Hey guys, its me again. You probably know me from 'What's Rightfully Mine: Story of Ronnie Anne', or if you have seen my other works on fanfiction. Speaking of WRM: SoRA, this is the 63 version of that story. Meaning that a majority of the characters are gonna be o opposite genders, if you don't already know that.

Look I can't promise this will be any more sane from it's counterpart, and there maybe some elements, but I assure you this won't end like that story. No bullshit ending, and no dream cliché. But until then, I hope you enjoy the story. Starting with this opening chapter.

It was a cool night in the town of New Orleans, the most party eccentric town in America. Next to Las Vegas. We set the scene at a this fancy casino/hotel where we celebrate the last day before the sole girl of the Loud Family: Linka Loud was to be a single lady, the white haired woman of the Loud family was to be engage to her 7 month fiancé Patrick Willows. Pat for short.

Pat is the 63 name for Paige.

Linka Loud was having her bachelorette party here with all her friends such as Claudia, Leah, Zara, Riley, Girl Jordon, and others. The hotel had all the games a casino, pole dancers, a dance floor, and so much more. Linka and her friends were at one of the roulette tables with several drink cups all over, some were alcoholic. Linka only had water, since one time at a party he had to retrieve her brother Luke from she was asked to try a shot for the first time. And she found out she had a rare allergy to booze. Regardless her friends would make sure this would be the most fun she has before getting hitched to the man of her dreams.


Huh, what? What was that record scratching sound for? (somebody whispers something into the authors' ear) Oh yeah, I almost forgot.

While everyone who came to give Linka a good time think that the wedding will be a romantic union between two souls who will be bonded forever buy the power of love, for Linka it was her only time of freedom and joy before signing her soul to the devil. Let me explain.

You see, Linka and Pat weren't the happy couple that they had most people believe. Over the past four years while these two went to college, Pat had been starting his life long dream of becoming a professional gamer. Winning competition after competition in games of all consoles and type, even arcade games. Pat had become such a legend in the sport, he was offered a spot on an international tour around the globe. To play against some of the best gamers on Planet Earth, even compete in the annual Game-ageddon that was to be held in Tokyo that year.

The bad news is it was only for him and he can't bring Linka along, but he found a loop hole that she can come if they were either wedded or betrothed. Except that was what Pat wanted. Linka on the other hand, while she did occasionally play games with her ten brothers. It wasn't something she had in mind for her life's career. This didn't really bode well with Pat, as during their entire relationship. He always had this image of the two of them traveling around the world as the king and queen of the gaming world with their two kids as heir to their throne (his words), but he never asked what she wanted. And what she wanted was a nice small job that lets her be near her family, she just wanted a simple life with a nice husband and kids in a normal house.

But she wasn't gonna have any of that because her relationship with Pat had taken a turn for the dark.

After all the festivities were done, Linka and Claudia went up to their room for the night. While Claudia was fast asleep, Linka was in the bathroom taking a calming shower. As she washed her self over, her hand traveled along her curvaceous body. Which was ridden with many scars, hickies, and whip marks. Along her neck was where Pat had placed a collar on her neck whish was a size too small, the thing nearly choked her a couple times.

What others don't know about, was that Pat has been over the course of the year abusing her. He made her do menial things for him, do his taxes, get him new games for him to beat, typical boss stuff. And when he was not satisfied he would either whip her with a whip, or throw things at her. But the absolute worst thing was he ever does to her, was that at times. He roughly and continuously rapes her to no end, until she is reduced to a bawling wreck more bloated than a salted turkey. Those were the nights she would cry herself to sleep, more than her other nights since then. And he always goes in rough, dry, and with no protection what's so ever. So there were times where Linka ends up pregnant from the rapes, now she thought that he would let up on the abuse since she was harboring their gaming prince or princess. Sadly she was poorly mistaken. Pat has either forced her to get an abortion, or did it himself since he had a specific time and place where they can have their first kid.

For Linka, it was absolute hell. And she can't tell anyone of what's happening to her, because then he would kill her.

She sighed as tears had come to her eyes, in nine hours she will be stuck with the man who has made her life a nightmare for months. And that's the way it was gonna be, until she died.

After she had gotten out of the shower she had dried herself off with an orange towel. While she was grabbing her panties, she got a text on her phone. She read the contact name and gained a mortified look, 'Pat, what does he want now? I can't take anymore of his 'stress relieving' anymore!' . She read the text and saw.

"It's gonna be a big day, Little Linka. You better not even think of trying to do anything smart!

Remember, I OWN you. You are MY BITCH! You do WHAT I SAY, WHEN I SAY IT, AND WHERE I SAY IT! We are gonna be the gods of the gaming world when WE leave for Japan next week for my tour, and I expect my LOVING AND SUPPORTING wife to be by my side no matter what horrible thing I decide to subject you too!

Good night, love you


She wasted no time in throwing her phone on the hard bathroom floor, leaving it cracked but still functioning. She just ran out of the bathroom crying, and out of her room bawling. She didn't care she left without any clothes on as she had no care at all anymore for her well-being, that has all diminished when Pat was done. Lucky for her everyone was fast asleep and the streets of New Orleans was empty at two AM, so nobody witnessed her bare and beautiful body streaking across town to nearby forest on near the outskirts of town.

Her eyes clammed shut as tears fell from her ducks, she had no idea where she was going but as long as she was away from any sign of her awful fiancé she would love it. Though she occasionally tripped over a few roots and logs, and her naked bod had caught a few sharp twigs and caught a couple scarps from landing on some rocks. Some of her previous injuries resurfacing with every bump she took, a long trail of tears and blood she left as she continued running.

She was sure the worst was behind her, but then she fell into a river with a strong current. She popped her head out of the water, spitting out some forest water that got into her mouth. She was gasping for air as she saw the current was pulling her to a this really big waterfall which sent her tumbling into the big pool of water down a fifty foot cliff.

She landed hard from the impact and hit her head on ground below the water, after that she had floated along the river smoothly. She looked like a total mess, her cuts had now all been open, her torso and joints had bruises on them, and she was certain that she had caught a stray fish in her privates. She was floating till she was drifted onto a side of the river, where she looked back on everything.

Her engagement, her abusive soon-to-be husband, everything. She thought it was better to stay then ran off, considering she was probably gonna die out here. Banged up, cut in places, and naked. "Well, (Cough, groan) at least I'll finally escape... Pat." she weakly said as a couple male bears came around. They caught the smell of the fish that was lodged in her snare, but when they saw the blood along the white haired beauty that was casted along the river. They had a couple more ideas of their own.

Linka heard the low growling and her visitors, "And now there are bears, well it could have been worst. At least they'll be more gentle." she said as tiredness and pain caught up to her and she passed out. 'My only regret, was that I never got to date...' .

But what she didn't know was that a dark figure had just scared away the bears. This figure had seen the woman in danger, and had decided to save her. But upon closer inspection, this was a woman he had known since childhood.

"(GASP) Linka?"

She groaned when she heard the voice, her eyes hazily tried to open. But her vision was all furry, but she can just make out the face of a man her age of Latino decent with spiky black hair. He was helping her sit up, and holding onto her gently. She was beyond surprise to see...

"R-r-r, Ronald...o?"

So, what do guys think so far? I know this was very dark, but this was the best idea I can come up with.

What's gonna happen next?

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