Hello fellow reader's and writer's neogamer93 here with another chapter to the black diamond, hope you enjoy and remember to review.
It has been a few days since he arrived on the elemental planet, in that time he has sent out the jaspers under his control to do recon. Right now he is reviewing the photos of points of interest.
"My diamond, my squad and I have returned from our recon mission. Here is all the photos of the places of interest". Said a black Jasper as she brought up the holographic pictures of all the places they checked out.
"Excellent, proceed with the report". Ordered black as he focused on the pictures.
"Of course my diamond, the first batch of places we checked seemed to be prime candidate locations for the kindergarten, they show the most optimal and resource rich for the best soldiers to be created, I have not seen any other planet have such locations. After we had done that we had branched out to the surrounding areas when we came upon this". Said the Jasper as she brought up a picture of a giant gate which lead into a village.
"What am I looking at here"? Asked black as he looked at the picture, but as he did something in his mind told him he once knew the place. It was strange as he had never seen the place before.
"My diamond, that is the main gate to the village as shown in the picture, we were able to investigate the place but not much could be found. We have established that it's of organic life make as evident of the people who live there. I believe it has a military background as during out recon we have seen them training in weapons and abilities we have never seen before. The weird thing is that is seems to be similar to what some of our soldiers can do, to be more specific like what the diamonds can do my diamond". At this point Jasper showed him picture of the humans as they trained with bladed weapons and like she said some type of power similar yet different to their own, and yet again he had the nagging feeling that he should know what this is, so much so that he started to feel a headache coming on.
It seems that the Jasper saw it, as evident in her asking her if he was ok.
"Yes I'm feeling ok just a slight headache nothing more, continue". He ordered as she did as ordered.
"Yes my diamond. After doing recon on the humans we took pictures of the places of importance in the village the first is this building, we believe it's the place where the leader of the village a female by the name of Tsunade senju is always there, then there's this strange structure of faces, we believe these were and are people of importance, as for what reason that is we have no idea".said Jasper as she showed the picture of the building which she didn't know what it was and the structure of faces, which she also didn't know, but the nagging feeling from before came back and this time it came with a vision.
The vision was of a blonde haired man standing on a pole yelling his return to the village.
"Hah the leaf village hasn't changed a bit, get ready people, because naruto uzumaki has returned to the hidden leaf village". The blonde said as he stood on the pole when he noticed something.
"Well how about that they added granny Tsunades face up there". He said as he saw her face on the hokage monument.
Soon the vision changed into a training ground where the blonde was seen again but this time he was with a pink haired girl, which black just somehow knew was named sakura. It seemed that they had just finished some type of training exercise as they stood before a gray haired man while they held bells in there hands. Once again the scene changed this time it was in a dark cave where again the blonde was there but something was wrong he seemed to be falling toward a dragon like creature, then the unspeakable happened the blonde was Impailed by a tendril from the creature, this in turn released a giant nine tailed fox which promptly destroyed the creature and the fox soon dispersed into the air into a mist, and for a final time the scene changed but instead of the blonde it showed a group of people with the pink haired girl kneeling over a grave in tears, black assumed it belonged to the blonde as the grave had Naruto written on the tombstone.
After seeing those images all black could think was, 'just what the hell was that, why did I have those visions? This needs some investigating I'll have to head out to find these answers myself'. Black thought to himself as he got up from the chair he was in.
"My diamond, is everything ok". Asked the Jasper as she saw her leader rise from his chair.
"Yes but I'm stepping out to do some research for myself, tell the others to go about there business as usual". Black said as he made his way out of the ship.
"My diamond, do you think it wise? I mean not to sound out of line but why are you going out when you can send us"? Asked Jasper as she found it weird that her diamond would want to do recon himself.
"This is something I need to do myself it seems that this planet and I have some sort of connection, what that is I have yet to understand. I'm hoping that I can find something out in the village you showed me, just stay with the ship and make sure the others are kept in line". Black said as he left the ship.
After walking for some time he came across the gate from the picture and he knew he was close to his answers.
'theres the village from the pictures, ok the best way in would be to head in and see what I can find'. Thought black as he continued, when he reached the gates he was stopped by the gate guards.
"Halt, state your business"? Said a guard as he looked at black in confusion as he had not seen anything like black before.
"My business here is not your concern, now let me pass before I am forced to attack". Said black
"Sorry I can't let you enter unless given a reason for you being here". Said the guard.
"Very well if it will let me enter, I'm here about some visions I've had recently about a person from this village, I believe his name was Naruto uzumaki"? Said black with a question at the end.
"When the guards heard that name they were instantly on alert.
"How do you know that name, better yet what does it have to do with you"? The guard asked as he discreetly signald the anbu to get the hokage down there.
"Like I said I had a vision of him and I came here to figure out why I did as I am not from this world". Said black as he saw the looks on there faces that screamed that they didn't know if he was crazy or not.
Soon the hokage got there and saw the person that she was told about.
"Ok what the hell is going on here"? Asked tsunade as she approached the gates.
"Lady tsunade, this person said that he has had visions of Naruto and has come here to see why he has them". Said the guard as he told the hokage, who was shocked upon hearing this. But what came next shocked all the people there even the one who said it.
"Hey granny tsuande remember me"? Said black In a voice that she had not heard In 3 years.
"Wait what the hell did I just say"? Asked black as he seemed confused on what he said.
But as he tried to figure out why he did that, tsunade was in shock from here the voice long since dead. "Na-naruto is that you"? She asked in shock as it was hard not to recognize that voice even after not hearing it for 3 years.
"Hmm who is this Naruto person? My name is black diamond". Said black which brought tsunade out of her shock and replaced it with fury.
"Just what are you playing at? Why have you come here"? Asked tsunade.
"Ugh like I told your guards here I came here to learn what my visions mean. I have seen a blonde in them and I guess from how you reacted and how I sounded it seems that it's more than me just having a connection to the planet it seems that I am apparently his reincarnation. It the only logical conclusion I have come up with". Said black.
"Hmm, let's go to my office and see what we can do to figure this out". Said tsunade, after that they both left heading to the tower.
Once they got to the tower, tsunade sat at the desk while black stood in front of it. "Ok now that we're here can you explain why you sounded like someone I knew 3 years ago, and why you used his name for me"? Asked tsunade as she leaned forward on her desk with her hands linked together.
"I have no idea why I sounded like that or why I used that particular name when I addressed you earlier, all I know is that I had visions of the blonde you know as naruto. That's all I know, and I was hoping that you could tell me more about this person". Said black as he explained as much as he could about his situation.
"Hmm very well, can you explain what visions you had? Maybe there's a clue to help us here". Tsunade said.
"Very well, the first vision I had was of the blonde coming back here, he stood upon a pole somewhere in the village and proclaimed that he was back, shortly after that he had commented on the monument of faces on the cliff side and said that they had added someones face to it". Said black explaining the first vision.
"Yes I remember that day, Naruto had just returned from his 3 year training trip with my teammate jiraiya. It was a pleasant day when he returned, heh he sure made everything fun when he was around, but enough about that was there anything else"? Tsunade asked.
"Yes I have a few more visions about him, the next one was about him and this pink haired girl, they were both holding a bell before a silver haired guy with a mask. They both had smiles on there faces, as if they had just accomplished something". Said black.
"Ahh the training results test I had both Naruto and Sakura, the pink haired girl you saw, take they had to go against there old teacher Kakashi, the test was simple take the bells from him using any and all skills they learned during the past 3 years, funny enough they actually tried spoiling a books ending he had been reading, which gave them the chance to grab the bells". Said tsunade as she recalled the way they beat Kakashi that night.
"Hmm seems that they took the meaning to heart when they were told to use any and all skills to beat him, in any case the next vision was where Naruto was in a cave with some kilnd of creature, this is where things were different as he fought the creature, he had fallen before the creature by being pierced from a tendril from the creature". Said black, when he did he noticed the wince that tsunade tried to hide. "I take it something bad happened there"?. Asked black.
"(Sigh) yes that was his last mission, it was to protect a pristess from a demon named moryo, he had taken her to where the demons body lay, for the pristess was the only one who could seal the demon away. Sadly in doing so he gave his life to give her the chance to do so. But with his death the spirit of the nine tailed fox that was kept in him was released and assisted the pristess defeat moryo for good". Said Tsunade in sadness having remembered that day clearly.
"Yes I had seen the spirit help kill moryo, the last vision I had must have been related to that day because it showed me the grave they put him in with all of his friends gathered around it, with the pink haired girl kneeling over it in tears". Said black.
"Yes that was the day we buried him here in the village, many came to his funeral. (Sigh) none were more devastated at his death then both Sakura and Hinata". Said tsunade.
"While I understand his old teammate to be sad why would this Hinata girl be devastated? For that matter who is she as I had heard that name spoken before, strange thing was that the voice I heard it from was the same I used to address you earlier, could there be a connection"? Asked black.
"Hinata is the heiress to the hyuuga clan, they were friends through out thier childhood, but she felt more for him. She had fallen in love with him, sadly she was too shy to come forth and tell him how she felt. When she had heard he had died, poor girl was so devastated that she had tried to take her own life, she felt that she couldn't live without him. I can't ell you how many times her friends and family had to keep an eye on her. Now you said you heard a voice speak her name, when was this"? Asked tsunade.
"It was when I first came here from my home planet, the gem homeworld, you see I'm a galactic being from a planet of gems, as the name implies. I had come here to colonize this planet to create more of my kind. It was during the first day I had arrived I had decided to look around before sending out my soldiers to do recon, as I did I came across this one long purple haired girl with lavender eyes walking around a forest, she spoke about how she missed this person named Naruto and how she had lacked the courage to tell him how she felt, it was just after that, that I heard the voice, it had said he name and said it was sorry. My guess was that it was sorry for leaving her behind without knowing her true feelings". Said black.
"Hmm seems like it but why are you experiencing this, I have no idea. But my theory is that perhaps what you said earlier is true, you may very well be Naruto reincarnated, anyway for now just return to your ship, lay low for now I'll have to contact a yamanaka, they are a clan of mind experts, if anyone can help you find out why you had these visions it's them. Oh before you leave can you tell me where you are hiding your ship, that way in case I need to find you". Said tsunade.
"Yes, of course my ship is in the forest a little ways from the front gate just head straight when you leave the gate you can miss it". Said black with that he took his leave.
''Could it really be you, Naruto have you really come back to us'? Tsunade thought to herself.
While that was happening the crystal gems where back on Earth cleaning up the remains of the gem ship that was destroyed as they did Steven was visited by buck, Jenny and sour cream, inviting him to hang out with them, but because of the work cleaning up he couldn't go. Upset but understanding the situation they left him to continue. The clean up took the whole day, when night cam Steven laid in bed tired from the day.
"Ugh my callouses have callouses, today was brutal on top of that we still have to go find peridot, who knows what she's up to". Steven said to himself when he heard something hit his window.
"Huh what was that"? Steven asked as he went to the window, when he did a slice of pizza and hit the window. "(Gasp) pizza rain, but no pizza clouds, heh ok today has been hard and here I am thinking of a chance that pizza would fall like rain". Said Steven to himself when he decided to see what was causing the pizza rain, he say both buck and sour cream. Quickly he went outside to meet them.
"Hey guys what's the pizza rain for"? Asked Steven.
"Hey Steven ready to hang out"? Asked sour cream.
"What right now, but it's midnight it's the time to dream". Said Steven.
"Ahh time is an illusion, it's never too late to hang out with friends, now come on you've finished your work for the day right"? Asked sour cream.
"Well yeah, ok let's go hang out". Said Steven, to the joy of both older teens.
After heading to Jenny's car the went for a joy ride where each spoke of how difficult it was living with family, but Steven beat them all when it came for him to explain what has happened to him so far leaving the others shocked that he had to go through all that.
They kept driving for a while when sour cream pointed out a green light, which lead them to the crash site of peridot's escape pod. Steven had tried to get the others away from it but heedless of his warning they approached the pod. Soon enough they convinced him to take selfies and take it for a test drive, after getting in and figuring how it works they did everything from racing to just messing around. That all changed when Steven managed to get the pods weapons going. Causing the teens to panic and run away from the pod, with all the flares and lazers going around it wasn't surprising that the gems showed up, thinking that peridot was inside they attacked the pod nearly killing Steven, who in shock and unknown to him he hit a button that sent out a beacon, which was picked up from a different ship nearby.
"Hmm what's this, someone activated a distress beacon, the source is from a planet called earth huh, well it looks like I have my destination". Said the person who got the signal and started heading for earth.
While that happened the gems where about to send the pod flying when Jenny stepped in front of it and explained who it was that was on there. Shocked that she almost killed someone she views as a son, garnet cracked the pod down the middle where both amethyst and pearl saw Steven. Knowing he was in trouble he couldn't meet there gaze, much less when garnet said she was disappointed in him. Hearing this the teens came to his rescue and told them that Steven was being put through too much from them, seeing the truth they decided to ease up on him, garnet also unground him. Happy that the teens helped him and grateful that garnet had ungrounded him they took a few more pictures and left soon after, but with this discovery of peridot's pod but no peridot but the gems on guard as they now have to search for the homeworld gem.
Well that's chapter 7 hope you liked it, remember to review. Neogamer93 out.