Dear Sarah,


It's been a month since we said our goodbyes. I miss you. I don't know why I keep writing these letters when I know you won't be getting them anytime soon, but it has become my salvation during this long deployment and I enjoy it greatly!

The days up here in the Arctic are long and cold. The XO keeps reminding us every day about his sunny desk job he gave up, apparently freezing his ass off instead was a better deal. But his jokes bring slight humor to the daily routine on the bridge.

And have I told you about our Gator, short for Navigator? He's a funny guy (no, you don't need to be jealous love), he keeps me company during the long hours on watch and he's from Detroit, almost where you're from.. (And right now I can literally imagine your horrified face).

Well NOT almost. I know how accurate you thrive to be.

How is your internship at the hospital going? I know you said the last time we spoke that the attending doctors were giving you hell, but I know you will make it through! You're smart my love, you'll outsmart everyone. And now you must be thinking that she has lost her mind already if she's asking questions when she knows she won't get any answers. It's what letters are for love, doesn't matter if you won't get these right now.

Did I mention that we stopped to refuel in France before we came up here? I still haven't given you that Paris trip I promised. Perhaps after this cruise we can find time and take the trip, finally. I think we both could use some downtime.

It's going to be October when we get back. Three months from now. I wonder how I will manage to get through the months without hearing from you. Not knowing how your day has been, I'm already missing to see your smile as you tell me about your day, to hear your laughter when you think your jokes are funny. Even the eating sounds you make as you chunk down Chinese food while on the phone with me, are coming through in my mind, I miss hearing every little silly sound you make!

Would have been easier with shore duty.. But what can you do? I chose the Navy for a reason.


As always with love,
