Hi there. If you haven't read my other fic Room 6C Room 6D, this will make zero sense. Trust me. It barely makes sense in context.

(Starts right after: "It was the least he could do at this point." in Chapter 21)


Luke frowned out of the corner of Percy's eye as he picked up his guitar to leave, "Who are you?" It was directed at Jason, who was just now breathing again from Piper's hug.

Shitshitshit! Percy had time to think, eyes going wide.

"I'm her boyfriend." He replied, glaring at the other blond, "Jason."

Percy bit his lip hard. Well fuck. Maybe Luke didn't hear him say that- . . .?

No such luck at all, Luke turned instantly, glaring at the guitarist, "You said you were her boyfriend . . ."

The lowering music went out completely and the room was totally silent except someone who murmured, "Oooh. Busted." Not helpful Nico, not helpful at all!

When nether Percy nor Jason answered, both trying to come up with a plan, Luke glared at the two of them, "Well?! Which one of you is it?"

"Both!" Annabeth shouted angrily, finally blowing it and throwing up her hands, "Their both my boyfriends! This is a poly, you Australian pain in the ass!! Have you got a problem with it?"

Everything was quiet.

Then Piper pointed at her band mate accusingly, shouting at the top of her lungs, "I knew you were bi! I knew it! Didn't I tell you Frank?!"

Frank was too busy staring at the three of them to reply.

"Percy, you like guys?" Nico asked, a small edge of hurt in his tone, a crinkle in his dark brows. And shit, Percy was going to have so much explaining to do later.

"Uh," He choked out the words, "Yeah."

"I don't believe you." Luke, still glaring, blocking the pathway to the door as Piper continued to shout illogical drunk nonsense.

"Believe it." Annabeth snapped, pulling Jason's hand and nodding at Percy to come on, "They're my boyfriends and they're wonderful."

"Prove it." Luke hissed.

"I don't have to." She hissed back.

The freckled blond guy called, "She was eying his ass earlier." With a thumb directed at Percy.

Jason took a moment to stare at him for a minute, face red, before managing a, "So was I. How many times have I told you not to wear those jeans in public?"

And Percy . . . Percy honestly wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

"Maybe I just wear them so you will stare." He coughed out. He could literally feel a drip of extremely nervous sweat on his temple. Then after a moment, he awkwardly added much too loudly, "Did you ever think about that?!" Percy briefly wondered if this was what spontaneous combustion felt like.

Luke was still standing in front of the door, ignoring the boys both of her sides and reaching an outstretched towards her shoulder, "This is ridiculous Annabeth, I just want to apologize to you."

"Hey, hands off." Jason ordered shoving his hand away, "I'll have you know that if Annabeth had made it explicitly clear that she doesn't want to talk to you, and you continue to try and contact her, I can have you arrested." Was that true? Hell if Percy knew. Hopefully. Annabeth buried her face in her hands.

"What're you, a cop?"

"I'm a lawyer. And my sister? Thalia Grace?" Jason pulled out his phone, thumb hanging over the call button, "She heard all about the little comments you made."

Luke's face went completely pale, terrified for the first time.

"And she's even more protective of Annabeth than I am, so let me kindly ask you to stop blocking the damn door."

He moved, shoulders tense, eyes on the floor.

The three of them walked right out the apartment door, one right after the other. Percy was last, pulling the handle and slamming. Hard.


Thus concludes the dumbest thing I have ever written. I love it.