Hinata wasn't sure what she was doing here, in a dirty bar, late at night. Meeting a man that wasn't her finance in a small dark corner away from the crowd and out of sight of other people. She had fought with herself about coming here. Pacing back and forth at the door before marching right in.

She stomped into the bar with the plan of chewing Sasuke out or at least trying too, she was never good at confronting people. Ino was always good at it, but Hinata wasn't as confident as her best friend. Her and Ino were so different that it made Hinata wonder how they become friends in the first place.

She had frozen in place as she made her way into the bar as a few scary looking men looked her way. It wasn't that she was wearing anything strange. She had worn a long sleeved lilac shirt and just plain blue jeans. Hinata was rethinking all these bad decisions that she made today and was going to turn around and run back home, back to the warmth of her bed until a large hand grabbed her by the shoulder.

She was ready to swing at the man who grabbed her out of panic. She wasn't strong to fight all these men but she could still get in a puch or two and make a get away out of here. Hinata had a plan set in her head and was ready as she turned around and stared deep in to black eyes.

"This way Hyuga," Sasuke said his voice sound gruff.

Hinata tried to make a face when Sasuke's breath hit her. He smelled like pure alcohol. He must have been here a while to reek so bad of it.

Sasuke plopped himself on one side of the booth swinging from side ot side while Hinata took a sit across from him, She had so many things to say to him when she made her way in, making a list in her head.

The first being for punching Naruto in the face, that was at the very top obviously. He had no right to hurt him. Even though she did feel a little less bad since Naruto left her again, choosing work over her.
The next thing on the list was her broken phone and the last was something she couldn't get the courage to bring up without breaking out into a full blown panic attack. It was awkward to even think about in her head, having Sasuke in front of just made it worse.

But she had to discuss this with him, she had to let him know that what he did was strange and creepy and that she would soon be a married woman.

As Hinata took a deep breath to calm her racing heart, she opened her mouth ready to let it out.

"Do you love Naruto?"

Hinata sat there in place, her mouth open ready to speak, but no words came out. She wasn't sure she had heard Sasuke right, he kept staring at her with this far off look, like he was looking past her. He had thrown her off, she wasn't sure how to feel. The anger for Naruto, for Sasuke, it was all gone as she just sat there taking in the question.

Did she love Naruto? Of course she did without question. She had liked him since High school, even longer than that. She had watched him from afar. Aspiring to be like him, to be as strong and confident as him. Whenever she felt like she couldn't go on, her family life getting worse, Naruto has been her sunshine shinning bright on her dreary life.

Even if he wasn't around as much anymore or when they were together, it felt sometimes like she didn't have him all there that a part of him was still missing somewhere Hinata couldn't reach and it scared her. she still cared for him and wanted to be more open with her. To tell her what he was thinking, what he was worried about, what was making think so much.

She looked down at her hand at the small diamond ring on her finger. When he had asked her to marry him it all felt like a dream, one she didn't want to end.

She looked at Sasuke who still had the same dazed look in his eyes. She met him with a stern face and nodded her head.

"Yes,I love Naruto. I will always love him"

Sasuke looked down into his drink, his face giving nothing away. Hinata wasn't sure if that was the answer he was looking for.

"Would you still love him if he left you, with no warning. If he just moved on quickly and found someone else to love" Sasuke said taking a small sip from his drink.

She wasn't as shocked by the next question. Hinata didn't know much about Sasuke's breakup. Ino knew more about that, Hinata was never the type to listen to gossip. It would explain why he was drinking his sorrow away here.

She didn't have to think about that question for too long before she gave him an answer. "If he was happy, I would still love him"

That answer seemed to tick Sasuke off. He looked up from his drink to glare at Hinata who didn't flinch or at least she tried not to show it.

"That's such bullshit, you wouldn't feel hurt? Feel like the person you care about dumped you on your ass. Even you would feel some hate for a person who did that to you."

"I would be hurt, I would be hurt for a very long time I don't know if I would ever stop hurting. But Naruto being happy is more important, if he was happy it would ease the pain just a little"

Sasuke scoffed turning to look out the large window they sat beside. He could think what he wanted but Hinata was happy with her answer. She felt more confidant because she was sure that Naruto wouldn't leave her. So why couldn't she shake that bad feeling away? it clinged to the back of her mind whispering doubts and fears into her ear.

"What if I don't want her to be happy? Why should she be happy when I'm left high and dry. I'm still moping around waiting for her to come back to me. It isn't fair that she should be happy and I can't be"

"Maybe you gave to much of yourself, so much that you can't get it back without being hurt" Hinata wasn't sure why she said that. She had some bad thoughts of her own when it came to Naruto, she hoped sometimes that maybe he would notice how much it hurt when he left her for work. When she put in so much time for them to be together.

The look that Sasuke gave Hinata was deadly, she thought maybe he would start yelling throwing things around. Calling her a bitch. Instead all he did was laugh and run his hands through his hair.

"Guess your right, I'm just a piece of shit. That's why she left" He smiled sadly.

Hinata wasn't sure what to say, she wasn't good at these types of things. Looking at Sasuke with his messy hair and the sad look in his eyes, she could see why so many girls ran to him. He wasn't bad looking but he never seemed to show much emotion. He always looked like he could care less what people did, the bad boy sort. It always looked like he was keeping everything to himself.

Hinata started to feel bad, the sad look on Sasuke's face, the way he kept looking out the window at the few people that passed by, looking for someone in the crowd.

"I'm sure you're a good person" Hinata shouted startling Sasuke, clenching her fist in her lap.

Sasuke looked at her confused, like she was crazy. Hinata was almost sure she was at this point, no turning back now.

"She loved you at one point in your relationship right? then you must have been good person" Hinata said slowing down her speaking into a whisper.

She couldn't seem to get the right words out, she was just making things worse. She could feel her cheeks start to burn as she looked down at her lap. She now realized how stupid she sounded. But instead of sitting in silence and letting the awkward comment pass, she heard laughing. It had started out as a low chuckle that soon started to get louder. It was a odd sound coming out of Sasuke.

Hinata watched as Sasuke placed his hands over his face to hide the laughing. The burning in her cheeks getting worse. She knew what she said was silly but he didn't have to laugh so hard. She didn't think what she said was so funny but watching Sasuke Uchiha laugh so hard was pretty funny to her. The man that was serious and never even smiled was laughing pretty hard. She couldn't help but laugh herself.

And that's how it went, two broken hearted strangers sitting in a bar late at night laughing till they cried. It was strange, to be here doing this with Sasuke of all people. Hinata never would have thought she'd be put in this kind of situation. It just made her laugh harder at how ridiculous the whole thing really was staring to look.

After a moment of laughing Sasuke let out a loud breath and wiped at his eyes. "Man you're really bad at that Hyuga"

Hinata let out a giggle, she was bad at pep talks, she knew that but she couldn't let somone be sad. But she was always the one that needed cheering up. She wasn't use to being on the other side of it.

She started to think that maybe Sasuke wasn't so bad, he may be a creepy weirdo that listened into a call that wasn't for him making Hinata break her phone but if she just explained the whole thing then she was sure they could share another good laugh about it. Feeling more confident about it was now or never.

"Sauske about the call" Hinata said pulling out her broken phone from her pocket.

Sasuke was passed out on the table snoring loudly his drink still clenched in his fist.

"Excuse me miss, we're about to close and this man hasn't paid for his bill" The manger said coming over, looking down at the sleeping Uchiha.

Hinata held her phone in her hand and looked back at Sasuke and she took back everything she said about him.


Hinata would never forgive Sasuke Uchiha, never, she would curse him till the day he died and even then. From this point on she would have nothing to do with him. She would try her best to make sure there paths would never cross and why does he have to be so god damn heavy?

Hinata tried her best to drag Sasuke down the street, she was lucky that no one was out and about this late at night. She was sure people would wonder what a small woman like her was doing dragging a very heavy drunk man.

Sasuke was still snoring his head lulled to the side resting against Hinata's head, his arm was over Hinata's shoulder. Her arm wrapped around his waist trying to to keep up and take him somewhere to rest and sleep of the hangover his going to have in the morning.

She wasn't even sure where to drop him off, she didn't know where he lived. His phone was dead and she couldn't leave him there. After the bar was closing and she was the one stuck paying for his bill since Hinata didn't drink anything. Which she would bring up to him when he sobered up along with her phone.

The bill was quickly adding up for him. Now Hinata was stuck carrying him around trying to figure out what to do with him.

She thought about calling Naruto and calling him for Sasuke address, right away she knew that was a bad idea. Cause calling the person you love who might not love you anymore when you tell him everything that has happened so far and asking them where his best friend lives at 3:00 in the morning is such a good idea.

She also thought about calling Ino and asking for her help, Ino did have a car and could help drop him off somewhere but couldn't bring herself to do that after the whole sex phone call thing. She knew that Ino would just find this whole thing funny and would lecture her about it afterwards or kill Sasuke which would make her life alot easier.

"You smell good Hygua"

Hinata dropped Sasuke, his body hitting the concrete with a loud thud. If anyone asked her she would say it was an accident and not because his mouth was so close to her ear and his hot breath felt good. She really needed to get laid if she thought that Sasuke breathing down her neck felt good.

With a sigh Hinata picked Sasuke back up, who hadn't even made a sound when she had dropped him so that meant he was still asleep. Sleep talking would be a good reason why he told her she smelled good.

With as much effort as Hinata could muster and almost dropping Sasuke again. Hinata picked up Sasuke off the ground and cursed the fact that she was just to nice sometimes, Ino had warned that it would get her into trouble one day and she was right.

Hinata's legs and arms felt like they were on fire as she finally made her way up to her apartment. She had better gained a ton of muscle after carrying Sasuke all that way. The stairs were the hardest part, she pretty much dragged him up by the arms his head hitting most of the steps up. Thinking he sorted looked like a dead body and then moving faster in case anyone else saw here. That's all she needed to end the night with the police being called and her spending the night in a jail cell.

She tried to put the fact that Naruto would find her like this out of her head because there we're already too many thoughts bouncing around her little head.

Hinata slowly opened the door to her apartment and was happy to see all the lights off, Ino must have headed off to bed early which was perfect.

She dragged Sasuke body to her room and with the last of her strength tossed him onto her bed. Hinata knew she couldn't leave Sasuke in there living room, Ino would ask to many questions. Questions that Hinata wouldn't be able to answer.

Not that she minded have Sasuke sleep in her bed, after all he had such large bags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in a while, he was looking a little too but was still heavy to carry. He pretty much looked like crap.

She just needed to grab a pillow and she would head off to the couch to sleep off this terrible day. But a loud ding coming from Sasuke's pocket stopped her.

Hinata wasn't the type to look through people's stuff, but maybe it was someone who was looking for Sasuke, someone that could take him home and off her hands. Is what she told herself and not to make sure that he didn't have a recording of the call she made as she slipped her hand into his pocket as another ding sounded off.

Sasuke groaned out as his cell binged once more wrapping an arm around Hinata. With no warning he dragged her down on top of him wrapping his arms around her shoulders. She was trapped against Sasuke's chest, it was nice and warm, his heart beating in a good rhythm. His chest raising and falling. Hinata had to admit that his chest was pretty comfy, but it didn't feel right. This wasn't right. It wasn't Naruto. Hinata quickly broke out of his grip and fell to the other side of the bed taking in shallow breaths. She hadn't excepted to do that.

Sasuke turned over and hugged the other pillow on her bed bed. Once Hinata's heart had stopped trying to jump out of her chest she laid as far as she could from Sasuke on the bed. She could still feel the blush on her face as she reached up and touched her cheeks. It wasn't that she had feelings for Sasuke, it was just that he had surprised her with a hug and nothing more.

Sasuke's phone had gone quiet and Hinata saw no point in trying to go for it again unless she wanted to be hugged by Sauske again. She smiled to herself that Sasuke was a cuddler in his sleep. It just made the scary Uchiha a little more softer then he made people think.

Hinata pulled out her own phone and searched for Naruto's name. She quickly typed a text, maybe he wouldn't reply but maybe he would or at least look at it. She just wanted him to know that she was still thinking of him, that she wanted nothing more to be laying next to Naruto and talking with him as they cuddle to sleep.

'I love you and I'm thinking about you'

Hinata could feel her eyes start to get heavy as the bright light of her phone shined on her face. She would wait a few more minutes, a few more minutes for a reply and then she would sleep on the couch.

That's what she thought as her tired eyes started to close.


Sasuke groaned, he could feel his eyes burn when he tried to open them. His head pounding when he felt the little light coming from the window hit his face.

He knew how shitty he would feel after drinking yet it made everything feel better at the time. Made all the thoughts so clear and helped him deal with the pain that he felt whenever he thought about Sakura, being with someone else, being alone in his apartment without her there anymore.

He felt something brush across his cheek, thinking it was a pillow he buried his face into it. A sweet smell, it didn't make his stomach turn like most smells did when he was hungover. He took a deep breath of the smell feeling like he smelled something like this before. Maybe one of Sakura's shampoos but he couldn't be sure. This smelled different then anything she would wear.

He couldn't remember much of last night, only that he went to the bar and started drinking after having a talk with Sakura, his head was pounding to much to think but the warmth coming from in front felt good, he moved his hands up and could feel skin and fabric. A shirt, his hand were underneath someone shirt, he moved his hands across someones stomach. Up there side, who ever it was they had curves.

He wanted to open his eyes but it hurt to much, his hands went further up and felt something large and round. He gave it a squeeze, he heard a moan next. A sound he knew he heard before, he squeezed the mound in hand one more time trying to figure out what he was touching.

His foggy sober mind having trouble putting all the pieces together. When he felt something soft press against his dick, he knew something wasn't right. He couldn't stop his hips from thrusting froward into the the warmth.

He could feel could feel a nipple harden in his hand but there was fabric in the way, there was to much clothes in the way, he buried his head into the smell, into someones hair and thrust again as he squeezed what he now knew as a breast again. it felt so soft and fit perfectly in his hand.

"Fuck" He groaned rubbing his now hard dick into the person in front of him.

The good feeling between his legs went away when he felt the body next to him move shoving him hard off the soft place he was on.

His head felt the hard floor first and then his back, Sasuke grabbed the back of his head as the ringing in his ears got worse with a pounding headache. His back aching just as bad.

"What the hell are you doing?" a hused voice said.

Sasuke tried his best to open his eyes and see through the pain. The voice was soft, wasn't too loud which was nice because he felt that anymore loud sound and he would throw up. He looked up at Hinata's big bright eyes looking at him from over the bed. So that was the warm body he was rubbing up against.

"Hinata you alright in there?"

Hinata reaches over the bed and places her hand over Sasuke's mouth. Not that he was going to say anything anyways. His brain still trying to catch up with what's going on and trying to wrap his head around that he was pretty much drying humping Hinata very soft ass.

"Yeah I'm fine," Hinata shouts to the voice on the other side of the door.

This makes Sasuke's head pound again, he looks up at Hinata. It looks like she mouthing something and waving her other hand around. It looks funny to him, she almost looks like a animated cartoon character.

He gives her a confused look as she points to the bottom of her bed. Sasuke can only give her a blank look. There was no way he was going to slip under bed.

"Just fell off my bed that's all" Hinata shouts back as she talks to Sasuke with her eyes glaring down at him.

Sasuke rolls his eyes and quickly slips under her bed. Guessing that he would just have to find out what the hell is going on later.

Just as Sasuke's somehow manages to get under Hinata's bed, he hears the door open. He sees a pair of feet stop right in front of her bed. When he gets out from under here he should tell Hinata to dust under her bed. It was worse than Naruto's. Sasuke couldn't remember why he knew what the underside of Naruto's bed looked like.

"You came home late last night."

He knows right away that the voice that's speaking is Ino, which gives him more reason to stay quiet. Not that he even knew why he was in Hinata's room to being with, it wouldn't matter to Ino. She would beat the crap out of him and he was to hung over to deal with her and run out of here beside he wanted to know what the hell was going on.

It was quiet for a moment that Sasuke was sure that they have left the room without him noticing or maybe Ino found out he was under the bed. Sasuke got ready to make a quick escape from the small space of Hinata's bed till he hears Hinata speak.

"Yeah I spent most of the night with Naruto but I came home. He fell asleep right away he was pretty tired and I didn't want to bother him."

Sasuke couldn't see either of the girls faces but he knew a bad lie when he hears one and Hinata was pretty bad at it. Even the idiot would be able to tell she was lying.

He can also tell that Ino's not buying it, not that he cares what's going on. He just want to go home and take a shower and take something for the headache and possible never drink again. When he starts to think that maybe its worth getting yelled at by Ino then to spend another moment under Hinata's bed, she finally speaks.

"He left, he said he had to go to work again and before you gave me that face we made plans for tomorrow night"

"Oh come on Hinata"

Sasuke had gotten tired of listening to the conversation. It wasn't any of his business anyways. Even though he already made a mess by not only cumming to the call he had with the idiots girlfriend but rubbing his hard cock against her soft ass. He didn't think Naruto would let him finish explaing that he didn't know it was Hinata both times. He also didn't think that saying he was drunk was going to pass.

As he tunes out the fight happening above him that sounds one sided with Ino curing out Naruto. He pulls out his phone, it's going to die soon and he can see that he had gotten a few messages.

Two from Sakura that he ignored right away and three from Naruto.

'Hey asshole'

'What did you say to Sakura?'

'You really messed up this time'

Sasuke thought about telling Naruto the stuff he did with Hinata just to shut him up about him and Sakura. He should stay the hell out of there relationship and work on his by the sound Ino making, shouting all sorts of things about Naruto.

"I have to cover the morning shift at the flower shop but when I get back me and you are going to have a talk."

And with that Ino shut the door, Sasuke waited under the bed for a few more minutes before he slipped out. He stood up and dusted of his shirt that was now covered in dust bunnies.

As he turned to look at Hinata ready to comment about the underside of her bed he see the sad look on her face. He really hopes she not about cry, he always didn't know how to deal with girls who cried. He didn't even know how to comfert Sakura when she cried, it wasn't something he wanted to think about right now.

It didn't seem like she noticed him as he stepped closer and reached out his head towards her. He hesitated for a moment pausing his hand in mid air before he went for it and awkwardly patted Hinata on the head.

He heard her let out a sob and a sniffle as Sasuke cringed still patting her head, thinking there was so many chances to have left by now. He was never good dealing with other people when they were sad, he could barely take care of himself when he was sad.

"There, there, Hyuga it gonna be fine I'm sure" He said trying to as uplifitng as he could but it came out more monotone. Making him sound as bored as ever.

He started to run his fingers through her hair, it was pretty and long. He never noticed how long it had gotten after all these years. Not that he paid much attation to Hinata. It felt nice to have his hand tangled up in her hair. He didn't seem to want to move his hand away from her head for some reason.

"You," Hinata said as she wiped at her eyes and sniffled some more.

"You ow me a new phone!" Hinata shouted standing on her bed grabbing Sasuke by the collar of his shirt. She was now face to face with Sasuke pulling him in close.

He couldn't remember last night or what he had done to end up in bed with Hinata. Sasuke knew he was in trouble as he watched the usually quiet Hinata was shouting at him and glaring death at him.

He couldn't seem to hear what Hinata was shouting about because he knew he was in much more trouble than he thought. Why was he getting so turned on right now and why did the hell did he want to kiss Hinata?