Hello guys, this is my first time writing fanfiction in English. English is my second language, so I hope that with practice it becomes better. I´ll try to update at least once a week. I´ve read stories about this two guys and I just love their relationship. I decided to write my own story because, i´ve read all the stories, and I needed something to distract myself. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and I love to hear feedback so feel free to do it. Another thing, I´ll try to correct my spelling and grammar in last chapter, so if you guys can help me with my typos, I´ll really appreciate it.

Tony´s POV

I don´t sleep. I just can´t, but yesterday was a difficult day. So here I´m at 7 a.m just waking up. I decided to go to the kitchen to drink a cup of coffee.

The first thing that came into my mind this morning was Peter. I don´t know how i´m going to do this. The kid needs someone that keeps him on line. After all he is only fifteen. He is an orphan, and now he only has his aunt. His uncle died, and I think that the kid doesn´t know what to do. I´m not saying that his aunt isn´t doing her job, but she is just busy. Even if she had time she couldn´t do anything about the spider thing. She doesn´t know, and that´s good. For her protection. The less people that know the better, but i´m just Iron Man to him. The guy that helps Peter and nothing else, even if I see the kid as my own. He just doesn´t feel the same.

I finished my ´breakfast´ and decided it was time to pick Peter. I´ll just drive to his apartment and pick him up. I hope he is ready.

Peter´s POV

I woke up at 6 a.m. and decided to take a shower. Last night was eventful. I don't know why I fought Mr. Stark. He was just worried and now I can see it. I just didn't like the fact that I felt weak. After I got out the shower I decided to take breakfast with Aunt May. She really is my everything, I don't know what I'd do without her. I couldn't hear her in the apartment and then I found a note:


they called me at the hospital to cover a shift. You were asleep so I didn't want to wake you up. I will be back at night. Take care.

Aunt May"

Again. She left me alone, once more. I knew that she worked hard to get me stuff. After uncle Ben died we had to move from our home, because we didn't have money to cover the expenses anymore. I told aunt May that I could work, but she just told me to focus on school. And I tried, but being spiderman for me is more important. Something Mr. Stark just can't understand. He just wants me to be safe, something I cannot do, and do my school work like the other kids my age, but I'm not a normal kid.

I decided to eat many bowls of cereal. Mr. Stark told me to be ready at 8, so by 7:30 I was ready. Today I'll talk to him, and apologize for last night actions. In the time that I was waiting for Mr. Stark, I started to think, and got confused about something that happened yesterday. He smacked me, and he looked as if he was ready to give more. And now I don't know how he feels about me. Sure, he tells me to be responsible and everything, but why did he do it? Did he care? Was I a disappointment? I was lost in my thoughts when my cellphone started to ring. It was Mr. Stark


"Good morning, Peter. Are you ready for today? Don't forget to bring your school work and some overnight clothes, I'll ask May for you to stay at the tower tonight"

"Okay, Mr. Stark. I'll be ready in 5 minutes"

"Good, I'll be waiting downstairs kiddo"

He wanted me to stay with him. Did he forgot about our talk?. I hope so. I tried to get everything ready and got out the apartment without forgetting to get May a note.

Tony's POV

I've been waiting the kid for like ten minutes. I thought he said 5, but he is a teenager. He doesn't know how time works or at least that's what happened to me.

"Hello, Mr. Stark"

"Hello again, Peter, and please call me Tony. I have told you. It makes me feel my father when you call me Mr. Stark" He looked down at the sound of my voice.

"Okay, T-Tony" He decided to play some games in his phone and I decided to talk to myself in that time. Today I'm going to set rules for the kid, and tell him what I expect from him, and obviously what he can expect from me. I can't let the kid run on his own. He needs to know that he is not alone, that I can help him.

"what is in that crazy mind of yours kid"

"I don't know, I'm just thinking about yesterday sir"

"What about kid?"

"Nothing important Tony, and can you stop calling me kid? It makes me feel small, and I'm not a child. I'm almost an adult"

"Sure, kid" Peter decided to ignore me after that. Oh my god, he wants me to stop calling him kid and what he does you may ask, he starts to act like one. I really don't understand him. I decided to make a stop at some coffee place that has a drive thru

"what do you want Peter?"

"Nothing Mr. Stark" So now we are going back to Mr. Stark…

"Really kid?, that's how its gonna be?. Just decide for something that you want later, we have work ahead of us. You need something to get energy"

"I'm not hungry. I've already got breakfast"

"I know you kid, you eat like an elephant. A simple breakfast is not going to do you anything. I assure you."

"I just don't like coffee, Mr. Stark"

"Do you think that I don't know that? Why do you think that I stopped here, your favorite coffee shop where you buy that cold beverages that kids this days like"

He didn't realize what I said till he looked at the shop. His eyes got a little excited. He thinks that I don't notice him, but there is no one in this world that I pay more attention to.

"I didn't realize where we were Tony. I would like their ice green/peach tea. Thank you"

I placed my order and his and decided to buy all the muffins they had. I know that he loves the muffins. After they gave us our order, I decided to get to the tower now.

Peter's POV

I don't know why the comment of "kid" made me so mad. I really didn't realize that we were at the coffee shop that Ned and I come every weekend for a chat. I've told Tony, about the place but I didn't know that he knew about it. I know that I just talk and talk to no end with everyone but it seems that Mr. Stark really does pay attention

We got to the Stark tower. Mr. Stark was carrying the stuff he bought at the coffee shop. He didn't want my help at all. We got to Stark's floor and then went to his lab. I decided to start some homework before he told me. I just wanted to distract myself a little bit.

"Peter, I think that you can do your homework later. We need to talk"

And in that moment I just didn't know what to expect from him.

Tony's POV

Listen kid, I need to talk to you about some very important things okay. You can ask me questions after I finish, are we clear?

"Yes, Tony" I wished he told me that he didn't want to talk or something. After thinking about everything I didn't know how to begin.

"Okay, look about what happened yesterday I need to—"

"Tony, I'm sorry for the way I acted yesterday. I know I was out of control" I chuckled when I heard the kid apologize.

"Kid, listen, I know that sometimes I'm a little hard to you and that's why I need to tell you somethings okay?, please let me talk and then you can tell me anything you want." He just nodded. "First of all, you need to know that I care about you. I don't know how, and sometimes I just wanted to not care because I'm not someone that I want you to look up to. I've done some stuff that I'm not proud of, and I want you to be better than me in every aspect of life. You need to know that all the stuff that I do is me trying to do good."

"I know that you care, Tony. But I'm spiderman. I need to protect the people. I have that responsibility"

"I know that you want to help people peter, but sometimes, there are things that you can't control. You want to help the little guy. You can't put yourself at risk. You're not ready to do some stuff"

"But I'm Mr. Stark. And I think that you cant see that"

"Peter, you're just a kid. You need to go to school, and finish it. So you can get a job. You can't be a superhero 100% of your life. Is not like that. I do know that you just want to help. I know that, but as I told you. You're not ready. Maybe later you can do some hard stuff, but right now, you just can't"

"But I do, Mr. Stark. Why can't you see it? I'm ready to take anyone. I got my powers, and the suit—"

"That's right, you got a suit that I designed to keep you safe. You know that there are things on that suit that you just can't understand. You haven't got the time to learn about them or have you Mr. Spiderhero"

"I don't need to know everything. I have my powers that's the only thing that I need to protect the people of the city."

"Look Peter, lets make a deal"

"I'm listening"

"I'll let you do more stuff if you really get into training and knowing your suit. You can't just go unprepared."

"But I can, it's not about the suit sir, when I didn't have the suit I did fine"

"YOU DID WHAT?, listen kid, I don't know what is in your mind. So, let me tell you. When you were using your pajamas to fight crime, you only fought to help the little guy, and nothing else. So, you need to prepare. I need you to understand that. And as I told that I care about you, I need to set some rules for you and spiderman. I know that It may not be my place to do so, but there are needed.

"You're right. You got not right to tell me what to do. So, I'm out." He yelled at me. I couldn't believe it. This little spider just didn't understand what is at stake. I needed to get through that thick head of his.

"Friday, please lock all the doors, and don't let the spider get out"

Peter's POV

I ran. I don't know why I did it. I just didn't want to believe that he cared. He didn't have any right over me. He wants to make rules for my safety but I know that these rules are just to keep me in check. Something I don't want him to. Not after uncle Ben. No one has the right to do his job. I couldn't get out the tower. Tony had me trapped here. And now I didn't know what to do.

Tony's POV

I found the kid, and really I just needed to talk to him. He can't do these stuff anymore. If I let him do this, he can get hurt.

"Peter, listen to me. I don't want to replace anyone in your life. I need you to understand that, and as we have known each other I believe that I've begun to understand your actions. But please, just listen"

"I don't want to" He told me in the most childish tone that ive heard coming from his mouth.

"I know that you had a hard life Peter, I just want to make you happy and help you achieve everything you want to do in your life. I know you want to help others, I do to, but you need to understand that you need to be safe. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you"

"I understand Tony, but you really can't stop me from being who I am"

"I know Peter, but you need rules, you're still a kid and don't see the consequences of your acts"

"I can try"

"And that's all I'm asking. First, I need you to keep your grades up. I know that you love your work as a hero but you can't stop being the good student that you've always been. It will help your future. Second, you can't get yourself in danger. I know that you get in danger all the time, but you know what I mean. And if you get yourself in danger you'll not like the consequences"

"what consequences?" He asked with a little bit of confusion in his face.

"It depends on the situation, but let me finish. Third, you can't lie to me. I can't help you if you do. That's something that will count as if you put yourself in danger"

"I think I can do that Tony"

"I hope you can Peter, you need to understand that the consequences consist on grounding you and in worst cases, I will resort to do something from my mother's book"

"What is that Tony?"

"I'll spank you if you endanger your life or lie to me. If you do other things as failing on school or talking back, I will find some other punishment, but now this. I don't tolerate you being hurt"

"I don't want that tony"

"Are you afraid that I could hurt you?"

"I know that you'll never hurt me, Tony. I just don't feel that is the right way of handling me"

"we will see, after all, you don't know to worry if you stop doing stupid things right?"


And that's how our conversation went. I don't know if he understood. He is finishing his homework. When he does, I will let him help me with some tech, that I'm doing. After all he is a genius. I just need to wait for him to break the rules, or just doing what I ask him. But who am I kidding the kid will get himself in trouble. I just know it.