Chapter 1: Fishing

It was a sunny day on the Thousand Sunny. Everyone on the ship are relaxing.

Except for some…

A punishment for eating all the food in their eating contest, Natsu, Happy, Luffy, Romeo, Wendy, Usopp, Chopper, Brook, Orihime, Sugino, Maehara, Yada, Kimura, Sugaya and Fuwa are forced to fish for five hours.

Luffy's stomach began to rumble.

"I'm so hungry!" Luffy hollered.

"Really? 'Cause to me, you still ate a huge chuck of meat the moment we got back on the ship." Usopp commented.

"Ate a big slab of meat and he's still hungry!" Sugino, Kimura and Sugaya thought in unison.

"This sucks!" Natsu and Romeo hollered in unison.

"Give me a break!" Maehara hollered.

"I wanna eat!" Chopper hollered.

"I'm so hungry my stomach could explode." Brook explained

"But then again, I don't have a stomach! Yohohohoho!" Brook laughed.

Wendy, Yada, Orihime and Fuwa pouted.

The only one begin happy… is well, Happy.

"Fishy, Fishy~! Come into my tummy~!" Happy sang.

"We've been fishing for two hours without rest, and we're so hungry!" Wendy hollered.

Yada comforted Wendy.

"I know. But hey, we can bare it if we work together." Yada commented.

Wendy giggled.

"I guess you're right." Wendy said.

"Why are we doing this again?" Sugino asked.

"Because you guys ate our food two days ago." Carla explained.

Natsu and the fishing crew turned to see Isogai, Carla and Blizzard watching them.

"Even though we got food from the island two days ago, we still need fish." Isogai explained.

"At least give us some snacks!" Natsu, Sugino, Maehara, Kimura, Sugaya and Usopp hollered in unison.

"I WANT MEAT!" Luffy shouted.

"You need a break from eating, Luffy!" Blizzard exclaimed.

"No way!" Luffy exclaimed.

Blizzard sighed in defeat.

"You're hopeless." Blizzard thought.


A tug came from Happy's pole, causing the blue Exceed to shout with glee.

"I'VE GOT A LINE!" Happy shouted.

This alerted Natsu, Luffy, Romeo, Wendy, Usopp, Chopper, Brook, Orihime, Sugino, Maehara, Yada, Kimura, Sugaya and Fuwa with excitement.

"Atta boy, Happy!" Natsu hollered.

"We've got a line!" Kimura hollered.

"Pull it in!" Usopp and Chopper hollered in unison.

Happy began to pull but struggled greatly.

"It must be a big one!" Fuwa hollered.

"Happy needs help!" Orihime hollered.

"Let's help him." Sugaya said.

Natsu, Luffy, Romeo, Wendy, Usopp, Chopper, Brook, Orihime, Sugino, Maehara, Yada, Kimura, Sugaya and Fuwa began helping Happy with great effect.

"PULL~!" Natsu, Happy, Luffy, Romeo, Wendy, Usopp, Chopper, Brook, Orihime, Sugino, Maehara, Yada, Kimura, Sugaya and Fuwa shouted in unison.

With all their might, Natsu, Happy, Luffy, Romeo, Wendy, Usopp, Chopper, Brook, Orihime, Sugino, Maehara, Yada, Kimura, Sugaya and Fuwa pulled whatever's tugging on Happy's line upwards.

But what they pulled… was big and vicious.

A giant Sea King roared loudly.

"What is that!?" Natsu, Sugino and Maehara exclaimed in unison.

"It's a SEA KING!" Luffy shouted, with starry-shaped eyes.

"HOW DID SOMETHING LIKE THAT EVEN GET HERE!?" Blizzard exclaimed, in extreme shock.

"This is bad!" Isogai hollered.

Happy, Romeo, Wendy, Carla, Usopp, Chopper, Brook, Orihime, Yada, Kimura, Sugaya and Fuwa screamed in fright.


Hearing their screams, everyone quickly hurried outside to see what's happening.

"You've gotta be kidding me?!" Nami, Zoro and Franky exclaimed in unison.

"What's a Sea King doing here?" Sanji asked.

"It's kinda cute." Robin commented.

"Holy crap!" Lucy, Ichigo, Nagisa and Kaede exclaimed in unison.

Everyone else either viewed with wonder of amusement or screamed in fright.

"FOOD!" Natsu and Luffy shouted in unison.

Without warning, Natsu and Luffy attacked the Sea King with ferocity.

Everyone else watched dumbfounded.

"They're crazy when it comes to food…" Everyone thought in unison.


The Sea King tried in vain protect itself, but couldn't keep up with Natsu and Luffy's speed.

- Fire Dragon's Iron Fist! – Natsu shouted.

- Gum-Gum Jet Bazooka! – Luffy shouted.

Natsu and Luffy delivered a powerful two-hit punching combo that knocked the Sea King out.

"We did it!" Natsu and Luffy hollered in unison.

The victory was short-lived however, as the fire dragon slayer and the rubber man fell into the water.


Watching from afar, Lucy and Nami slapped their foreheads in embarrassment.

"Idiots." Lucy and Nami thought in unison.

"Natsu!" Happy hollered, jumping into the water.

"Get back here, tomcat!" Carla hollered.

"We're coming, Natsu-san! Luffy-san!" Wendy hollered.

"Hang on!" Chopper hollered.

Wendy and Chopper jumped into the water as well.

Romeo, Yada, Fuwa, Brook and Orihime followed in suit.

"Are you kidding me?!" Sugino, Maehara, Usopp, Kimura and Sugaya exclaimed in unison.


Later on, Natsu, Luffy, Happy, Romeo, Wendy, Yada, Fuwa, Chopper, Brook and Orihime were dragged out of the water by Ichigo, Blizzard, Gray, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Franky, Karma, Sugino, Maehara and Terasaka.

All ten were getting scolded.

"How reckless can you two be?!" Lucy and Nami asked in unison, in an angry manner.

Natsu and Luffy mumbled words, due to the beating the two got from Lucy and Nami.

"You two have Devil Fruit powers and you'd still jump in the water like idiots!" Franky hollered.

"Did you two even think before jumping into the water?" Zoro asked.

"Sorry…" Chopper and Brook said, weakly from taking in the sea.

"I swear, you two follow Natsu without knowing what would happen, huh?" Gray asked.

"You're both hopeless." Sanji commented, blowing a cigarette.

Happy and Romeo were knocked out to say a word.

"And what were you girls thinking?!" Kataoka asked, in an angry manner.

"Guess Natsu and Luffy's stupidity is rubbing on them." Terasaka commented.

"You're one to talk." Ichigo commented.

"What?!" Terasaka exclaimed.

Wendy, Yada, Fuwa and Orihime were drained from even speaking as the seawater was being pushed out of their systems.

(A/N: Those four are the Childish Female Quartet!)

"But all that aside, you guys did give us a big catch." Erza commented.

Erza pointed to the knocked out Sea King hooked to the Sunny.

"We're gonna have another feast with this!" Sugaya hollered.

"YEAH!" Natsu, Luffy, Happy, Wendy, Romeo, Chopper, Brook, Yada, Fuwa and Orihime shouted in unison, waking up upon hearing "feast".

Everyone had different expressions from their comeback.

"They may be childish, but they're still our friends." Lucy, Ichigo, Nagisa, Nami, Kaede and Blizzard thought in unison.

The gang began preparations in cutting up the Sea King for tonight's dinner.