HEY GUYS!! Yeah, I know you probably hate me because I never stick to one story.. I just have so much of these ideas and I just could never wait to show them to you guys, but this is another story I've thought of, I hope you guys like it :). If I stop writing this story I give you guys full permission to spaz on me... but without further ado. ENJOYY !!
"Lighten up, Ally. You're gonna love this place" My mother said. "It's gonna be fun."
"Yeah. It's extremely fun leaving your best friends, leaving your hometown, starting a new school, and moving a million miles away from home just to move to stupid Miami." I sarcastically replied, mumbling the last part. "Thanks mom!"
I rolled my eyes and turned my head towards the window.
"Look, when my Mother moved me to California when I was your age, I hated it too." She shrugged, "But look what happened. I ended up loving it. I went to college there, met your father, started a family, raised you there." She said. "You're gonna love this." She added.
I dryly chuckled and shook my head. "Don't count on it." I said. "Why did you guys have to relocate Sonic Boom anyway?It was perfectly fine in LA."
"I already told you, the store wasn't making enough money out there. We had no choice."
"So instead of just selling the store-."
"Sell the store?" My mother interrupted. "Sonic Boom has been around for decades we can't just sell it." She said.
"It's old." I muttered.
"You're old!" She snapped.
I knitted my eyebrows together and turned to look at her. "I'm not even gonna comment on that." I said. "Not gonna even comment." I repeated.
"I'm sorry." She giggled. "Something just came over me."
Turning back to look out the window, I pursed my lips and nodded my head.
Right now, my mom and I were in an Uber being taken to the new house. As I looked out the window I closely payed attention to the neighborhoods we quickly drove passed. The houses were so pretty, but they weren't as nice as the ones in LA... they also had cute little palm trees on the highway, like the ones from Beverly Hills, but they weren't as nice, and the beaches we passed looked so gorgeous, but I doubt they're better than the ones in Cali. In Cali the beaches are beautiful! The water is crystal blue, the waves are huge, the water is the most perfect temperature, and the sand is a perfect white color.
"Almost there." The driver said. "Five more minutes."
"Thank you, thank you." I heard my mother say.
"Almost there." She nudged. "Are you excited? I am." She smiled. "I can't wait to unpack and decorate the house. It's gonna look just like the old one. It's going to feel like you never even left."
I sighed and turned my head, facing her. "Nothing you do is going to distract me from the fact that we moved a million miles away." I told her.
She flashed half of a smile and gently patted my knee. "It's going to be fine." She assured.
Without another word, the rest of the few minutes of the drive was silent.. Up until we made it to the house..
With a shriek of excitement, Mom quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and hurried out the cab. "We're here!" She said.
I looked out the window and stared at the new house. It was a single family home, painted beige with a brown rooftop and a big white garage.
The lawn was covered in fresh cut green grass and it had cute little rose petals on the grass that made out the words "WELCOME HOME DAWSON'S"
The house was... Cozy looking, but it still didn't make me feel at home.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and slowly opened up the car door and stepped out.
"Isn't this place cute!" My mother gushed as she took pictures of the house.
I ignored what she said and walked over to the trunk to help the driver remove the luggage.
"It's okay, I've got it." He smiled.
"No no it's fine.. I can help." I insisted.
Without anything else said, the driver let out a slow sigh and moved aside, giving me enough space to grab some bags and place them on the side of the car.
"Lester!" I heard my mother say. "The house is beautiful, you've got to hurry!" She said.
"She seems excited." The driver said.
I looked over at her to see her laying down on the grass talking into her phone. "Yeah. She is." I nodded.
"Why aren't you?" He asked.
"Because" I sighed, "I had to leave my friends, my boyfriend, my school, my old house, my home-town... plus...it just isn't California." I shrugged, pulling out the last suitcase.
"It's better." He said as he closed he trunk. "You'll get used it." He assured. "Just give it a chance. It isn't as bad as you think."
His response didn't help me at all, but I still faked a smile and nodded my head.
"But, I guess I should be heading off now." He said. I nodded my head and watched as he walked over to the drivers side and opened up the door. "I hope things work out for you." He said, flashing one last smile before getting in.
"Thank you." I slightly smiled. He started up the engine and rolled down his window.
"Oh! And welcome to Miami." He said.
I smiled in return and waved as he drove down the street.
I turned back to my Mother who was no longer outside, but assuming from the front door being wide open, she was already inside of the house.
I slowly walked to the door and stepped inside.
"Isn't it beautiful?" My mother softly said.
"I can't even lie, but... it kind of is." I nodded.
I took a look around the downstairs area of the house. It looked extremely big, but maybe that's just because the furniture hasn't been settled in yet.
The walls were painted a real light yellow and the house smelt like chemicals and paint. Yuck!
"And just think"She started. "We'll be spending the rest of our lives here-well at least I would." She added. "But who knows. Maybe you'll like it and start your own family in here." She smiled.
"Where's dad at now?" I asked, changing the subject.
"He said he just arrived in Florida. He should be home in a few more hours."She said. "You should go upstairs and check out your room... think about what color you might want your room to be painted in." She said. I simply nodded my head and with that, I turned around and made my way up the white wooden stairs that led to the second part of the house.
When I made it to the top of the stairs, I was greeted with a long shiny hallway that had five doors. Two on the left and three on the right. One door on the left was my parents master bedroom, while the other door at the far end was a bathroom.
The next door on my right was a closet and then after that it was my bedroom, the door next to mine was another empty bedroom, which will most likely become the guest bedroom.
I walked to my new room and immediately looked around. Just like it was in the other bedrooms, as well as downstairs, my bedroom was also completely empty...My room had its own bathroom, as well as a window with a view of the road and the other houses. Overall the room was quite big and it was really nice. I could not wait to decorate it...
AND THAT IS A WRAP! I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter of the story. Please review, leave a compliment, suggestion, insult. Whatever you prefer, just let me know how you feel about this and if you guys want me to continue :).
- Sierra.