AN: So, I initially had no intentions of sharing this here but considering yesterday's update of The Man Who Sold the World was so short I decided to give you a little something extra... unless you follow me on Tumblr, then you may have already read this. If you would like to check out some other stuff that more than likely won't be making its way here to FF head on over to my Tumblr ( cedfiafics . tumblr . com )

This story comes to you because Suiren Shinju drew a beautiful sketch of Sofia and Cedric sharing a dance at a masquerade ball (the cover image, used with her permission of course) and I felt so inspired by it I wrote this to accompany it. You can check out her art on Tumblr, ( suirenshinju . tumblr . com ) and give her a follow as well!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this short little piece! Please let me know what you think!

Sofia was quite fond of parties but her favorite by far was her sister's annual masquerade ball. Held on All Hallow's Eve, it had become the party she most looked forward to each and every year. There was just something about the anonymity of it all; mysterious and intriguing figures sharing in a night of frivolity and indulgence. It was all rather thrilling in a way she was seldom able to experience and she relished in it.

When the guests began to arrive to the invitation only soirée, Sofia was aflutter with excitement. The dimly lit ballroom filled to the brim with costumed dignitaries from around the globe and although she was aware she likely knew every person in attendance there was still an air of ambiguity surrounding them. Rather than try to determine their identities she chose to embrace the spirit of masquerade and remain unwitting about those around her. As the evening turned into night it became easier to forget that she was already well acquainted with most of these individuals. Atmosphere and a touch too much champagne had left her with the sense that she was lost in a sea of unfamiliar souls and she was quite ready to be enveloped by it. That was when she saw him.

At first glance he appeared to be part of the elegantly eerie décor, a dark silhouette standing amongst the muted colors adorning the other guests. He was dressed all in black and wearing a beaked mask which gave him a very corvid-like appearance. There was something familiar about him though that could certainly be said for every person at the ball. Then he locked eyes with her and held his hand out in her direction and the air seemed to leave the room. His gaze pierced through her at the distance they stood and it was as though his eyes were speaking to her.

"Finally, I've found you."

She noticed herself approaching him without the conscious thought to do so, drawn to him in a way she had only ever been drawn to one other man. Her hand slipped all too willingly into his and without the slightest semblance of hesitation he began to direct her in a waltz. She noted immediately that his footwork was exceptional and clearly that of a seasoned dancer. She had never shared a dance with a partner like him before. He was almost domineering in the way he led her, dipping and twirling her unexpectedly just to pull her back against him closer than before.

Such conduct would typically turn her away but she found herself absolutely enthralled in this man, exhilarated at the way he commanded her entire form with such little effort. She felt flashes of want... need... desire...

She knew she must learn his identity.

As their dance continued she began trying desperately to examine the face behind the mask but the champagne she had consumed gave her vision a somewhat bleary and dream-like quality. She didn't trust her own eyes to tell her who this enigmatic man was so she turned to her knowledge of those in attendance. She knew every person in the room, surely she would be able to determine the man's identity. She just needed enough time to suss him out.

But just as swiftly as it had begun, the waltz ended. He bowed to her, gifted her hand with a delicate kiss and turned to walk away leaving her standing motionless and in awe. She watched for a moment as he continued away from her before it occurred to her to follow him. Her feet shifted into motion, following him through the crowd of masked faces in an effort to catch him and demand to know who he was.

Regretfully he began to slip from her sight as he weaved gracefully through the swarm of costumed figures. She tried to use her petite stature to her advantage as she bobbed through the mob of people but she was weighed down heavily by the ornate yet cumbersome ensemble she wore. The feathery swan gown she had earlier been so fond of was now hindering her terribly.

At last she managed to break through the circus of party-goers in enough time to see the dark figure she sought exit the ballroom. She kicked her heeled feet into a sprint, throwing open the doors to dash into the hall but the only thing her eyes caught was the faint remnants of a plume of smoke and a solitary black feather floating to the floor.

AN #2: I'm trying really, really hard not to add onto this. Just saying... X|