I do not on The Originals or Legacies.

"So what exactly do you plan on saying at the meeting tonight?" asked Josie.

I shrugged.

"No idea, I was considering whether or not I should threaten them but I decided that threats only go so far. Besides, they are probably receiving enough threats from Klaus," I responded.

"You won't have to threaten the pack to get their help, Hope," said Henry.

"Well of course I won't. The pack is family. The witches and vampires, however, are not. They might need a little motivation."

"Didn't you say that your brother is the King of New Orleans? Can't Marcel force them to help look?" asked Kaleb.

"Yes, well, rumor has it that Marcel has lost a bit of power in New Orleans. A lot of the vampires don't appreciate his majesty leaving New Orleans for so long in order to be with my aunt Rebekah," I told them.

"Hope it's almost 8. We should probably head to the church now," said Penelope.

"Let's go."

As we stood outside the church my heart began to pound.

"Hope, you've got this. You're Hope fucking Mikaelson. Just march right in there and show them who's boss," said MG, who placed a hand on my shoulder.

I straightened up my posture.

"I don't know what's going to end up happening in there, so I want you guess to siphon some magic just in case. It is better to be safe than sorry," I told the twins as I held out a hand to both of them.

They nodded and quickly began siphoning my magic.

"Let's do this," I told my friends once the twins were finished.

As we walked into the church the muffled voices soon became louder and clearer.

"How is it that no one knows anything? My sources tell me that Hayley was moved here after being taken. Someone better start talking before I begin to rip your hearts from your chest," threatened Klaus.

"Maybe if you had some new threats then they would actually be afraid, Klaus," I smirked.

Klaus widen his eyes as I entered the church.

Sitting at the table was Vincent, Freya, Kellan, Marcel, Josh, Klaus, Lisina, some other members of the Crescent pack, and many vampires that I did not recognize.

"Hope? Wh-what the bloody hell are you doing here! Caroline and Alaric told me that you were back at school!" yelled Klaus, who was clearly agitated.

I snorted.

"Oh yes because a baby vamp and a human are going to be able to keep a tribrid trapped at school. Please don't tell me that you weren't actually stupid enough to think that Klaus," I asked sarcastically.

He visibly flinched at the sound of me using his name. Sorry buddy, but I stopped referring to you as my "dad" a long ass time ago.

"I'm sorry but who the hell are you?" asked one of the vampires. She had shoulder length curly brown hair with matching brown eyes and a thick accent.

"Oh, sorry! How rude of me, let me introduce myself. The name is Hope Marshall, but you guys probably know me as Hope Mikaelson," I replied, smugly.

The sound of my name resulted in many gasps from Marcel's vampires.

"Yes, yes, I know. It's all very shocking, the abomination has returned," I sarcastically said.

I turned and signaled my friends to move a little closer to me.

"However we have more pressing things to talk about. My mom is missing and someone here must know something," I told them.

At this point Klaus stomped over to me, but before he could grab my arm MG, Rafael, Henry, and Kaleb stepped in front of me. The Crescent pack also stood up from their seats, ready to protect one of their own. Quickly realizing that this situation could take a turn for the worse, I slipped pass the 4 teenage boys. While I do appreciate their attempts to protect me, they have absolutely no chance against Klaus. It would be a slaughter.

"How about we all just calm down," I suggested.

"You need to leave, Hope," demanded Klaus.


"I swear to god, Hope, if you don't then-," I cut him off.

I giggled.

"Then you'll what? Ground me? I would love to see you try."

Klaus took a step forward and whispers began to fill my thoughts as now Klaus was within my grasp.

"Careful, Klaus. You wouldn't want to get too close now would you," I sneered at him.

Pushing past him I took the chair he was previously sitting in.

"Now back to business," I told the others.

Lisina gave me a quick glance before speaking.

"We've searched all over the bayou and the surrounding area. Abandoned warehouse, buildings, that sort. So far we have found nothing," she concluded.

Josie put a comforting hand on my shoulder as Lisina spoke.

"For a pack whose alpha is missing you lot don't seem very worried now do you?" questioned Klaus.

"How dare you! Of course we are worried about, Hayley!" gasped Lisina, who was clearly insulted by what Klaus said.

Klaus took a big step towards her, causing the whole pack to stand up once again.

Klaus laughed.

"Do you really think you lot can take me? A hybrid? I dare y-,"

"ENOUGH!" I hollered, pounding my fist against the wooden table, causing it to splinter.

"All of this bickering is getting us nowhere. So how about instead of insulting and sending threats at the people who are trying to find my mom you shut the hell up and listen! I do not question the packs loyalty one bit! Out of everyone in this room, the Crescent wolves are by far the most loyal to my mom and to I. They want her back just as much as I do!" I spat at him.

The whole room went silent.

The pack went back to their seats while Klaus stared at me with a pained expression on his face.

"Now what about you, Marcel? Did you guys find anything?"

"I've had my guys looking day and night for your mom," he told me.

"And?" I asked impatiently.


Groaning, I turned to face Vincent and the other witches.

"What about the witches?" I asked.

"We tasked our best locaters to try and track down Hayley. Nothing has come up so far," said Vincent.

"Or perhaps the witches are simply not trying hard enough," I snapped.

"We are doing everything we-"

"Yes well clearly that is not good enough now is it? If the witches are unable to track my mother down with a locator spell then that means she is most likely being cloaked."

"Yes, well-,"

"I want you to question every witch in and out of the quarter. Anyone who knows something or may know something I want to be brought directly to me. Same goes for the vampires and the werewolves. Is that clear?" I asked the room.

People simply nodded, clearly wanting to get out of this awkward situation between Klaus and I, and led their people out of the church. Leaving only me, Klaus, Freya, Kellan, and my friends. Freya, who was sitting farthest away from me next to Kellan, was looking at me in disbelief.

"Is there a problem, Freya?" I asked her.

"What happened to you?" she asked.

"What ever do you mean?"

"You've changed. You aren't the same sweet little girl I remember," she quietly said.

I sighed.

"Time goes on, people grow up, and people change. Get over it, Freya. Now that we are done I have somewhere to be so if you'd excuse my friends and I."

"Hope, wait!" shouted Klaus.

I sighed.


"Look I understand that you want to help search for your mom but it isn't safe for you here," he told me.

"You're right. It isn't. So how about you leave. Once you're gone I will have nothing to worry about," I hissed.

"It's not just me who is a threat to you. There are others who despise our family."

"Yes and whose fucking fault is that? I'm not going to fear for my life every time I walk outside. I'm not the same weak, pathetic little girl you left behind all those years ago. I'm older, stronger, and smarter. I don't need your protection. I don't need anyone's protection. So how about you back the hell off and let me do my thing before I make you back off!"

With that, I swiftly walked away with my friends following suit.

I hope you enjoy the chapter! Make sure to leave a review!