A/N: Hey guys! This is the first chapter to my new story! I am just as excited about this as I was about Always & Forever. I know it's pretty short, but there is lots more to come. I hope you all will love this one as much as my last story! As for I Belong to You, I am having trouble putting words to paper, as it is a heavy topic, so I started Legends and I loved it so much! I couldn't wait to post and receive feedback! Sooo let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for I Belong to You and/or Legends, don't be afraid to let me know! As always, thank you for all the love and support! You all are amazing! I hope you enjoy chapter 1 of Legends!

Chapter 1

Nathan Scott. Number 23. Mr. Hot Shot. The hottest man on campus. Nathan Scott was the only thing Haley James heard about since she set foot on the campus of Duke University. Haley Bob James was set on one thing at college and one thing only, and that was learning. Her education was the most important thing in the world. At the top of her class in high school and named valedictorian, Haley was focused on keeping that aspect of her life high.

Stanford had always been her dream school. It was something she thought about since she was a little girl. Ever since she visited the school back when she was eleven, it seemed like a perfect fit. The one problem was the more she thought about it, the more she was unsure if she could be away from her family. Her oldest sister had recently had her first child and all her brothers were married. The thought of missing important family events made Haley reconsider her dream school. When she got her acceptance letter from Duke University, she immediately decided to go. Not only was it close to home and was a great school, her best friend Brooke Davis was going there as well to be a cheerleader.

Brooke Davis was the complete opposite of Haley James. She loved to party and hook up with tons of boys. Brooke would be out until three in the morning on a school night getting wasted at some bar, while Haley spent all her time preparing for the next two weeks. Sometimes, Haley wondered how they were such good friends with their differences. The one thing Haley knew for sure was that Brooke Davis had a heart of gold. She knew that girl would move mountains for her if she asked her to. No boyfriend for Haley, she had her best friend. No one in the world could steal her heart as fast as Brooke Davis did.

Their freshman and sophomore years at Duke were all a blur to Haley. She spent 99% of her first year studying in her dorm room. She didn't care about the clubs going on or that the hotshot basketball player, Nathan Scott, was throwing a party. Haley was focused on her studies. If she wanted to be a teacher, she was going to be a darn good one. Her second year was just about the same but with 2 new friends, Peyton and Rachel. Brooke met them at a party and brought them over one day to meet Haley. She was surprised at how quickly she took a liking to them. Most of Brooke's "friends" were all fake friends who came over for one night and never saw them again. But Rachel and Peyton were nice, sweet, caring, the type of people Haley hug out with. She was happy to add them to her friend list.

The summer going into junior year, Haley became a proud aunt twice and was the maid of honor at her favorite sister's wedding. Her parents told her to live a little in the college world or they were coming down there to do it for her. Mr. and Mrs. James put Brooke in charge of having their daughter live out the college life. There was no better person to do it. Brooke now had a mission and was under no conditions going to fail.

"Come on, Hales. Just come out!" Brooke whined slumping on the bed of her and Haley's dorm room. Haley had been in the bathroom for almost five minutes trying on an outfit Brooke gave to her.

"No!" She heard scream from the other side of the door.

Brooke rolled her eyes and fell to the threw her back on the bed. "Haley, either you're coming out or I'm coming in!"

"Brooke, this is ridiculous!"

"No, you're being ridiculous by not coming out." Brooke sighed at her friend, sitting back up she asked, "Why won't you come out?"

"Because I look stupid!" Haley shot back

"Haley, I'm counting to three and you better come out or I'm walking in. One…two…"

The door opened revealing five foot four Haley James in a tight blue and black Duke Blue Devils cheerleading uniform. Her hands were on her hips as she stood starring at her roommate annoyed.

"You look amazing! It was made for you!" Brooke exclaimed jumping up to get a closer look.

Haley threw her arms down to her side and sighed, "Why am I doing this again?"

"Because you need to live a little in your college days."

Haley looked Brooke in the eyes prying the truth from her. That look always made Brooke break. It was like a mom look… you couldn't ignore it. Cracking, Brooke exclaimed, "And we are down a girl, so I needed another." Brooke moved around Haley's body examining the uniform.

"You couldn't have found anyone else?"

Brooke stopped when she reached the front again and looked Haley in the eyes. "Hales… I can't watch you sit in this room another year. You need to have some fun."

Haley softened her eyes when she saw her friend's point. She couldn't be upset that she was cared for. She just wished she could live another way.


Brooke clapped her hands together and squealed. "Yeah! Now come on!"

"Where are we going?" Haley questioned


"Brooke! I think learning that I'm now a cheerleader is enough information for one night."

The brunet haired girl turned around and whined, "Haley…this is Tim Smith's party!"


"Tim Smith, the best friend of the one and only Nathan Scott" Brooke said in a tone as if her best friend was supposed to know exactly who she was talking about.

There he was again, this 'Nathan Scott.' She honestly didn't understand what was so great about this guy. All he did was play basketball, right? She looked at her friend across the room and saw Brooke starring at her with the puppy dog eyes. The look Haley could never deny. Sighing, Haley gave in, "Fine… on one condition"

"What's that?"

"If I am not having fun, I get to leave"


Haley's head was pounding with the beat of the music. They had only been at the party house for an hour and Haley James was already done. She had a killer headache and drunk people kept asking her to dance. Truth be told, Haley loved dancing. She thought it was one of the most romantic things in the world, just not with a drunken guy she would probably never see again.

The blonde-haired girl made her way over to the next room and praised the Lord it was empty. She found a chair and sank into it. She put her head in her hands in attempt to make her headache go away. The only thing she could think of was her and Brooke's deal that if she wasn't having fun, she could leave. This was the opposite of fun for Haley James. She had a splitting headache, she was dehydrated because they only had alcoholic drinks and Haley didn't drink, plus, she was exhausted. It may have only been 10:30 at night but Haley was up at six for her 7:30am class. It was also way passed her bedtime. Haley was normally sleeping by 9.

This kind of atmosphere was not for her. The music, drinks, hot drunk guys all over you was something Haley never thought she would find herself in. Just as she was about to get up and tell Brooke she was leaving, she heard a voice that caused her head to shoot up.

"What are you doing in here?"

Haley quickly jumped out of her seat and started playing with her fingers-a habit of hers when she gets nervous. "I-I'm sorry. I just needed to get away for a while."

It wasn't until the man started walking towards her did Haley realized how tall he was. He had to have been at least six feet. He had dark raven black hair, breath-taking blue eyes, and a body made for a model. Haley had to swallow the lump in her throat as the man was standing right in front of her. She hated getting yelled at, even as a little girl she hated it.

She prepared herself for the nasty words that were about to fall from his lips but instead, he spoke softly, "No, it's okay, I get it. It does gets too much sometimes."

Haley let out a breath of air as the words fell from his lips. She really wasn't expecting him to be so nice about it. "Yeah…well I should get back. My friend is probably wondering where I am." Haley moved around the man in attempted to get out of this place and go home.

She stopped in her tracks when she heard, "You're not a party girl are you?"

Spinning around and letting a half smile form on her lips, Haley said, "How can you tell?"

"Cause you're the only sober on here." He joked and then said, "And the fact that I've never seen you around here before."

Haley laced her fingers together again and moved her gaze to the floor. "Yeah, this…this really isn't my thing. My friend made me come. I-I'm actually going to leave."

"No, I didn't mean it like that. You should stay if you want to."

Haley gave the man a soft smile. "No, it's okay. I was thinking about leaving before we had this conversation. So um…thanks." With that Haley darted out of the room to find Brooke.

The tall man smiled as the woman fled from the room. There was something about her that made him interested. She wasn't like any girl he had ever met. She didn't throw herself on him or ask to dance or even ask to go upstairs to a room… it almost seemed like she had no idea who he was. That conversation was dare he say it… nice. Even though it may have been nothing and something she probably didn't think twice about, it was something to him. On top of that, she was beautiful. She didn't have a face full of makeup on or clothes that left little to the imagination. She was very modest in a pair of jeans and a black sweater and for the first time in his life, he liked it. He may not have known her name, but she was special. He could feel it.

As Haley was walking through the groups of people to find her roommate, her mind kept going back to the man she just met. He was…wow… hot. Haley felt her cheeks heat up at her thoughts. She never said something like that about anyone, but she couldn't deny his looks. She also couldn't help but notice how nice he was to her. He didn't ask her to dance or to get a drink, he was just…nice. It was the first real conversation she had all night. She was probably never going to see him again but that wouldn't stop her from dreaming about him.

Haley continued to walk through the crowds with no luck in find Brooke. She made her way over to the drink station again with no luck. She was getting frustrated. Where the heck was she? Just as she was about to give up and go home, a man came up to her smiling.

"Hey, you wanna dance?"

Haley smiled and shook her head, "No thanks."

The man placed his drink down on the table and touched her arm. "Come on, why not?"

Haley jerked away and said flatly, "Because I don't want to. Now if you'll excuse me, I am looking for someone."

"Aww, I'll help you find them if you dance with me." The man said getting closer to her. He was inches away from her face and it was too close for Haley's liking.

"I already said no. Please leave me alone."

"You'll change your mind, sweetheart. Come on" The man wrapped his arms around Haley's waist in attempted to dance with her.

Haley was about to push him off her when a larger man threw him off her. "She said no, alright, man. Leave her alone."

Haley looked up and saw it was the same man she met only a few minutes ago. His gorgeous blue eyes her starring into her soul. They were making the rest of the world fall away. The sound of his voice brought her back to reality, "Are you okay?"

"What? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." She said smoothing out her clothing.

"You sure?"

Haley's heart started beating faster at his concern. She didn't know him and his concern for her was very endearing. "Yeah, I'm fine. I promise. He didn't hurt me."

"Good." He nodded. "Do you need me to walk to back to your dorm?"

Haley's eyes widened in surprise at his words. She wasn't expecting that at all. She almost said yes until she spotted Brooke across the room.

The man shocked himself at the words that fell from his lips. He never offered to take girls back to their houses.

"Thanks, but I see my roommate. She will walk back with me."

"Yeah, sure. Have a good night."

Haley smiled, "Yeah, you too. Thanks for helping me."

"Of course."

Haley walked away smiling from the man. He was something special. She wished she would see him again.

When she approached Brooke, she was surprised at what she saw. Her friend was starring at her with the biggest smile on her face almost like Haley had done the best thing in the world.

"What?" Haley asked.

"What do you mean what? Do you have any idea who you were just talking to?!" Brooke asked excitedly.

Haley looked over her shoulder at the man she talked to that night. Should she be worried? Was he like a serial killer or something? He couldn't be…could he? Was he a bad guy? Haley had all these thoughts running through her head to the point she thought she might pass out. Her legs were shaking as she asked, "No, what about him?"

Haley braced herself for the answer. She could only hope it was good.

"Haley, that was Nathan Scott!"