
Footfalls pattered against the sand as his leaden, spindly legs dragged him towards the dock, freezing in place, the brisk breeze caressed his sore body and strands of waving hair while the wind buffeted in his ears. His heavy, slanted eyes locked on the red curled up wolf on the end of the structure.

The setting sun illuminated the contours of the wolf's frail body.
It cast his shadow down the dock.

Failing to call out to him, Infinite fixated on the wolf.
His stomach fluttered while bile built within his distorted gut.
His breaths accelerated.
His feet anchored.

Inhaling and holding it. His body and fogged mind relaxed. His legs carried him forward.

Infinite's boots rapped against the creaking planks as the waves thrashed against the support beams. He ceased his motions, sitting next to the wolf, Infinite rested his blistering, wavering arms behind him for support.

The wolf winced, covering his marred face with his quivering, bruised paws.
Each cut oozed crimson along his messy fur: piercing Infinite's clipped, sunken heart.

Those jerks.

"It's okay." Infinite head throbbed, he slid the back of his hand against his furrowed forehead, smearing the bitting blood and searing sweat. His sluggish, scorching breaths crawled out of his tight, aching chest. "They're gone." His dry mouth hung.

Peeking through the cracks of his fingers, the wolf's golden as the sun eyes glistened with pain while they met with Infinite's.

They stared at one another for a moment.

"Are you okay?" Infinite faced away, he'd glance at the wolf at times.

The wolf nodded, the side of his lip curled up, dimpling his marred cheek.

"Does...that happen often?" Infinite spat out the torrent of warm, welling iron.
He wiped his lip as he stared where the sky met the sea.

Nodding again, the wolf rested his palms on his lap. He leaned forward as his head hanged and his shoulders dropped.

Infinite crossed his arms, he upturned his nose and shut his eyes.
"Then I'll stop them." He grinned, peeking at the wolf.

The wolf's brows parted as his eyes rounded; the sun gleamed off of them.
His raising ears and blissful smile filled Infinite's heart with joy and giddiness.
He smudged the welled tears on the edge of his eye.

"So..." Infinite turned to him. "What's your name?" He tilted his head to the side.

Moving his quivering hands in odd gestures before suspending them by his chest, the wolf placed his palm on his chin. He halfway faced the beach and pointed at it and beckoned Infinite to follow.


Infinite stood, offering the wolf a hand up.

The wolf wrapped his hand around Infinite's as he heaved him up.

Dragging his laden, dull feet, Infinite's heavy pants crept from his crumbling lungs.

The perky wolf bolted to the end of the dock, standing by the sand and wagging his tail.
When Infinite trekked to him, the wolf knelt, trailing his finger in the sand and spelling:


"That's an awesome name."

Grooving the sand, Gadget spelled.

wat is yours

"The ultimate mercenary." Infinite crossed his arms, jutted his chest out, and raised his nose in the air.

Gadget blinked as his brows parted and mouth agape.
reel name

"That is!"

plese tell me. Gadget clutched his palms together. His chin quivered as his eyes glistened.

Infinite's slanted eyes skirted as his posture wilted. His ears pinned back as his tail tucked.
His clasped lips receded as potent, painful poignancy slaughter his joy.
A bitter, biting prick punctured his tightened chest.
He shrugged. "Doesn't matter."
He tuned out the thoughts.
Tensing up.

Gadget stared at him, his ears pinned back before his half-lidded eyes trailed away. He scrawled:

wat can i call you.

He faux a playful smile.


Gadget's playful expression returned. He kicked sand over his text and wrote:

thank you, infanite.

He stared at Infinite, his meek smile stretched and dimpled his cheeks. He stood up, setting his palms on his battered chest before he extended his wavering fist out.

Infinite's eyes rounded and brows parted. He stared at Gadget's hand before he edged his towards Gadget's, he recoiled back before he fist bumped.
He shut his eyes and toothily smiled.