mother a big hug.

Not everypony was rejoicing, though. One sad face watched through the throne room doors as Twilight and her family embraced.

I guess she won't be needing me anymore, thought Discord, sadly, looking at Twilight's happy face, She's a princess now. And she'll be happier here with her family. I might as well head back to the Everfree Forest.

"Now that you're a princess, Twilight Sparkle," said Luna, back inside the throne room, "You get to live here in Canterlot castle with us. Just like a real princess."

"Live in this amazing castle?" breathed Twilight.

Then her expression changed from overwhelming excitement to sadness.

"Once, I would have said yes in the blink of an eye," admitted Twilight, "But the truth is...what I really, really want is to go back and live in the Everfree Forest with Discord. It was what I wanted for a long time."

Just before he snapped his fingers and vanished, Discord heard Twilight's words and froze! "What?" he exclaimed, vanishing from the corridor and appearing beside Twilight.

"You heard me," said Twilight, looking round at him, "I told you before that the best birthday present anypony could have given me was getting to live with you in the Everfree Forest. Well, the truth is. I never actually got it."

"No," said Discord, shaking his head, "I can't do this. You belong here. I can't separate you from your family."

"But you're my friend," smiled Twilight, holding up her BFF necklace, "And friends are family."

She gave him a big hug, then turned back to the royals.

"I very much appreciate everything you all have done for me, but I wish to return to the Everfree Forest with Discord," she said, "It's the place I want to call my home."

A look of uncertainty flashed between Shining Armor and the princesses.

"Are you sure?" asked Cadance.

Twilight smiled and nodded.

"Well...if that's what you want, Twily," said Shining Armor, "Then we're fine with it."

"Just promise us one thing," said Cadance, touching Twilight's cheek with her hoof, "That you'll come back and visit soon."

"Of course I'll come back and visit you," smiled Twilight, "You're my family. And you can come and visit me anytime, too."

"Try and stop us," Cadance replied.

"I'll see you all soon," said Twilight, waving, "Goodbye."

With a flash of light, Discord snapped his fingers, and he and Twilight vanished, leaving the royalties alone in the throne room.

Cadance sighed sadly.

"It's OK, sweetie," said Shining Armor, "She's where she wants to be. We can visit each other anytime we like."

"I know," said Cadance, "And I'm happy for her. I just wish I could have been a better mother."

"You will be an excellent mother, Cadance," smiled Celestia, "Twilight may have taken a different path to what we expected, but I am certain that she will always need you."

"Thanks," said Cadance, gratefully.

There was a sudden flash of light in the middle of the red carpet, and Discord reappeared. "Just one more little thing, Celestia," said Discord, casually, striding up to the Princess of the Sun's throne, "I wanted you to have these."

He extended his hand, and a bouquet of flowers with rainbow-coloured petals appeared in it. Celestia was a little surprised at first, but then smiled and accepted his gift.

He winked!

Discord brought down his wall of Plunderseed vines and lifted the magical barrier that sealed off his land from the rest of Equestria. He vowed to only use his magic for good from then on, and that the two kingdoms, Equestria and the Everfree, would remain in harmony. As for Twilight, she got her perfect birthday present, and stayed in the Everfree with Discord, among all the wonder and chaos. And now that the barrier was down, Twilight was frequently visited by her parents, as well as Celestia and Luna, who, despite Discord's previous reign of terror, grew to enjoy the scenery of Discord's land. After all, there, chaos was a wonderful, wonderful thing.

"You have to really flap them hard, then turn ever so slightly to come back round," Discord instructed Twilight, when they were both in the air, flapping their wings.

"Got it!" replied Twilight.

She flapped her wings and soared gracefully into the sky, then swerved round and arced round one of the card pyramids, turned several loop-the-loops, and zigzagged around the floating trees, leaving a blue and pink trail behind her.

"Whoo-hoo!" cheered Twilight, swooping through the air.

Suddenly, she flew right into one of Discord's cotton candy clouds, the mixture of chocolate and cotton candy splattering all over her!

"I can't see!" yelled Twilight, diving round in circles, trying to wipe the sticky cotton candy from her eyes, "Aaaaaah!"

She plummeted towards the ground and landed on her right hoof with a painful crash!

"Owwww!" she moaned, rubbing her sore hoof.

"Let me fix that," said Discord, walking up. He snapped his fingers and the bruise on Twilight's hoof disappeared, as well as the sticky mess of cotton candy and chocolate milk all over her.

Twilight smiled and got up. "Let's try again," she said.

"Maybe later," said Discord, pointing to two mares and a stallion crossing the checked grounds, "I think Cadance and Shining Armor are here to see you."

And Celestia, he thought, gazing dreamily at the Princess of the Sun.

Twilight noticed Discord mooning at Celestia and laughed. "I thing somepony has a crush," she said, in a sing-song voice.

"Oh, you don't know anything about me," said Discord, idly, not looking at her.

"Focus, Casanova," said Twilight, waving her wing over Discord's eyes, snapping him out of his trance, "We've got guests."

"Then why don't you go and practice flying with them, instead?" Discord said, "Cadance is a much better flyer than me, and I think she'd like to spend some quality time with you."

Twilight smiled. "Good idea. Love ya, Discord."

"Love you too, Twilight," said Discord returning the hug, before Twilight trotted over to see her family.

"Sunshine, sunshine,
Ladybugs awake!
Clap your hooves
And do a little shake!"

Discord smiled as Cadance and Twilight recited the rhyme Cadance had taught her after reuniting, and then hug. He was glad Twilight had such a wonderful family. And now, it seemed her family had grown. He watched as Cadance and Twilight flapped their wings, rose up into the air, and soared happily up into the clouds, laughing together, mother and daughter.

So you see, the story is not quite as you were told. In the end, the kingdom was united not by a hero or a villain, as legend had predicted, but by one who was both hero and villain. And his name was Discord.