What Could Go So Wrong

Disclaimer: I don't own Disney's Z-O-M-B-I-E-S

Thanks for giving this story a try if you like Disney's Descendants I have a Descendants story as well!

Seabrook was a perfectly pleasant place to live the only downside would be the unsightly wall built fifty years prior when an accident nearly resulted in a zombie apocalypse, luckily, they kept it from spreading past a certain part of town which has since been closed off and dubbed Zombietown.

As of just over twenty years ago, science found a better way to deal with the zombies trapped behind the wall, a device they call the Z-Band was created and placed on all the zombie's wrists thus making them no longer crave human brains as well as have their own minds return to them.

Still even after so many years it was rare to see a zombie outside of the wall, in the last ten years or so they started to hire them for the jobs that the people of Seabrook no longer wanted to do but for the most part the humans of Seabrook could pretty much say they never laid an eye on a zombie at least they hadn't close up.

The zombie patrol guarded the wall against any curious teenagers be they human or zombie from crossing as well as dealt with any zombies causing issues.

So, despite knowing about the zombies, seeing the wall, and once or twice a flash of green hair at a distance, it seemed like a completely different world than the one Addison lived it.

Addison's mother was the mayor of Seabrook and her father was the head of the zombie patrol, so they've warned her against zombies all her life. One had even taken a bite out of her grandfather a story that was told so often it kind of lost the scare factor it had once held.

Still, Addison had no reason not to believe everything they told her about them… well, there was one reason you see her parents didn't do well with things that were different.

And what could be more different than a zombie?

But she wasn't exactly normal herself…

Addison didn't remember a time where she didn't have to wear a wig to hide her unusual freakish hair, at first her parent's insistence that she wear one seemed like they were doing it for her benefit and true it had got her on the cheer squad a few months previous but for some reason hiding behind her mask of perfection was wearing on her.

That is probably why she decided to break the rules for once and be completely reckless in the process.

Earlier that week Addison overheard her dad discussion with Gus who was one of the zombie patrol members about zombie hotspots and the late-night parties they sometimes happen upon and bust up and hearing that sparked the idea.

She would go to one of the zombie parties where no one knew her and be free for just one night and get it all out of her system.

It was just a little past seven pm when a hooded girl approached the wall at just the right spot, she knew when and where the weakest points, perks of being the daughter of the chief of the zombie patrol she supposed.

"Okay calm down heart," She whispers to herself with one hand on her chest, "you can totally do this, it's nothing… you won't become a zombie's dinner, they don't eat people… anymore." She added a silent 'I hope' and proceeded to go in through the gate via a copy of Gus' gate key.

It was easier to get a copy of his key than to find dark clothes but she needed both to get in unnoticed as zombies supposedly only wore dark colored clothes.

Making sure to be quiet as well as lock the gate back behind her before slipping the key back into her pants pocket the girl looks around in awe, "So this is Zombietown… I've never seen anything like it…"

Even in the dark she could tell that the buildings were older than her part of town and it was not just due to the lack of recent paint jobs, it was the structures themselves, nothing in her part of town was built like this at least it wasn't any longer, was she getting a glimpse into the past by being here? That was an interesting thought, but she shook it off, there wasn't any time.

If Addison wanted to go a be an anonymous person at a zombie party she had to first find the zombie party.

With that thought she started to walk around looking through buildings that seemed abandoned, Addison nearly gave up after half an hour of searching until she sees a moving figure out of the corner or her eye, it was small.

It was a little kid? What was a kid doing out so late the teenager wondered to herself, so the human did the only thing she could do she followed the child who upon closer inspection appeared to be a little girl if the pigtails were any indication.

Addison followed her to an abandoned building she had already been at but this time the girl got on an elevator and went down, the human steeled her nerves while waiting long enough before trying the elevator for herself.

Part of her wondered why she was even doing this as she got on the elevator, her hood was up and covering her real hair because she didn't need to wear a wig here like she did at home but what was the point she couldn't show her real hair here either because zombies all had green hair, so she still had to cover it… so she was still hiding.

What made her think that this party was the answer she was looking for?

The elevator can to a stop and she held her breath while the doors opened.

Even if this wasn't the answer at least she was experiencing something new, something most humans could never claim to have experienced… not that she'll claim it either since she's in no hurry to be found out but-

Her inside rambling ceased as Addison took in the sight before her, it was… she didn't have a word for it.

Leaving the elevator, the girl makes sure her hood is still in place as she follows several zombie teens who didn't look as freaky as she'd been previously told into what must be the main area, there was music and dancing, it looked fun.

After observing for a bit, she decides to dance too, everything was going pretty good at first, she was getting into the music and the dancing which wasn't quite like the kind she was used to, but it was still enjoyable.

The music changes suddenly and instead of zombies dancing anywhere and everywhere they moved to allow specific ones to take the center and show off their mad dancing skills, Addison watched interestedly in the dancing that was now taking place.

That's when she first laid eyes on him, just like the other zombies he was pale with green hair but that wasn't what drew her to him. Actually, she wasn't sure what did, he was tall, cute, and really good at dancing but that wasn't it either.

All she knew was that she couldn't take her eyes off of him.

When the dance ended Addison had to force herself not to approach him, "He's a zombie… you can't like like a zombie." The girl very quietly whispers to herself, besides she never even talked to him no way was she crushing on someone that she'd never even spoken a word to before.

If this had been a school dance back home, she would've pushed back her slight feelings of shyness to at least go introduce herself, but this wasn't school… who was she kidding even if this was school she wouldn't do it because that would mean getting close to someone who might think she was a freak when they found out about her hair.

Sometimes being from a perfect place like Seabrook could really suck.

Having lost sight of him while in her own head the girl tries to salvage the rest of her night by getting back into her dancing grove and it almost works until, "Hey," a hand touches her shoulder causing her to quickly turn around and come face to chest with the person who she'd been watching dance just moments before.

Grabbing a hold of her hold she peers up slightly hoping the light will help hide her skin's color, Addison knew her skin was pale where she's from but compared to the zombies she might as well have a tan.

"Um, hi." She answers and inwardly grimaces, nice one Addie she tells herself.

Zed was a zombie and he had no problem with that though he did wish that he could get permission to leave Zombietown sometimes as he wanted to see the rest of Seabrook and not just the glimpses through the wall when the gate opened twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening.

Sadly only a few zombie workers were allowed to go past the wall, Zed knew very little about humans or what things were like outside of his small hometown but that's because the humans wanted them cut off.

Luckily his friend Eliza was smart when it came to tech and could hack their Z-Bands and get them access to things online that they otherwise wouldn't have had, like more music and video games.

The extra music especially came in handy when it came to things like Zombie Mashes, which had become a somewhat regular occurrence despite the strict curfew they were under due to them not having many ways to keep all the teenage zombies entertained outside of school.

Which by the way was a joke not that Zed was complaining at least not right now as he was at the fore mentioned Zombie Mash and he was about to do a dance number he'd been practicing.

Everything was going great, normal even just another awesome Zombie Mash when he caught sight of a girl watching him dance. A girl he'd never seen before, sure the hood she was wearing could've just made it harder to recognize her, but he didn't think so because even with the low lighting, her face stood out in his mind.

Zed was pretty sure he knew everybody in Zombietown and that wasn't him barging, it's just they were a small community and if he didn't know them by name which he most likely did he knew them by face.

And hers was a new face, but that wasn't possible.

After the dance was over and he chatted to Eliza and his other best friend Bonzo he let his eyes scan the crowd of dancing bodies until they landed on her.

He knew there was something different about her, a reason he didn't know her, and he was going to find out, so he approached her and tapped her shoulder causing her to whirl around.

"Hey," she grabbed the edge of her hood as if trying to hide, this wasn't a shy gestor she really was hiding something. "Um, hi." His eyes widen slightly as he gets a closer look at her face, he knew it was one he hadn't seen before from a distance but now he could say it without a doubt.

The zombie had never seen someone as pretty as this girl standing in front of him.

Zed knew he would've remembered a face like hers if he'd seen it even just once before.

He smiles, "I'm Zed." She returns the smile, "I'm Addison."

That name was not a zombie name.

It clicked then.

She wasn't a zombie.

She was hiding underneath a hood to hide her hair.

Addison was a human.

Author's Note: Please drop a review if you enjoyed it!