
Attacking Hunter fleet, 12 ships strong.

"Good job bud!", said Hiccup as he and Toothless had Viggo cornered on his ship, the winds blowing the smoke from the flames to Berk, which was about 50 meters west.

Hiccup had drawn Inferno, while Toothless watched their downed enemy with furious eyes, Viggo had been cut across the back, incapacitating him while keeping him alive, and had suffered a cracked rib thanks to a tail swipe from Toothless.

Viggo was in pain, but he wouldn't let Hiccup see that, he had an image to uphold, as a cold and calculating villian.

"Now, Viggo. We're taking you to prison. The we'll deal with you later", said Hiccup, earning a laugh from Viggo.

"Well, Hiccup. How can you deal with me, when you're too busy dealing with the Night Fury?", instantly an arrow tipped with green liquid shot out of the wall and into Toothless.

Hiccup thought it was "Dragon root? How would he fight us?", Viggo responded, "Au contraire, it is Green Oleander, corrupts the mind of a dragon, inspiring it to attack nearby villages and towns".

Hiccup's eyes widened, but before he could act, Toothless had turned and flown to the nearby Berk, already shooting Plasma balls and crushing the Market, which had set up for trade.

"Come on, Hiccup? Did you really think I wouldn't have back up plan for my back up plan?", asked Viggo, who was now chuckling like the madman he truly is.

Hiccup groaned, as the rest of the riders landed behind him, "HICCUP! WHY IS TOOTHLESS ATTACKING BERK!?", yelled a worried yet furious Astrid.

Hiccup kicked Viggo in the face, knocking him out cold, "Astrid, take me to the Forge. I need to grab something".


"RUN!", the village square was in chaos, several houses were burning or destroyed, the locals were attempting to subdue the raging Toothless but were failing, miserably.

Toothless spun around, swiping Spitelout's chest with his tail, which sent the viking flying backwards, while Stoick tried to knock out the Night Fury, before receiving a claw swipe, incapacitating him instead.

Toothless continued rampaging shrugging off the weak human punches sent at him, his attention was drawn to the dragon riders, who began attacking Toothless from the air, but their shots did little to the unholy offspring of lightning and death, who returned fire with his unlimited shot count of Plasma Balls.

Toothless noted that Stormfly and Astrid were not among those in the sky, but he couldn't think about it for long, when a huge metallic hand crashed into his head, sending the black beast flying into another house and onto a cart of fish.

The Night Fury shook its head, looking through the shattered house as a huge suit of metal armor (Picture a silver version of the Hulkbuster armor, made out of gronkle and Dragon Proof iron).

The mask was open, revealing the face of a sad, yet determined Hiccup Haddock The Third, "Sorry bud", he whispered before the mask closed and he got into a fighting stance.

5 minutes earlier

Stormfly landed behind the forge, Hiccup and Astrid jumping off and running inside the weapons forgery.

The battle raged outside, while inside, Hiccup tore apart a pile of old boxes, barrels, swords, everything, while looking for something.

"Got it!", he shouted happily, looking at a huge wooden rounded casket on wheels, "Uh, what is 'it'? Exactly?", asked a curious Astrid.

Hiccup chuckled, "You'll see, an old design, back from my days on Berk, before Dragon's edge", Hiccup quickly wheeled it out back, with Astrid following.

Our hero stopped, before pulling a switch on the casket, in which a platform and complicated mechanisms popped out, almost like a deconstructed suit of "Armor", whispered Astrid, tot which Hiccup nodded while putting on a pair of fingerless gloves, "I made it about a year after the fight with the Red Death, based off plans I had when I was about 13, but I added some modification. It can shoot and ignite Zippleback gas along with having 2 gronckle iron flaming blades. Not to mention a special left leg connection for my prosthetic. Oh, can't forget the deployable gronckle iron shield. It stands about 10 feet tall and can be put on in seconds", as if to prove his point, Hiccup jumped onto the platform, metal legs encasing his own, he held his arms out to the side,his fingers gripping a metal ring, before pulling which caused metal arms to encase his much shorter ones.

He made a fist, his fingers pulling the rings which pulled the fingers on the end of the arm.

The back and chest pieces were next, swinging into his chest and clipping with each other before the helmet was put on his face.

The platform seemed to close, allowing the true length of the armor legs to show, Hiccup inhaled before stepping forward, stumbling a little with the first couple steps, but managing to stabilise.

Astrid's jaw was hitting the ground as the lumbering giant suit was moving forward, Hiccup turned his head, the helmet turning with him, then tested the hands, his fingers clenching with the metal rings, which clenched the metal fist.

He then moved his legs, making sure everything was calibrated, "Alright, let's go", and with that he began lumbering to the town square.


"Alright! EVERYONE STAND DOWN!", yelled Hiccup, watching as Toothless got back up, and he got into a battle position.

Toothless got onto his legs, roaring with anger while looking directly at Hiccup, "Toothless! Snap out of it bud!", pleads Hiccup, "You're more powerful than that stupid flower, you are Toothless", the Night Fury responds with an ear shattering roar.

Hiccup tenses, "Right, don't mention th-", he was interrupted when Toothless flung a cart at Hiccup, who caught it before the Night Fury charged through, knocking Hiccup and his suit of armor back to the forge, crushing the front wall.

Hiccup quickly got up, managing to block a paw smash from Toothless, which startled the beast, albeit momentarily, allowing Hiccup to get a powerful punch into his face.

Toothless jumps back, before roaring and firing off 2 plasma blasts, which impact the armor suit and do little damage.

Hiccup now returns with his own weapons, lifting out his hand, a small chamber in the arm fills with gas, before being pumped out and ignited, blowing Toothless back even more.

In the air

The riders are hovering about 50 feet above the town square, watching the battle going on below.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. The Twig made a suit of armor that just 'popped out' and is now fighting Toothless?!", asked a bewildered Snotlout, eyes widened at the fight below them.

The Twins, on the other hand, were watching it like the latest gladiatorial battle (It kind of was one), and relishing in the destruction, "Oh, sister. It would seem Loki has come at last", yelled a delighted Tuffnut.

"Yes Brother, it would seem so!", replied Ruffnut, "Imagine the destruction we could cause with a suit like that!".

Astrid internally sighed, she doubted that Hiccup would willingly give up the design of the suit, but the Twins had their ways.

Astrid shook her head, turning her attention down to the ultimate fight between nature and technology.

Hiccup charged forward, countering the attack Toothless had sent at him, while simultaneously attempting to hold the Night Fury's jaw closed.

"C'mon Toothless! Give me something to work with here, a call, a lick, maybe cute eyes? Anything", shouted Hiccup as he continued wrestling with his friend.

The 2 titans pushed against each other, trying to force the other one down, Toothless roaring while Hiccup stayed silent.

But, the Night Fury is regarded as one of the smartest of all dragons, and that fact began to show.

Toothless, while still pushing, jumped left which caused Hiccup to fall forward and into the ground, while Toothless took his chance.

The Night Fury jumped on Hiccup's back, using his claws and jaws to begin tearing away armor plates while Hiccup was pinned down.

Toothless then began attacking the right arm, tearing the limb off of the armor and throwing it to the side, "Really, taking my arm? Dick move, Toothless", said Hiccup who used his left arm to punch his friend across the face, sending the dragon reeling, so Hiccup could stagger back to his feet.

Hiccup got up, pulling his fleshy right arm into the suit of armor, with a gronckle iron flap covering the now exposed shoulder hole.

Toothless charged again, but Hiccup dodged left and tripped his friend, before getting on top of him and using his remaining arm to repeatedly punch Toothless's face, "Go to sleep,Go to sleep, Go to sleep, Go to sleep, Go to sleep, Go to sleep, Go to sl-", Hiccup was interrupted when Toothless grabbed his metal fist in his jaw, glaring at the viking boy.

"Sorry", muttered a wide eyed Hiccup before being thrown into another house, crashing through the wall, scaring the life out of the Berkians hiding inside.

Hiccup lay on the ground for 30 seconds, Astrid and her friends fearing the worst, before he finally got back up, shaking some of the dust off of him, before walking back outside.

"Alright bud, time to end this!", Hiccup flicked his left wrist up, causing long streams of Zippleback gas to spew out of his metal palm.

The gas quickly hit the ground before spreading out, covering several feet every second, and enraging the maddened Toothless more.

Toothless charged forward, but was cut short by Hiccup.

Our hero snapped his metallic fingers, the sparks igniting the zippleback gas, which subsequently caused the town square to erupt in a massive mess of smoke and flames, torching everything there.

Toothless and Hiccup roared in pain as the flames of the blast worked their way through Hiccup's armor, burning some parts of his skin.

Toothless was having the same reaction, the arrow embedded in him burning away before the wound cauterized.

The riders above had to fly even farther up in order to avoid the fireball that was the town square.

The fireball continued, smoke engulfing the rest of the village as the locals hid in their houses or under debris.

The blast finally ended after 5 seconds of skin melting inferno, the smoke hanging in the air as the Berkians came out of hiding.

Toothless also got up, the flower finally out of his system, and he began looking around the destroyed village known as Berk, remorse in his eyes as he scanned the destruction he caused.

The Night Fury warbled sadly, preparing to try and walk forward, when a metallic object struck his head, and everything went black.