Chapter 1 The engagement

Issei right now is on the bed sleeping. Normally, his dream is filled with Oppai but today, he dreams about a forest. A dark but full of natural forest. Issei tried to call out for people when he walking but no one anywhere here. Then he stopped as he saw a big castle that come out of the old movie. He was entrance to it then he heard a rustling sound from the bush in front of him. He though "Oh no oh no is it a wild animal? Hope it's not an unfriendly one." But to his surprise, come out of the bush was not an animal at all. It actually is a cute girl with red hair. The girl looks like she was running from something as she kept looking at her back thus she didn't notice him in front of him and slam to him as the two falls down.

Then he suddenly wakes up falling down to his bed. He stands up and look around seeing this is his home, he wonders that how did he get back and did that girl go. "I might have watch too many eroge, I need a glass of milk." Though Issei as he walks in the kitchen for a drink but sighed as he sees that he was out of milk. He then put on a coat as he walks outside to buy milk. When he walking back from the convenience store, he kept thinking about that dream and holding his glowing hand out and though "Could that dream be related to something I had? Ma it not like it's important. There's not much to do with these skills I have on this world anyway." Unknown to him that his entire life was about to get troublesome.

When he walks back, he accidently looks up and to his surprise, there's a girl sitting on the rooftop. The girl then does something shocking him; jumping down from the roof but to his surprise, she was levitating on the air. But his surprise was cut short as the girl suddenly fall down. He goes to her to check her as he heard her said "Ow ow ow. I guess I still need to be careful with the flying magic." Issei take a good look at her and realize that this is the girl in his dream and wait, did she just say magic? He shook his head as he gives her a hand and said "Are you okay? That was a nasty fall."

"Y-Yeah… I'm fine I was just landing a bit hard. I've always been average at flying." Said the girl as she holds my hand and standing up. She dusts herself and said "It was a perfect chance to show you my elegant entrance for you Issei but I blew it."

Wait hold the phone, how did she know my name? And another thing "About what you said before, what do you mean by "flying magic"?" Asked Issei. She then ignores that as she getting closers to me thus making me recoil in surprise. It's not like I don't like her getting closer but most of the time, beautiful girl tends to stay away from me instead of getting closer to me and most of the time that happen is when I had a beatdown. She caressed the side of my head and said

"It's been too long Issei." When my mind is still in a middle of processing the news she continues "I missed you so much. I truly am lucky that I was able to find you immediately. Perhaps this is destiny."

"Wait please wait… How do you know my name?" Asked Issei. But she didn't answer and gigging cutely. Issei though it was cute with a fang and all on her smile.

"Now then to celebrate our fated reunion… Let's seal our pact again…" Said the girl as she leaning closer. Even though I would love to have my first kiss to a beautiful girl but I can't just kiss right off the bat without knowing her. Then she pulls away from me and said

"Issei you smell… Smell of beast. It must have been Karin." Issei just raise his eyebrow at that. He pretty sure he showers before bed and his house don't have pet at all. Issei then see the girl deep in though then the girl said "Issei while it's nice to see you again, I have some matter to attend to. Bye" She then levitate up as speck of light appear behind her. Before she disappears, Issei calls out

"W-Wait who are you?"

"My name is Luce Yami Astalite. You have already known me Issei. You just need to remember it." He was confused then Luce continues "I'm a vampire queen with unrivaled powers and also the woman who you made a love pact with."

"A pact?" Asked Issei

"I have the honor of being the only one, right? Well, I'll know when I check so I'll be back soon. See ya" Said Luce disappear into the light.

When the light is gone, Luce was nowhere to be seen. I stood there for a moment and though "Could it be that she might be that my power and her is somehow connected?" Issei walks home racking his brain but not only he didn't find any answer but his drowsiness comeback as he walks back home leave the milk on the table and flop back to bed.

At the morning, there's someone knocking on his room waking him up. He yawns and check the clock, it's 7 so why is he had to wake up so early on his school break. Issei goes to the door open it to find his mother there. His mother looks quite panic as he asked "Yawn… Mom what is the matter?"

"I-Issei-kun th-there's a foreigner girl down stair and she said she knew you." Said his mother in panic. Issei let the news sink in then his eye wide awake as he speeds down stair. To his shock, Luce was sitting there chatting with his dad. Luce then turn to him and said

"Ah good morning Issei. I'm glad that you're awake." Issei can't find a word as he stood frozen not knowing what to say. Luce just smile as she stands up and go to him with just a few steps. She stood in front of me and start to caress the side of my head and said "Issei I let my curiosities take a better of me. But in the end, such worry was unfounded so now we can reestablish our love pact." His brain is starting to shut down as Luce bring her face closers to him. Then when their lip was about a millimeter away, Issei brain start to kick start as he holds Luce shoulder push her back and said

"Wait wait wait could you explain to me first?"

"Um miss Luce, is Issei an acquaintance of yours?" Asked Issei dad

"In a matter of speaking yes…" Said Issei

"I see. Forgive me for not introducing myself. Father-in-Law, as you already know from our transaction, I'm Luce Yami Astalite, Issei and I have already forged a love pact." Said Luce

"A love pact?" Asked Issei mother

"Which mean we are partner for life… I'm Issei fiancé." Said Luce. Silence was filled the house and then Issei parent explode "EEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH?"

"O-Otou-san finally, finally our son had a girlfriend." Said Issei mother with tear of joy

"Kuhhhh. I'm truly happy that my son land himself to such a beautiful girl. Miss Luce, please stay with him and take care of him for us." Said Issei father crying. Issei just have a deadpanned look on his face as Luce said

"Please don't worry, father and mother-in-law. I'll be always be on his side." Said Luce as she cupped Issei face again and said "Now Issei lets us continues."

"Wait wait could you first tell me who in the world are you first? Last night you said something about "Vampire", could you explain that?" Asked Issei in a hurry.

"Ah yes I believe I need to tell you first. Father and Mother-in-Law. The truth is I belong to a race different from the human." Said Luce

"Eh what do you mean by that?" Asked Issei father

"Simply put, I'm a vampire or more precisely, I'm vampire princess." Said Luce. Dead silent was in the house after that. Issei father then felt something clicked in his mind

"Wait so that's why the mansion up in the hill suddenly appear like that?" Asked Issei father

"Wait what do you mean by "mansion" dad?" Asked Issei

"She bought from us the land 2 days ago but there isn't any construction in the past two days then today it suddenly appears like that." Explain Issei dad. Issei then walk outside and it was real, there truly is a mansion up to the hill. He then returns to the house and said

"Okay then what about the pact? I don't remember about that at all." Said Issei

"Oh I know. I realize that." Said Luce. Seeing his look, she continues "Do you find it strange that you don't remember how you got your power?"

"Oh that right so you know about my power?" Asked Issei

"Hmm? What is this about power Issei?" Asked Issei mother. Issei show her by sparking some electricity on his hand shocking his parent. Seeing this Luce continues

"You see we made a pact as children. It was at my home world. Human when cross to another world, they lose their memory when they get back and some of the world have a different time stream." Said Luce

"Um what do you mean by that?" Asked Issei father

"For example, dad, in this world only 1-hour pass but at another world, 1 day already pass." Explain Issei as Luce nodded.

"Ara then that mean it was that time he was "spirited away" then dear?" Asked Issei mother

"I see. Then if Luce speak the truth then it was all make sense." Said Issei father. Issei just deep in thought as he remembers all the times he being "spirited away" as they called it various times. I would just disappear and not return for a long time, sometimes even a few days and after being back he had no collection of what happen then sometimes he just know how to use his power like he had have it for a long time. And he remembers his childhood friend Irina had to find him without rest. Poor "guy".

"Then that mean you and Issei make a pact at that times?" Asked Issei father and Luce nodded. The air was thick then Issei father said "Oh look at the time, I have to go to work now."

"Then if you'll excuse me, I shall head back to my room." Luce yawn then she stands up and said "Father, Mother, I bid you good day."

"Oh bye" "See you soon" Luce make her exit while Issei parent said to him

"Whoever she is, she's quite a well-mannered young lady." Said Issei dad

"I guess it's expected since she is a princess. Not to mention beautiful too. I'm so glad that I got to get a daughter-in-law like her." Said Issei mom

"As expected of my son." Said Issei dad patting him on the back.

"Hai hai. You should go to work now dad. I need to get some air." Said Issei as he goes outside. When issei though about this situation, he's quite happy that he finally got a girlfriend. Beat that Matsuda and Motohama. Then he brings his hand up as spark, light, smoke, digital and earth element appear in his hand "So my power is from when I was travel huh? Quite interesting." He keeps walking then he stumble upon quite a sight. A girl with quite a wild getup is being pull by a dog via her skirt. The dog eye is quite weird to be exact but he has to go and help her. Issei pulls the dog away and give it back to the owner. The owner apology and get away with the dog. Issei then turn to her and asked "Are you ok?"

"Yes thank you so much Issei-san." Said the girl to his shock already know his name. He getting a sense of deja~vu but then the girl starts to get near him and said "At first, I didn't know how to find you but you found me and help me. You are as kind as always, Issei-san. I'… hyah?" When she got closers to him, his hand suddenly found its way to her butt. He can't control his hand as it was getting a feel of her butt. "Ah…ah… Issei-san…ah." As he continues he feels like something was grabbing his mind, he then forcefully reboots his brain with his electric power. The electric current travel to his brain forcing it to reboots and he suddenly can control his body now. Then a voice speaks out

"Hoh? You managed to shake off the succubus magic huh? As expect from the one Juli chose." Issei just confuse as what just happened then the voices continues "So how long are you gonna cope a feel?"

Issei seeing the girl in front of him blushed with teary eye as he realized that his hand is still on her butt. He reattract his hand and move back and in dogeza position smashing my head to the ground and said "imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry…"

"Um you don't need to apology." Said Juli

"No need to worry Issei-kun. It's not like you groped her butt of your own free will, right?"

He rises his head up heading his name being call seeing an older woman who is quite similar to the girl named Juli if he heard it right. "You were under a spell of a succubus Issei-kun." Said the older woman.

"Eh? Spell… Succubus?" Asked Issei confuse

"Right we're the succubus race, and among the most powerful race. That's why I never thought you would be able to shake off the spell by yourself. That's quite an impressive feat. Heehee." Said the older woman. Seeing his confuse looks he continues "I think introduction is in order. I'm Adrianne, this is Julia. Her close friend calls her Juli, so you should too Issei-kun." He could only nod as she continues "You probably won't remember Juli, right? You should reacquaint first." Seeing her shy looks he took the lead

"Um sorry about that. I don't know what came to me." Said Issei apology

"Oh no, I'm…" "It's fine it's fine. I'm sure she's happy since it was from you after all Issei-kun."

"M-M-Mom please stop saying that." Said Juli embarrass.

"What do you mean weird? Since you're so slow, I went ahead tell him about your feeling." Said Adrianne. Juli just pouting then something clicked within Issei

"Wait mom?" Asked Issei. Seeing her confuse looks he continues "Um actually, I was certain that you're her sister?"

Adrianne then go near him and said "Ara thank you. You are not quite bad yourself, so how about go to the dream world?" Then the same thing from before wash over him and he though "Shit her is oblivious stronger. I can't concentrate my mind at all. Then I have to do this then." Issei charge up electricity on his hand and slam into himself. After that, he shaking his head to clear the remaining though.

"Ara impressive. You can counter my as well, barely but can." Said Adrianne surprise.

"Mohh. Mom please stop it." Juli said then pulling her mother away. Her mother then said

"Listen Juli. This is the human world so you have to be careful and suppress the spell or you'll have more than that dog to deal with."

"Wait so it was her spell that make the dog like that?" Asked Issei

"Hai I tried to suppress it but the dog was so scary." Said Juli. Feeling the magic first hand, he known that the succubus was a force to reckon with.

"Now then. I've seen the fiancé face, I should get going." Said Adrianne

"Haiz I see another pact huh?" Said Issei sighed.

"Hmm what do you mean Issei-kun?" Asked Adrianne. Issei then retell what happen at the today morning. Adrainne then said "Hoh I see. You are quite a playboy there Issei-kun. Both Juli and Luce are the top beauty of their world."

"Wait then if you know Luce then are you…?" Asked Issei

"That's right Issei-kun. I'm the queen of the Succubus race and Juli is the princess." Said Adrianne. Issei just crack a fake smile as he wonders how those two idiots at the school with reach when they know about this. If Then Adrianne-san said that she has few businesses she need to attend and leave Juli here with me. She probably doing this on purpose so Juli and i can go on a date. But Juli was too embarrass and dash off immediately.

He just sighed as he continues to walk to the city. At the city, he walking around and arrive at the park. At the park he tests out his power and recheck his magic and martial art skills. Magic and superpower had no problem but his martial art had drop. Make sense since the muscle he trains at another world won't be with him since if he carries his level of martial art back to him then 99% chance that his body might explode. Luckily, he had a solution for the slow process problem but first, he need to get something to eat then tomorrow he can tried again. He was about to get home then a blur slam to him and said

"Waaa issei-kun. It truly is you." Issei still trying to regain his awareness as he stands up. The one who was slamming to him was a girl. This girl wearing a Miko garb with chest binding. But the most noticeable point is the two ears on her head and her wagging tail. When he sees her apparent he recalls at what Luce said yesterday. Issei push her back and asked

"Yes, I'm Issei and you must be Karin, right?" Asked Issei

"Whoa… amazing you know my name when I didn't give you yet. It's destiny, right? You know my name because our heart connects to one… ahaha." Said Karin cheerfully. While he likes the fact about having a girl direct about liking me but I need to clear the misunderstanding. But before he could say anything, Karin already pull me and point me at a direction "Oh yeah Issei-kun, let have that." Issei follow the line of her finger and his eye land to a crepe shop.

"You want to eat crepe?" Asked Issei. Karin nodded her head and said

"It's delicious, I want to eat it with Issei-kun." Issei could only nodded as Karin pulls him toward the shop. The two now walk back to his house while eating crepe while talking. Turn out Karin was a Tenko princess. A race that have animal trait and when they talk, Issei start to remember when he was little, he saved a little fox and then suddenly eating Inari with a girl.

"So that girl and the fox are the same being huh?"

He then rubbed his temple, that mean he had 3 princesses on his list of fiancés already. Then He already can imagine those two-murderous looks aim at him. Well Karin was hanging to his arm and eating the crepe to be exact and it was very hard to think when two melons press on his arm.

"Um Karin, does the Tenko have the tradition to hang onto other sex arm like this?" Asked Issei

"Uh-uh, not really no?" Said Karin

"So then-" "It's fine, c'mon. I mean we already have a love pact." Said Karin cheerfully as she hugs tighter. Issei though that she trying to go up to the lead on the competition. He had told her about that and since then, Karin quite aggressive. He doesn't know whether he has other fiancés or not but he had to prepare at least. When he came back, there already another house up on the hill. This house probably be Juli's but he has no idea why it was a temple. Issei turns to Karin and said

"C'mon Karin you need to say hi to the other two as well."

"Ok" The two walking inside the house.

Okay that is for chapter 1. Down here is Issei skills:

Superpower: Infamous

Magic: ?

Martial art: Wu Dong Qian Kun

The reason why Issei still remember about his skills because his skills had been imprinted to his brain. So even if he doesn't remember where he got them, he still can use them. Issei martial art situation is like Nie Li from "Tales of Demons and Gods". If you want to know what the character look like then look up at "Magical Marriage Lunatics". If there is any question then PM me. Otherwise please review.