The Oddities of Life.

Chapter 3: Nearing The Paradise Called Hope.


Makoto and Junko enjoy their ride in the limo, watching some news articles and getting to know each other a little more.

Other classmates make their way to Hope's Peak.

And trouble starts bubbling.


"Is- There there something wrong with them?"

The doctor in front of her laughed, his small eyes bulging out of their sockets as if he was being squeezed. "No no Mrs Naegi, there's nothing wrong with them at all. They're just Late-Bloomers, that's all."

"Wait really?" She couldn't believe it, both of them were...

"Yep. It's pretty rare too for both siblings to be Late-Bloomers, as it usually means that both or one of the siblings have their Centric gifts. Two Late-Bloomers in this situation is very rare." He pointed to a nearby chart, which showed a diagram of a typical human's nervous system, which had a strange separate red blob attached to the spinal cord, as well as two smaller graphs with similar results. "See? Right next to the upper spine near the nape. They both have the Centric Gene fused to they're spinal colons and the nervous system, and according to the results they won't be active until a much later date, around a decade or so at most."

"So they'll both gain their abilities later than usual?"

"That is correct. Usually Centric's or even Late-Bloomers also have the denser bone mass regarding their skull, hands and feet. Surprised that they're immune system is fine..." He muttered the last part to himself. "And while this is the case I did notice something abnormal regarding you're son's right arm."


The doctors gave her a clipboard, which showed an x-ray of a set of arms. "They are much more... Concerning. The x-ray shows that his arms are much more fragile than they should be." He motioned her to take a closer look. That was when she saw a series of small black lines running throughout the bone of the right arm. There was also a graph showing a brain, and she couldn't see any abnormalities with it at all. "The upper arm seems to have suffered from a type of illness that made the density much more weaker, as well as causing minor fractures. The whole arm over all seems to be smaller as well. Tell me, has you're son showed signs of stress and/or pain when using his arm? Perhaps even functional problems?"

"N-No. He's always looked fine. I've never noticed anything different."

"I see... I'll have to do a further check up to see the cause. It could be illness, the lottery of genetics, or even one of those cases of 'Late-Bloomer Illness'."

She winced.

"...However I'm also pretty sure you know what this means."

She hesitated to answer.

The doctor sighed. "When they start to show signs of super powers they'll have to be kept a close eye on them just in case something happens. As I'm sure you're aware of the life expectancy of Late-Bloomers when the Centric gene activates, and, well before it even activates." He put down his clipboard, resting his head on his fists. "Did you here about the case in Indonesia? The 'Acid Girl'?"

She flinched.

"...Tragedy that was. Poor girl developed powers extremely potent acidic powers which developed in her stomach, but her body didn't quite develop at the same rate, so she just slowly melted painfully." The doctor looked at his monitor. "I know the chances of death during this period are quite low, the best being severe pain, but we still have to be careful."

"I know..."

"We don't know what Centric type they'll turn out to be just yet. If it's 'Species' we'll have to keep an extra eye on them because of such severe changes-" He paused. "Then again, it's good to keep an eye on them regardless. They might develop seemingly minor abilities but in reality are quite harmful."


"Mrs Naegi I know you love your kids, however please know that life expectancy of Late-Bloomers is low and you shouldn't be surprised if they died one day. However we will keep an eye on them and will give them constant medical help. I will schedule another appointment for your son's arm as well as the brain."

"The brain?"

"Yes, actually both of your children have something wrong with-"

"- As you can see behind me, Tiānlóng is finally making it's way past Oslo in Norway right now and it is an amazing site to behold, such a majectic beast-"

Junko, for a split second, looked interested at what was on TV, but as before lost interest and immediately switched channel, much to the open dismay of 'Bushy' and the less open dismay of Makoto. She only smirked at their expressions before focusing back on the TV.

It had been around twenty minutes since the drive started. At first, they all had some basic small talk, some introductions and the like. Then Junko got bored and turned on the TV, which Makoto didn't realise the limo had until one of the back panels for the bar had flipped to reveal a semi big flat plasma screen TV. Ever since then, they had all watched the channels in silence as Junko flipped through each one casually.

And at multiple points Makoto had tried to start up casual conversation again, to break the boring silence and maybe find out what Junko's ability was. But the words would die in his throat before he even opened his mouth, uncertainty and nervousness in his heart.

Was that mechanical hand actually apart of her ability?

Or was it something else?

"-The Towa Hero Department is under heavy fire after it was revealed that the leading directer Kuro Mitama was dealing in drugs and smuggling in weapons for various villain groups for reasons currently unknown. Meanwhile Towa Group itself rejoices as youngest sibling Monaca Towa was found recently after an incident involving a Centric, while she seems to be disoriented at most it appears that she will be fine after a-"


"-Japan rejoices as the leader of the terrorist cult 'Love Shines High! was caught later last night smuggling illegal weapons and 'Black Salt'. The leader will be executed in the near future and his body will be donated to the hero who caught him, The Botanist, who will use his body to help create a new fertiliser to start growing the food that was once globally banned years ago due to the scare which-"


"-Tensions are high right now in the Middle East, as the civil wars are bringing constant pressure on the country due to lack of resources, religious disagreements and the recent infected outbreak and there are no signs of it stopping anytime-"


"Mistress Junko..." 'Bushy spoke up. "Can you please stick with a channel please? I would like to know whats happening in other countries."


"-After researching and studying the ruins, no one can figure out what happened to England, which had disappeared from the world well over a year ago. Officials state that this may be the work of an unregistered God-"

"Nah, it's all boring."

Her response made him sigh. Clearly realising he wasn't going to win the argument, 'Bushy' went back to his bar to pour out some expensive whiskey (for himself).

"And now, we come to you today with a special morning report live from the main family home of the famous Togami Corp."


After a few seconds of skipping channels in succession, Junko had finally stopped onto another news channel, one that particularly caught their interest when the words 'Togami Corp' was mentioned.

"Remind me Makoto, wasn't Byakuya Togami a selected student in our class?" Junko asked with curiosity. Suddenly wincing she glared at her mechanical hand before she clicked her fingers with her normal hand, signalling for 'Bushy' to hand her a screw driver.

"Y-Yeah. He's supposed to be the Ultimate Affluent Progeny isn't he?"

She didn't say anything, she merely grunted as she started to unscrew a panel on her arm.

Makoto couldn't help but steal a glance at her arm, which showed complicated machinery of gears and frames and many, many wires all in different colours. It was certainly high tech, definitely something he could never afford in his life.

On screen showed a large mansion like building in white, surrounded by lush green gardens with a small portion as dense and as green as a jungle. However chatters of excitement and static were blaring from the TV speakers caused from the microphones catching heavy winds, as the camera refocused onto the front gate to the mansion, which showed over a dozen of servants and security desperately pushing back crowds of reporters and paparazzi.

But they were starting the break through.

"Excuse me, is it true that Byakuya Togami is actually intending Hope's Peak?"

"Is it safe for someone like him to be attending Hope's Peak in the first place? Will he be supervised?"

"Wasn't he supposed to join the-"


It felt like a proud beast was roaring at its rivals, a loud rumble so powerful it made the people wince and the camera shake. There was a man, massive in stature and size, a man with the head of a black bear and searing red eyes. He stood in front of the servants in his own black suit, snorting breathes of hot air through his mouth as he huffed.

One of the other servants, one with crimson hair and stiff, almost deformed hands, merely grinned as the bear man growled at the paparazzi.

"Master Byakuya is very busy right now, and will be very, very angry if he is bothered by any of you. So if you wish not to be hexed by him, I suggest that you all leave immediately."

"E-Excuse you!" A woman yelled. "I don't care if he is a Togami, he is not allowed to hex any civilians-"

"But he is allowed to on trespassers. Which all of you are."

Junko grinned, watching the TV excitedly and almost bouncing in her seat. Makoto couldn't help but chuckle nervously as he watched her bounce. "Do you... Like stuff like this?"

"This?" Junko repeated. "I always liked watching drama like this, it's always fun watching people getting into others personal lives and getting punished when they try prying too deep. Especially Togami business, do these people not learn? I mean, haven't you seen what happened to those robbers last month?"

Suddenly her expression changed into something frightful, her eyes almost seemed to darken as she laughed, her hair standing on ends like an anime character about to enter a powerful stage. "Fucking brutal man, even with my Centric ability I don't want to suffer from potential permanent paralysis and nasty boils for the rest of my life. Do I look like a fucking masochist to you?"

The expression, and sudden curses, made Makoto jump in surprise. This made 'Bushy' chuckle. "Do not worry Master Naegi, this is just another one of Junko's... Quirks. She doesn't like sticking to the same personality so she improvises to make things, in her own words, 'more interesting and less samey'."

"Fuck yeah! I'm gonna real honest to ya Big Mac, I usually do my job with the same purpose and the same dumb ass styles to appeal to the masses, and let me tell you it's a fuckin' drag doing the same shit everyday for the past couple of years." She stuck her tongue out, laughing all the while. "So I've decided, starting today, I'm stickin' true to myself. And Makoto's the very first person outside of my little gang to see it. Congratulations!"

"Th-Thank you?" Makoto was really confused and overwhelmed as to what was happening. This was... Really Junko Enoshima?

"No problemo!" Junko had a massive grin on her face. "So tell me my little friend, why don't you tell me about yourself? You seem to have..." She squinted at him, almost as if she was analysing him. "An annoying case of luck."

"Well, yeah. I am the Ultimate Lucky Student." Makoto quietly replied, still somewhat nervous that he was with THE Junko Enoshima and she was talking back to him like they were casual friends. And annoying case of luck? "But I wouldn't really call myself lucky in most situations. The only thing I really have going for me is I'm more gung-ho than others are."

"Why the fuck not? Do you have terrible luck usually or do do you have the type of luck that seems bad at first but actually turns out to be good later?" Before he could respond, she continued. "Like... You were hit in the head with a can like a fucking idiot but someone came up to you to return the wallet you dropped because they were able to catch up with you because of that can? Also 'gung-ho'? You don't sound that enthusiastic buddy." Suddenly her expression changed, this time changing from her disturbed face to a much more cutesy one. "That sounds reeeeal scary! You could probably cause the apocalypse with that type of luck. What a frightening power!"

"...I don't think my luck is like that at all." She definitely has some imagination that's for sure. "And that's not my Centric power..."

That got her attention. "Ohhh? Amazing! Possible reality shattering luck and another power? You really are lucky!"


"Oh man. Here too?"

Aoi Asahina was a relatively normal Centric that lived a, what was considered by many, less than normal life. Of course she had friends, a social life, went to a school that was catered to people like her, was going to become an upcoming Olympic cadet and had an abnormal love for all things donuts.

...Well, okay maybe the last ones was something unique to her.

But she was also a new student at Hope's Peak, entering as the Ultimate Swimming Pro. However due to some out of nowhere traffic and the fact that many of the water ways were down she now found herself stuck at an Aquatic Salt Watering Station just over half an hour from Hope's Peak. If it was just a ten or even fifteen minute walk she could walk there but it wasn't, plus the heat was definitely going to dry her out before getting there.

She swam in a circle in the station before popping her upper body out of the water. Thankfully each of the main stations had water proof tablets with access to the mapping of the Towa City transfer pipes, among other things.

"Um, excuse me?" Aoi called out to a passer by, a man in a business suit with a pyramid shaped head and a single large eye. "Do you know if the other Watering Stations on the way to Hope's Peak are working?"

"T̷̷̻͇̪̬̤̱̯̯ḩ̰̣͞ͅȩͅ ͏̸̦̜̫͈͘W̲͕̪͇͡a̴͖͍̞̩͕̼̩̕t̠e̜͎͖̘̘͡r̠̹͢ͅi̱͖͎͞n̛̻̗͉̩g̢͉̥͢ ̺͓͎͇S̶̰͕̜̜̜͖̪t̷̡̟̫̹̫̼̻a̛͓̦͔̬̼̩̣̹ͅt̡͕̬͍̗͇̰͜ͅį̳̥o͏̪̯̬̝̻͍͚̺̰͟n̲͙s҉̴̶̙̞̪̩̝͔̥͙̯?͙̻̜͎̰̯͝ ̧̧̗̘̼̹̟̤̯I̝̺̤̖̳͔'͞҉͖͕͙̱̬̦̦m̩ͅ ̤̻͓̠͟s҉̴͙̩̖̩͉͇̳ơ͙͓͝r̗͚̹̯̳͕͢r̵͚̳̱͓̙̮͡y̦̫̱ ̵̟̯̮͉͙̣̠̀͢d̫̪̲͖o̷̵̗͖̝͙̗l̰̀͠l̸̟͙ ̝̣̙̗̰b̷̞̭̞͍̮̕u͉̜͢͜t̠̘͕ ̘̫I̼̳͓̘̻͢ ̡͖̫̻̬̻͍̪̩̯t̮̬̣́h͙̫̥̤̰̖̟́i҉҉̟̩̩̩̠̥͇͞ņ̶̛͉̤͔̥̦͉k̛̛̮͎̼̪ ͇̲̺̪͓̹͉̰͜͡t̠ḩ̟̤̀e͏̻̝y̵͔̝͇̭'̧̭͎̳r̟͓̥͙̀͘e̸͓̖̟̜̕ ̛̘͓̣͙̘̻̺̘̲a͔͕͚͎̗̮̜͙ļ̦̙͈̰͔̟̼́ḻ̳̺̖̻̪ͅ ̷͎̘d̷͕̼͓̞o̯̲̤͜w̡̖̫n͖͉̦ ͏̴̲͓͜r̢̞̗̖͔̖͜i̵͖̻g̝͡͝h̛̟͚͈̳̭̫̺͠t̵̩ ̬̮̟̞̳͡n̴̯̠̭o̸̵͈w̜̹̕.̶̪̠̠̣̪̲̀͘" The man looked apologetic, his single eye twitching. "H̙̥̮o͓͍̳͈̫͚͙w̤͙ͅe̸͚̼̙̖͕v͈͈̯̺͈e͙̤r̥͇̲̲̰̝̩̕ ̸̤̟̗i̴t̘̟̞̳̠ ̬̟s̭h̰o̺̭̳̞̜͓ͅu̧͇̗l̺͡d͍͔͜ ̳̰̟̩̼͝t̺̮a̧͚̗͕ͅͅḳ̙̝̙e̩̯̟͠ ͏̲̜a̖̻t͙̫̠̬ ̰̣̻̖̯̥l̙̫̼̺̫̫̺ẹ̬a͔̱̟̬͡ͅs̸̙̱̺̤ͅt̢̘̗͖͚ ͈̠1͎̥̠̘̲0̠̺̥̻̠̩ ͓̫̣̟̬̥̳͟m̥̰͙͎̪̫i̩̝͙̙n̠̻̟̳̝̼u̥͍̣̥̖͎t͖e̲̯̘͚s̤̟ ̼͖̦̩̳̼ͅṯ͚͜o̙̹͔̙͇̟͔ ̝̟̮̟f̷̬̩ì̪͕̖̝̮̲̟x̨̥̠̲̜̰̫̭ ̫̠̺̺͙t̕h̸͚em͉̬̜̬̺,̯̹̺͖͖ ̬͚s̼̜͘o͖̟ ̰̝̯̥̙̺͝y͍̮͙̤̝͍̰ou̖̝͙̥̖͉ ̻̤͚͍̲s̗̩̥͈h̤̥͍͠o̝̯u̸͚͇l̵̩͉͇̩͈̜̝d͚̺͔̝͇ ̶͔̤p̖͍̳̫͕͖r̗̦̻͚͙̼͟o̥̼̥̜b̵͚̠̲͔á̭̖b̛̳̭͈͖̖̤l͎ỵ̦͓̕ ̢ẉa̸͍͇̝̳̟i̵͉̺̼̘̦̞t͕.̼͔"

Aoi took few seconds to process what the man was saying before letting out a defeated sigh. The man bowed in apology before promptly walked away, leaving her in her lonesome. If her destination was just twenty or so minutes closer...

Along with many of the new generation Japanese Centric's, she was constantly being heckled by many of the Hero Departments all around Japan, the Towa Hero Department being the most persistent. No mater how many times she said that she just wanted to live a normal life, they would always try and persuade to join, if not just take the Beginner's Course for a year which would most likely end up in her having a massive debt and being forced into the Hero's Course anyway to pay them off.

And even if she did have the money the Towa Hero Departments will still try and recruit her.

Of course recent laws made it so that such tactics are now illegal, and further negative reception from the public would put them into more hot water. However they would still try solely because of her ability and strength as a Centric.

Her family were all Species Centric's, all resembling the mermaids or selkies of old world fairy tales and all, her included, were obligate carnivores. She was unique among her family for one particular reason, for she had both a tail that could morph into legs. Her mom had a tail, her brother and dad had legs and she just inherited both from them.

Her upper half was mostly of a fury brown coat not unlike those of a seals while her lower half was covered in dark fish scales that grew longer and smoother towards the end of her tail, her fins were resembled those of the fighter fish that mesmerised many within the water, with the exception of the pectoral fins which resembled the flippers of a sea turtle more than anything. She was also pretty big as well, being a little over two metres long in length with a large spiny dorsal fin running from her nape to the end of her tail.

Thanks to her body she became the Ultimate Swimming Pro and technically one of the fastest swimmers in Japan. However that was the problem. The Hero Department's wanted to use her gifts as the fastest swimmer.

When she was a young girl and she was offered that opportunity, she would of taken it without a second thought. However since the recent revelations...

She no longer wanted anything to do with any of the hero businesses. She was going to Hope's Peak and no one from the THD would bother her ever again.

"Excuse me, you seem troubled. Do you need help?"

A large woman, with long silver white hair, dark skin and bulging muscles suddenly appeared in her line of vision, nearly making her jump as one of her flippers slammed against the glass panels making her hiss in pain. The woman winced, looking at her apologetically.

"Oh- Um. Hey-" Aoi began, holding her flipper as she rocked backwards and forwards into the water. "I'm supposed to be going to Hope's Peak but the water ways are down and I can't make it there on my own like this."

"Are you another student?" The woman dipped a finger into the water, staring at the surface with a concentrated look on her face.

"Yeah, I'm- Woah."

The woman lifted her finger from the water, a small trail followed her finger which got slowly got bigger before it began to circle into itself and created a small ball, which began to get bigger as more of the water began to form into it.

"I have a form of hydrokinesis." The woman explained, the ball now big enough to fit an old TV. "I can control water with large levels of salt like this. It helps me when I'm sparring with the sweat."

"Woah, that sounds cool. Are you a student as well?"

"My name is Sakura Ogami. I am the Ultimate Martial Artist."

The water sphere was now large enough to fit a couple of people inside, and Aoi understood the purpose of the woman's, Sakura's, actions and hopped into the sphere, swimming in a circle making a strange humming sound with her throat. She had never really been in one of these things before, it felt a little weird being in water held up by nothing but mental thought.

Sakura raised a brow, not understanding the humming followed by muffled speech.

Aoi pushed her head out from the sphere, a small laugh of embarrassment left her mouth. "Sorry, my name is Aoi Asahina, it's a pleasure to meet you Sakura."

"It's a pleasure to meet you too."

"Chisa? I've caught one of your students-"

"Gah! Ibuki said she's sorry! Please let go of my ear!"

"-Everyone else? No, not yet."

Juzo stared at the girl he had trapped with his fingers, not budging at all even as Ibuki desperately tried to pry his iron grip off her ear with no luck. It was a difficult day today since it was the official introduction day for the new classes, all security had to keep a constant eye out for any misbehaviour or suspicious activity that could cause harm to any of the students. It would damage the reputation of Hope's Peak and Juzo would never hear the end of it.

So he's been doing his job with more vigour and attentiveness as usual, keeping a constant eye on everyone who came near or into the academy. With one request from a close friend on his mind:

'Keep an eye on Koichi's old students, they'll have to get sorted out again since they have to redo a year.'

He wasn't exactly sure why her class was redoing the year, but apparently it was pretty serious. He was curious, but it wasn't his business to butt in. And while he did recognise some of the students, Chisa did give him a register to help him find them.

And of course he got the noisy one.

Ibuki Mioda, the Ultimate Musician with a scream strong enough to obliterate glass and bend steel. Her personality was just weird to him (not as weird as that strange chunibiyo however) and he really didn't want to listen to her play the accordion while riding a unicycle so goddamn early in the morning.

But at least it wasn't the fucking hurdy gurdy.

So here he was, holding her ear to stop her while trying to call Chisa about what exactly he should do when he catches them. And...

"The Old Building?"


"...Nekomaru and Akane? No I don't- Wait, what do you-"


He immediately lost connection. He frowned, putting her number on and once again attempted to call her.

The person you are-


No such luck.

She sounded rather panicked, something was going on. The emergency alarm hadn't gone off yet so it might of been something minor. He trusted her, she was strong enough to defend herself, she was the ex-hero House Maiden after all.

"Ju-Ju!" His hostage whined, Juzo couldn't help the scowl on his face at the mention of that terrible nickname. "Ibuki's ear is gonna resemble an elf if you keep pulling it- Wait, maybe that's a good thing, Ibuki's always wanted to be an elf- Owowowowow!"

It was far too early to deal with her.

He was somewhat familiar with the entirety of Class 77-B as he had been in their lessons before for showcasing or whenever Koichi would pass out but he never cared enough to remember most of them. But of course there was a few he remembered and even fewer who's names he knew for all of the wrong reasons. Like the princess with the third eye, that rude dancer with the tail and lantern or even the quiet gamer with the long arms and the lower body of a slug creature.

And Ibuki.

"Oh! Ju-Ju?" Ibuki asked. "Is Ibuki's boob statue still-"


"Awww... Ibuki really liked that statue."


"Can Ju-Ju let Ibuki go now?"




"Excuse me." A new voice called out, calm and calculated. "Are you Juzo Sakakura?"

Juzo looked towards the source of the new voice, seemingly unaware of Ibuki suddenly stiffening in his grasp, before his gaze fell onto someone he really didn't want to see.

A Kirigiri.

He recognised this one. Granddaughter of the utter bastard that was Fuhito Kirigiri, meaning she was one of the gargoyles that caused so much trouble years back and was actually coming this academy as the Ultimate Detective. He wanted to scoff, and if he had the power kick her out, he would kick every single one of the bastards out of Japan.

Why was the headmaster allowing a Kirigiri in was beyond him.

This one, like the rest, was a gargoyle, albeit a bit paler than the others. She had the large hooked bat wings, scaly tail with a bladed end, patches of rocky skin that looked like a skin disease, the digitgrade like legs and the curved horns very similar to a rams. Being bare foot, she also scaly feet with a large curved talon folded against the back of her foot that looked quite dangerous.

However on closer inspection he noticed that she was warm, flat out hot when she moved in closer. He then saw the thin red lines darting around her skin like cracks within a decaying wall. Each vein's red moved about like thick molten lava which all centred to her chest, a large rocky like bump which definitely weren't breasts.

He wanted to groan. It really was the magma gargoyle he was dealing with.

She stared at him, her eyes cautious, her body clearly ready to run away from any potential danger like a frightened beast as her talons clacked against the concrete in a slow rhythm.

The Kirigiri took out a letter from a small bag she was carrying, and, looking directly into his eyes said,

"My name is Kyoko Kirigiri, I'm here to speak with the headmaster Jin Murakami for private business."


'Before we go any farther, I guess I should introduce myself-'

The sounds of gun shots and skidding vehicles were the only things he could hear besides Junko's crazed laughter, quickly followed by explosions of the cars that drove past minding their own business before their lives were snuffed out like many a person's hope for humanity. And if he listened-

'-My name's Makoto Naegi.'

Carefully he could hear liquid being poured into a glass.

'As you can see I'm nothing but a-'

That was when he saw Junko reach into a nearby case that tumbled around as the limo swerved, pulling out a grenade before pulling the tag and throwing it out the window before reaching for an assault rifle.

'-Hopelessly average high school student.'

Nearby, 'Bushy' was merely pouring himself a glass of liquor even as the limo swerved left and right like a giant had gotten hold of the expensive limo and started to swing it around. Weren't they on a bridge right now? Why was he drinking so casually?

'Average on the outside, average on the inside-'

Neon pink bursts were evident even through the black tinted windows, exploding like dust that began to erode the windows.

'However I think that-'

"Come on Big Mac!" Junko yelled at him with glee in her voice. "Are you helping me fight or are you making sure we're getting help?"

'My new life at Hope's Peak-'

He turned to her, ready to respond only to pale and freeze up when he saw more pink, this time a liquid with a familiar smell. Blood.

'Might change that.'

And saw Junko's other arm, coated in spurting blood as the stump bled and the severed limb was lost to the war zone outside.

The Green Loss.

A decade after the The Flash and following One Month Slaughter, a bacteria created by one of the first Fear Doctors; villains with some form of power over disease and health, had slowly spread throughout most vegetables, fruits and its offspring. The effects were not immediate and it took the populace a few weeks after the first signs of infection to realise where the disease was coming from and had stopped the source after much hesitation. In doing so many green products were either thrown away or considered 'extinct', causing a mass famine world wide and a price inflation for the veg and fruits still around. The bacteria caused a mass outbreak of people suffering from bad coughs, headaches, sore throats, severe hallucinations and a much weaker immune system.

It only infected humans, however another of the Fear Doctors had used the basis of the disease to create a disease which enhances the strength, metabolism and so on within animals. One of the most prominent was the common ostrich, which thanks to the new disease had become one of the worse pest species on planet Earth and is now located on nearly every continent thanks to illegal transportation and that the disease made them breed faster and more efficient than rabbits. Ostrich meat and eggs is now a common meat because of this.

However recent attempts at re-creating edible greens have been successful thanks to hero's such as the Botanist and humanity can expect many of these plants to come back into the human diet very soon. Many years ago humanity would of shut down any of the Botanist's projects, however they have become desensitised to such disturbed methods to allow human bodies to be allowed to become some of the world's most effective fertiliser.

-History of the New World.

Welp, now that the chapter is done I want to set down a few things first for those who are curious about the Centric abilities.

Most of the main characters have one, however I don't want everyone to have an ability that fits with their talent as it seems a bit boring too me, so I'm gonna be a bit creative with some and maybe add a unique twist or two to one.

Plus there are going to be some small plot points about matching abilities in the future. A personal favourite is Junko's, mostly for reasons which are currently spoilers and Aoi and Kyoko because I had the most fun mentally designing them (and technically all Species Centric's.)

I've been spending more time world building and thinking how such a major event would affect humanity and the world as a whole. Such as population issues (even when 30% of the total population went bye-bye), how certain villains and hero's could change the environment with their abilities, how society would change to suit the needs of certain Centric's and so on.

It's all pretty interesting and I've always loved world building, especially in fantasy settings. Why copy fantasy settings and races from J.R.R Tolkien and other popular fantasy authors when you can go absolutely wild with the creatures and the setting? Fantasy does involve creativity after all.

Then it came to biology and how certain Centric types would work and etc. By the time I had the basics down this fic was starting to feel more like a fantasy fic than a super hero one.

I would go on a further tangent because the subject is pretty interesting but I'd be spoiling so much, so I'll have to hold off.

So anyway I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you all again soon.
