Alice never could stand staying still for longer than a few seconds even when she was younger and now was no different.

"Starfish if you keep on like that you'll wear your shoes out and a trench in the floor at that." The wish created pirate teased glancing up at his pacing daughter then dropped his eyes back to the chess board to take her bishop with his rook. "Check love." The father smiled.

Whatever what bothering her must be important seeing as Killian Jones hadn't been able to put his daughter in check in so few moves since she was five.

"But Papa what if she says No?" Alice pressed not even sparing a real glance toward the board beyond hastily blocking the tower with her last remaining knight and also giving her father an open invitation for checkmate if he took the piece. "Even a blind man can see how in love you and Robin are." He reassured her choosing to take another of her pawns with his knight rather than end the game so soon.

"Not Robin Papa. Zelena." Alice corrected still pacing and looking as if she'd break skin if she kept chewing away at her lower lip like she was. "I want to ask for her permission to marry Robin," she explained pausing only to move her queen to take one of her father's knights "but even though she's super nice and all she's still rather intimidating and I'm terrified she'll say no cause she'll think we're too young or something like that…. she may even turn me into a monkey now she has her magic back." Alice went on now talking wildly with her hands and still pacing in front of the sofa.

"I'm sure she won't turn you into a monkey love." Ignoring the slight aching in his legs from sitting to long as Nook got up to both stop his little girl from wearing a mote into the floor of her and Robin's new place that they didn't find out until after they had finished all the paperwork with Emma that the cottage style cabin was actually one of Rumpelstiltskin's old forgotten properties comfortably nestled between the town and the woods and to pull her back into the circle of his arms.

"You can't know that." Alice said panicking again her voice muffled by his chest while she melted into the reassuring hug Nook was giving her without fear of his heart giving out on him. "I mean it might not be too bad at first, right? Flying is like the best way to travel isn't it?" the blonde questioned snuggling into his arms just as she had when she was younger.

"Talking with an old sea captain like me lass I'd argue that sailing is the best means of travel, but the detective side agrees with that comment no matter how air sick he'd get when he had to fly." Nook sighed reaching into his jacket for his phone while keeping his hook arm wrapped around his daughter as she tried to work out if her true love would even still love her with wings and a tail courtesy of said love's own mother.

"Hey, Margot. No everything's fine we're still at the house. How are things going on your side?" the pirate greeted once the call had been picked up. "Well, I'm sure you'll do just fine whatever you decide. No that's not really why I called this time it's just she's working herself up into one of her states and…. exactly and going by the sound of it you could use one too." The old pirate barks a laugh scratching at his chin with the end of his hook as he studies the chess board on the coffee table. "You two are more alike than even you know from time to time." The father commented

"…. And after all flying monkeys like marmalade, don't they? What's this for?" Alice questioned puzzled when her father pushed his cell phone into her hand with a call already in progress.

"You need a talk down love." Killian reasoned nodding to the phone.

"No, I don't. What I need is an answer." Alice argued. Her heart threatened to burst at the musical laughter on the other end of the call. "Okay, I've heard less than ten seconds of whatever it is you're talking about and I can say that yes you do Tower Girl." Robin corrected. "I could ask my Mom about the whole monkey liking that gross jelly for you thought if you want." The archer offered

"Why thank you. Nobin but I'm already going to meet with her later today, so I might or might not ask her myself." Alice could tell just by the mildly annoyed groan against her ear that her love was rolling her eyes at the ceiling "How many times do I have…" her archer started but Alice was ready with the answer "6,775… Nobin." That brought a playful huff from the giggling archer in her ear.

"What am I going to do with you my almost runaway." Robin sighed dreamily the phone jostling somewhat like she was now cradling it between her shoulder and her ear.

"Hummm how about…. hang on love…." Alice answered holding her own borrowed phone the same way as she spun the chess board around to look at the game from another angle before spinning it back again and ending it with one last move of her Queen's knight. "Checkmate Papa…. how about you love me Targo?"

"Aaww Targo haven't heard you call her that one in a while."

The sound of the praising tone brought a surprised squeak out of the distracted blonde who nearly twisted her ankle spinning around to look toward the door and the happily grinning Wicked Witch now standing in the archway. "I know I know I'm early, but I think my sister needed to talk with your father about something or other and since his phone has been otherwise engaged." Zelena defended bringing a surprisingly high-pitched yelp from Robin right in Alice's ear.

"Babe I love you have to go bye." The blonde stammered just as Robin was telling her the same thing on the other end of the call her hands shaking so much she could barely hit the end call button without dropping the phone completely as she handed it back to her father.

Zelena was giving her one of those x-raying Motherly stairs that always had Alice's nerves on a knife edge. Alice could see her Papa trying to send her a reassuring smile over the other woman's shoulder as he shrugged into his jacket and Zelena was busying herself with hanging her own on the rack beside the door. "I'll come back again later for a rematch Starfish." He promised pocketing his phone and pressing a parting kiss against the blonde's forehead. "Calm down and just ask her love." Nook soothed wrapping his arms around her in one last lingering hug.