Bella's POV

September 16th 2005

Biting my lip nervously as I pace between the living room and the kitchen in Charlie's small house. Just waiting for the letter saying I can come home. After they left this letter will be the silver lining to my grey cloud.

It will be nice to go back to my normal appearance and have to stop playing this dumb muggle part. I need to stop thinking about this or I am going to burn a whole in the ground with all this pacing.

I glance at the clock and see its a quarter to 5 meaning Hagrid should be here soon. So I quickly run up the stairs passing all the boring muggle pictures, one I reach the top I enter my room in a more timely manner.

Grabbing my bag from the closet I grab my duffle bag and move the rug before pulling up the floor board. I grab the 6 pictures of me and my family from under it, most of them are of Fred, George and I.


There are only a 3 of those but that's only because it is a hassle to get Fred, George and I to stand still long enough to take one but that's what happens when you have the Weasley Triplets together.

But looking at them my favorite is still the one from out first day going to Hogwarts


"Fred, George, Bella." My mother calls as we get distracted once more over some silly thing for the 100th time since we got them "Hurry up! Or you will miss the train." She exclaims as she tries to herd us faster towards the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

Since my older brother are already there all she has to worry about are her troublesome triplets or at least that's what she says.

But It's hard especially when we are only allowed muggles specific times because of on incident when we were little. To be fair though that was entirely their fault not mine.

"Ok my dears, Fred you first." She says pointing to George and we all roll our eyes.

"I'm not Fred." He exclaims dramatically throwing his arm around dramatically. "and you call yourself our mother."

"I'm sorry dear." She says but you can till she just wants us to go through the wall to get to platform 9 3/4.

"Fine, I get it you don't care about what my name is. That's the last dramatic thing he says before he runs directly at the wall before disappearing.

"Bella dear, you're next." Mother calls as she moves over she I have a straight shot.

"At least you know one of our names." I say cheekily before running as fast as I can towards the wall before appearing on the other side.

I stare excitedly at all of the family's and at the Hogwarts express. I quickly spot George standing of to the side looking just as excited as I am. Not long after Fred comes barreling through the wall and almost runs into a small family George and I laugh but quickly muffle it as our mother comes though the portal ready to send us off to Hogwarts for our first year.

End of flashback

I carefully put the few pictures in the bag, I also grab a few books I am interested in before going and cleaning up the bedroom. After I finish I go downstairs and quickly do the dishes that I used this morning and then I hear a loud bang on the door that echos though the small house signaling that Hagrid is here.

Hey guys! Thank you to everyone who has read/is reading my book it means the world to me! Sorry it has taken me so long to update this has been a crazy time with work and everything. Right now as I work on a new chapter I am also redoing the first few because I feel like they need a little work. If you guys have any questions or any ideas please let me know! What do you guys think so far?