Locked in Time
Transcript – 002
Lori: Is it on Lisa? Can we begin?
Lisa: Yes, it appears to be running. You may begin
Lori: I don't know why you need it but anyway I literally call this meeting to order.
-A shoe bangs against a wooden object-
Lori: Lisa, you said that you some important news to share
Lisa: Yes, I have two pieces of news. One is regarding our brothers' condition and the other is regarding my own condition
Luna: What's up Brainiac? What's wrong with Lincoln
Lincoln: If I may. Sorry Lisa but they can't understand science speak as well as I can. To get to the point. Well my body is filled with particles and it's killing my body.
Everyone (Sans Lisa): What?!
Lincoln: It's ok, Lisa has built a machine that will use the particles in my body to fix the damage and maybe reverse the age change
Leni: So, you're going to be ok?
Lincoln: Yes Leni, I'll be fine so don't cry
Lana: So, what about you Lisa, you went through the same things Linc did. Does that mean you're going to die to?
Lisa: No, because my physical condition is different to Lincoln and something utilising the particles so it being affected instead of me
Lori: Lisa, what does that mean? Are you…?
Lisa: I'm pregnant
-Stunned pause before Unintelligible yelling and ranting-
Lincoln: ENOUGH!
Lori: Shut up you pervert, who could you do that to Lisa. You make me sick
Luan: What do you say after committing incest? No Chromo!
Lynn: Shut Up Luan!
Leni: Why is everyone angry? Isn't a baby a good thing?
Lori: Not when it's a product of incest
Lisa: Lori, Enough. Don't blame Lincoln. It was my doing. I initiated sex while he was drunk. I forgot to remember protection. This is on me
Lincon: Leese…
Lisa: No Lincoln. I don't regret it happening, nor do I regret professing my love for you or agreeing to marry you. I love you Lincoln Loud and I will make sure nothing pulls us apart. Not even our own family
-Sad sniffle-
Luna: We're not going to break you two apart little dude
Lori: Like hell we…
Luna: Shut it Lori, Look at them. They're happy and while I don't approve about what happened. I'm not going to let them be shunned by their own family.
Leni, Lucy and Lana: Yeah!
Lincoln: I'm happy it happened because I got to be with the girl I love. Lori you should know what it's like to be able to be close to the one you love
Lori: I… You're right I'm sorry Lincoln but you know incest is illegal right and you had sex with a minor
Lisa: I was well within my right mind to know what I was getting into. I am not a child Lori; in fact I possess an intellect far superior to most adults
Lincoln: Lisa, you know that probably wouldn't hold up in court
Lori: Well, let's hope it never comes to that
Entry 0025
Telling our siblings went over as well as can be expected but I do believe we have convinced them to keep quiet on the matter. Tell our parents was a similar endeavour, as they reacted in a hostile manner at first. They threatened to call the police and force me to terminate the pregnancy.
Unsurprisingly, Lincoln was able to salvage the situation. After we explained our feelings and how both of us had been possessing them for some time and that it had been me to initiate both the relationship and the sexual encounter. We also used the same logic that we used on Lori, which had work for the most part. Lincoln assured them that he had no feeling for any of his other sisters
Regardless of they're hostilities, they agreed to allow the relationship as long as nobody gets hurt and remains consensual. An acceptable term considering the circumstances, one less problem so we can focus on Lincoln's health.
The designs and construction of my new device have come along excellently, but it proposes a dilemma. I have figured a way to safely extract a few of the latent chronitons from myself, using them on a few test mice. My findings have shown a puzzling dilemma, giving me one of two options that both present an unfavourable outcome.
Tests on the mice show that the chronitons can be used to drastically increase subject's lifespan by establishing a sort of chrono lock, even when using a very small amount of the particles. My hypothesis indicates that due to the massive quantity of particles in Lincoln's body, he could be rendered nearly immortal. This is unfavourable to myself and Lincoln, as I do not have nearly as many particles throughout my being. This means I would live for maybe a few centuries, as would our child.
The second set of studies show that, using the chronitons to revert to a previous state in time will not only reset the subjects age but their memories as well. My hypothesis Indicates that using this method on Lincoln would give Lincoln back the childhood he missed out on and remove the trauma he suffered but at the cost of losing all memories of our relationship, the conception of our child and all the bonding we engaged in. He will stop being the man I love and simply go back to being my brother.
I don't know how to decide which course of action to choose, but my indecision is killing him with every wasted second, I spend trying to decide.
A/n – Hello again, dear readers. Well to whomever still reads my writing, considering I haven't posted much recently. I am sorry, I guess I just haven't had anything good enough for you guys to read. I pride myself in having an interesting and engaging story, something you look forward to reading. That high expectation plus writer's block makes it hard to publish anything.
But never fear, I finally churned out something for you guys to read. I do hope it's up to the standard I have set for myself, if not I may go cry in a corner.
Review time
C0rrupt3dSpy: Yeh, still alive my friend. So along as you guys keep reading and reviewing, I'll keep pumping out chapters
Tristen: This is fiction, so the reaction might not be totally realistic. Oh well.
Jasongd: Thanks, I hope it was enjoyable and to you guys satisfaction.
NoSoul01: Nothing like binge reading a great story, I do it quite often. It makes me sad when I reach a stories end, or the last chapter written. So, I get your feelings there buddy.
TheAllSeeingEye4812: Thanks for your patronage.
Omega Ultra: Hey, thanks for your continued readership. I'm sorry everything so brief, I don't wanna write too much and ruin the style, but I'll endeavour to write more for you. Thanks for your advice, if you have any more please don't be afraid to let me know.
As usual, let me know what your thoughts are on this. Did I do good, is it emotional enough, does it have a good impact or is it terrible or rushed or whatever. Let me know what you guys think, you can leave your comments, question or criticism in a review or PM and I will address in the next chapter. So, don't be afraid to tell me what you all think, I'm not gonna be mean or anything.
Also, please check out my friend BastardBadger.
With that shameless plug over, I will bid you all a due. Ciao for now and until next time my dear readers.