Marian and Morvran had been living in his home on the Alba for a week, and it had been great. Marian hadn't been that happy in a long time, and neither had Morvran. That night, Marian had another nightmare.
Ciri was standing behind Geralt at Kaer Morhen and the Wild Hunt appeared in front of them. Geralt fought them off as best as he could, but he was only one man. Soon he was cut down. Another portal opened, and through it came a large man. He seemed to be the leader of the group. Eredin.
He walked up to Ciri and grabbed her arm, dragging her kicking and screaming form behind him like it was nothing.
"Marian! Marian help me!"
Marian woke up from her dream with a start. She looked beside her to see that Morvran was still sleeping. She sat up on the edge of the bed and looked out to see the moon was still high in the sky. Then she had an idea.
She quickly dressed and grabbed her bow and her sword. She glanced back at the bed and saw that Morvran was still sound asleep. She silently crept downstairs and exited the home. She then opened a portal to Kaer Morhen and stepped through it.
The castle was dark, it seemed as if no one was awake, but in one of the higher towers, Marian saw a light. She made her way up many stairs until finally, she was at the door of the room. She listened closely, and she heard no noise from within. She carefully and quietly opened the door and saw Ciri's sleeping form on the bed. Marian walked a bit closer and knelt beside Ciri's bed.
Marian heard something behind her, and she looked at the door, where Geralt was standing.
He motioned with his head for her to follow him. They walked outside and they sat on a crumbling wall.
"Why are you here?" Geralt asked.
"I keep having the same nightmare. Ciri is not safe," Marian said.
Geralt sighed, "And what do these nightmares consist of?"
Marian looked at Geralt with uncertainty, "Do you believe in the Wild Hunt Geralt?"
His eyes widened in surprise and then narrowed, "Yes, we've met."
"They take her and kill whoever's in the way. Whether that be me or you."
Geralt rubbed his face, "Maybe they are just nightmares. No one's seen the Wild Hunt in years."
Marian shook her head, "I dreamt my mother's death, I dreamt the massacre of Loc Muinne, I dreamt the rise of Nilfgaard. I am not wrong."
Geralt nodded, "So what can I do?"
Marian shook her head, "I don't know... I've never really been in a position to stop one of my dreams." She paused, "As much as I trust you..."
"You don't," Geralt finished.
Marian nodded, "Ciri seems to trust you, and under normal circumstances that would be enough for me."
"You know... I don't really get you," Geralt said.
"You were... what? Nine? When Ciri disappeared?" Geralt asked. "Why do you..."
"Care?" Marian scoffed, "She's my sister, and I've loved her since the day she was born. How long have you known her?" Marian asked. Geralt raised his hands in surrender. Marian sighed and looked out into the wilderness where the sun was just beginning to rise, "I need to go home."
"I will do everything in my power to keep Ciri safe, I promise," Geralt said.
Marian nodded, "Thank you Geralt." She opened a portal and disappeared.
When Marian reappeared in front of the house, Morvran was waiting, leaning against a pillar on the porch.
Marian looked at him with surprise, "Morvran, what're you-"
"I think the better question is where were you?" Morvran asked. "I woke up and you were gone, not in the house or out by the river. I almost sent men out after you."
Marian wanted to be angry. How dare he tell her where she could or could not go or what she could or could not do. But Marian noticed the slight quiver in his voice, he was worried about her, and she couldn't really blame him. The last time she just disappeared she didn't come back for three months.
Marian quickly closed the distance between them and hugged him. "I'm sorry Morvran." He hugged her tightly back, "I love you."
"I love you too Marian," He replied.
A few weeks went by, Marian and Morvran enjoyed their new lives together. However something was looming, and soon they would find it unavoidable.
"Marian," Morvran said. He had just returned from a few days at the royal palace.
Marian looked up from her book with a smile and jumped up to greet him. She pecked him on the cheek, "How was your trip?"
Morvran's smile faltered, "It was... good, but I have some bad news."
Marian frowned, "What is it?" Morvran didn't respond right away, instead looking away from her. "Morvran..." She laid a hand on his shoulder.
Morvran took her hand and leaned down. He whispered, "Your father is going to take Vizima and push forward across the Pontar."
Marian pulled back in surprise, "What?"
"He wants to end the war, and I agree."
Marian nodded, "So do I... but do we have enough forces, I thought we were still weakened after-"
Morvran shook his head, "We are, but not as much as Temeria. With my strategy, I believe we can capture Novigrad within two months."
"Your strategy?" Marian asked.
Morvran nodded, "That is... part of the bad news. I will be gone for the duration of the excursion."
Marian stared at him, "Excursion?! Morvran it's a war! You're going to war!"
"Marian, I won't be on the front lines. I've been promoted to General."
Marian stared at him, torn between anger and relief, "You could've started with that!" Morvran chuckled at her as she hugged him again. "You have to be careful, you have to promise."
"I promise," Morvran spoke in her ear.
Later that night, Marian was changing out of her clothes when Morvran walked into the room. He walked up to her and slid his hands across her bare skin. Marian sighed in contentment. Then, something she had been thinking about earlier came to her mind again.
"Morvran?" Marian asked.
"When you leave... are you going to... uh, sleep with other women?" Marian asked.
Morvran froze, "What?"
"I just, I understand why you might, but I just don't want you to-" Morvran cut her off by kissing her.
"Marian, I don't want anybody else but you," Morvran pulled away to look her straight in the eyes, "How many times am I going to have to say this before you believe me, I love you, Marian."
Two months later...
Morvran had been gone for what felt like an eternity. Marian's nightmares persisted, though now she was able to visit Ciri far more often. She would portal to Kear Morhen nearly every day. She was there so often that Geralt had offered her some pointers when Ciri was off reading with Vesimir. Even Lambert had begun to be less prickly around the girl.
"Something on your mind kid?" Geralt asked.
Marian sighed, "What isn't?" Geralt raised an eyebrow and she sighed. "Morvran hasn't come back yet."
Geralt nodded, "Well, he is a soldier, and there is a war."
"I know, I just-" Marian stopped, "He should've been back by now."
Geralt chuckled, "So you mean... Nilfgaard had been expecting to win by now?"
Marian rolled her eyes, "Clearly." She paused, "My dreams are getting more frequent, more detailed."
Geralt nodded, "If the Wild Hunt comes here they'll have to get through all of us first. It wouldn't be smart to attack a Witcher's fortress in the dead of winter."
"Maybe, but I think we can agree these aren't conventional foes."
Geralt nodded, "You know... I've been thinking..."
"Well that can't be good," Marian said.
Geralt sent her a mock-glare and continued, "Why isn't the Wild Hunt after you too?"
"Ciri is stronger than I am, she has unbridled power that they can use. I am highly trained, I have more control, it makes me more dangerous than helpful." She paused, "Though I'm sure if given the chance they wouldn't turn down a chance to take me... but they wouldn't actively seek me out."
Geralt nodded, "Still, just be careful alright?"
Marian smiled, "Is that concern I hear?"
They both heard a door slam somewhere in the castle and looked around.
Geralt sighed, "Your sister has been in a terrible mood for the past three days, can you go talk to her?"
"Why's she in a bad mood?"
"Well... she started... bleeding a few days ago and-"
"Ohh, okay. Yeah, I'll talk to her."
"Thanks, kid."
Marian nodded before walking towards where she heard the door being slammed, Ciri's room. Once she got there she knocked on the door, "Go away Vesimir! I don't want to learn about stupid herbs!"
"Good thing I'm not Vesimir then," Marian said. She heard scuttling around in the room an then the door opened.
"Marian!" Ciri exclaimed. Marian looked her over, she was wearing a dress, the last time Marian saw Ciri in a dress was the day their mother died. Marian pushed those thoughts aside. "When did you get here?" Ciri asked.
Marian shrugged, "About 20 minutes ago. I was talking with Geralt, he said something's up with you."
Ciri looked down, "I started bleeding a few days ago."
Marian smiled and placed a hand on Ciri's shoulder, "So what's the problem?"
Ciri stared at Marian, "You can't be serious. The problem is I can't fight when I'm wearing a dress!"
"So then why are you wearing a dress?" Marian asked.
Ciri stared at her incredulously again, "Because I'm bleeding!"
Marian sighed, "So neither Vesimir or Geralt have gotten you anything to help with this?" Ciri shook her head. "Men," Marian scoffed. "There's this thing we have in Nilfgaard, basically you just kind of shove it up there and it absorbs the blood before it comes out, so you can wear and do whatever you want. I'll bring you some tomorrow."
Ciri nodded, "Thanks, Marian!" She hugged her older sister.
Marian pulled away, "I should be getting back, but I'll bring some things for you tomorrow."
"Marian wait!" Ciri exclaimed.
Marian looked at Ciri with confusion, "What is it?"
"I..." Ciri looked down shyly, "I wanted to ask you about our mother."
Marian smiled softly, "What about her?"
"How did she die? I've asked, but no one here seems to really know."
Marian sighed and sat on the edge of Ciri's bed, she motioned for Ciri to sit as well. "Our mother was a very kind woman, she loved us both, but you were her favourite. Her Ciri..." Marian paused. "We were in Cintra, and I had a dream, about what was going to happen. Mother didn't think much of them, she always just said they were nightmares, but father, he understood. He wanted us to get on a boat that night, but it was a stormy night. It was pouring and the waves were the largest I'd ever seen. Mother didn't want to risk sailing. They were arguing about it above deck when a massive wave came and flipped the boat onto its side. We began to sink. Mother flew overboard, and I had come up to see what was going on. Father saw me and managed to grab me before the next wave, but we were both tossed off. Mother drowned, we washed up right next to her body. We didn't know about you until a few days later when I dreamed that a pirate had picked you up and taken you to Ard Skellig."
Ciri was silent for a few moments, "I'm sorry." Her eyes were welling with tears.
"It's alright Zirael," Marian said.
Ciri's head shot up, "Zirael? How'd you know to call me that?"
"Mother always used to call you that," Marian told her.
"But I thought I made that up myself," Ciri said.
Marian shrugged, "Maybe you remember some part of her after all."