
By: Griffin

Copyright notice: All characters belong to their respective owners, all original characters and plot elements belong to me.

Note: Most of the Andromeda crew is current as far as about 3 months ago. Farscape crew is quite a bit older.

Author's Note: Sorry about the lengthy delay to all of the faithful readers.

Summary: A truce settles between the Alliance and the Coalition, but will it lead to peace?...


Dylan Hunt sat in a comfortable arm chair onboard the Andromeda Ascendant reviewing the most recent messages from Alliance High Command.

The Coalition was truly looking for peace, their fleets were standing down from combat positions all along the border and they were offering concessions that would allow the Alliance to maintain a powerful position against the remainder of the Coalition territories.

In the back of his mind Dylan smelled a trap, but the Alliance was too eager to cease the conflict, especially the Luxon and Ilanics who had been fighting the Scorvians for decades. The Independent Worlds wanted to restart trade with the Coalition and Confederation territories without the threat of armed conflict.

The Castilians and Mobian peoples were also tiring of sending their warships to another galaxy to fight an enemy they had never even seen and would likely never meet. Their leaders were complaining about the loss of material they had incurred and the danger they were open to because a good portion of their fleets were elsewhere.

The Sabra-Jaguar were eager to get their fleets back into position on their border with the Drago-Katsov, who were starting to realize that the Sabra- Jaguar were not really paying all of their attention to the dangerous Nietzschean Empire in their front yard.

John Crichton and his band wanted peace. Ka' Dargo wanted to return to the Luxon territories with Chiana and settle down amongst his people. Rygel wanted to return to the Hynerian territories and reclaim his throne from his usurper. John and Aeryn had requested permission to join the crew of the Andromeda and Dylan had accepted, though he had yet to decide what capacity they would serve at first

And deep down, Dylan wanted peace in this sector. He had been fighting the Coalition for months, losing battles and ships and people. He was tired of fighting, and he knew that if the Coalition and Alliance could form a peaceful settlement, it would not be soon that the two would be fighting. The Coalition would have their hands full with the Scarren Empire and the Alliance would be occupied rebuilding their colonies and expanding their internal trade networks between the Restored Commonwealth and the Alliance's members on this side of the Universe.

Dylan leaned back and frowned in thought as he poured himself a glass of brandy.

"To peace," he whispered.

* * * * * *

Magistrate Ivar Nirant smiled slightly as he sat back in his lush offices on Sebatia.

The peace talks with the Alliance were progressing better than he had hoped. The Alliance's negotiators seemed to want peace at almost any cost and they weren't pushing very hard for concessions further than what he had told his negotiators was the limit.

He had told his negotiators to allow the Alliance to maintain the current positions along the borders with the Hynerians and Peacekeepers in return for the Scorvian and Nebari systems. The Alliance negotiators had requested that Alliance be allowed to maintain at least one of the captured systems from each of the Coalition members for security and Ivar had reluctantly agreed.

With a truce in place with the Alliance, the Coalition had turned most of its military attention to the Scarren Empire, doubling the number of ships on the border between the two groups, evening the playing field significantly. The Scarrens were already starting to realize that the Coalition's attention was no longer divided and they were slowly their attacks and beginning to settle into more defensive positions, another positive occurrence for the Coalition.

And to top it all off, Operation Tunneler was well on its way to completion. Ivar knew that the Scarrens would be the first target of the operation's results and after that perhaps some exploring would be in order.

All in all Ivar was very happy with the way things were turning out and was very ready to relax some now that the conflicts were settling down...

* * * * * *

Well folks that's it for CommonScape :-) I hope you have all enjoyed what started out as a stray thought in one of my classes and turned it this.

For those of you that want some Andromeda-side action, keep an eye out for my upcoming story "Return to CommonScape" where John and Aeryn will see things on the other side of the looking glass.

I don't have a definite time frame for the first chapter, but I think that it will be before I go on vacation in April.

Thanks to all of the readers that continued to read this throughout last year and for all of the encouragement and input I have received from all of you.
