AN: This idea is a bit different from some of the others I have written, but I love the idea of Aubrey taking care of Stacie. It started off as a small idea and then became this strange, somewhat AU story that digs deeper into Stacie's background. It technically strays from canon, but the great thing about Pitch Perfect is that we know so little about the background of the characters that there is more freedom to play around with them. I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1

Stacie beamed with happiness as she and Aubrey stood in line to get into the venue for the concert. It was Friday night and had been a week since she last saw her girlfriend. Things for Aubrey were hectic since she decided to take over as the owner of the Lodge at Fallen Leaves. After graduating and moving on from the Bellas, Aubrey worked in a corporate office in Atlanta as a management consultant. The position paid well and allowed her to stay close to Stacie while the leggy brunette continued on at Barden. While they did their best to keep their feelings for each other at bay Stacie's freshman year, mainly due to Aubrey's insistence that it would be improper for a captain to take advantage of the situation, things changed the night the Bellas won the ICCA Championship. That was the first time Aubrey truly let loose and after a few drinks at the after party Amy insisted the Bellas have to celebrate the win, the blonde let herself indulge in the feelings she had for Stacie. They ended up in bed and had been together ever since.

The first year of their relationship was a bit of a cat and mouse game as neither was ready to admit how committed they were to the other. Instead, they acted as if the relationship was casual, even though neither had any interest of sleeping with anyone else. They also kept it a secret from their friends until Chloe noticed the way the two acted around each other when she invited Aubrey to the End of School Bash the Bellas threw to celebrate their second ICCA Championship. One of the Trebles was flirting with Stacie and while Aubrey tried her best to not show it affected her, her best friend noticed. After Chloe pulled her into a room to question her about her feelings for Stacie, Aubrey revealed their relationship. She was surprised when Chloe admitted she already knew something was going on. Beca had found one of Aubrey's favorite shirts in Stacie's room and talked to Chloe about it. Beca and Chloe got together during Beca's sophomore year and were amused at the idea that their best friends may be together as well.

After that night, Stacie and Aubrey told the rest of the Bellas and made it official. Ever since then, they had been inseparable and even after Aubrey was asked to take over the Lodge at Fallen Leaves, the couple made it work. Stacie spent most of the summer there and when school started back up, Aubrey spent most weekends with Stacie. She kept her apartment in Atlanta just so they could have a place to themselves, especially since there was no privacy in the Bella House. The couple couldn't be happier together and even though Aubrey was busy finalizing plans to own the resort that she'd fallen in love with over the years, she always made time for Stacie. Aubrey kissed the top of her girlfriend's hand as they entered the venue and found a table to the side of the stage.

"I didn't get a chance to listen to much of the album. I was on a call with Peter on the drive in, but I heard a couple of songs and see why you like him so much," informed Aubrey as they looked over the drink menu.

"Troye Sivan is amazing. Thank you for getting us tickets, Bree."

"Only the best for you, besides, I want this weekend to be special. I am sorry I haven't been around as much." Stacie laced their fingers together and tenderly kissed her.

"Hey, I get it. You have a lot on your plate right now and I am so happy for you. The lodge is finally about to be yours. You are the only one that saw its potential and were willing to fight for it to be renovated and rebranded. It has been yours since the first summer you took over."

"That was a pretty fun summer. Long days, but definitely worth it thanks to you and our long nights." Stacie winked at her.

"I am going to get us some drinks. Wine or are you feeling adventurous tonight?"

"One glass of wine will be plenty. I plan on taking advantage of having my sexy girlfriend all to myself this weekend and don't want to be hungover." She gasped when Stacie's hand slid onto her thigh.

"The Hunter is looking forward to it," teased Stacie before heading for the bar. Aubrey took in a shaky breath to steady her racing heart as she watched Stacie saunter away. She noticed several men watching her girlfriend and rolled her eyes. At first, it bothered her how much attention Stacie got and how often people flirted with her, but after a few months…and a talk from Stacie…Aubrey realized that her girlfriend only had eyes for her and she had no reason to be jealous. She replied to a text message from Chloe before putting her phone on silent. She looked around the stage and at the crowd gathering in front of it. It was a small venue, but would be a packed house. She frowned when she saw a man on the opposite side of the bar approaching Stacie and thought he looked vaguely familiar. He was tall, had a strong build, and dark hair.

Stacie laughed as the woman behind the bar handed her the drinks she ordered.

"Thanks and keep the change," said Stacie with a wink and the bartender gave her a playful wink back.

"Your girlfriend is a lucky woman," teased the bartender as she took the cash and headed over to another customer.

"Always the flirt," called a voice behind her and she rolled her eyes as she turned to see the man she had a feeling would eventually show up.

"Dom, what are you doing here?"

"I was in the area," he said with a coy smile as he sat down at the bar.

"This is stalking."

"This is me doing my job." She gritted her teeth.

"Your job is stay away until you are needed, not follow me on dates with my girlfriend. How did you even know I was here? My parents agreed to compromise. You stay in Atlanta, but no constant lurking in the shadows. That was the deal. I am not a child anymore and don't need your protection," she informed as she turned to head back to her table.

"My job is to keep you safe."

"And yet here you are, coming up to me while I am trying to enjoy my time with Bree. You sure this is about security and not about something else," she challenged and he smirked as he stood up to straighten his jacket.

"A hate group has moved into the area. Atlanta has always been more accepting than a lot of Georgia, but there is a rally this weekend. Anyone that doesn't conform to the warped ideas of homogeneity this group has on their agenda is a target, so yes, I keep tabs on you, which is my job. And yes, when I realized you were coming to the concert, in a venue with subpar security, and only two viable exit points, I decided to attend. I came over because I didn't want you to think I was lurking. I am here because I need to be here to do my job. Is that alright with you, Anastacia," he challenged back as they glared at one another. Aubrey protectively wrapped her arm around Stacie's waist and eyed him suspiciously.

"I've seen you before, at the farmer's market a few times. Are you following my girlfriend," asked Aubrey and Stacie sighed.

"Bree, this is Dom. He works for my family. Dom, this is…"

"Aubrey Posen, daughter of General Trent Posen," stated Dom and Aubrey observed the way he was standing and how on guard he looked.

"You a marine, soldier," she questioned and he smiled.

"General Posen has taught you well, but the Marines were never my style."

"SEAL? Delta Force?" He winked at her.

"You ladies enjoy your evening. Stay alert tonight, Anastacia." Stacie shuddered at the use of her full name.

"Whatever you say, Dominic," quipped Stacie and she smirked when he shuddered as well. He walked away and Aubrey frowned in confusion as she followed Stacie back to their table.

"Okay, what the hell did I miss? Who is that guy?" Stacie sighed and handed her a glass of wine as they sat down.

"Dom is my bodyguard," she confessed and Aubrey's eyes widened.

"Your bodyguard? Why am I just now finding out about him? How long has he been here? Wait, are you in danger? What is…."

"Because I knew you would have a million questions. You know who my family is. It is just a precaution, an annoying one at that. He has been here since I started attending Barden, but usually stays at a distance. He lives in Atlanta, not too far, not too close. That was the deal, but apparently he is on high alert tonight because there is some stupid rally this weekend." Aubrey slowly nodded.

"Yea, my dad was actually warning me about that too. Ever since I told him about us, he has been concerned about all the hate crimes against people in the LGBTQ community in Georgia. Why didn't you tell me about Dom, though? We have been dating for almost three years and I am just now hearing about him?"

"Out of sight out of mind is supposed to be his specialty. I am sorry I didn't tell you about him, but I don't like to think about Dom, okay? It just reminds me that to my family, I am still just someone that needs to be protected."

"Do your brothers have bodyguards?"

"Yes, but it isn't the same. They actually don't hover unless they are out of the country."

"Maybe that is because their bodyguard isn't in love with them," suggested Aubrey before taking a gulp of her wine. Stacie's eyes widened.

"No, no, no, Dom and I are…."

"Have you slept with him?"

"Whoa, where did that even come from? You need to slow down," said Stacie as she grabbed Aubrey's glass and placed it back on the table.

"You didn't answer the question."

"I have known Dom since I was fourteen. Did I used to think he was hot? Yes, I mean look at him, but we have never been more. His loyalty is with my family, especially my father who talked my mother into getting me a bodyguard in the first place. It is a long and drawn out story and this is why I didn't mention him before. There is nothing going on between us. He stalks me for a living, not exactly my type. Besides, I happen to be in love with an amazing woman who has my heart." Aubrey smiled and kissed her before nodding.

"Okay, sorry for freaking out. It's just weird to not know so much about you still."

"How about this? We enjoy the concert and then when we get back to your place, you can ask me whatever you want," suggested Stacie and Aubrey happily nodded as the lights dimmed. The crowd began to cheer as the music started and Troye Sivan walked onstage. Stacie's eyes were glued to the stage as the musician began playing songs from his album, but Aubrey's mind wandered.

She knew that Stacie was an heiress and that her parents built Conrad Industries from the ground up before she was even born. She even knew about Stacie's family and how they saw her as the genius, which is why they were surprised by her decision to go to Barden and even more surprised when she became a Bella. She knew that Stacie preferred to downplay her intelligence, didn't like to talk about her status, and did everything she could to make people only see her as a college student that just happened to like to sing and study in a lab. Aubrey always knew Stacie was more than that. It was one of the things that attracted her, Stacie's longing to be normal. Stacie snapped her out of her thoughts and gave her a look. Aubrey giggled and grabbed her hand.

"Okay, okay, I am not obsessing over it. Come on let's see if we can get closer. I know you love this song," suggested Aubrey and Stacie grinned from ear to ear as Aubrey led her into the crowd to get closer to the stage. They made it toward the front and Aubrey wrapped her arms around Stacie from behind as Stacie began to sway her hips and sing along to the song. Aubrey peppered kisses on her neck and Stacie leaned into her.

"You know why I love this song, Bree? Because it reminds me of you. You are my happy little pill. It doesn't matter what is going on in my life. You are always there to make me smile," explained Stacie and Aubrey pulled her closer as they danced to the music. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of them as they enjoyed the concert.

Stacie moaned as she woke up the next morning in Aubrey's bed. Her body ached in the satisfying way it tended to after she had a long night of love making with her girlfriend, but instead of smiling, she frowned when she opened her eyes and didn't see Aubrey. She slowly sat up.

"Bree," she called and beamed with happiness when Aubrey walked in with a tray of food, wearing her favorite Barden shirt and a pair of Stacie's shorts.

"Those are mine," said Stacie with a smile that let Aubrey know she was happy to see her wearing them.

"You keep stealing my clothes, so it is only fair I get to steal yours," teased Aubrey as she placed the tray on the bed and crawled back into it.

"Morning, baby," whispered Stacie before kissing her.

"Morning, I was starving so I made us something to eat. Someone wore me out last night."

"Well, I figured we needed to make up for lost time. It has been a very long week without you and I am not going to see you at all next week or weekend," pouted Stacie.

"I know, but I promise to make it up to you and I will bring you back something from Colorado."

"Just bring me back you," said Stacie. She kissed her again before grabbing a piece of toast.

"So, Dom," started Aubrey and Stacie groaned.

"Really, you want to start our day like that?"

"You said you would tell me whatever I wanted to know after the concert, but then distracted me."

"Are you really complaining about having four orgasms last night?"

"Never, but now I want to know. I get why you have a bodyguard. It just makes me realize I don't know much about your family. I haven't met your brothers and only met your parents when they came to Atlanta for business and we had dinner with them. You talk to them on the phone all the time, but it just feels like you are hiding something from me. Dom kind of confirms that now."

"When I was a kid, I didn't really understand what the big deal was about my family. Dad made cool tech and mom studied brains. My brothers, the twins, were always overachievers in school, but apparently I was different. Things just came easily to me and I wanted to spend more time in the lab working on cool tech with my dad than out playing with my friends. I had a pretty easy childhood. I went to a private academy and had the best of things, but everything changed when I turned thirteen. My friend Lior and his family went on a trip to London and he and his parents were killed. I only knew his parents as my best friend's parents that let us eat junk food and watch Rated R movies, but to the world, they were brilliant inventors that could make tech to be weaponized and used to kill people."

"Wait, what were their names? Lior's parents?"

"Shmuel and Sapir, why do you ask?"

"I remember hearing about that. It really concerned my dad. He even ramped up security at our house afterwards."

"Yea, my parents did too. Up until then, I just thought my parents and Lior's parents did cool tech stuff, but I was a naïve little teenager that still only saw science as a way to discover more about the world. I didn't realize how many bad people out there would see it as a way to conquer, to kill, and their deaths made me realize that Conrad Industries wasn't just a cool lab I got to play around in. Just like Lior's parents weren't just successful inventors. My family and Lior's didn't work together, but they knew things about each other's work and it hit too close to home for my dad. They were such good people, but because someone thought they were a threat they killed them. They placed an explosive under their car and I lost my best friend because his parents helped the U.S. find weapons before they got into the hands of terrorists. Conrad Industries has never worked with the military and my parents focus on advancing technology in the medical field, but my dad didn't want to take the risk, so the next thing I know I had a bodyguard. I hated it and I managed to get the first couple fired. I would run off, act out, and I did it because I was hurting, but I rebelled. Then Dom came along and yes, I may have let him stick around at first because I had a crush on him."

"How old is he, anyways?"

"Thirty eight, but you of all people should know I like my partners to be older than me," she teased and Aubrey huffed.

"I am only three years older," reminded Aubrey.

"And yet you didn't even know Troye Sivan had a YouTube channel."

"Just because I am not obsessed with YouTube like you are doesn't make me old," pouted Aubrey and Stacie giggled as she crawled onto her lap to straddle her.

"Aw, my poor baby is offended," teased Stacie and Aubrey melted into her as Stacie sucked on the pulse point below her ear.

"No fair, using my spot against me," moaned Aubrey and Stacie cupped her breasts.

"Long story short, Dom became my bodyguard. I didn't want him to follow me to Barden, but my parents didn't give me a choice. He stays in Atlanta and doesn't hover unless it is deemed necessary. The rally made him think it was necessary. He is overprotective like that, but there is nothing between us. Now, stop worrying about him and start focusing on more orgasms." Aubrey moaned as Stacie pulled off her shirt.

"Yes ma'am," whispered Aubrey and Stacie gasped.

"You know I love it when you surrender to me." Aubrey smirked.

"I know," giggled Aubrey before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.

They spent the rest of the weekend exploring one another and making love, but neither of them wanted to stop. As Stacie dropped Aubrey off at the airport, her heart already began to ache for her.

"I already miss you and you aren't even gone yet," whined Stacie and Aubrey nodded before tenderly kissing her.

"I miss you too and I promise that when I get back, we will have more time together. I just need to knock this meeting out the park, get the last of the shareholders to relinquish their control over the lodge, and then it is officially mine. Wish me luck."

"Good luck and remember to breathe. We wouldn't want another viral puking video on our hands." Aubrey arched an eyebrow at her and Stacie tried not to laugh.

"Still too soon," teased Stacie and Aubrey smirked as she got out of the car, but Stacie could see the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"I will call you when I land."

"You better," said Stacie before getting out to help her with her luggage. Aubrey sweetly kissed her one more time and headed toward the terminal. Stacie stood there for a few minutes, secretly hoping Aubrey would need to come back for something, but she knew she was being ridiculous. She got into her car and sighed, already counting down the days until Aubrey returned.