Note: it's been a while omg.

Due to OOCness: yes hinata and itachi and many of the characters may be OOC at some point due to this being mostly humorous; also, Hinata can scream...she's quiet, yes, but it isnt so unrealistic of her to scream loudly upon seeing a ghost in her room. This is supposed to be set in the real world and not in-universe where maybe seeing a spirit isn't so out of the blue. Also, yes, Itachi is a genius but the guy isn't omniscient. This is his first time dying. How is he supposed to know anything about it and how it works?

this is just me addressing a comment i saw, so enough rambling and enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: the Naruto universe belongs to Kishimoto. Unbeta'ed


double trouble


"Hinata? Are you all right?"

Pale fingers stopped working on the gauze it was rewrapping and its owner looked up at the rosette in the room.

"I—I'm quite w—w—well, Sakura-chan."

Sakura stared perceptively at her for a few minutes before nodding and plopping down on the upholstered bench in the tiny, bleached white office. "I dunno, you seem clumsier than usual," she joked. Hinata flushed and dropped the partially rolled up gauze and frantically waved her hands.

"E—eh?! Am I?! I—I am so sorry! I—I—I must be burdening all of you—"

Sakura's sea green eyes widened before she stood up and gripped the frightened girl's shoulders. "Calm down, Hina-chan! I was kidding!"

It was as if Sakura popped a helium balloon as Hinata heaved a sigh, the tenseness of her shoulders leaving her.

"Please tell me when I am being a burden."

Sakura tsked before stepping back. "Don't worry about that. I was just curious. Y'know, Hinata, you wear your heart on your sleeve. It's kinda obvious when you're overthinking about something."

Hinata dejectedly nodded in agreement.

"Anyways, I won't ask if you don't wanna tell me. Just know I'm right here whenever you need someone to talk to!" Sakura threw a peace sign before sauntering out the room.

Hinata bowed her head and allowed a smile to overtake her face and then suddenly—

"Hn. You seem happy today."

She almost fell off the swiveling chair.

"Y—You!" she exclaimed, pointing at the apparition who had been on the forefront of her mind all day. Itachi was now sitting on the chair Sakura had been on moments ago. This time he seemed clearer, although she can still see a bit through him, and he donned a maroon cloak that seemed rich and more fashion conscious than the hospital gown he was wearing prior.

Itachi raised an elegant eyebrow directed at her.

"Y—you aren't supposed to be here!" Hinata hissed, feeling an oncoming migraine.

"I had nothing to do, so I came here."

"H—h—how did you just appear out of nowhere?!"

He frowned, furrowing his eyebrows in deep thought. "I have no idea. I'm supposed to be a genius but I don't know anything about this ghost shit."

Hinata sweat dropped as Itachi seemed to be muttering to himself.

"Ms. Hyūga, Dr. Senju is asking for your assistance," a short woman with a cute black bob said, a clipboard held tightly against her chest. Hinata looked up so quickly, she almost felt her neck snapped.

"O—of course, Shizune-san! I'll be there!"

Shizune nodded before turning to leave, but she turned her head and studied the nervous nurse.

"Were you talking to someone?"

Hinata side eyed Itachi who had his legs crossed quite elegantly and a devious smirk planted on his aristocratic face. "N—no! I—I was just—uh—thinking of what I'm making tonight for dinner! Y—y—yes that's it!"

Shizune raised both her eyebrows at the girl who seemed to be reassuring herself than anyone else. "Um…okay…so Dr. Senju really needs you. Please go to her office ASAP."

Hinata nodded clamping her mouth shut in case she babbled more.

Watching Shizune's retreating back, Hinata puffed her cheeks and blew her bangs off of her perspiring forehead. "So…what are we eating tonight?" Itachi asked off handedly, studying his black painted fingernails.

Wait…when did he get his fingernails manicured? They looked good though…

"Oh—m—maybe k—k—katsudon wi—with a side helping of kimchi or—wait. That is besides the point! I—I want you back at my flat, Uchiha-san and godspeed! I—I have important things to do at the h—hospital!"

Itachi rested his elbow on an elegantly perched knee and gave her a side glance, his bangs swaying with his movement. "Tch. You're no fun." The Uchiha leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes and immediately disappeared or slowly dissipated—is probably the better term.

The Hyūga nurse was at a loss at what just happened but could not complain. She jumped from her seat and dusted off her scrubs before running out the tiny office in hurried breaths, trying to locate Dr. Senju's office.

As soon as she found the lone, white door with a golden plate of Senju, Tsunade, M.D. engraved in black nailed to it.

The small indigo haired woman bent down before entering, clutching her knees and trying to catch her breath. She needed to go running and soon. Her stamina was borderline nonexistent!

After a few minutes passed by, Hinata stood up straight, mentally preparing herself for Dr. Senju who was notorious for her short temper and drunken habits.

She slapped her cheeks in determination. "Just focus Hinata! Forget everything else and do your best. Ganbatte!" she nodded firmly to herself before turning the knob into the room.

Her eyes zeroed in on the voluptuous blonde sitting on her desk. Her white coat looked crisply pressed and her face was solemn something that was extremely rare for Minato Hospital. "Dr. Senju?" she quietly called the attention of her superior who immediately turned her sharp, amber eyes on the usually nervous wrecked Hyūga.

"Ah yes, Hyūga-san. Please come in."

Hinata gave a nod of affirmation before closing the door behind her. She stood by the large desk and faced the person sitting in front of the doctor.

She did a double take at the Itachi lookalike sitting on one of the upholstered chairs. Is this one of Itachi's ghost tricks or rather ghostly powers? Well, the guy lacked Itachi's stress lines which made him appear younger and his ebony hair was considerably shorter.

The man glared at her. "What's she doing here?"

"She will assist me in demonstrating your brother's condition before his passing. She was there when the complications—

"I get it," the man gritted. Hinata bit her bottom lip. She would have considered him rude if she had not found out he just lost a loved one.

Hinata admonished herself to be as understanding as much as she can. After all, she knew what it was like to lose someone very important to you.

"Hinata, this is Sasuke Uchiha—

That was all she heard before fainting.