After an hour or so, the rest of the teams finally land in the Rio de Janeiro–Antonio Carlos Jobim International Airport. As soon as the gates open, the teams rush out of the terminal and towards an array of taxis. All of them go, "Take us to Arco de Teles". But thanks to the language barrier and the confusion from the barriers, the teams suffer a bit of a lag.
While Zoey tries to communicate with her driver, Brick relays the events on camera, "It seems we're having difficulty. Zoey tries to intervene on English, but these guys speak a language I might deduce is Armenian."
Alejandro and his driver are having bit of a trouble.
"Why can't you get it straight? I thought you know how to speak to these people!" Eva complains.
"It's not easy. They speak Portuguese, not Spanish," Alejandro gives his excuse. "They are two different things!"
Eva groans in annoyance.
Eventually, some teams – like Cody & Jasmine, Mike & Samey, Trent & Courtney, Dave & Gwen, Ryan & Leshawna and Topher & Sky – use an easier method by writing down their destination. Thus, it set those teams for a ride.
Other teams pick up their suggestion and give chase to the rest.
"It's not really easy that all of us have to deal with language barrier," Courtney says on camera. "But you have to do the most unorthodox things to make it work."
Confessional #14:
Courtney: (v.o.) Our strategy right now since we have teams behind our tail is to outwit them in the next challenges (t.h.) Luckily we have wits in this team. (v.o.) So things would work well.
It then cuts to Ryan & Leshawna, who are strategizing among themselves.
"So anything, you know about Rio or Brazil?" Leshawna asks.
"Well, there's that bird kids movie," Ryan replies. "I think it was a horror movie since I saw a circular saw."
Leshawna reacts disgusted. "Well, I just hope we can beat that Alejandro in his hometown."
"He is Spanish-speaking, right?"
"Yes. So?"
"You do know Brazil is Portuguese, right?"
"So what? Same continent! So we have to beat him! Even though I love him."
Back to Beardo & Dawn, after picking Preshow, they enter a colorful resto where a bossa nova band is playing.
"This seems nice," Dawn says. "A seedy bar with fun tourists and all-around drinks."
The team then receives a list of drinks ordered from a nearby table. It seems easy for them. But they get surprised when the drinks that were placed on top of the bar table are unidentifiable.
"Oh my," Dawn reacts.
Beardo then does an ominous sound effect.
Confessional #15:
Courtney: (v.o.) The challenge here is that we have to correctly guess what drinks that were listed down from the orders we receive. So…(t.h.)…we have to correctly guess what drinks to serve. They were unlabeled so. (v.o.) I don't have knowledge in serving drinks or even cocktails. But good thing, there is someone in my team who does.
"You know everything about drinks?" Dawn asks Beardo.
He then nods.
"How do you get such unexplainable knowledge?"
Beardo then gives out an EDM drop sound effect.
"Well, that explains the knowledge."
The beatbox master then picks up their list of orders. The drinks that were given to them range from cocktail drinks to exotic juices to fusions of soda and fruit drinks. So, Beardo, while not familiar with the taste for Brazilian refreshments, picks up clues from the fruits and ingredients that are present in some drinks.
Meanwhile, all teams are catching up to each other. It is nearly an hour and a half drive to their destination, and the teams force their drivers to go Fast Five with the chases.
"Rapido! Rapido! Rapido!" Anne Maria keeps yelling to her taxi driver, which causes him to go full Torretto on his speed. "Don't worry, I owe you one, o senhor."
"I don't wanna know how you are able to force these drivers to go fast," Lightning says to her.
"It's what I learned from my expose to reality TV," Anne Maria proudly boasts to the camera, making Lightning kind if nervous.
Topher & Sky arrives at the arch ahead of the other teams. "Obrigado, mi senhor."
Topher then remarks, "You don't say gracias?"
"It's Spanish, Toph. There's the clue box!"
The two then take a clue and read through Detour Info.
"We'll do Prepare!" Sky suggests.
"So wait, we have to carry costumes around Rio de Janeiro?" Topher whines.
"That's the gist."
Out of pity, he bemoans to himself, "We shouldn't have gone for the drinks."
Speaking of drinks, Beardo & Dawn are at the running on their challenge as Beardo tries to figure out the ten drinks they are made to serve. He takes his first attempt…and 8 of them are correct, while two of them are wrong.
"Eu sinto muito," the bar patron says.
"Oh okay…" Dawn responds. "We have to go back then. This is fun."
Meanwhile, one batch of teams – Dave & Gwen, Cody & Jasmine, Trent & Courtney, Lightning & Anne Maria, Alejandro & Eva, Mike & Samey and Duncan & Sierra – arrive simultaneously to the clue box. The first four teams pick Prepare, while the rest pick Preshow.
For Prepare, the teams stop at a costume shop and pick up their deliverables.
"This looks neat," Dave comments about the costumes.
"I'll say," Gwen replies. She then feels nudged by Courtney who passes by. "Ouch! Hey! We'll you keep the drama out of the competition!"
"Haven't you figured out? This is Amazing Race: The Total Drama Edition. Now get to it!" Courtney scolds to her.
Confessional #16:
Courtney: (v.o.) I don't know what is Courtney's deal. But if she keeps pushing me around…(t.h.)…that will be perfect motivation to be her out.
The teams from the Prepare show challenge try to work out how to carry the arsenal in comical ways. But Lightning, being Lightning, carries them all in one hand.
"Hey! Careful with the costumes!" Anne Marie warns him. "We might get penalized if we do something wrong to them."
"Relax, these costumes are safe on my hands," Lightning brags, just as he accidentally steps on a samba hat that fell to the ground.
"What did I told you?!"
"Just keep quiet Anne Maria and let me do the carrying!"
Back at the bar, teams Alejandro & Eva, Mike & Samey and Duncan & Sierra spot Beardo & Dawn ahead of them.
"Wait, that's Dawn & Beardo!" Mike exclaims. "They've gone ahead of us. Wow!"
Confessional #17:
Duncan: (v.o.) I have no problem on being on the same level as Alejandro…(t.h.)…but being ahead of Dawn and a bearded guy with voices for a body, that is not what I am okay at.
"We should have gone to the challenge where Cody is at," Sierra remarks.
Out of his own determination, Duncan confronts Sierra, "Listen Sierra! Do you want to see Cody or ever get a chance to touch his amazing face, then let's finish this challenge and prove your worth to him!"
"But he's not here…" Sierra mopes.
"But he will see you! Just be with me on this! What do you say?"
Sierra tries to sort out what Duncan wants her to do. Never mind that he wants to win the race, she just wants to see Cody. Thus, she says, "Deal!"
Confessional #18:
Duncan: (t.h.) That worked.
The last batch of teams – Ryan & Leshawna, Brick & Zoey, Tom & Josee, DJ & Carrie, Ennui & MacArthur, Scott & Katie, Harold & Ella and Rock & Emma – finally arrive at the scene. The first four pick Preshow, while the last four pick Prepare.
"This is not good! Competing for last," Emma chastises Rock.
"But the driver is a Rush fan. I couldn't help but chat," Rock replies.
"Well, it could have helped if you have our driver rush to our destination," Emma rebukes.
Ryan & Leshawna, Brick & Zoey, Tom & Josee and DJ & Carrie arrive at the bar to see the other teams struggling with guessing with the drinks. Alejandro & Eva do an attempt, but the alpha male gets thrown with the wrong cocktail. Mike & Samey have hard time acting like drink servers. Duncan & Sierra get in trouble when Duncan attempts to drink one of the beverages.
"Come on! Seriously? We can't even taste?!" Duncan complains to the bar patron.
The leading team, Beardo & Dawn, is down to the last drink on their order list: the caipirinha. Beardo deduces some drinks might have alcohol content. So he tries his best to guess from its texture and resemblances to the picture displayed on a tarpaulin.
Confessional #19:
Duncan: (v.o.) Some of us are even young to go this kind of place. So I have to ask this…(t.h.) Chris McLean, have you gotten insane again?
Beardo then takes his fourth attempt to correctly guess the drink. He hands it to the table, and the customer gives it a thumbs-up, thus making them win the challenge. The bar patrons give a round of applause for the team, and their ring leader patron hands them the next clue.
"We did it!" Dawn exclaims, much to the rest of the team's dismay.
Dawn quickly rips out the next clue.
Team must get to the Museu do Amanhã, the Museum of Tomorrow to sign up for a ferry ride and their next clue. But first, they must answer a question.
"Let's go!"
Beardo & Dawn in First Place give chase.
For the teams partaking in Prepare, Topher & Sky take the lead. They arrive at the first four cafes and hand the correct costumes and instruments.
Sky correctly thanks, "Obrigado, senhor." While Topher then erroneously says, "Gracias mi Dora"
"This is kind of a jiffy," Topher says.
"Yeah, we just have to be careful with details on the photos and the costumes and the cafes they must be in. Good thing I bought a map."
"Is that legal?"
"I never saw anything in the rules that is against it."
Confessional #20:
Duncan: (v.o.) It is important in races like this…(t.h.)…that you have to be prepared for anything. I know Brazil is bursting with culture. And there a lot of places around. So I come ready.
They are followed by Dave & Gwen and Trent & Courtney. Both teams have a safe wheelbarrow that carries the heavy guitars, with the girls carrying them while the boys lift up the costumes.
Courtney is at tense odds with Gwen for most of them time. "Look at you, seeing how strong you are. You are going down!"
Trent tries to intervene, "Look Courtney, what is between you and Gwen is not helping the race. We can just toss it aside for later."
But Courtney growls at her, "Let's race! Ahhhhh!" And the Type-A girl just hurries off uphill like Road Runner.
"Wait, Courtney! I'm trying to catch up!" Trent tires to catch up, leaving Dave & Gwen stunned.
"Should we…?" Dave asks.
Gwen quickly says, "No. It's not worth it. Let's just finish this challenge."
Meanwhile, Beardo & Dawn arrive at the museum via taxi and see a courier waiting at his podium, right before the museum.
"Hi! We're here to sail at the ferry," Dawn greets the courier.
He then gives them the questions, "What was the famous world event that took place in Rio de Janeiro that made this museum into a port?"
From there, they have no idea what the courier is talking about.
Back to the rest, Topher & Sky arrive at the last café and hand them the last receipt. They run hurriedly back to the shop to deposit their receipts. In exchange, the shopkeeper gives them the next clue.
"Alright! To the museum we go!" Sky utters. They then book a taxi and rush to the museum.
They are followed by Trent & Courtney, Dave & Gwen, Cody & Jasmine and Lightning & Anne Maria, who had a bit of a falling out after misdirections.
"The next time, I navigate!" Anne Maria argues to him.
"What the heck you know about navigating?" Lightning counters.
"Are you being biased now, huh?!"
The four teams try to book a taxi, but Trent & Courtney and Dave & Gwen are successful.
"Hopefully at this point, we are catching up with the first two teams, and Trent & Courtney are at our tails now," Gwen exposits to the camera. "I don't care what she feels, to be honest."
Back on the Preshow challenge, Alejandro seems to be showing progress as he goes back and forth on inspecting the drinks that are in their list with Eva.
Other teams are impressed with his drink expertise.
"Wow, Al has some style there," Mikey comments.
Confessional #21:
Alejandro: (v.o.) I do not know much of Brazilian cocktails. But we received imports from Brazil to my local grocery store. (t.h.) So I got this. Just ignore the trial-and-error stuff.
Alejandro serves the last drink to the table, to which the patron gives a thumbs-up. This sends an applause from the rest of the bar patrons and the house band, prompting the ring leader patron to give them the next clue.
"Obrigada amigos!" Alejandro thanks them, before he and Eva speed off. The others are displeased with their progress.
"That's so upsetting," Tom remarks.
"Just find the right drinks already, you insolent fool!" Josee scolds at him.
"Don't you have experience in cocktails as a fashion blogger?!"
"I don't. They only serve iced tea in fashion shows."
This fact upsets Josee, who aggressively takes up the authority to herself and goes to every fact and step to find out the drinks they need to serve.
Everyone is scared at her immediate demeanor.
Confessional #22:
Tom: (v.o.) Josee is being way too hard on herself. (t.h.) But if this is what can lead us to catch up on the race, well…might as well face my fear. *shivers in fear*
Meanwhile, at the museum, Beardo & Dawn try to ask around for clues to the riddle. But the language barrier disallows them to do so.
Confessional #23:
Dawn: (v.o.) It's kind of hard at this part since we never had an idea what this building is used for, other than as a museum. If we don't, none of us speak Portuguese. (t.h.) So, we got unexpected help.
Beardo: (t.h.) *nods in agreement*
Cue Topher & Sky, who arrives to the courier.
He asks, "What was the famous world event that took place in Rio de Janeiro that made this museum into a port?"
"Okay, we gotta ask," Sky suggests.
"Can you speak Portuguese?" Topher asks.
"I had it briefly in college," Sky answers.
Beardo & Dawn cross paths with the ongoing pair.
"Hey guys! Any progress?" Sky asks.
"Not any," Dawn confirms, "We don't speak their language."
"I do. Wanna team up?"
"Yeah, sure."
"What? You're establishing an alliance with them?!" Topher complains.
"It's not an alliance. It's for mutual benefit," Sky clarifies.
"Anyone spot?" Sky asks Dawn.
"Those college people at that café. They have phones," Dawn points out.
"I have an idea."
Sky then approaches the group of millennials. With brief knowledge in Portuguese, she consults to them about the museum's origins, to which one googles about it for her. They find their answer.
The two pairs rush to the courier and altogether answer, "It's the 2014 FIFA World Cup."
With that, the courier hands them their clue and their ferry tickets. "Enjoy the ride!"
"Thank you!"
They then rip out the clue to see a Route Info.
Teams must take a speed ferry that directly drops them to the other side of Rio, the Reserva Beach, where they will find their next clue.
Immediately, the leading teams board the 1st ferry to Reserva Beach.
"It's kind of a relief that we got the lead," Sky says to the camera. "I mean it's kind of surprising that to see a team that you least expected to compete for First Place. So, it's cool."
Back at the Prepare Challenge, Harold & Ella are taking the lead on delivering the costumes and the guitars to their respective cafes.
"That's the last of them," Harold says.
"Awww, wish I could these costumes being adorned," Ella surmises. Right on cue, a samba band plays for her from behind. She squeals in delight.
As a reward, Harold & Ella receive the next clue, prompting the three teams from the challenge to catch up.
Ennui & MacArthur try to catch up, but MacArthur's ongoing banter gets in the way from Ennui's intuition. "Must. Get. This. Over with!" she keeps shouting. "Are you sure where you are going?! We're down to our last two! And we still haven't got there, moody!"
Ennui feels more infuriated in the inside.
Confessional #24:
Ennui: (v.o.) My partner could be a pain in the neck. (t.h.) *speaks monotonously* I am in pain.
Nevertheless, after a little struggle, they secure a place after Harold & Ella.
While that is going on, those in the Preshow challenge are having bit of a struggle.
Mike is down to his last drink to serve, which he gets it correctly. The lead patron hands him and his partner the next clue.
"That's kind of cool what you did," Samey compliments him. "How are you able to guess the correct drinks?"
"I don't know. It seems I got it from a…nother knowledge," Mikey confirms nervously.
Confessional #25:
Mike: (v.o.) Ever since I defeated Mal, I start to receive knowledge from him. (t.h.) Maybe just what he knows. It's not like he is coming back from me, is he?
As friends, Mike & Samey give hints to DJ & Carrie about the challenge. And for that, it becomes a neck-on-neck between them and Tom & Josee for Tenth Place.
"I see you're up for a lead against me?" Josee warns her.
"We'll see about that!" Carrie willingly acknowledges.
Current Standing:
Topher & Sky
Beardo & Dawn
Trent & Courtney
Dave & Gwen
Lightning & Anne Maria
Cody & Jasmine
Alejandro & Eva
Harold & Ella
Mike & Samey
Tom & Josee
DJ & Carrie
Duncan & Sierra
Ryan & Leshawna
Brick & Zoey
Ennui & MacArthur
Scott & Katie
Rock & Emma
Who will be eliminated in this leg?