Title: Inevitable. Author: Netgirl. Pairing: Merry/Pippin. Rating: PG. Disclaimer: The books belong to Tolkien, the films belong to Peter Jackson, this story belongs to me. Lucky me. Summary: Merry and Pippin had to be discovered some time. Feedback: This is my first attempt at LotR Fanfic and I'm not especially proud of it, so I'd really appreciate any feedback or constructive criticism. [email protected].

"Run Merry!"

"I am running Pippin!" Called Merry, tearing across the sandy ground after his friend, glancing briefly over his shoulder he could see the branches and leaves whipping around their pursuer as he forced his way through the underbrush after them.

"Well run faster or we'll be caught!"

"We won't if you stop yammering Pip."

"This wasn't my id- Oooof!"

Merry cried out, shocked as Pippin crashed out of view "Pip, where are, aghh!" Merry's toes caught on a protruding root sending him crashing into the ditch on top of a dazed Pippin who was lying prone on a bed of damp leaves.

"Merry he's coming," Pippin hissed, over his companions shoulder he could see the shadow of their nemesis closing in on the ditch. Pippin looked back at Merry, the hobbits ever-cheerful face was set in resignation, at least they were going to be together when they were caught..

Merry looked down at Pippin's familiar face, with its mischievous hazel eyes and ready to smile mouth. The usual look of dazed confusion was absent from Pippin's face in it's place was an expression of friendship and devotion, Merry knew that the other hobbit was as glad as he was that they were together when the inevitable happened.

"It'll be ok Merry," Pippin leaned up slightly to whisper to his closest friend, leaving a miniature, yet immeasurable amount of space between their lips. Merry was overcome with the need to show the other halfling how much he meant to him. He tilted his face and brushed his lips against Pippin's, sighing as Pippins mouth opened slightly and moist lips captured his mouth fully, Merry groped among the damp undergrowth for somewhere he could touch Pippin, settling for grasping the other hobbits shoulder through his velvet waistcoat, Pippins hands found their way to the base of Merry's spine pulling him closer, the sharp planes of their bodies pressed together so closely that no air could pass between them. Merry was astonished at the amount of heat that radiated from Pippin's small form as he pushed his mouth harder against Pippins. Right now, lying entangled in a ditch, pursued by their enemy this struck Merry as exactly what they should be doing, Pippin was his best friend, constant companion and soulmate. There was nothing more important than expressing what they meant to each other.

Rough hands grasped Merry's coat, wrenching him clear off the ground and away from Pippins desperate mouth and hands.

"Well, well I wonder what the old Took will make of this," Sneered farmer Maggot dropping Merry onto his back and reaching down to lift an alarmed looking Pippin off his feet, Merry knew what was worrying Pippin, if the old Took found out what they had just been doing it would be lucky if the two young hobbits were ever allowed in the same Farthing as each other. The uncommonly large hobbit dropped Pippin beside Merry and stooped back down into the ditch retrieving an arm full of cabbages, carrots and potatoes that had fallen in with the two hobbits. "Stealing food again, I suppose I'll have to speak to both of your fathers about this, come on."

As the two younger hobbits followed the farmer back towards Hobbiton Pippin, trademark sparkle back in his eyes, leaned over and brushed his hand over Merry's lower back "Told you we'd get away with it."

"You were more scared than I was Pippin."

"I'm the only reason we got out of this alive." Pippin retorted defensively.

"Pippin!" Merry cried in exasperation.