Summary: During an escape attempt, Max and friends are halted by a large red wolf. After being given an idea that the wolf is actually David, they try to see if they can prove it

Notes: I love the idea of werewolf David. So this is going to be my contribution to the werewolf AU.

Max crouched low to the ground. He peered out from behind a large bush and watched Gwen disappear into the Mess Hall in order to break up some fight between Nerf and some other stupid camper. He gave a signal and darted past the camp entrance and into a covering of trees alongside the dirt road leading to town. Nikki and Neil followed behind him.

"Ah ha! I can't believe that was so easy! Thank god David's running errands around the campgrounds or that would've been a lot harder to do." Max stuffed his hands into his hoodie and made sure to keep an eye on the road.

"And we managed to grab all these snacks!" Nikki held up a small backpack filled to the brim with sandwiches, chips and granola bars. She grabbed a bar and chowed down.

"By my calculations, we should reach the town in several hours. We have quite of bit of walking to do beforehand so lets' just make sure we keep the road in sight or else we'll get lost." Neil worried his hands.

"That's why we're walking by the fucking road, Neil. Come on, stop worrying so goddamn much! We're finally free of that stupid camp. It's all smooth sailing from here." Max reached over and grabbed a bag of chips from the backpack Nikki was wearing. He popped it open.

"Besides, it will take Gwen a while to figure out we're gone and she won't be able to fucking leave until David gets back. There's no way they'll catch up. I also stole David's credit card so we could get a room at the inn in town and some dinner."

Nikki stopped in her tracks.

"No!" She smushed her cheeks with her hands.

"I can't go back to town. It made me so sick the last time we were there remember?!"

She grabbed Max by the hoodie.
"I can't go back!"

Max pushed her hands away.

"Fine! Then you can sleep outside. I guess I'll have to fucking use David's fucking card to buy you a fucking blanket or something so you don't freeze to death. God Nikki, you're such a fucking pain in the ass."

Max continued walking. Nikki frowned but accepted the compromise.

They had only been walking for half an hour when they heard rustling in the bushes up ahead.

"Uh, guys, did you hear that?" Neil backed behind Nikki.

Nikki quickly dropped into a predatory stance and started growling. Max backed up a little.

"I'm sure it's just a stupid raccoon or something."

He picked up a rock and threw it. The rock landed in the bush but instead of a raccoon jumping out, a large red wolf jumped out.

"Holy shit!" Max flinched and raised his hands in defense.

Nikki paused in her growling. The wolf was just staring at them. It wasn't growling at them or doing anything threatening. It sat down and continued to stare.

"It's okay guys! He's friendly!" Nikki walked forward and put her hand out.

The wolf sniffed it lightly before pushing his face into it. Nikki awed and started petting him. Neil and Max relaxed.

"Thank god. You're not so fucking useless after all Nikki. I forgot you're a savage Disney princess."

The wolf turned his attention to them. He walked forward and sniffed Max. Max couldn't hold back the slight flinch as the animal approached. The wolf was a little bigger than himself. He seemed to be checking him over for something, and then turned to Neil and did the same. While the wolf was sniffing Max over, Max noticed a patch of missing fur in a long line. The wolf finished whatever it was doing and padded back to Nikki.

"Hey Nikki, did you see that cut on his neck? I wonder what gave it to him."

Nikki looked at the wolf.

"Lemme see boy."

She turned his head slightly so she could see the spot Max indicated. It was a long cut that went from the bottom right of his neck to the beginning edge of his shoulder. The wolf was missing fur from the spot, but the cut was faded.

"It's from a loooong time ago. It's really faded so it was probably a deep cut when it happened. He should be fine though, right boy?"

The wolf gave a bark and lowered himself to the ground. Nikki went starry-eyed.

"You guys! He's offering us the chance to ride him! I've always wanted to ride on the back of a wolf!" She hopped onto his back and gestured for the others to do the same.

"You're crazy! I'm not riding on some stupid flea-bitten animal!"

Max tried to walk past but the wolf grabbed him by the hood of his hoodie and swung him onto his back. Neil sighed in resignation.

"You're not going to let me pick any other option will you."

The wolf barked and Neil sighed again before choosing to climb on behind Max.

"Okay, Rusty! To town!"

Nikki gave Rusty a pat on the head. Rusty stood up.

"Wait, you already named it?" Neil questioned.

At the same time, Max asked, "You gave it a fucking dog's name?"

Nikki smiled.

"It suits him! His fur is the same rusty red color as dried blood!"

Rusty's ears flattened before he turned around and started running. Back in the direction of camp.

"Wait! You stupid fucking animal! Town's the other way!" Max screeched. He nudged Nikki since she seemed to be the only person able to understand him.

Nikki made a series of growls and barks, to which Rusty replied back.

"He says, 'Pups shouldn't be alone. Taking back to pack.'"

Max looked incensed.

"Tell this brain-dead beast that we are trying to get away from the camp!"

Nikki gave another series of growls and barks.

"He says, 'Pack needs to be with pack. Danger might find pups.'"

Max smacked his face with his hands.

"For fuck's sake! I'll never get away from this stupid fucking camp."

He thought about trying to jump from the wolf, but he knew the wolf would just pick him up like it did earlier. He resigned himself to his fate.

The wolf made it back to camp in half the time it took them to leave. It dropped them off at the archway and disappeared into the woods as Gwen came stomping up to them.

"What the fuck! I leave you alone for two seconds and you tried to leave again?! You lil' shits better be thankful I can't fucking beat your asses for yet another fucking panic attack your escape made me go through."

Max just stared at her.

"You're not going to comment on the fact that we rode a giant fucking wolf into camp?"

Nikki turned her excitement to Gwen.

"It was awesome! We met Rusty and he brought us back!"

Gwen glowered at them.
"That wolf lives in the area. It's been here for a long ass time and likes to care for the campers. I've never named it but I guess Rusty works. Now get your asses back into camp. You are banned from dessert for today and tomorrow and you will have to be supervised by David for today and tomorrow as well."

Gwen ushered them to the front of the Mess Hall.

"Now stay here. I'm gonna get David."

She walked off from the Mess Hall and into the forest nearby. The trio stared after her.

"Why the fuck did she go into the forest?" Neil's face scrunched in confusion.

It didn't last long though as she reappeared with David, who was covered in leaves and twigs.

"I am very disappointed in you campers. I was so worried! I'm just glad that Rusty found you guys and brought you back."

Max looked at David. "Okay, how did you know we named the wolf Rusty?"

David sweated a little, "G-Gwen told me! That's not the point. You campers have to stay with me at all times today and tomorrow. Now come on! We're going to the lake. Today is swimming camp!"

Max shrugged and accepted the answer. David smiled and ushered everyone to the lake. Max walked beside David and, when Gwen went to scold Nurf for dunking Space Kid, turned his attention back to David.

"How come you two have never mentioned Rusty before?" David looked down at Max in surprise.

"We figured some campers would think Rusty is cool and seek him out on their own, which is dangerous. This forest has a lot of wild animals and offset terrains like loose trees, cliffs, and ravines. Other campers could've found him to be scary. He is a really large wolf even though he is friendly. It just seemed like a good idea to leave him be."

Max gave David a disinterested look.

"Whatever. I doubt we'll ever see him again anyway."

David smiled. "Alright then! Let's get swimming!"

David lifted his shirt off and made his way into the water. Max was frozen in shock on the lakeshore as David started to coach the campers on some water game he was gonna teach them. The only thing racing through his mind was how David had the same fucking cut on his neck that Rusty had.