Percy's POV

I tried not to laugh as Lady Persephone ate Dad out, not literally but the way she's yelling at him... well it could be a comedy show. Hades didn't look scared in the slightest, he just looked plain annoyed, rolling his dark eyes and groaning quietly and everytime he'll see me laughing he just throws me nasty glares.

"Hades! Why would you send your furies after her?" Persephone yelled, quickly catching my attention. Furies? This girl must've been important then.

"Yeah Hades why did you send your furies?" I repeated resting my head on my palm. He just threw me a dirty and sighed tiredly.

"Darling, son, I sent furies after her because she is a result of a broken oath" He shrugged like it was no biggie making Persephone turn red in anger, the same red she turned when Hades first brought me home.

I was sleeping against his shoulder but woke up when i heard yelling and glass shattering, Persephone was standing there in her night gown looking like a tomato. She threw the biggest trantrum I've ever seen, even bigger than the kid's at my preschool. She only calmed down when Hades started yelling "It's Barnacle beards son!" Real loudly.

"My father is furious Hades! You killed his daughter!" Persephone yelled her brown eyes blazing with contained fury.

Dad truly looked offended "She's a tree! She's not dead! She's helping out nature, i like her more that way and her father should too."

I just looked at Hades trying not to laugh "Okay then..."

"You're insuf-" Persephone was cut short when alecto came flying in besides an amused Hestia, he leathery wings flapping in the distance. She took the role of my mother not so long after dad brought me home, she still looks the same as 6 years ago. Mid twenties, orange eyes and the kindest smile I've ever seen.

She smiled at my father and Persephone who both blushed simutaneously, "I heard the both of you bickering from outside the entrance. Oh and that Charon, his wonderful brother, you really should give him that pay rise" Hades muttered something about annoying employee's while both women gave him disappointing glares. Hestia squealed in delight crushing me in a bone breaking hug.

She fussed over me before giving me a mock glare "Do you remeber what i told you to do when your father and his wife are arguing?"

"Run?" i laughed nervously, scratching the back of my neck. She shot me an amused grin before gently pushing me away from the throne room, out into the garden. For six years i've lived here and gods has it been pure bliss. At first Persephone didn't like me, always throwing me nasty side glances but i guess that i just wore off on her. Hades spoilt me...a lot. Always giving me famcy jewels and weapons, personally training me at times when he can but most of the time he just brings back a few heroes from the dead.

Theseus for battle strategy and hand to hand combat, Orion and a few fallen huntresses to help me with the bow and arrow along with daggers. And Perseus, my namesake to help with sword practice and Achilles for the spear.

He once brought Hitler back to mentor me in a few languages...let's just say that i refused to go back to any of his lessons. Hades grumbled about how everyone hates his son and grudgingly put Albert Einstien in his place.

My 10th brithday is tomorrow and i was promised to go on my first mission, i was...nervous. Everytime i thought about it, beads of sweat will run down my neck and my palms get sweaty. I never left the underworld in years, and its scary to leave the only place I've known.

And what the mission was... I dont know.

"Perseus!" I craned my head to see Orion running to me. Hades granted the tutors rooms in the stygion castle so it got less lonely around here. Oh and one word about Orion before you meet him. His amazing, he was a big brother anyone wanted, he looked like an older teenage version of me seeing as we're both biologicaly siblings and the rumors that Apollo spreaded about him are total minotaur dung. "How are you little brother?" he ruffled my hair.

"Not the hair" I grumbled flatning it out. We walked for a bit, him telling me about his day basically not much, and mine to him. We found our way to the river of styx and sat near the shore. The water was a murky yellow color and junk floated around the river. To show broken promises.

This was usually my favorite part of my day, just relaxing with no fights or people. Just me and the underworld, I drummed my fingers against my thighs making an pattern. "Your birthday's tomorrow." Orion finally said, his voice was quiet and calm but i the smallest bit of nervousness was heard.

"I'm ready Orion, I've trained 6 years for this" I assured with confidence in my voice, no matter how scared i was. "I'm going" the finallity was obviously clear in my voice because he slumped back against the unliving tree near the river bank.

"I can't convince you, i know i can't" He said with a smile. He looked at me with a smirk "You wanna spar?"

I lifted my brow "No offense but you suck with a sword" He threw me an irritated look before getting up and putting out his hand for me to take. I gripped his hand and got up smirking. "Uh with who exactly?" i asked nervously.

"Well brother, the one and only Achilles"

...Someone wants to see me die today.

20 minutes later i stood at the small arena near the castle, with armour on, my heart in my hands and my dignity in my pocket. I've never even turned 10 yet, with only 6 years of training while Achilles...gods I'm dead. I nervously walked, more like dragged, my self to the centre of the arena where Achilles stood doing experimental swings.

I tried to swallow my nervous. Tried. I felt like i was going to puke everything which ive eaten today, which sadly included my blue pancakes and waffles. I turned and gave my scariest glare at Orion who was doing horribly at keeping quite. At times like this I really hated his guts.

"Fighters! I will be referee!" my father yelled out loudly. His face was unreadable from the highest stands, he looked like a blur of darkness. "There will be no maiming and killing-" A lot of groans erupted from the stands, Hades, Persephone and Hestia threw them a glare (How they saw, i dunno) making them shut up instantly "Powers are premitted,this will end once one yeilds may begin."

At that both Achilles and i started to circle each other, neither one of us daring to make a move. I was tense and never let my eyes wander away from him. Getting a little restless and a liitle annoyed from the souls, from Elysium obviously, allowed to come and watch the match. I swung at Achilles, he easily parried the strike and swung one of his own. His strike was stronger than mine, no doubt. My arms shook as i held against him, i finally was able to push him away.

His eyes glowed with... determination or was it anger? His strikes came at a faster rate, I dodged them with little difficultly and blocked a few of them. Little bright sparks junped off the blades, celestial bronze to stygion iron. He was toying with me, my blood boiled slightly. Tire him. A voice whispered in my ear. Deciding to listen to the voice i started to just parry each strike, and dodge them. Achilles started to tire out and i couldnt help but let a small smile tug at my lips.

Achilles might be bigger and stronger but Im faster and stealthier. He soon started to pant from exhaustion and i wasn't even close to tired yet. I smirked as i did the sword disarming technique, the sword fell 3 ft away from him, i held my sword to his throat and grinned victoriously.

"Do you yeild?" i asked with a smile.

Achilles looked to stunned to do anything but breathe, after a few more minutes he finally smiled "The student has bested the teacher" He looked proud which made my heart clench in happiness. Achilles was a hard person to please and he was pleased with me. "I say his ready for his first mission Lord Hades"

I laughed happily and hugged him, "Thank you" i whispered.

Hades appeared out of shadows, literally. He had a smile on his face and his chest was puffed with pride. "Are you ready for your mission Perseus?" I straightened and nodded my head in determination, "Your first trip is to travel to Los Angeles and retrieve uh, family members of ours"

I raised my eyebrow in questioning, "Father, where exactly is that?"

He smiled but looked a little nerved "The Lotus Casino"