A/N: What's up everybody! :) I came up with this Idea, after reading simliar crossovers by other authors and decided to write my own. I love both Telltale's TWD and Halo, even though I haven't play any of the Halo games in a while lol. Anyways, I'm using Cal-141 for this story Instead of Master Chief or other known Spartans, because I feel she deserves at least some kind of recognition. Sure, she only appeared once and died in Halo animation, but she did leave an impact on some of her fellow comrades.

This takes place during Season 2 - Episode 1 of the game. Well, technically the games takes place in the TWD comic book universe, but we're getting off track here, folks.

If anybody has some questions or concerns about this story, feel free to PM me and I'll answer.

Well, enough of the chit-chat, on with the story.

I don't own anything but maybe a few OCS.

Chapter - 1: All that remains.

Disorientation, dizziness, and a headache is what she felt at the moment.

Groaning, Calista Harris also known as Cal-141 of the UNSC slowly opened her eyes and came face to face with a cloudly sky. Extreme confusion now filled her mind. Wasn't she supposed to be dead? She remembered saving O'Brien's live from a Brute chieftain and taking a wicked hammer blow to the head as well as dying afterwards.

Letting out another groan, Cal-141 slowly got to her feet and stood to her full height of seven-foot-three inches. She brushed herself off, before taking a glance at her surroundings. If Cal wasn't anymore confused, then she definitely was now. She found herself on a muddy river bank in the middle of a forest somewhere and judging by the air temperature, It was around winter time. Then Cal glanced at herself and found that she wasn't wearing her usual SPARTAN-II armor, but rather, her inner skinsuit.

The female Spartan let out a depressed sigh, before she turned around and stared at the river behind her. "Where am I?" She wondered.

Suddenly, something floating down the river caught Cal's eye. It was small and purplish, but when the female Spartan gave it a closer look, her eyes went wide. It was child!

Luckily, the water was only waist deep as Calista rushed into the freezing torrent and pulled the child out of the river. Cradling the small child gently in her arms, Cal turned and walked back towards the river bank. So many questions were running through the female Spartan's mind, but those will have to wait and right now, getting the child to safety was important.

Once back on dry land, Calista inspected the child better. The child was an African-American girl, about 11 years old, she was wearing a long sleeve purple-colored shirt, dirty blue jeans as well as a blue and white baseball cap with the letter D stamped on the front of it. The girl was unconcious, soaked to the bone and cold, but otherwise alive and seemed unharmed.

Looking at the forest in front of her, Cal noticed a path leading into the woods. Maybe a settlement was nearby. Cal proceeded up the trail, carrying the young girl in her arms. While walking, Calista glanced at the child with a concerned frown, she wondered how she ended up in the river in the first place. Was she playing outside with friends and fell in by accident or did someone throw her in?

The female Spartan shook her head and continued walking up the trail, those questions can will have to wait for now. Cal passed over a fallen tree and walked, until she came across something unsettling.

There was a campsite alright, but it was littered with trash, a couple of bloodied and ripped up tents, and a broken down mini van. Whoever stayed here is long gone.

Cal looked around at the old campsite one more time, before walking over and gently placing the girl down by a log with her head probbed up against it. Then suddenly, Cal's nose was assaulted by the smell of rotting meat and a nearby twig broke.


The female Spartan became alarmed at the sound, before she quickly placed herself in front of the young girl, like a human shield. Calista didn't know why or how, but she felt an urge to protect this child with her life. She looked in every direction of forest, until some movement to her left caught her eye and got into a ready stance.

The bushes rustled and a man stepped through. Once he spotted Cal-141, he began shuffling his way toward her. The man wore very dirty baggy clothes that hung off of his stick like frame and his skin was unhealthly pale, but that wasn't what drew Calista's eye.

Half of the man's face was ripped off with parts of his skull, teeth, and lower jaw showing.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to stop right where you are." Cal said, speaking for the first time since she'd woken up.

The man ignored Cal and kept walking towards her with a twisted up right leg.

The female Spartan's eyes narrowed dangerously. No one could walk around with an injury like that, unless they were so hyped up on painkillers that he or she couldn't feel a thing, but in that case, they wouldn't be able to move at all, let alone walk.

"This is your last warning, sir." Cal spoke again, but more sternly. "Stop right there and don't come any closer."

The man only sped up, his arms coming up and fumbling towards his target, his jaw snapping open and shut; a snarl escaping his maw. Then he lurched forward in an attempt to bite the female Spartan, but Cal reacted very quickly and grabbed him by the throat with one hand, easily holding him back at arms length.

Calista stared at the man, no, the creature in an utter bewilderment. What is seriously going on here!?

The creature snarled viciously at Cal and continued thrashing in her vice-like grib, still trying to bite at her. The female Spartan glared hard at the creature, before lifting it off its feet and chokeslamming it hard on the ground with a sick crunch.

The creature hissed angrily and tried to get back up to its feet, even with a broken back, but Cal finished it off by stomping on it's head.

Her foot split the skull, like an overripe melon, splattering blood and brain matter everywhere.

"Gross." Cal says in disgust and shudders a little in revulsion, before shaking her boot around to clear most of the gunk off. Suddenly, the female Spartan heard a moan from behind and turned around to see the young girl was stirring, meaning she was about to wake up.

Calista kneed down beside the girl as she opened her eyes.

Letting out a pained moan, Clementine slowly opened her eyes, her vision a little blurry. Her mind currently swimming, the last she remembered was falling into a river after running away from a group of bandits that attacked her and Christa's camp.

Grunting, the young girl tried to sit up, but didn't have the strength.

"Easy now." A woman's soft voice spoke firmly. "Let me help you."

Clementine felt herself being picked up and gently sat down on something. Once her vision cleared up, she found herself sitting on a log in the middle of a rundown campsite. Then Clementine looked over to her right and came face to face with a blonde haired, pale skinned woman who was wearing a weird black suit and looking at Clementine with concern.

The young girl let out a gasp, before falling back off the log and began backing away in fright. The unknown woman stood up and Clementine noted she was tall, really tall, the tallest person she'd ever seen in her life.

The woman approached Clementine slowly, raising her hands in the air, "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." She told her gently.

Clementine was silent for a few seconds, before responding cautiously. "Y-You're not?"

"No." The woman replied, giving her a small smile. "I wouldn't have pulled out of the river, If I did intend to harm you." She added.

The woman then walked over and helped Clementine up to her feet. "My name's Calista." Calista said/introduced; "What's yours?"

"My name's Clementine." Clementine said, giving Calista a smile and for some odd reason, the young girl felt she could trust this woman.

Calista nodded, before gesturing for Clementine to sit down on the log. Clementine did as she said as Calista walked over to the broken down mini van and started searching through it. After a few minutes of looking around and moving a few boxes aside, Cal found two fresh water bottles, a can of beans, a large bowie knife and a tiny pocket knife.

The female Spartan walked back over to Clementine and sat down on the log beside her, which was kinda awkward for someone of her size and stature, but Cal didn't mind.

Clementine, however, felt tiny sitting next to the much bigger woman, but at the same time, she also felt safe. Calista used the small pocket knife she found and opened the can of beans, then passed it over to Clementine. "Here, you'll need the strength." She says.

"What about you?" The young girl asked her worriedly, politely taking the can.

The female Spartan shakes her head and tells her, "I can go a few days or weeks without any food or water. Plus, you need it more than I do."

Clementine was still a little hesitant, but her hunger won out in the end and began eating the beans straight of the can.

Calista watched her eat for a few seconds in silence, before she spoke again. "I have some questions I'd like to ask you, Clementine."

"What kind of questions?" Clementine asked nervously.

"Well, firstly, how did you end up in the river?" Cal asked.

The young girl looked at the can of beans with a sad expression, before replying. "I was with my friend, Christa, before our camp was attacked by some bandits. I don't know if she got away or was killed, but I ran and ended up falling in the water...I'm by myself now."

Calista gave her a look of a concern and asked, "What about your parents? Where are they?"

The young girl felt a pang of heartace, tears filling her eyes and responded. "They're dead."

Shocked, Cal-141 then asked, "And you've been by yourself ever since?"

Clementine sniffled and replied, "No, I had my guardian, Lee. He taught me how to survive." She then smiled a little, "He's the reason I keep my hair short."

"What happen to him?"

Sadden again, the young girl answered, "I was kidnapped by a bad man and he got bitten while looking for me." Tears were now leaking from her eyes and down her cheeks. "He saved me, but I had kill him, before he turned."

Cal couldn't believe how pain this girl had been through. Having to loose your loved ones like that, no child should never go through that. The female Spartan placed a large, but sympathic hand on Clementine's shoulder, causing her to look up at Cal. "I'm sorry, you went through all of that, Clementine. I know what it's like to loose people you care about, but they would want you to live on and not blame yourself for what happen."

The young girl mustered a small smile and said, "Thank you, Calista." Then her smile fell, "But who will look after me now? I don't have nobody else left." She asked worriedly.

Cal stood up and gave Clementine a confident look, "I will."

Shocked, Clementine asked, "R-Really?"

The female Spartan shrugged and said, "If you want of course. I mean how hard can it be?"

Placing the can of beans down, Clementine stood and embraced the taller woman, "Yes. Thank you."

Even though, Spartans weren't meant to feel any form of emotion, but Cal sure did. Clementine was special and Calista felt an unknown urge to protect her as if she were very own daughter. Surprised by the hug at first, the female Spartan relented with a smile and patted Clementine gently on the head, "Finish those beans, Clementine. After that, we'll have to find a shelter before it gets dark or more of those things showed up." Cal-141 said, pointing at the dead creature from earlier.

Clementine nodded, before sitting back down and enjoying the rest of the beans. "Maybe things wouldn't so bad after all." She thought.

After some time had passed, Clementine finally had enough enegry to travel. The duo walked deep into the woods with Calista keeping an eye out for any of those monsters and Clementine walking close behind her.

So far it was quiet, a little too quiet. Calista kept her enhanced senses trained for any suspicious movement. The two walked a little further as Clementine spoke up and asked, "So where you from, Calista?"

"Paradise Falls. You?"

"Atlanta." The girl answered and then asked, "What's that suit you're wearing?"

"It's a Inner skinsuit." Cal answered, pointing at her sleeve. "It protects me from the elements, like the cold."

"Can it protect you from a walker bite?"

Before the female Spartan could respond to that, moaning and groaning sounds could be heard. They looked up and saw a dozen or so hungry walkers approaching the duo from the woods.

"Get behind me." Calista tells Clementine, pushing the young girl behind her protectively. When one snarling walker got too close, Cal swung and punched it directly in the face, the blow caved in its whole face and caused it fall to the ground dead. She then bend down quickly, picked it's rotting corpse up and threw it overhead at a few advancing walkers, knocking each of them down. Clementine witnessed the entire feat in pure amazement, she'd never someone so strong before.

The female Spartan pulled out her bowie knife and grabbed another walker by the neck, then stabbed it in the head. The walker fell dead to the ground as Calista glanced up and saw more walkers coming. Realizing this, Cal grabbed Clementine's wrist and both made a run for it. The young girl was even more amazed; not only was Cal very strong, but she fast too and Clementine had trouble keeping up.

Seeing this, Cal picked the young girl up into her arms and started to carry her as she ran and dodged walker and a tree alike with incredible agilty for somebody of her size. They across a clearing and suddenly found themselves surrounded by walkers.

The snarling undead creatures advanced closer to the duo, Cal glared at each of them as Clementine whimpered in her arms. One of the walkers suddenly fell face down with an arrow sticking out of the back of its head. Both females looked up and saw two men, one older man with a crossbow and one younger man.

The younger one used a machete to chop a couple of walker's heads clean off as the older male shouted out to Cal, "Come on, let's go!"

Without wasting a second, Calista raced passed them, until she stopped in another clearing to let the men catch up to her. Both of them breathed heavily as the younger male said, looking at Cal-141 and Clementine. "Damn, you're fast for someone so big."

Ignoring that, Cal placed Clementine down and asked the men, "Who are you?"

The younger one sleeved his machete and gave a friendly smile, "I'm Luke and this my friend, Pete." He said, gesturing to both himself and the older man.

"I'm Calista Harris and this is Clementine." Cal Introduced, gesturing to said girl.

"Oh, you're not her mom?" Luke asked confused.

Cal shook her head and said, "No, she lost her real parents, but I'm looking out for her."

Luke and Pete both gave Clementine sympathic looks, before Pete said to her, "I'm so sorry to hear that, darling."

"Thanks." Clementine said, giving a small sad smile.

"We have a cabin nearby with a few of our friends." Luke says, "You two can come with us?"

The female Spartan looked down at her younger companion and Clementine nodded to her, Cal nodded also, before looking back at Luke and Pete, "We'll come." She said. "But If you try anything..."

Luke rose his hands and said, "You have mine and Pete's word, we won't try anything. Besides that, I highly doubt I could fight you; you look like you could rip either of us in two without a problem."

"That's an understatement." Calista thought, before she and Clementine followed both men out of the woods and over a hill, once the group reached the top, they spotted a large wooden cabin in a clearing.

"Home sweet home." Pete says with a smile.

The group walked down the hill, until Luke stopped both Cal-141 and Clementine.

"You two stay here," He says, "Me and Pete will get everybody else. It's been awhile since we've had guests."

Calista and Clementine both nodded as Luke and Pete went inside the cabin. Cal looked at Clem and asked, "What do you make of them?"

"They did save us and seem friendly." The eleven year old said, before glancing up at her guardian. "I think we can trust them."

Cal nodded and was about ask something else, but was cut-off by a male voice yelling.

"Who the fuck are you!?"

They looked over and saw another young man, wearing a black and white shirt, and baseball cap. His expression was fierce and he was aiming a bolt-action rife at them. Calista pulled Clementine behind her protectively and rose her hands in the air. "Calm down." She told him, "We're not here to hurt anyone."

"Yeah fucking right!" The young man sneers, "Who are you working for? Carver!?"

"We're not working for anybody named, Carver." Cal-141 says calmly, narrowing her amber eyes at the young man; he was clearly unedged.

"Bullshit!" The young man yells, aimming his rifle at her. "You're gonna fuckin' tell me who you're working for now!" He demands.

Walking from behind Calista and to her side, Clementine spoke up, "But we don't know any-"


A gunshot went off and then silence filled the air around the trio. Luckily, Calista moved at lighting speed and pulled Clementine out of bullet's path, letting it zip by and hit the dirt behind her. The female Spartan then glared angrily at the young man who was clearly startled by what just happened and before he could even react, Cal was already on him, like a lionness on its prey. She pulled the rifle out of his grib with one hand and grabbed him by the front collar of his shirt with her other hand, lifted off of his feet, threw him over her shoulder and slammed him on the ground hard, like he weighted nothing.

The man let out a cry of pain, before he recovered and began crawling away from the female Spartan. Calista looked at the rifle in her hand for a second, before taking in both her hands and snapping it in half, like a twig.

The young man and even Clementine gawked at the display of strength done by Cal-141. Then said Spartan fixed the young man with a hard stare that rooted him in place.

"Don't do that again." She said in a deathly calm voice, making the warning very clear.

The young man nodded at her fearfully as someone said, "Holy shit."

They looked over and saw Luke along with Pete and a couple of other people approaching. Judging by their expressions, they saw the whole thing.

"Whoa, I never seen anybody do that to a person before!" An older african-american man with glasses said in awe. "She must've been a wrestler or something."

"What the hell were you thinking, Nick!?" Pete yelled at the young man on the ground. "You could've seriously hurt them or worse!"

Nick glared at him as he got up and grumbled, "Bite me, old man."

"What were you thinking, Nick? Every walker for 5 miles could've heard that shot." A pregnant african-american chastised him, before glaring at the new comers distrustfully.

"Are you guys alright?" Luke asked.

"We're fine." Clementine answered, a little shocked that she was almost shot.

Another older man, but of hispanic desent and wearing an orange plaid shirt, looked around at the woods and said, "Let's take this inside shall we."

The group nodded and headed back into the cabin with Calista and Clementine following them from behind. Clementine walked over and grabbed hold of Cal's hand, holding it tightly in her own smaller hand. The female Spartan glanced down at Clem curiously as she warmly smiled up at her taller friend. Cal smiled back, making a vow to not let anything horrible ever happen to Clementine. She gently held Clem's smaller hand within her own. Whatever fate was at play in the coming days, they'll always have eachother's back and together, they'll beat it.

To Be Continued...

A/N: *As some of you have noticed, I decided not to include Sam, the dog, in the beginning of the story. Don't worry y'all, he'll appear later on, but that's maybe. Calista's Inner skinsuit is simliar to fellow Spartan, Sarah Palmer, but black in color. If anyone seems a bit OOC at the moment, It's because I haven't play any of the games in a while as I said before." Review, have a good day/night, God bless and peace out everybody. (: