For the record: I'm doing this story purely as a means because I have been binging Fairy Tail for the last few weeks and this idea came to me. Dark King Marcel helped me expand on this idea and I only see Naruto in Fairy Tail and my own story where he leaves. So I decided to try this idea out let me know what you guys thing about this.

NOTE: This is not an OP Naruto, he will struggle in fights and that is new for me so if I did something wrong let me know because I can only get better if you tell me as feedback.

Title: Phantom Lord's Ace


In a small village, located in the mountains of Fiore, near the city of Clover. Exists a dark guild that has fallen from graces. They were known for being Zeref worshippers and were considered the one's looking for his long lost book of demons. This was to increase their standings in the dark guilds that were plotting around the country. They even hoped this would put them on par with the Balam Alliance.

They had spent months digging up the ruins on the outskirts of this town in hopes of finding the ancient book. One man managed to remove a stone and saw that there was something inside of it. Reaching into the stone he smiled.

"I found it sir!" He said pulling something out of the dark hole. What came out was a book with the mark of Zeref on the front of the book. There he blew the dust off the book and saw his master coming to him. He was a plain man with black hair, black eyes, a narrow jaw, and a dragon tattoo going around his neck. He smiled and examined the book.

"Finally the great Dark Marcos Guild found the ancient demons book. Today we will finally ascend to greatness and become the darkest guild in the land!" The man said as his group cheered loudly while they head back to their village to prepared the ritual to summon the powerful demons that were sealed into the book. They would even use the villagers as a sacrifice if that was necessary.

While this was going on, a man was walking down the street to the village mentioned. He was wearing a black coat that was lined with fur around the cuffs, opening, and neck. Underneath the coat he was wearing a black sleeveless GI shirt and black puffy pants with black shoes. On his ears were a pair of red gem earrings. However the thing that stood out about the man the most was his blond spiky hair and dark blue eyes that had slits in them. One part of his face was covered in black marks that went down to his left arm reaching up to his wrist. (Gray's Devil Slayer form.) His right arm had his guild mark on it and showed that he was loyal to the guild known as Phantom Lord, which was considered by many, one of the top guilds in the country. The most striking feature on his face was whisker marks on his face that stood out from most of the people, due to how unusual they were. This teen was Naruto, Phantom Lord's Ace.

Naruto was yawning. Today he took a job that was to investigate a dark guild that was rumored to be digging up some dark artifact that was said to summon demons. If that was the case then he was best person for this job and he was eager to test himself.

Entering the outrim of the village he saw one of the dark mages standing guard at the gate and he was shocked to see him.

"Master wizard!" The mage screamed as a hologram projection through a lacrima appeared above the village he was looking at the boy and laughed.

"So the Council finally has someone willing to face the mighty Dark Marcos guild! Well you are too late. We have the book, and we are about to summon an all powerful demon to fight for us! There is nothing you can do to stop us. Men kill him!" The Master said as the guild gathered several powerful wizards at their side and all of them were aiming spell circles of different colors and weapons at him. But when they fired at him he was already on them and was rushing through with great ease. He was using pure speed and power and taking down most of the group with no problem. However when he was targeted by a fire mage he saw the spell fire in the form of a small ball of fire. When it collided with him, the fire mage laughed.

"Ha! Take that!" He cheered. His cheering was stopped though when he saw the fire being eaten by the teen who was now burping.

"Not bad the flames were pretty weak, might want to work on your control from prison." He said as he turned to the man while firing his own fire ball at him but his fire was red and black in minute his fire hit the man he was sent down the ground while smoking from the attack. "Man they don't make dark guild mages like they use to. Better find this guy before he really causes trouble." The teen said to himself as he proceeded into the town and sighed. This was going to be a long mission.

(Magnolia, 1 day ago)

In a private room there was four people huddled up with a spirit that was shaking and a blue cat with a backpack. One was a blond hair girl wearing a pink sleep wear, a red hair girl wearing red sleep wear, black hair teen with a blue guild mark on his chest and covered in bandages sitting at the desk, and a pink hair teen with red guild mark sitting at a table pretending to be asleep. These four were considered the dream team of the guild: Gray Fullbuster the Ice Mage, Natsu Dragneel the Fire Dragon Slayer, Erza Scarlet, S-class mage and master of weapons and armor, and finally Lucy who is the run away heiress of one of the richest families in the country and a celestial wizard. All four of them were in Lucy's apartment after an attack from Phantom Lord on their guild hall. Their master was worried that they might be targeting the members soon so they were ordered to group up together. But Lucy never knew about this until she walked into her house with all of them sitting around her living room leaving her irritated. But eventually agreed to it while not seeing Gray was reading her incomplete novel.

"So guys why did Phantom Lord attack us?" Lucy asked generally curious about the situation. There was nothing they really did to them that she could think of that would bring anger to their doorstep. Erza sighed.

"I'm not sure myself. but if I had to guess it has to be something to due with their guild master. He doesn't exactly have a high opinion of us and feels that we would be better off being the second best guild in the country beneath them." She said with her eyes closed, a scowl on her face.

"Yeah but we all know that is not true." Gray said as Natsu growled.

"Exactly that is why I think gramps is scared to take a battle to them!" He growled out as Gray sighed along with Erza.

"Natsu you know that is not true. Gramps and Mira are right, starting a war over the things that have happened is not worth the consequences. You also seemed to forget their guild master is also a Wizard Saint like Makarov." Erza said gravely as Lucy had another question.

"Is he really that powerful?" She asked as Natsu snorted at her words and gave her a cocky smirk.

"Yeah but if we fought them all out we would come out top easily." He said as Erza shook her head.

"I disagree Natsu. While I do think Master Makarov is stronger than Jose, but the truth is that he is not the biggest threat or the numbers they have. The biggest threat belongs to their top wizards in their guild. One set being equal to our own S-class mages known as the Elemental Four. The other being Gajeel the Iron Dragon Slayer." She said as Lucy had a shocked look on her face.

"Wait you are saying there are other dragon slayers out there!?" She asked in slight worry.

"Yes but they are not the one's that I'm sure Master is concerned about." Erza said Gray was curious and so was Natsu. The two of them were wondering who could possibly be the person the master is worried about. "A couple of years ago I heard that Jose and Makarov had brought two S-class mages to the Guild Master conference in which Jose was showing off his new prodigy and his new Ace." She said calmly as Gray looked at her confused.

"Wait I thought Gajeel was the Ace?" He asked as Erza shook her head.

"No apparently he found a child that was stronger than him and more diverse. From what I gathered, he defeated Gajeel when he was nothing more than thirteen and became one of the youngest S-class mages in the entire country. But that is not the reason master does not want a war with them. The truth is that at that same age, he fought Laxus at that conference." She said as Gray raised a brow.

"So what? He fought Laxus, doesn't mean you can't handle him though." He said as Erza frowned.

"He fought Laxus to a standstill back then. It was rendered a draw." She finished as the room was silent. Natsu and Gray were shocked Phantom Lord's Ace had fought the master's grandson to a draw? No one in the guild had done that yet other than the master and Gildarts, both of whom, were powerful enough to force him into submission. Yet there was a kid at the time, powerful enough to do that and if he kept up his training, that meant he was even stronger now and probably was stronger than most of the guild as a whole.

"Insane! They really have someone like that in their guild?" Lucy asked scared as Erza nodded her head,

"Now do you understand why the master wants to avoid a conflict with the guild as a whole?" She asked as the group sighed and agreed, though Natsu did it reluctantly seeing the point.

While in another part of town, team Shadow Gear was wondering around doing their own thing at night. One being a man in a brown coat and big hat named Jet, a man wearing a white shirt with a black ponytail named Droy, and their leader Levy who had blue hair and was wearing a blue and yellow outfit. They were unaware they were being watched by someone in the shadows, someone that was covered in piercings and had long black hair and wearing a sleeveless black outfit.

Gajeel Redfox was doing as he was ordered. Force the Fairy Tail mages to react to start a war. His orders were to take out any mages of the guild and leave them for everyone to find knowing it was them. But thinking about the master he thought back to his friends advice.

"Be careful Gajeel. Jose will lead you to damnation if you are not careful. If you do anything, make sure you protect Juvia because outside of me she is the only real friend you have left Gajeel."

Even knowing his friends warnings, he was excited. He wanted to force these fairy fools to fight him and the rest of the guild along with claiming that heiress for the money her father has. Seeing it was time he leapt into action wondering how his friend was doing on his contract.

(Meanwhile, In the Mountain Village)

The Ace of Phantom Lord was annoyed, these dark guild members are starting to get on his last nerve. They were throwing everything they could at him to force him back. But he was blasting through them with either pure strength or some minor spell work. He could use his brand of magic, but he preferred to save it up for when he really needed it or when something exciting was going on. More along the lines that he wanted to fight the demon sealed in the book. Yeah, his job was to protect the village but most of them had already abandoned the village in fear of the on going battle.

Arriving at the northern part of the city, he saw the dark guild hall that was standing before him. It was built like a normal castle so he was not too worried about the situation as a whole. Entering the building he saw the mages were gathering the last bits of their forces and making a valiant last stand.

"Look just give me the book and this can be all over. But I prefer if you idiots try to stop me from getting to your valiant guild master. It just makes destroying all of you more pleasing." He said with a malicious grin.

"Fuck you asshole! The ritual is almost complete and you know what that means?" One of the dark mages said as Naruto yawned.

"What?" He asked uninterested.

"The Great Demon Berial (DMC4) will be released and he will destroy you for defiance!" He said as Naruto rolled his eyes. "Now face our wrath!" He shouted as all the guild members fired different color elements and blasts at Naruto who just sighed and gathered some fire magic around his body before compressing it. But unlike the normal flames these flames were dark red to the point that they were nearly black.

"Disappear trash. Fire Explosion!" He said as he released his magic in a large explosion of magical energy and thus sending it through the entire room burning most of them to a crisp. Walking over their bodies the teen walked into the main auditorium where he saw the guild master smiling with an ominous circle completed.

"Come great demon strike down this fool that dares to oppose us!" He commanded.

"Very well human but this will cost you." A demonic voice say

"What is the cost great demon?" He asked as he felt a spear of fire pierce his stomach and drag him into the circle.

"Your soul! Foolish mortal I'm now free!" The demon roared.

Out of the portal, an explosion of fire roared and wiped out most of the upper levels of the castle leaving a clear view of the village from the throne room. The villagers were watching from the tree lines and were shivering in fear of the dark power that was coming from the former guild house. Such evil was spreading throughout the village that most were feeling their hearts stopping at the sheer magnitude of the power.

The teen on the other hand had not moved an inch using his own fire magic to protect him from the attack and watched on. Honestly, when will humans learn that summoning demons is frowned on for a reason? I mean seriously did this idiot think that just because he summoned the monster, that said monster would do his bidding? That was foolish and considerably short sighted for him. The reason monster's like this one were sealed away is to prevent this shit from happening but no, everyone sees them as tools of power. It was annoying to him and he wanted nothing to do with such foolish people. Plus who summons a demon not thinking they might lose their souls, that is like the first thing you learn in summoning monsters like them.

Out of the portal came a giant monster that towered over the town and even the guild hall. He was a flame monster with horns but resembled a horned centaur that he had seen in some of his travels. At his side was dark sword that was covered in demonic fire that was dangerous to humans that are cut down by it. But the thing that he noticed about the monster is that it was mostly a fire based monster meaning that this was going to be easy for him.

"Free again. To wreck havoc in the human world again! What a dream, not even that fool Zeref will stop me!" The demon, Berial if Naruto recalled what the master had said, said staring out into the world.

"Yeah sure, hey buddy." Naruto called getting the demon to turn his head down to the princely looking man with a tattoo covering part of his body. "Look I can't let you do that so would you do me a favor and go back to the underworld?" He asked kindly.

"That marking... I know I recognize it, and that scent, you smell like someone I met before." He said growling as Naruto smiled.

"It should, I was raised by a demon and his wife." Naruto said smiling.

"That doesn't matter." Berial said, raising his sword up. He took a mighty swing at the teen, covering the entire ground in fire. The force of the swing started a massive gust of wind that took the roof off some of the buildings and even sent some nearby trees flying into the sky. The demon snorted and proceed moving forward until he heard something. It sound like someone sucking in something and looking down he saw something that shocked him. The teen was standing there with his mouth opening and he was eating his fire.

"Man these are pretty good tasting flames but I would put more power behind them next time." He said and within a few seconds the fire was gone and he burped from all the fire he ate. "Now I got a fire in my belly and ready to go." He said as, in Magnolia Natsu sneezed thinking someone stole his catchphrase.

"How!? No one can eat demonic flames! Not Dragons slayers or God slayers! It would have tore their inside apart!" Berial asked confused.

"Well then I guess I'm a different kind of slayer." Naruto said as the demon finally realized and soon his entire body ignited in flames lighting him up like a bright beacon in darkness.

"Your one of those filthy demon killers! A devilslayer!" Berial roared, enraged.

"Right about that you over grown demon horse. Names Naruto Otsutsuki, son of Kurama the Demon King and Nibi the Demon Queen." Naruto said, bowing mockingly to the demon.

"Impossible, you are the son of those traitors!?" Berial asked as his anger grew.

"Not sure about traitors but I sure am their son." Naruto said as he lept into the air and gathered some of his fire magic in his throat. "Now I'm going to show you the power of the son of the Strongest Demon,

Fire Devil Rage!" He called and without warning a huge torrent of dark red flames fired from his mouth and hit the demon sending him falling to the ground with a vicious thud and screaming. While he was immune to dark flames of his own kind and fire from other beings he was not immune to the flames of a devil slayer. He knew from the past that all devil slayers are blessed with their favored element being able to by pass this problem.

"Damn you! I will not be defeated!" Berial screamed as he got back to his feet again and stared down the falling Devil Slayer. "I was forced to retreat because of your kind before! It is the reason I was sealed for so long! I refuse to be sealed again today the Fire Demon King will have his revenge!" He roared as his entire body ignited in a brilliant show of power and he swung his sword with everything he had in the hopes of hitting him with his dark attack. But before the attack could hit, Naruto was leaping over his sword and appearing beneath him while summoning an orange energy around his body.

"Sorry to tell you this pal but you should have stayed sealed otherwise you wouldn't be in this situation." Naruto said as he gathered the energy around his right fist and jumped up, "Plus unlike most I know two elements courtesy of the great King and Queen. Have a taste of my orange winds!" Naruto yelled.

"Wind Devil Crushing Fist!" He called the attacks name as he made contact with Berial.

The great beast was sent flying into the sky and feeling the impact of the strike he felt the wind ripping through his body.

"Gah!" He grunted as he crashed down to the ground with a thud and feeling his body slowly dying on him. That damn human was too weak to bring him back to full power but even then he could tell this kid would have killed him with ease.

"Ready to die?" He asked mockingly as the demon growled,

"I was about to ask the same thing human scum!" Berial said as he opened his mouth, Naruto saw a huge torrent of fire aimed at him.

"Inferno cannon!" He called as Naruto already had his next attack ready as well.

"Fire Devil Rage!" He roared as both fire attacks collided, but due to the sheer power that Naruto's possess he pierced through and covered the monster with his attack, spearing the demon through the head.

"Damn you human! Damn you and your whore mother and pathetic father!" Berial roared.

Soon a massive explosion took his body out of the picture leaving Naruto surrounded by the remains of the demon's flames. He opened his jaw and sucked them into his body and smiled after seeing they were clean up.

"Yeah but at least they were not whiny bitches like you. I'll see you hell fool." Naruto said smiling as he walked away from the ruins of the guild and back into the town where the mayor and the people looked at him with shock.

"I-i-i-is it over?" One asked as Naruto smiled at them.

"Yeah luckily you got someone that is an expert in dealing with demons. This was an easy job especially since it was a fire demon." Naruto said as he gave them a thumbs up. "Contract complete." Naruto said happily.

The people broke out in cheers with the children rushing him and hugging him thanking him for saving them. Naruto smiled at them and hugged them telling them it was only a job.

"You were so awesome mister!" One said.

"Yeah your fire was so cool!" Another continued.

"When I grow up I hope to be a powerful mage like you!" Another finished as Naruto smiled at them and pat their heads.

"Then I look forward to seeing you all again then. Because you are the next generation and the one's I will past the torch onto. Strive for your dreams and we shall meet again." He said as the kids smiled and agreed to this and soon returned their parents telling them what he told them and all of them smiled at their dream. Thanking him for giving them their dream and hoping to see more of him in the near future. Naruto smiled back and looked at the mayor who had a huge bag of jewels and something else in his hand.

"Here is the agreed payment and something extra." He said as he handed Naruto his pay.

"What are these?" He asked as he looked at his gift. When he looked at them closely, he saw that they were some kind of golden keys with odd markings and shapes to them.

"These are celestial keys that we have had in our possession ever since someone came to do the same thing but died doing her job. I believe she was from blue Pegasus but someone had killed her instead. I believe they are celestial spirits of the Zodiac variety." The mayor said as Naruto smirked at this.

"Thanks I will make sure they get a good home soon." Naruto said before he waved goodbye to the villagers while proceeding out of the town sighing.

"Man that demon was shit. I mean it was fire demon making it easier for me to defeat it. But still I was hoping they summoned something like that Deloria or Lullaby I heard about. They at least were impressive but he was nothing. Man I hope I can find some excitement soon." He complained as he felt something buzzing in his pocket. Reaching into it, he pulled out a small lacrima crystal that he used to communicate with some people from his guild.

Opening the link he saw a blue hair woman standing there with a nervous expression on his face.

"Juvia-chan why are you calling? I just got done with my job and I'm heading back to the guild." He asked as the woman shuffled a bit.

"Well Juvia wanted to tell you something that might make you angry. Juvia is sorry that she was not brave or strong enough to stop it." She said as Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?" He asked fearing for the worst.

"Master Jose had ordered Juvia to kidnapped that Lucy girl and Gajeel had been ordered to attack Fairy Tail in the hopes of starting a war." She said looking down as Naruto growled. He hated that man. Jose, while his guild master and he respected his power, his arrogance, his desire for absolution, and natural greed was starting to get on his nerve. The man at one time was a great guild master, but now he was nothing more than a bitter man hating that he had competition. Naruto only put up with him because he had nowhere else to really go and that he wanted to avoid pieces of his past that could creep up soon.

"Please tell me you didn't and the war is not on?" He begged as Juvia kept her head down.

"I'm sorry Naruto-sama it is true. The war is on and we have been attacked in our guild house. They took down many of our people but we managed to weaken them by knocking down their guild master." She said regretfully as Naruto sighed.

"And the girl?" He asked.

"We managed to capture her and bring her to HQ but sadly she escaped after tricking the master and kicking him in the crotch." Naruto thought about Juvia's words for a second and laughed. The old man really fell for that? Got to give the girl credit for doing something that was unorthodox.

"Okay that is pretty funny." He said as Juvia laughed a bit. It was funny when she heard about it but she was scared after seeing how pissed off Jose was from the incident.

"So what is going on now?" He asked as Juvia stopped laughing.

"We are regrouping for our counter attack but Jose is hesitant because he heard rumors that Laxus was back at the guild." When those words were uttered, Naruto's eyes shot into his hair line and smiled.

"Wait for me, I'm heading back now." Naruto said as he tucked his crystal away and flew back to the guild. If it was true and Laxus was at Fairy Tail, then that meant he finally could settle their score.

"I'm coming for you Lightning King." Naruto said grinning as he was fired up for this upcoming battle.

(Fairy Tail)

The guild was a somber mood. They had attempted to attack Phantom Lord today, but the attack failed and now they had several injured on top of having their master out of commission. The only thing that had lifted their spirits that a blond hair man wearing a purple button up shirt and black pants was there now. He had his headphones in his ears and was smiling. He was Laxus their S-class mage that was said to be stronger than even Erza and everyone was surprised he returned.

"I'm here to settle a score without the old man getting in the way this time." He said as some knew what he meant. He was here hoping to fight the Ace of Phantom Lord and have the chance of settling a score from a fight six years ago. They were saddened he was not there to help them for any other reason. Mirajane was angry about this and how he was so uncaring about his grandfather's condition, but they ignored him in favor of cheering up Lucy and telling her they would not give her up. She cried tears of joy and sadness thinking that people would die because of her.

Before they had more time to consider their options they heard something rumbling outside the guild and ran out to see Phantom Lord's guild house sitting there with a giant cannon. It was aiming at their guild and they heard Jose taunting them over the speaker.

"Well Fairy Tail I'm here to give you a choice: Hand over Lucy Heartifillia or be wiped out from this world! Your guild can't afford it considering you so called master is out of commission." His voice sounded out as Erza glared at the walking monstrosity.

"You'll have to kill us then! We're not turning over Lucy you monster!" She screamed as the rest of the guild joined in the war cry other than Laxus who was walking to the front of the group.

"Naruto I know your in there come out here! Lets settle our score!" He shouted as Jose grunted in annoyance.

"So be it. Lets see how you deal with this!" He shouted madly as Erza saw the cannon priming and knew she had to stop the attack. So taking on her strongest armor, she shielded the guild from the impact. But the minute the attack ended, her armor shattered and she was out cold. The guild rushed to her side while Naruto and Gajeel were watching from one of the high floors.

"It would seem their strongest asset is down, pity I wanted to test myself against the mighty Titania." Gajeel said as Naruto looked at him and back at the field and saw Laxus.

"I'm going down there." He with a grin on his face as Gajeel looked shocked.

"What about Master Jose? He told you stay put." He asked as Naruto growled,

"He doesn't control me, remember that friend." Naruto said as Gajeel held his hands up in surrender. The truth was that he and Naruto was pretty good friends along with Juvia. The rest of the guild, not so much as they either feared them or sucked up to them. It was annoying to both of them and they felt it was unneeded and unwarranted. They stood together and became their own team known as the Demon Squad. But now they were separated for different jobs they were to accomplish.

"Sorry, look go do your thing I'll get the girl." Gajeel said as Naruto turned to him.

"Don't." He said simply.

"What?" Gajeel asked shocked.

"I said don't. Look the girl obviously has nothing connecting to her father's fortune so there is no point in wasting our time with it. Plus we have given them enough reason to attack us back. Just leave it at that friend." Naruto said as Gajeel clicked his teeth in annoyance.

"Tch, fine but if Jose gets on my ass about it your taking the blame." Naruto smiled at his friends words.

"Let him try, he has nothing on me and he knows it." Naruto said as he gathered his wind magic and flew down to the ground ignoring Jose shouting at him to come back over the speakers. Landing in front of Fairy Tail, the guild saw the Ace of Phantom Lord staring down Laxus with a grin on his face. Both were standing there with their power starting to leak out in excitement.

"We meet again Demon King." Laxus spoke calmly as he glared at Naruto.

"Indeed Lighting King. But this time we are going to finish this fight." Naruto said as he let his fire explode around him with his wind spinning there to add more to the effect. Laxus let his magic roar to life and he threw his coat away.

"This time the masters won't stop us! Lets go! I'm so excited it is driving me crazy!" Naruto said with an excited grin.

"You know I was thinking the same thing!" Laxus said with a equally large grin. Without warning, they charged at each other, one gone in a blur and the other in a flash of lightning. They each threw a punch, missing the other by a few inches and a shockwave roared from their strikes. The crowd was shocked, these two were out of their class and it was obvious they were not going to hold back against each other. Natsu, who wanted to fight the Ace, decided it was more important to destroy the cannon while they had the chance and the rest of the guild dealt with the shades coming their way.

Back at the two teens Naruto smiled.

"This is exciting, did I ever tell you, that fighting demons and other people has become boring compared to our last match?" Naruto asked as Laxus smile seemed to grow.

"Strange, I had the same feeling. But that doesn't matter let's see who has become the strongest since our last bout!" Laxus shouted as Naruto saw him pulling away and throwing a roundhouse kick at his head. Thinking quickly, he moved out of range of the strike before blitzing him and slamming his fist into his stomach. Laxus released some spit and was sailing backward. He gathered his bearings and felt someone behind him. Looking he saw his Lightning Tribe: Freed Bickslow, and Evergreen. They were prepared to fight but he growled at them.

"Help the rest of the guild. I don't want these bastards doing any more damage than they already have." He said as he glared at Naruto once again.

"But what about you?" Freed asked as Laxus summoned more lightning around his body and smirked.

"I'm going to fight the Ace." He said before he charged off again with a flash and threw another hook at Naruto who ducked under the strike.

"Nice try." He said as he threw a punch at his stomach, but Laxus was gone in another flash and this time decked him with a vicious kick to the face sending him skidding across the ground. Naruto got his bearings to see Laxus on top of him again.

Naruto smiled.

"This is fun." He muttered as he gathered his wind magic and took off into the air again and floated in place. He looked at his face and saw the kick did some damage to his face but nothing serious. His magic was already using the fire he had left over from the battle with the fire demon to heal himself. To others they saw his face glow green and his face was back to normal.

"He healed!?" One asked.

"No way how the hell is that possible!?" Another asked in confusion.

"Man he really is strong! He has perfect defense and offense for combat!" Naruto smiled at their admiration,

'What they don't know is thanks to my studies with Nibi I know different kinds of fires that have different properties. Luckily as long as I have the excess fire in my body I can use it to charge my green fire internally and heal myself. But when that runs out I'm going to need to really be careful about taking serious damage. Better test him a bit.' Naruto thought to himself as his focused solely on Laxus.

"You've gotten faster Laxus but lets see you dodge something you can't see!" Naruto said as he gathered his wind magic and soon his orange waves turned into some transparent chains and soon flew at his opponent. Laxus laughed at how obvious his attack was.

"You serious? I don't even need special vision to see your attack coming at me." He mocked as Naruto smiled. Laxus was so easy to trick due to his ego. He had secretly created another set of chains that were going around his back and were hidden under a small illusion that he used through manipulation of the air. They were going to wrap around him when he moved or tried to attack.

Within seconds he was gone in flash appearing near the guild. Naruto forced his chains at full charge this time and the hidden set wrapped around his body.

"What the hell? I know I dodged your chains!" Laxus shouted in angry confusion.

"Yes you did." Naruto said calmly as he floated back down to the ground. "You saw the one's coming at you and dodged them but the one's that I hid, you didn't see. With some special application of wind magic, you can manipulate the air around things actually make them invisible. But what is special about my wind is that other than the fact it is orange it actually gets stronger when hit with a fire attack or can even nullify fire attacks completely." Naruto informed him as Laxus growled.

"Not bad asshole but I'm far from done." He said as he gathered lighting around his body and tried to break the chains but he noticed something is wrong. The more power he was using, the more power he was losing at the same time.

"So you noticed huh?" Naruto asked with his arms folded.

"What did you do to me?" Laxus asked as Naruto smiled.

"Well fun thing about these wind chains, the longer they are wrapped around you not only does it nullify your offense to break them, but it can also drain your magic and add it to my own reserves." Naruto said with a smile that made Laxus want to punch him more.

"I get it then. Due to the chains costing magic this allows you to hold them as long as I have magic in my body to keep me restrained right?" Laxus asked as Naruto nodded.

"Yep, you know some people in the land I heard say you're an idiot. But I can see you have a brain, but you just keep it hidden behind your arrogance so people underestimate your brains." Naruto said as Laxus laughed slightly.

"Nice someone caught onto that." He said as Naruto smiled and without warning lifted Laxus into the air and threw him across the battlefield into his guild house.

"Just makes fighting you more interesting." Laxus said as he appeared again but this time he threw a large bolt of lightning at him. Naruto smiled and dodged the strike and saw him appear behind him but he was gone in a blur. Naruto appeared behind him and slammed him head first into the ground.

"Your weakness? Your rely too much on big power moves that can drain you faster due to your over dependency. If I was a slower enemy this might actually work." Naruto said as Laxus laughed.

"Your right but I still have this." He said as he gathered the lighting around his body and soon sent it out. Naruto was caught in the attack due to surprise.

"Ack!" Naruto grunted as he jumped away from him and felt the tingling sensation in his arm signaling he might have lost all motor function in that part of his body. He summoned more fire inside of him and his arm started to heal but Laxus was back up.

"Not so fast!" He said as he sent lighting across the ground forcing Naruto to move out of range of the attack before his arm completely healed. Staring each other down he saw he had a good amount of damage done to Laxus but he was still hurt from some of his attacks.

"I get you too. You use more of a trickery based style. You study your opponent by using your base abilities. Once you are sure you know how they are going to react to certain situations you plan your attack from there. But I can tell you are hiding your real power from me and the real attacks you want to fire off. So lets quit holding back! I'll show you my ace in the hole if you show me yours!" Laxus spoke as Naruto's hair covered his eyes for a few seconds and nothing happened, the shades stopped moving and the mages watched in anticipation. Then Naruto started to chuckle before breaking out in a full out laugh. He looked at the man in front of him and smiled.

"Alright you want a full out fight then lets go! No more holding back lets so who the king is!" Naruto said, his excitement on full display. This was the first time in a long while that he finally gets to cut loose in a fight! But before he could release his full power they both saw an explosion and saw that the Jupiter cannon was destroyed.

"Huh how annoying that means the next weapon is coming." He said glaring at the machine as Laxus looked at him with confusion until he saw what was going on. The guild turned into a machine or war-bot of some kind and it was writing out a magical seal of some kind. He recognized some of the incantations.

"Abyss Break." He said in awe as Naruto nodded.

"That's right, Jose is planning to wipe out this entire town to get his way." Naruto said with his head down.

"That idiot! I can't believe he is that stupid. No one is going to stand for this!" Laxus screamed as Naruto sighed.

"Yeah, look I hate the man, I honestly do. So I'll tell you this out of wanting to see this stopped and prevent innocent deaths. The way to stop the seal is taking down the Elemental four. Just do me a favor if you send your people take it easy on a blue hair girl in there, she is just a lonely little thing. Plus she is one of two people I consider family in that stupid guild." Naruto said as Laxus looked at him and nodded his head. He knew what he was talking about. While he was a loner for the most part, he at least had his tribe in the guild that followed him around. So he never really thought bad about them and actually did care about them. Turning around he saw Gray and a white hair teen named Elfman.

"You two go inside and help Natsu out! Thunder Tribe lend a hand!" He ordred as the group nodded their head and head up to the moving building.

Turning back to the fight Laxus smiled.

"Now that all the problems are out of the way why don't we show each other's real power?" He asked as Naruto grinned and soon he was being covered in a dark aura of fire and wind. His dark red flames and orange winds were meshing together giving him an almost demonic look. The mages could see that his presence was that of a Wizard Saint if their own master was anything to go by.

Laxus closed his eyes for a second before pushing all of his power out and he bulked up with lightning pouring out of every part of his body forcing the ground to shake with incredible force. Both stared down the other and without warning they charged at each other. No one could see them move while fighting the shades but there were shockwaves showing where they had been. Naruto took some distance after the sixth collision of fists and puffed his cheeks up,

"Fire Devils Rage!" Naruto called as a large torrent of flames erupted from his mouth and made a dash at Laxus. Laxus responed by opening his own mouth and a massive bolt of lightning was released.

"Lighting Dragon Roar!" He bellowed as the lightning bolt shot out of his mouth.

Both attacks collided and exploded, destroying some of the shades in the nearby area and some of the people were sent flying from the explosion. Naruto charged through before feeling Laxus grabbing him and driving him into the ground. He grunted from being slammed and then he felt lightning running over the man's hand and over his body shocking him badly. Naruto grunted at the pain before swinging his feet up and wrapping them around his extended arm. From there he pushed the arm down sending Laxus into the ground while he was holding the arm with his hands wrapped around his wrist. Naruto sat on his shoulder and twisted his arm forcing Laxus to grunt in pain.

Naruto let go of the arm when he saw more lightning coming out of his body and got some distance. He charged some wind into his left arm and charged at him when he was looking at him with the intention to release another lightning dragon roar.

"Wind Devil Crushing Fist!" His countered as his hand was covered in pure orange wind. He managed hit him in the nose sending his head back releasing his attack into the sky. Soon he jumped away from the giant powered Laxus and felt his own reserves take a large drop.

'Damn I have no more flames left over to heal myself since that last barrage of lighting. My magic is slowly falling down to the halfway point. If this keeps going on I might have to bring out the secret arts. But I can tell from his own reserves that he is running low as well.' Naruto thought to himself as he stared at Laxus.

On the opposite side of the battlefield stood Laxus. While he looked like he still had more power going around his body, the truth was that he was pushing his limits. He had used too many high power moves that it was draining him of all of his power. He maybe had a few more power moves left before he was completely and left to probably some basic lightning enhancement attacks.

'He really is pushing me, going all out like this is hurting me more than it is helping me. But the feeling, the rush, the idea that I can lose to this guy is too exciting! I have to see how we stack up and see if I'm strong enough to take the guild!'

Naruto smiled, he was feeling the same emotion. He felt excited about the idea that someone was actually able to beat him. He might lose this fight, but his will was motivating him to not lose. To dig down deep and pull out a victory.

'I love this feeling!/I love this feeling!' They both thought.

Both teens powered up again and Laxus had a magical circle appear behind him with his fist drawn back.

"Lighting Dragons Breakdown Fist!" Laxus shouted as he launched his fist forward.

He sent a massive bolt of lightning at Naruto who dodged the attack but it left a huge crater behind him. He was shocked about the amount of power he was using to try and win. But this didn't bother him because he quickly fixed the distance by having his own devil slayer magic ready.

"Not bad Dragon Slayer, I can tell that the power you are generating must have come from a Dragon Lacrima. Meaning that you can't fully control your dragon power yet. That's fine let me show you the power of a devil!" Naruto said as he gathered his magic around his hands.

"Wind Devil Thousand Blades!" Naruto said as out of the sky came thousands of barely visible blades of wind, all aimed at Laxus, who took the full brunt of the attacks. But he screamed in pain when he felt the attacks cutting small nerve parts of his arm and legs. He realized that the point of the attack was to mask his real target while aiming for the sensitive points on his body.

Gathering his magic in his mouth again he released it at Naruto once again.

"Lightning Dragon Roar!" Laxus shouted as Naruto didn't have enough time to move so he took the full brunt of the attack and screamed from the pain. Collapsing to the ground he grunted at the burnt feeling all over his body. At this same point, Naruto got off the ground and saw he was charging him.

'Damn it! I got to move! Come on, move body move! I can't lose! Not here! Not Now! I won't fail in my parents dreams!' Naruto thought to himself as he felt himself get stronger.

Naruto didn't know where it came from, but he felt a sudden pulse of power inside of him and forcing him to his feet and healing some of his minor injuries. He could see that he was covered in some new black markings but just as quickly as they showed up and healed him they disappeared again. Naruto wondered what it was but he had more pressing matters. He dodged the punches and strikes of lightning that came from Laxus and knew that the longer this fight went on, the more danger he was in. He would not be able to heal again from his special ability again. So he had to break out his ace in the hole.

Gathering his magic into his hands he aimed it at Laxus when he was in range.

"Got ya!" He said as a ball of dark red fire emerged in his hands.

"Fire Devil Supreme Inferno!" He shouted as the blast erupted from his hands.

Not having the chance to respond Laxus took the full brunt of the attack and was knocked backwards leading him nearly falling over.

"I'm not done with you yet Laxus!" Naruto roared as he leapt into the air and gathered more magic into his mouth.

"Wind Devil Rage!" Naruto roared out his own attack.

The attack forced Laxus into the ground and cut deeper into his body. Naruto leapt into the air and landed on top of the collapsing guildhall.

"Time to end this!" He said as ball of dark fire appeared in his hand but then he mixed some orange wind into it and started forming a spinning shuriken of magic. Leaping over Laxus he saw he was trying to move but couldn't and was watching on in shock of his attack.

"You lose Laxus! Devil Slayer Ultimate Attack: Flaming Hurricane Rasenshuriken!" He shouted with a smile on his face.

He threw the attack at Laxus and upon impact, the fire attack burned him badly while having the orange wind blades cutting him up and dealing more damage thanks to power from both elements being used together.

Naruto landed on the ground and sighed, he saw Laxus was finally down and out that he finally collapsed to the ground with a thud.

"I'm so tired." He said looking up. When he did, he saw a brown hair girl wearing a blue bikini top and aiming cards at him while watching for shades. "Relax I can't move right now and I'm out of magic. It took everything that I had to defeat Laxus and I'm still feeling the affect of the attacks I healed from." He said calmly as he closed his eyes.

"How is that possible it should have erased the damage?" She asked as Naruto smiled.

"The damage yes but the fatigue internally doesn't disappear and in time it returns. Kind of like a numbing agent it stops the pain for a while but then when you have a moment of peace the phantom pain comes back and your exhaustion hits too." He said as he opened his eyes and saw the Abyss Break spell was stopped and saw that there was a bright light coming from inside of his guild. He then saw the bright light expanding outward and coming straight at him. Using the last remnants of his power, that he had on reserve in times of emergency thanks to some runes he mastered in making, he held his hand out when the light hit him.

"Null Counter." He whispered.

When the attack finally died down, he was still awake still on the ground with Laxus while everyone else was wondering how he was not knocked out.

Soon several people emerged from the guild including Juvia and Gajeel. They both raced up to Naruto and started to check on him.

"Naruto-kun are you alright!?" Juvia asked as she looked him over.

"Yeah seriously man you look like shit." Gajeel said as Juvia glared at him. "What?" He asked confused.

"I'm fine nothing a small nap and some magical replenishing potions can't fix." He said as he turned to the old man, he saw he was checking on his grandson and then looking at him. Juvia thinking he was going to attack stood in front of Naruto's prone body with Gajeel who was glaring down the old man.

"We might be injured and outnumbered but we will protect our friend." Juvia said as she stood against the master of Fairy Tail.

"You dragon slayer might have beaten me but I will fight to protect my best friend." Gajeel spoke as he stood to protect his friend.

Makarov saw the seriousness in their faces and the looks in his own guild and smiled.

"The war is over, so any conflict we might have had is done as well. I will not harm anyone else and I promise I mean no harm to your friends." Makarov said as Gajeel was standing firm and so was Juvia. "I promise as a Wizard Saint that I won't harm your friend." He said as they soon let him pass while keeping their magic ready to fire if they had to. They might not stand a chance against the old man but they had to fight regardless.

"I see you have grown Naruto." He said looking down at the boy.

"Yeah good to see you again Makarov. For what it's worth, I had nothing do with this stupid plot. Juvia and Gajeel were only following orders while I know it is not much for what happened I promise they are both good people at heart. I hope you can forgive them." Naruto said as he sat up and bowed his head to the old man who only smiled.

This child, while named the Demon King, definitely was a softy when it came to his two friends. He figured that was the case and he was willing to let go of past issues.

"I understand Naruto but, most likely you know the end result of this whole situation." He said as Naruto smiled at him.

"Yeah, our guild will be disbanded, Gajeel and Juvia will be freelancers unless they join another guild. Me, I'll probably have to report this to the king and let him know about the mess Jose caused." He said as the mages around him looked in shock.

"What do you mean the King!?" They asked as Naruto looked surprised and then something hit him.

"Oh right you didn't know sorry." He said reaching into his pocket he, revealed the royal family crest. "I'm officially a licensed mage with the King and have been working for him for the last 4 years." He said as he let his arm hit the ground.

"I don't understand then why did you work for Phantom Lord!" Makarov asked as Naruto sighed.

"I wanted to be with my friend Juvia-chan, but other than that, to keep an eye on Jose, because rumors were circling that he was experimenting with dark magic and it proved true. So now I have to report this to him so he can get what is coming to him." Naruto said as Makarov then nodded.

"Would you be willing to help us out with the council then?" He asked as Naruto saw the desperate look on his face in wanting to avoid a serious trial with the magical council. Naruto thought about it for a second.

"I can pull some strings for you and have some pressure taken off of you in exchange you take care of my two friends." He said as the rest of Fairy Tail voiced their disapproval.

"No way after what they did to us!"

"Gajeel destroyed our guild and injured Levy and her team!"

"He is a monster!"

"Juvia kidnapped Lucy the first time!"

Makarov silenced them as he had gotten annoyed.

"Enough!" He roared as he turned to his children, "Look they were doing what any member of a guild would do and that is following the orders of their guild master. Whether they are truly evil is not for us to judge, but to see if there is good in them. If they wish to join us then I see no problem for it since they will need a place for work and a chance to atone for their past mistakes." He said as the guild was still hesitant, mostly Erza, but she relented to the master's wish but swore she was going to watch them both closely.

"Alright then as soon as I'm back on my feet I will have this mess sorted out for you." Naruto said as Makarov nodded.

"Thank you lad. I see you also finished that match with my grandson." He said glancing at Laxus.

"Yeah well I got lucky. If I had not completed an earlier mission with some fire being left over for me to heal myself in times when I needed it, the fight might have gone differently. Really want to duke it out again but not any time soon." Naruto said as he sighed. "Other than that you got any magical replenishing potions lying around right now?" He asked as Makarov reached into his coat and threw him one. He drank it down and without restraint jumped back to his feet.

He was about to leave until Juvia stopped him.

"Naruto-kun why are you asking us to stay here? Aren't we a team?" She asked as Naruto saw the tears in her eyes and Gajeel, while trying to hide it, he too was a little hurt. Naruto smiled at both of them.

"I'm not leaving you guys here because you were bad or I'm ashamed of you. No, I'm leaving you guys here so that I know you are making the most of your second chance of life. Where as me, I have some stuff I need to take care of before I can settle down at a guild again. So don't worry when things work out, I will return I promise. But promise me this, you guys will give this place a chance and try to make friends and rivals?" He asked as the two of them smiled.

"For you Naruto-kun Juvia will try." She said happily.

"Sure Demon skin but the next time we meet we are going to have another sparring match." Gajeel said as he gave Naruto a feral smile.

"Sure but be ready to lose." Naruto said as he gathered his magic and flew into the sky before looking down at Fairy Tail.

"Thank you all for taking in my friends, you are truly the family I wished the world could have. Maybe one day, this demon can find people like you too. Later!" He said as in blinding speed, he was gone.

"That was so cool! What kind of magic is that!? I mean Erigor could do something similar but nothing as colorful or powerful as him!" Natsu asked as Gajeel grunted.

"Please that loser wishes he was half as good as Naruto." He said as Erza raised an eyebrow.

"Are you saying his magic is better?" She asked as Juvia nodded her head at the comment.

"Yes, because Naruto-kun is a Devil Slayer, trained by two powerful demons in hunting and killing demons. He never told Juvia the names but it was said they were stronger than most other demons. They blessed him with mastery of most forms of fire and orange winds that are stronger than any other form of sky or wind magic." She said as Natsu smiled.

"So cool I want to fight him when he comes back!" He said pumped up as Erza frowned.

"Natsu he defeated Laxus I doubt you could beat him. Plus he also uses fire so there is no telling how he could counter in this case." She said as Natsu shook his head.

"Oh man I can't wait for his return I'm fired up!" He said as the guild laughed. He was lost in his own world of fighting such a powerful mage while Makarov smiled seeing Gajeel and Juvia joining in. Looking down at his grandson he saw something he had not seen in quite a while: a blissful smile. He was happy and he was shedding tears of joy, his grandson finally found someone that he knew understood his pain.

"Thank you Naruto you have helped us in more ways than you can imagine. We would be honored to one day have you in our guild. Plus imagine the fame you would bring the guild and how we would be even more amazing!" He said as the guild cheered and started prepping construction plans for the guildhall.

(Time Skip)

Naruto had gotten his clothes fixed and had visited the king. He had told him about the mess Jose made and what the council was planning to do to the poor Fairy Tail. So using his influence he declared the situation null and that Fairy Tail would not be held responsible for Phantom Lord and all members were given a second chance other than Jose and some specific mages. Gajeel and Juvia were allowed to register as mages again thanks to Naruto's influence with the King and promise they would not do something like that again.

After finishing his business up with the guild he rushed over through the skies until he saw a familiar cat themed guild where he landed in front of it.

"Wendy are you here?" He asked.

Out of the main guild house came a small girl with blue hair wearing a dress of green and many other smaller colors. She smiled with her brown eyes showing joy in seeing him.

"Big Brother!" She said as she rushed up to him and hugged him tightly, "I'm glad to see you again!" She said happily as Naruto hugged her back.

"Say Wendy, guess what?" He asked as she looked up at him.

"What?" She asked as he held her close and poked her forehead causing her to pout.

"I got some time off from my usual work so I can spend a couple of weeks here training you in some more sky and wind techniques if you want." He said as Wendy's eyes lit up at the prospect of learning and training with her brother again.

"Of course brother that sounds exciting! I can show you how far I've come since you last saw me!" She said happily as Naruto looked shocked.

"Really? You've kept up with your training?" He asked in disbelief.

"She has." Another voice said as a white cat came out of the guild house with a strict look on her face, but he could see she was more of a mother watching her child. "All she does in her free time is practice the moves you told her to practice more. She has come a far way and has become faster and stronger since you last saw her." She said as Naruto nodded.

"Good to know Carla and good to see you again." He said as the cat, Carla nodded.

"Same. So you will be staying around for a bit?" She asked as Naruto nodded once again.

"At least a month, so today is a relax day, why don't I tell you about my time meeting other dragon slayers." He said as Wendy was bouncing on her feet in excitement, especially since she knew he would tell her about his own adventures. Walking into the guild Naruto looked at her and saw someone else in her place a girl with pale blue hair and white creamy eyes. She smiled at him and Naruto felt tears going down her face.

'No matter what Hinata I will find you again and protect you no matter what. That is the promise I made as I becoming a Demon. I will find you no matter how long it takes, after that day. That's a promise for a life time.' He thought to himself.

Chapter End

Okay so just a quick recap on things: Naruto is a Devil Slayer. His parents are Kurama and Nibi also the Demon King and Queen. They are considered on par with the Spirit King and those of Acnologia's position. But their past will be revealed down the line. I'm also going to answer some questions that are probably going to be popping up down the line:

Yes there are going to be other Devil Slayers down the line

No Gray will not be a devil slayer because I'm changing his father into something else

Naruto is not going to be OP in this story because he is actually as strong as Laxus but like Natsu he is able to keep the flames to empower him. But he has a special ability to hold onto them longer than him and use them to heal himself.

This is going to be a harem story and Naruto's past is going to tie into some Naruto crossover stuff.

No I'm not going to make this an alternate universe thing.

Naruto is going to struggle in a lot of his fights and have to be beaten by the godly like beings in the beginning (Acnologia and Zeref)

Naruto has some similar transformations like Dragon Force but that is later on.

More of his past will be revealed as the story progresses

Any other questions that I can answer without giving away too much please leave comments but I don't always read every single one that comes through so the best way to get a question answered if you really want to know is by PM. For those that do not have an account I'm going to try and get to those questions in the comment section for the next chapter.

So another quick explanation: Naruto's elements are Fire and Wind but they special in their color and potency. He can't absorb fire from a dragon but fire from other mages he can absorb. Similar to Natsu he can take his fire and vice versa. But other demons are affected by his flames.

Here is a list of some of the basic moves that Dark King Marcel help come up with other than the basic stuff that he can do with them (Fire balls, fire explosions, wind explosions, flight etc.)

Basic attack
1)Fire devil rage and Wind Devil Rage: Naruto unleash a huge blast of fire or Wind (like the dragon roar from the Dragons slayer)
2)Fire/wind devil Crushing fist: Naruto punch his enemy With his Fist Made of Fire or Wind (Similar to Natsu fire dragon Iron fist)
3)Fire devil supreme inferno: Naruto create huge Ball Made of fire it at his enemy
4)Wind devil Thousand blade: Naruto fires Made wind blades at his enemy
5)Fire devil hell chains: Naruto create Chains Made of fire
6)Wind devil Strom Shuriken: Naruto fires shuriken Made if wind at his enemy
7)Fire clone wind clone
Devil slayer ultimate attack
1)Flaming Emperor :Naruto create a very huge fire Ball that Looks like the Sun and fires it at his enemy With that move naruto could destroy a entire City but naruto can just use the attack once because to use it naruto has too use all his magic power
2) Flaming hurricane Rasen shuriken: Naruto create a Ball Made if fire and then combine it with his wind to create the Rasen shuriken

Finally the most important thing is the Harem for the most part I have confirmed some people in the harem but others will remain a mystery for reasons or be revealed later on.

Confirmed: Juvia... That is really it for now. I'm not making any real plans of specific people being in there but I have about 6 others that are going to join in down the line but no promises on that. But I can tell other pairings are going to be part of the story and apparent as time goes on.

Hope you guys enjoy this and thanks to Dark King Marcel for helping me out with this idea and hoping to hear positive things about this story because I really took the time to do some stuff that I don't normally do for my stories and hope they work out for future stuff