*** Last chapter for this one, dear readers. Hope you enjoy it. If you liked this story, have a look at my other HP fics in my profile. And please review if you have time! ***

Remus can't breathe. Only hours before he was certain he would be banished forever from Sirius's life. Only hours before the world had come to an end, his closest friends murdered, another friend lost to them for ever.

He bends slowly, puts the teapot down on the floor, and steps once, twice to Sirius, takes the hand he is holding out to him, takes Harry's small hand in the other. He is more circumspect, less lavish with words than Sirius, but wants to do justice to this moment. Even if they can't actually marry, the thought of Sirius wanting him, knowing he hasn't ruined everything, is overwhelming.

'Yes. Yes, Sirius Black. Wizard. Disgraced scion of the Noble House of Black. Maker of even worse steak and kidney pie, marauder of chocolate. My bright star. My black dog. Yes, please. If you can forgive me for not confiding in you, I will marry you and stay with you, and we'll make a home for Harry together.' Tears fall down his own cheeks now, the first time he has cried in years. The tears are for James. For Lily. Even for Peter. For the orphaned baby they are going to love and cherish as their own. For the beauty of the man standing in front of him, the man who has so little left, but who has given him everything.

'Professor.' He turns to Dumbledore, watching them in silence from the sofa. 'I know you told me not to say where I was going for you. But I've told Sirius now. All those secrets and lies. They only led to trouble and pain. I'm not going to lie to the person I love the most in the world. I can't take it any more. It nearly broke us.'

The old man gives a nod of acceptance. 'Dear boys,' he says at last. 'Oh, my dear, dear boys. Can you ever forgive me?' His eyes are brighter than ever, not with the accustomed twinkle of amusement, but glinting this time with tears. A drop falls down his cheek, vanishing into the wrinkles running beside that long, broken nose. Remus looks hard at Sirius, willing him to agree.

Sirius considers Dumbledore for a moment, and then shakes his hair back, an accustomed gesture of capitulation. 'Ok,' he responds, his voice husky. 'I'm sorry about what I said to you, Professor. But you must know Harry is better off with us than them.'

'I'm afraid I do see that,' Dumbledore acknowledges. 'It will not be as easy to protect him once Voldemort has regathered his strength and followers, whenever that may be. But we can start by improving the protections on these premises. The Fidelius Charm. I can be secret keeper, if you will have me.'

Sirius smiles slightly. 'Thank you, Professor.' Even he cannot deny the power behind a vow made by Dumbledore.

Remus takes Harry so that Sirius and Dumbledore can perform the ritual, make plans. He could put Harry down to toddle about the flat, as his future is decided for him, but doesn't want to let him out of reach yet. He changes his nappy on an old sheet on the floor, after finding a few spares in a bag Sirius must have packed in a rush, the disposable kind Lily disapproves – disapproved – of, but kept a packet for emergencies.

He thinks about the things the baby will need, whether they can salvage some remnants from the little house at Godric's Hollow. He'll need clothes, more nappies, toys, books. Jiggers' Best fucking Balm. Tomorrow he'll go to Diagon Alley and get some more from Slug and Jiggers. Tomorrow they'll have to start thinking about funerals, telling friends. Tomorrow they can start dealing with the devastation of Voldemort's ambitions. But, for today, dinner, a bath and an early night for them all will do.

*** Thanks for reading. Hope you can forgive my meddling with the original plot. I was going to write about Remus coming back home and finding that everyone he loved had been taken from him, but just couldn't in the end – JKR is made of much sterner stuff than I am. So, here's a cheesy happy ending for my darlings. Please review – reviews are like the prospect of a gorgeous Wolfstar wedding to attend in my best robes. ***