I can't help but wonder what will happen if Emily's mind goes in a different way.

This story will be an AU where Emily picked to come with Paige but this will not be a PAILY story. Also Alex Drake will not exist in this fic AD will be someone else, Alison and Spencer will not be related because Spencer will be Emily's rival for Alison love. It's Paily at the start but they will definitely seperate. Let's just see how the story goes.

"What do you mean you can't do this?" I asked Emily. "You said that this is what you want, you said you want to keep the baby."

"I know what I said Alison but I changed my mind. I'm sorry! I can't do this, not with you. We don't even know who the father of the baby is." Emily said.

"Why did you have to wait to tell me you don't want the baby. Em the baby already grew I don't think I have the heart abort it anymore." I don't know what happened because last week she's determined to keep the baby.

"You want to keep it then fine but don't expect any help from me. I am moving out of town anyways so I don't think I can help you." She said without any emotion.

"Why? How about A.D?" I asked in disbelief not recognizing the Emily I'm talking to.

"I don't care about A. D, look Ali all of us know that I didn't have anything to do with Charlotte's death. I already went to the police station to give my full and last statement about the incident I am asleep that night but I woke up in the middle of the night and i found out that Aria was not there that's all I know." She explained.

"Why would you do that? It's like telling the police that Aria killed Charlotte. Emily what's happening to you?" I asked desperately.

"I have to go. Paige is already waiting for me outside." She said as she stood up.

"Wait Em! Paige? Are you two back.." She cut me off.

"Yes Paige and I are back together. I'm really sorry Ali but I can't keep the baby and let A or A.D or whoever the hell it is to play with my life. I hope you have a good life. Goodbye!" She said before walking out of the door.

I can't stop the tears anymore after she walked out on me. How can this happen? Everything just happened so fast. I am supposed to tell her that I want to keep the baby and be a family. I just admitted to myself that I love her this morning and now she's gone I should've known that Paige won't back down that easily.

Spencer's POV

I just got home from the dinner hosted by Toby and Yvonne I'm glad that he is happy and after everything that happened he deserved it. When I am about to go inside I saw Emily leaving Alison's house.

"Hey! Em!" I called but she only looked at me then immediately went inside a car I don't recognize when the car is already out of sight I decided to check on Ali.

"Ali!" I called but I got no answer. The door is not locked so i went inside and saw Alison sitting on the floor crying. "Hey what happened? Did you and Emily fought?" I asked.

"No. I don't know what happened. Last week she said she wants the baby. Now she wants me to abort it. She already left Spencer she's not coming back." She said crying hysterically. "I don't know what to do."

"Emily won't do that Al maybe she's just thinking. She'll come around..." she cut me off.

"You don't understand Spence she already ran away with Paige." She said

"But how about A.D? The Rosewood PD still haven't figure out who killed Charlotte." I asked not understanding what's happening.

"She already went there to confess everything, she said that she's asleep that night and then she woke up to find that Aria is missing and that's all she knows. They already gave her a clearance." She answered trying to control her emotions.

"Why would she do that? We're all in this together, she just can't throw Aria under the bus." I said before dialing Emily's number. "Cannot be reached. She already changed her number."

"What happened in here?" Hanna who just arrived asked. "Where's Emily?"

"She's gone Han. She ran off with Paige she wants Ali to terminate the child." I said.

"Wha.. what? I guess that's bound to happen." She breathes but doesn't look surprised.

"What do you mean that's bound to happen? What do you know?" I asked.

Hanna's POV

"Emily is with Paige I already knew it. I don't know how it happened but last Tuesday remember when i crashed into your place?" I asked Spencer. "It's because I told Emily that I will be out to go to New York but my trip got cancelled and when I came back to the loft I heard noises i got afraid that it's AD but then..


I can hear voices whispering which got me scared that AD is inside Lucas' loft I am ready to dial Caleb when i heard a moan. So i peak inside the room. I am definitely not expecting the sight i see. Emily and Paige are both naked and in a very sexual position.

"Are you sure about this?" Paige asked Emily.

"I've never been sure than i am now." Emily answered then Paige continue eating her out.

"Ohhh! Ahh! That's so great. More ahh Paige more." Emily moaned. "Don't stop!"

I immediately left the loft after seeing that. I don't think I'll be able to eat anything for the next days too because of what I witnessed.


"That's how I find out." I said. "You know what it's just confusing because last week she also said to me that she wants the baby. Do you think something happened to her?" I asked.

"She was so determined when she went here to tell me to abort the child." Alison said still crying.

"Hanna and I will try to contact Emily. We'll talk to her Al don't worry. Come on let's get you upstairs so you can rest." Spencer said then assists Ali upstairs.

I need to know what happened to Emily. I can't understand why she dropped her child and Alison like a hot potato. "I'll be going guys I still have jobs to finish." I shouted then left Alison's house.