Author's Notes

After seeing Infinity War for the third time I decided I wanted to write up how I thought things would go down after the everything went down. I wanted to see how all the characters would be feeling and advance the plot. This is my first time writing a story so if it is really bad I apologize.

This entire universe is the property of Marvel. I do not own any of the characters written about in this story.

Everyone continued to stand there in shock. No one could believe that they had lost. Most of them were still horrified at witnessing their friends and teammates disintegrating into dust. Steve just sat next the body of the deactivated Vision, wondering how this could have gone so wrong. The image of Bucky disappearing into nothingness fresh on his mind. Rocket was holding the ashes of what had once been Groot. This may not have been the first time he has had to watch him die, but something tells him that this time he won't be able to grow back.

Everyone was mortified, and no one really knew what to do next. After a few more minutes, Rhodey asked "What do we do now?"

Steve was the first to answer, "We need to regroup, count our losses and organize ourselves. We should head back to the city." He tried to be optimistic for everyone else's sake, but everyone could hear that he had lost the optimistic, "boy scout" attitude that he had been known for.

Everyone slowly started moving towards the city. Bruce had hopped out of the hulk buster armour and walked alongside Natasha. Along the way they saw not only the bodies of the aliens and Wakandans that had been left behind after their battle, but also the horrified soldiers who had just watched half of their comrades die in front of them. Half way to the city they grouped up with M'Baku. "What has happened?" He asked.

"Thanos won and he used the infinity stones to wipe out half the universe." Thor replied.

"The King, he is gone as well." Okoye added. M'Baku was horrified. He had just scene some of the men and women he has known and fought alongside disappear right in front of him, and now the King is gone to. He and T'Challa have never had the best relationship, but he had grown to think about him as a brother after he had saved his life a few years ago.

The remaining avengers continued to slowly make their way back to the city.


The last thing Shuri remembered, her lab was being attacked by an large alien. She had tried her best remove the stone from the forehead of the android, but she simply did not have enough time. Then the alien pushed her off the platform and she fell and passed out.

Once she started to come to, the first thing she realized that much of the fighting outside had stopped. She looked around and realized that that both the android and the alien were gone, and there was a large whole in the window of her lab. She looked around to try and figure out what had happened, who had one, what were the casualties. She looked upon the member of the Dora Milaje who had been with her and noticed something strange. It looked like she was disintegrating.

"Princess.." She was trying to say before she completely turned to dust.

Shuri started to make her way through the building, only to witness more members of her royal guard disappear. She immediately ran towards the room where they were keeping her mother and some of the other nobles who were to old to fight. When she got there, she was relieved to see her mother still there.

"Mother" Shuri yelled and moved towards her.

"Oh Shuri.." Ramonda said as she embraced her daughter in a hug. "what is going on?"

Shuri looked around and saw that some of the other elders had disappeared. People she had known her entire life were just gone. "I don't know mother."

After wandering around the castle for about half an hour they saw that the avengers had returned. Only they didn't all return, and they did not look very good. She noticed that they all looked very hurt, and she couldn't help but notice what appeared to be a racoon holding a large machine gun walking with them. But that would have to wait. She kept scanning the group for her brother but did not see her. "Where's my brother?" She asked them. Waiting for someone to reply. "Where's T'Challa?" She was starting to get worried, as was Ramonda.

Okoye walked up them. "My Queen, princess. I'm sorry. The King is gone."

"No." Ramonda let out a large cry. Shuri was standing there in shock. She could not believe it. Her entire life she had thought T'Challa to be invincible. He was amazing in combat and wore a bulletproof panther suit.

Steve walked over to them. "I am so sorry." He said. "no one could have seen this coming."

It had been a few minutes since Tony had watched the rest of the team disappear right before his eyes. He could not believe they had lost. In the past, even when the odds seemed to be greatly against him, he somehow managed to pull through. But not this time.

He sat the next the spot where Peter had disappeared. Tony felt very guilty for dragging Peter into this. He couldn't shake the feeling the that this was somehow his fault. He knew that this would have happened whether or not Peter had gone with him, but he still felt that he never should have allowed the kid to come with him.

Eventually, the silence was broken when that blue, robotic women said "we need to get off this planet."

Tony heard her, but didn't respond. Instead, his mind went to the Dr. Strange's last words. "This was the only way." He had said. Tony found himself repeating that out loud.

"What?" The alien women responded.

"Strange, when he disappeared he said that 'This is the only way.'"

"So what? He was dying. He's gone now, along with half the universe. Now we need to leave and get to a habitable planet. The Guardians probably have a ship around here."

Tony interrupted her. "Earlier he had looked through time and said that there was only one timeline in which we beat Thanos, and then he turned over the Time Stone."

"To keep you alive. People who care do that sometimes." Nebula's mind went to how Gamora gave up the location of the Soul stone to save her. And that had led to her sister's death. Nebula wished it had been her instead. For one thing Gamora would have been much more useful in this situation.

"But he said that the he would have let me die before he would hand it over, and yet he did. And I seriously doubt its because he suddenly grew me. He must have seen how we win, and thats why he gave up the stone."

"We can't possibly beat him now that he has all the stones. He's unstoppable." Nebula responded sharply. She knew very well just how powerful her adoptive father was, and how powerful he would be with all the infinity stones.

"There must be a way. Or else…"

"Or else what!" She was starting get angrier. "He's already won, he's killed half the universe, and he killed .." She stopped before mentioning Gamora. "He killed you entire team. And if you think that the two of us are going to defeat a mad titan with the most powerful weapon in the universe then you are a bigger idiot then I thought when I saw you trying to take him on."

"They aren't all dead though." Tony replied. He was getting angry to. He was angry about the death of his. He was angry that Thanos had been allowed to win. He knows just how powerful Thanos is. He had tried to take him down before he got the stone, and it ended up with him getting stabbed. "The rest of team will still be on Earth. They can help."

"Help with what. Half the universe is gone. We can't do anything for them."

"We may not be able to be able to save them, but you can be damn well sure we will make sure he pays for every single soul he's killed. Now are you in, because I know you must be pretty angry at him to come all the way here, whoever you are."

There was silence. Nebula considered what he had said. She knew that Thanos was more powerful now then ever, and that trying to take him on would be a suicide mission, yet she still remembered the years of torture that he had put her through. She thought of how he had killed Gamora, her sister, just to gain the soul stone, and she thought of the guardians, and even though she would not admit it, she had grown to kind of like them. "Fine. Let's kill that son of a bitch. On one condition. I get to deliver the final blow."


They began to make their way to the Guardians' ship, so that they could make there way to Earth, united in there mission to make sure Thanks pays for everything he has done.