NOTE: this is that ItaHinaSasu fanfic I was talking about, and for those looking forward to My Walls Stood painted Blue, I will most likely uodate it next week when I finish my course paper and presentation. ive been extremely busy.

this fic was originally a one shot but ive decided to make it a short multi chapter.

Enjoy, my loves

DISCLAIMER: Naruto and its characters are not mine.

please dont forget to leave a review so i may know if you love this concept or not! :D


in the hereafter.




Peeking from behind the green corduroy love seat, her eyes landed on the person currently hovering on the floor by her bed.

Yes, she saw it right.


He was also almost transparent with her The Wombats posters on the wall etched lightly on the space where flesh and skin should be. From what she could observe, he was probably in his late twenties: he had a set of deep black eyes, narrow pointed nose, and creases running from the inner corner of his eyes down his gaunt cheeks.

She was also surprised at his wear which only consisted of a bluish hospital gown.

"Please do not do that again," he pleaded, sticking a finger in his ear to make sure he had not gone deaf from her scream.

Hinata was seized with a paroxysm of fear and she clutched onto the back rest of the seat tighter. "Y—y—you're a—

"—ghost. Yes, I am," the man finished for her as he sat down on the ottoman (or tried to at least) with a heavy sigh. He rested both elbows on his lap, triangled his fingers, and glared at particularly nothing. Hinata slowly crawled from her spot towards the door, trying not to rouse his attention.

"You're nurse Hyūga."

She almost jumped ten feet into the air.

He raised an inquiring eyebrow at her. Hinata immediately stood up and hugged herself, rubbing her arms to keep from shivering in his presence.

However, her surprise and curiosity won out her fear. Besides, she should have known this would happen. She came from the Hyūga, an older family known for their psychic and medium abilities. She left the business to pursue medicine only for it to come and bite her in the ass.

"Y—yes, I—I—I am sh—she," she muttered. "B—but—

"You were there when I..well, you know," he said, averting his eyes from her form as if they were talking about something as normal and simple as the weather.

"O—oh! Patient number 413!"

"Hn. I do have a name, you know…"

Hinata blushed. She cannot believe she'd just offended a ghost. But then again, one must respect the dead. It was something she'd been taught over and over again by her elders. "I—I am deeply sorry. P—please accept my humble apology," she said, bowing to her waist.

"It's all right. Besides, I'm as confused as you are…I don't understand why am I like this…" he rambled, mostly talking to himself than her.

Hinata tried to intercede but he seemed to be lost in deep thought, "Er…uh—

"still, I was never much of a religious person and never actually thought what would happen to someone after they've passed on…"


"This situation is telling me something, but what?!" he was pacing, or gliding back and forth, across the room now. "Ghost-san!" Hinata yelped, her face red as she clutched the bottom of her shirt. The spirit haunting her stopped in his tracks and finally looked at her, an eyebrow raised.

"M—may I p—p—please g—g—get your n—name at lea—least?"

"Hn. Itachi. Itachi Uchiha."


Itachi scowled at her increasing volume. Her voice was fit for a gentle and quiet person but he was beginning to believe she was quite the opposite. But then again, she did just find a ghost in her bedroom so he couldn't really fault her for that.

He remembered her question and he slumped down on the ottoman again. His eyebrows were drawn together and his dark eyes narrowed and Hinata thought he looked scarily intimidating.

"I already told you…I don't know…fuck…"

Hinata puffed her cheeks and sighed, rubbing her temples, easing her growing headache to go away. I—just wanted to live a normal life…her eyes locked in on the ghost—on Itachi—who seemed to be thinking quite deeply. Then she remembered her father's lectures of a spirit's unrest whenever they are found on earth instead of the afterlife and it's because they had unfinished business and could not help but literally not move on.

"Maybe you're being here is a sign."

"That I'm dead?" he replied with a dry sarcasm.

Hinata fought the urge to roll her eyes but slapped her forehead instead.

"No! I meant there is something that you have to resolve…maybe something that has to do with your friends and family?"

Itachi narrowed his eyes before crossing his arms across his chest.

"Hn. That makes sense…"


He smirked smugly. "You're going to help me, Hyūga-san," he said.

Hinata's mouth dropped in disbelief before snapping it close in a tight line. "And why should I? Y—you don't g—et the right to walk in h—h—here—

"—I didn't"

"—a—and de—demand for my help! I—it is very impolite and not to m—mention trespassing!"

"Well, I can always haunt your little apartment, Hyūga-san, if that is what you prefer," he said nonchalantly and lay down her bed with his arms crossed behind his head, closing his eyes.

Hinata's heart started beating at a much rapid pace than it did before. She cupped her cheeks and thought of her best friends Kiba, Shino, Tenten, and Naruto who visited her from time to time.

What if—what if Itachi scares them away.

Her resolve hardened.

"All right. I will help you."

Itachi opened an eye to observe her.

"Was there ever a doubt?"

Hinata gasped and frowned. "Y—you are so—

Suddenly, he was right in front of her, making her almost jump out of her skin; he stood a head taller than her and she felt small under his calculating and shrewd eyes. He stuck out a hand.

"All right then. As soon as you get me to the afterlife the sooner I'll be out of your hair. Do we have a deal?"

Hinata nodded firmly.


Instead of making contact with skin and flesh, her hand met air.

Itachi pulled his hand away and looked at it angrily, as if it offended him.

Hinata scratched the crown of her head. "Are you okay?" she asked him tentatively, afraid she might set him off. He grunted, "Fine" and walked into the kitchen.

Hinata groaned and checked her wristwatch. She needed to sleep. Her shift was very early in the morning but she doubted if she could sleep right then. She looked at the kitchen doorway and cursed her lineage.