Chapter 29: Epilogue
September 22, TA 3021
This very day marked Frodo and Bilbo's birthday and therefore that meant that Bilbo was officially a hundred and thirty one years old which made him the oldest hobbit to have ever lived. Even after having parted with the ring he lived for quite some time while age kept getting a tighter grip on him.
He was done with living. He was ready to see Allie again.
On this day Bilbo and Frodo would sail to the Undying Lands together with Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn and Gandalf. Because Frodo and Bilbo had both been ring-bearers they had been permitted to sail along with the privileged and to leave Middle-Earth behind them.
"You'll see her soon, Bilbo, " Gandalf promised him once the boat had left the Grey Haven behind them. "It might take some time until you've died even after arriving at Valinor so you must be patient. "
Bilbo closed his eyes as he felt the soft sea breeze against his face. "I know that, Gandalf. I've lived without her for so long, " he replied.
The wizard placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You sure have and I'm certain that Allie couldn't be prouder of you because of that. You must remember that, " he assured him.
"I just need it to be over. "
"It will be. Just hold on for a little longer. "
It was only a matter of days until their ship disembarked at Valinor and they were being brought to their guesthouses. While the others were taking in the astounding scenery of the place Bilbo retreated to his room and shunned away from everyone else. Surely this place felt serene but this wasn't the reason why Bilbo had come here in the first place. He needed to die.
Bilbo wasn't sure how much time he had spent inside his room but the days blurred into each other and he was mostly kept to himself. Frodo and Gandalf would occasionally visit him to keep him company.
"Can you tell aunt Allie that I miss her when you see her again? " Frodo asked him one morning after they had been here a little over a week.
Bilbo reached out for his nephew's hand. "I will, my dear boy. There will also come a day when you'll be ready to join us, but that won't be for quite some time. I know that you've never healed after your quest, but your time isn't over yet, Frodo. Just know that when the time is right that Allie and I will be there for you. "
More days passed and eventually Bilbo woke up to find himself surrounded by a white light. He tried to shield himself from it's brightness until it faded and then he realized that he wasn't in Valinor anymore and that Frodo was no longer at his side.
He was standing in the middle of a bustling street in an unfamiliar town where he had never been before, yet somehow it felt familiar. In a way this place reminded him of a copied version of Hobbiton where people of all different races were running down the streets. There were flowers blooming everywhere and the trees that stood alongside the road were of a deep green color.
Without knowing where to go exactly Bilbo began to wandered down the path which took him south. There was a slight breeze in the air which felt surprisingly nice against his skin. Apparently wherever he was seemed to around the time of spring according to the weather and all the flowers and plants that were blooming.
Bilbo looked down at himself and saw that he was wearing something entirely different. Somehow he had ended up in a dark burgundy shirt with matching breeches and suspenders. It was something that he would always wear when he still been the Master of Bag End. His skin wasn't wrinkly anymore and his hair had its original auburn color back which indicated that he was in his younger years again.
"Bilbo! It's really you! "
That was the sound of a voice which he hadn't heard for over nineteen years but he was able to recognize without any difficulty. It was her voice.
He barely had any time before Allie's lips came crashing down onto his. She still tasted exactly the same as how he had remembered her. His heart was beating frantically inside his chest because he had missed her every second of his life. He had been looking forward to this very moment as soon as Allie had passed away to be reunited with her again because this was where he was meant to be. With her. It was as everything in his life started to make sense again the moment he was back with her.
She pulled back as her gently hands cupped his face to study him closely with the widest grin possible on her pink lips. "It is you, my zinlaz, " she said aghast as it was almost impossible to her to believe that he was finally here.
Allie looked as if she hadn't aged a day since her hundreds with her glowing copper curls sprawled across her beautiful face. She was wearing a dress that seemed to be touched by moonlight. It was something that an elf would normally wear but on Allie it worked perfectly. It shimmered slightly as she moved as it was something she wore all the time.
"I can't believe you're really here, " she said, still touching his face to examine him.
"I wanted to come sooner, " Bilbo replied as he pressed his forehead against hers.
"I know, Bilbo. You weren't meant to come here so soon because you weren't finished in Middle-Earth yet, " Allie explained, refusing to let go of him. Touching him again after all these years felt like wandering into a dream that neither wanted to end ever. "I would watch you here from time to time to see how you were fairing out there and I'm so proud of you for holding on for so long. You've really kept me waiting here for you by becoming the oldest Halfling to have ever lived. "
Bilbo chuckled as a tear slid down his cheek. "It were only nineteen years but every day that I had to live without you was too long. It was unbearable. I've never actually felt alive after your passing as if you took my heart with you. I only start to feel alive again right now. "
Allie lay another kiss against his lips but this one was much gentler than the previous one and Bilbo felt her love for him pouring into him, which made him want more. "I have to say that it's a pleasant surprise to see you looking so ravishing again, " she said teasingly. "Not that I didn't liked your older version, but this is what you first looked like when I fell in love with you. "
"Have you really been here all this time? " Bilbo wondered as he eyed the scenery around them again.
"Yes, I was. Only I haven't been alone all this time, " Allie said with a huge grin. "Do you care to meet my parents? "
"Allie, I already know your father. "
She let out a laugh. "Gee. Of course I'm aware of that, but you haven't met my mother yet and I think it's about time that I finally introduce you to her. She's been asking about you a lot. "
Instead of providing him with more information Allie laced their fingers together so that she could lead Bilbo along with her down the path which took them further south. Bilbo took in the rest of the town and noticed that these houses were rather similar looking to the hobbit-holes back at Hobbiton. They went up a hill which brought them to one hobbit-hole which was somewhat separated from the rest. As they got closer Bilbo's throat tightened when he caught sight of Fili and Kili arguing with each other in the garden. Behind the fence there also were Balin, Bofur, Oin and Ori who were seated at a table playing a card game with each other.
"Look over there! It's Bilbo Baggins! "
"Bilbo! "
"It really is the Halfling! "
As soon as Bilbo stepped into the garden he was pulled into hugs by the dwarves of the company who he hadn't seen in such a long time. They still looked exactly the same as how he remembered them as if age had never touched them. Bilbo had always hoped that there would be a day that he would ever see them again.
"It's so good to see that you're finally here, lad, " Balin said fondly.
"Bilbo, you sure took your time, " another familiar voice that but Bilbo recognized that baritone voice easily.
As he spun around he was faced with no one else than Thorin Oakenshield who had died in front of him just after the Battle of the Five Armies had ended. Bilbo didn't hesitate to pull the dwarf in for an embrace.
"You kept your promise and my daughter happy. I cannot thank you enough for that, " Thorin said gratefully. "That was all that I could've hoped for her. "
"It was the easiest thing that I've ever done, " Bilbo assured him, earning a deep chuckle from the dwarf. "You still look exactly the same. "
When Thorin pulled back Bilbo's mouth slightly parted when he saw the woman that had been standing at the dwarf's side all this time and he immediately noticed the familiar features, face and hair as Allie's. Her pointy ears slightly stuck out through her copper curls and there was a warm smile on her face as her green eyes bore into his.
"Bilbo, I would like you to meet my wonderful mother Arabella Cotton, " Allie introduced as she watched them with a fond expression on her face as if she had been waiting for this moment all her life. "And mom this is my endearing husband of almost eighty years, Bilbo Baggins. "
"So this is the man who kept you happy and looked after you all this time. I can see why you've lost your heart to him. He looks just as handsome as you described that he was, " Arabella said with a light chuckle.
"I didn't exaggerate, " Allie chimed in.
"No you didn't, petal, " Arabella replied lightheartedly. "It's so lovely to see you after all this time, Bilbo. I often wondered if I would ever meet the man who my daughter wouldn't stop chattering about. It all makes sense now. "
She wrapped her arms around Bilbo to let him know that she valued him being here and that he was welcome here as part of their family because he was rejoiced with Allie.
"I'm rather speechless, " Bilbo began. "I've heard a fair share of stories about you and Allie always said that she looked like you and seeing you in person I have to agree that she has her fair looks from her mother. "
"He sure is charming and wise, " Arabella said when she pulled back and flashed him another warm smile. "I like that. "
"Very smooth, Bilbo, " Thorin laughed, patting the Halfling on his shoulder. He then leaded Arabella with him to where the others were waiting.
Allie was there to enfold him into another embrace again, still having some problems with believing that he was actually here. "This isn't all a dream, is it? " she asked him.
"No, it's not, " Bilbo assured her. "It may have taken some time for us to be reunited again but I can promise you that I will not leave you ever again. I'll be with you until the very end of time, my dorzada. "
Just like that he kissed her to let her know that he meant every word.
"Also Frodo told me to tell you that he missed you when I would see you again, " Bilbo added.
"I am so proud of everything that Frodo has accomplished in his life. I cannot believe that he and Sam made it all the way into Mordor and succeeded in destroying the One Ring by throwing it into Mount Doom. I've missed him too and I've kept an eye on him to see how his quest was unfolding. I cannot believe that this ring that you happened to find in Gollum's cave turned out to the the One Ring that once belonged to Sauron. You sure know how to keep surprising me. "
"Wouldn't you be bored otherwise? " Which was earned a laugh from her. "Frodo his played his part in restoring peace to Middle-Earth. He has traveled to Valinor with me because he was also a ring-bearer. I don't expect to see him here for quite some time though. "
"Me neither. Frodo isn't done with living quite yet. We'll wait here for him together. Come on there is seedcake waiting for you, " Allie said as she pulled him along with her and Bilbo would follow her to the end of everything.
His life had color again.
This is officially the end of the two stories that I wrote for Bilbo and Allie. I'm kind of sad that's over now but also glad that I was able to complete this after a few years. I hope everyone on here enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Thank you all so much!
- Milou
Dorzada: Someone that you love
Zinlaz: My star
Zantulbasn: Hobbit
Gêdêl: joy of all joys