Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey was an ordinary street with ordinary houses and ordinary yards, that had ordinary people living in them. Everything about Privet Drive was Ordinary. Petunia and Vernon Dursley liked to think that they were the perfect family, and to all outward appearances, they were. Petunia was the perfect housewife, and sweet to everyone. Vernon Dursley was the honest hard working man of the house, who worked professionally and powerfully at Grunnings, a drilling company. Their son Dudley Dursley was an honest C Grade average student who lived for his family. Their life was perfect.

But like all families and people they had a secret. True, their secret was rather big, and only one person knew it. Petunia Evans had a sister who died five years ago and left them their secret curse. Harry Potter was exactly the opposite of ordinary, and he was their secret keeper. He was the only one who knew the truth. The truth was Vernon was an abusive cheater, and a liar and Dudley was a spoiled rotten pig in a wig. Then there was sweet Petunia, who tried her best to be fair and just to her nephew whom she loved with all her heart. Harry loved his aunt because of the cake and presents on his birthday and the books that she read him to sleep. Harry loved his aunt who was more of a mother than an aunt. Harry hated Vernon for his hands. The hands he used to hurt his aunt, the hands he used to shove him in his cupboard, and beat him near death. He despised Dudley because Dudley was just like his father. And then there was the cupboard under the stairs. His home was covered with dust, and spiders hanging from the ceiling. A raggedy blanket was his bed, and the only toy he owned was a dirty stuffed doe.

Harry Potter was considered a genius by all accounts. He learned to read and talk by age two, he could write four months after that. And now by age six, he was in fact in high school. He knew the languages of French, German, Latin, and Celtic. He could read ancient Egyptian, he knew physics like the back of his hand. He was truly a prodigy. He was the only one he knew who had a true photographic memory. He could recall anything and everything he saw, smelled, felt, heard, and tasted. For that very reason, he remembers what he is. A Wizard.