I do not own star wars the clone wars

"This is embarrassing," Cody said as she sat on a Bed in the med bay wrapped in an emergency blanket. At the request of the Jedi council she, and the other two who had also been changed, Waxer and boil, were being quarantined at the Jedi temple. She believed they were going to be kept in a quarantine room. That wasn't why Cody was embarrassed. She was embarrassed because under the emergency blanket she had no clothes on, and Threepod had insisted on giving her a medical exam and he almost succeeded, the only thing that stopped him was Obi-wan Kenobi pointing out that Cody, Waxer, and boil were going to a doctor and didn't need a medical exam prior too seeing a healer.

"It's not that bad sir," Waxer said cheerfully. Cody envied Waxer at times, no matter what happened he was always able to keep a smile on his face.

"Speak for yourself, I would rather be dead right now. I want to die that would be better than this" Boil said, Boil was the complete opposite of Waxer, it was hard to believe the two of them were best friends. but then again his best brother was a nutshell named Rex.

"Now, now boil, it's not that bad" Obi-wan said from his place at Threepod's desk where he was reading off a datapad. The three of them, Waxer, boil and Cody were all seated on one bed, all three of them wrapped up in emergency blankets and all three of them completely bare.

"With all due respect sir, it actually is pretty bad" Boil says

"Are we the only ones that this happened too?" Cody asked if she had no one but Boil and waxer too keep her company she was sure she'd go insane. She wouldn't wish this on any brother but having Rex or even Wolfe's company would be nice. She cared deeply for Waxer and boil but they didn't hold good conversations with anyone that wasn't each other or a little kid.

"No, Quite a few other Jedi reported this happening to their men, those men are also being sent to the same place you three are," Obi-wan says

"Might I Inquire who else will be with us?" Cody asks

"Let me see...Anakin reported Rex, Dogma, Tup, Jesse, Hardcase, Fives, Echo, and Kix, having changed. Plo Koon Reported Wolffe, Comet, Boost and Sinker, Sargent Hunter reported Wrecker and Tech, Fox, Gree and Bly were also reported" Obi-wan says

"That's…. Twenty of us" Cody says

"Well, It could of been more. I say the army's gotten off lucky" Waxer says

"Still what will happen too us" Boil questions

"If we find that whatever it is that change you won't change the others, then the council will work out what is too happen, But I assure you, no one will be reconditioned because of this" Obi-wan says as he stands up.

"Well that's good too know"

"The three of you should rest while you can, Threepod has set up a temporary med center in the mess so you can each take a different bed" Obi-wan says

"I'm not tired" Cody says

"That wasn't a suggestion Commander," Obi-wan says with a smile as Waxer and boil are both moving too a diffrent bed from Cody. "Get some rest."

"Yes Sir" Cody said laying back on the bed she watched Obi-wan leave.

"This quarantine is going too be hell" Boil says

"Quarantine! Karking Quarantine" Rex said pacing up and down the length of the Med. In the Med Bay with him was, Fives, Jesse, Kix, Echo, Fives, Dogma, Hardcase and Tup

"Calm down Cap'n. Pacing and complaining about it isn't going too change anything" Kix says

"Yeah. I'm kind of glad commander Tano had these dresses she could loan us" Tup says, each of them were in either a simple dress or Jedi Robes. Dogma was the only one in Robes.

"Doesn't make me feel any better" Rex says

"Just chill and sit down." Kix says

"How can I chill? I will be stuck with you lot for who knows how long" Rex says

"Hey!" Hardcase complained

"No offense HC but you are a handful to deal with" Jesse says

"I am not!" Hardcase say

"Yes you are" Everyone said

"Hey look on the bright side, we have boobs now!" Fives says

"How is that the Brightside!" Rex exclaimed

"I dont know how you cant see that. We're all hot as haran" Fives says

"Fives you have a few bolts lose up there. Having boobs is not a good thing. Were suppose too be men" Echo says

"You're no fun. Look we get to experience life from the other gender Point of veiw" Fives says

"The other Gender hurts" Tup says

"That my friend is Period cramps" Ahsoka says from the doorway

"I dont like it," Tup says "How do I stop it!"

"Come to the bathroom. I'll help you" Ahsoka says Tup follows her too the bathroom

"What's a period?" Hardcase says

"A menstrual cycle," Kix says

"Cool what's that" Hardcase says

"Basically once a month wemon bleed from their, uh, areas and well, That's gonna happen to us now to" Kix says

"Not cool" Hardcase says

"So not cool" Jesse says

"This is going to be hell" Rex says

"I can't believe we have to be fucking quarantined… Aghhhhh I hate quarentine" Bad batch clone trooper Wrecker said

"Calm down wrecker," Tech says

"I say this is reason to be upset we're with a bunch of regs" Crosshair says

"We can't let that get us down yet" Tech says

"Tech do you know who all we're going to be with" Hunter says as he is flying their ship too corscaunt

"Cody sent me a list, he just got too quarantine, we're the last to be arriving apparently so that's that. But i mean what did he expected we were all the way in-"

"Just read the list Tech" Hunter says

"Yes Sarge, so according to Cody, the list of quarantines are. From the 212th, Cody, Waxer and Boil. From the 501st, Captian Rex, Jesse, Fives, Echo, Kix, Tup, Dogma, and that crazy guy Hardcase-"

"Great the canon flyer is with us" Crosshair says

"Crosshair dont interrupt him. Tech continue" Hunter says

"From the 104th, Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet and Sinker. I'm just gonna stop saying legions. The others are Commander Bly, Commander Gree, Woodchuck, scardy cat Grace, Coffee, Commander Fox, and about ten shinies from varies legions" Tech says

"Wonderful. What are their names" Hunter says

"They dont have names yet" Tech says

"Well we will have to fix that won't we" Crosshair says

"Get ready men, we're landing now" Hunter says

"Wouldnt the term actually be 'ladies' now" Crosshair says

"I'm good with men" Wrecker says

"Yeah no argument from me" Tech says as they land

"Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech. It is about time you arivived" General Mace Windu says meeting them at their ship, he offered each of them some Jedi robes "Put these on quickly"

"Yes sir, you heard him girls" Hunter says

"Can we not take Crosshair's suggestion?" Tech says slipping the robes on

"Come along men," Windu said once they emerged from the ship, he lead them down the halls of the Jedi Temple and into a huge room that had beds and some entertainment area's set up in it "This is where you will be staying. The healers will be in too see you soon" General windu then turned around and left

"Welcome too hell my freinds" Wolffe says

"Yeah…. This is going too be hell" Wrecker says laying down on a bed.