Simba tried desperately to find Mufasa in the moving herd. The stampede had gone for a long time now, and both lions were exhausted while battling for their lives.
Come on Dad, where are you?!
Dust in his eyes, Simba kept looking for his father. He had no idea how Scar managed to find him so quickly, but it didn't matter now. The only thing running in Simba's head was Mufasa.
Where are you?! Dad, please!
Suddenly, a figure landed against the wall, taking a hold. Lifting his head, Simba felt a huge relief when Mufasa began to climb up. He was exhausted and hurt, but alive.
Thank god…
Deciding to climb up as well, Simba ran onto a rock pile. Despite his body was shaking, he kept going, wanting to see his father asap.
It's okay, Dad…we can do this! Just a little further…
Mufasa climbed, body burning like hell. He was exhausted, fearing that his shaking paws couldn't hold him much longer.
You can do this, Mufasa, you can…
Grabbing a stronger hold with his claws, Mufasa cursed his bad luck in his mind. He really thought he had warned Simba not to come here…what was that silly cub thinking?
He will surely hear of this…
Lifting his head, Mufasa gasped as saw Scar standing above him. But instead of offering his help, he kept staring.
What is he doing…?!
"Scar, brother!", Mufasa called. "Help me!"
No reaction. Mufasa started to get worried.
What is he doing?! Is he sleeping?
Slipping down a bit, Mufasa tried to keep his grip. But it was hard.
"Scar…did you hear me?! I need your help!"
But Scar kept staring…he enjoyed this. He wanted Mufasa to suffer so much before his death…
For Simba, he had finally climbed back up. Panting, he shook himself and began to look around, trying to spot Mufasa. As he didn't see him, panic took him over.
Oh Simba, Dad is here somewhere…gotta be!
That voice made Simba feel panic, relief, and scare. Running a bit ahead, he leaned to look between two rocks as Mufasa hung on the wall, Scar standing above him. Feeling the enormous ease seeing his uncle there, Simba knew that now, everything was gonna be okay.
"Scar, I can't hold on much longer! Help me…!", Mufasa yelled. His strength was giving up…
Seeing how his brother was gonna slip, prepared Scar for his action. His calm attitude confused Simba.
Why isn't he helping Dad?! He just stands there…
Wanting to run, but Simba couldn't get through the rocks. He tried to yell, but his throat was dry because of the dust. Heart beating, he followed the scene. And what happened next…
"SCAAAR…!", Mufasa tried once more. Suddenly, Scar revealed his claws…and slammed them in Mufasa's paws. As his father roared, Simba's eyes widened and heart was close to exploding.
Oh my god, he can't…NO!
Lifting his head, Mufasa stared as Scar leaned closer and opened his mouth…
"Stop…NO! UNCLE SCAR!", Simba managed to scream. Turning his head in surprise, Scar spotted Simba.
Whatta…how did he get here?!
"Simba…RUN, SON!", Mufasa yelled. But Simba's body didn't obey him. All he could do, was stare as Scar stared at him, then turned to Mufasa…and said coldly.
"Long…live…THE KING!"
With that, Scar let Mufasa go. Staring at his son in shock for a moment, Mufasa yelled as fell down. Simba's heart froze.
Standing up, Scar gazed down…and then focused on Simba. Grinning, he revealed his claws and started to approach the cub. Awakening from his coma, Simba turned around and ran down as fast as he could.
No…my own uncle! He…he betrayed us! Dad…please be okay!
Starting to head down as well, Scar cursed his nephew in his mind. Simba saw everything…now he had to silence him without using hyenas. Mufasa was out of the way…so killing a one silly cub should be a piece of cake.
"Simba! Oh Simbaa…!", Scar called out to his nephew. "Come out now! You know you can't beat me!"
Finally landing at the bottom, Simba noticed that the herd had passed by. Jumping to the ground, the prince gazed around the canyon.
"D-Dad?!", Simba coughed. As Mufasa didn't answer, Simba turned his head, wondering where he should go. Turning to left, he began to run as fast as he could, while looking over his shoulder.
Oh no…what can I do?!
As Simba kept running, suddenly spotted something in front of him. A rock pile…and something lay on top of it. Approaching it slowly…the prince gasped.
Mufasa lay on his side, fur covered in blood. He had several wounds, mane was messed up and half of his face was badly damaged. Claws were gone, obviously got cut during the fall. Somehow, the king had managed to slam himself against the wall and by doing so, avoided getting trampled.
"Dad…oh my god! Are you okay?!", Simba ran to his father, examining him. Opening his eyes a bit, Mufasa grunted quietly, while blood fell from his mouth.
"You're alive…thank god!", Simba burst into sobbing. "I saw your fall…why did Uncle Scar do that?!"
Lifting weakly his paw, Mufasa put it around Simba and comforted his son. Trembling, Simba buried his face in his father's mane. Father and son stayed in that position for a moment…
"Boss, you did it! I can't believe it!"
"Yes yes, but something came up! Simba saw what I did!"
"Oh, no…that hairball saw everything?!"
"Well didn't I just say so?! And if that's not enough, but he managed to escape! We must find him before the whole plan is screwed up! Search the whole canyon, he couldn't have gone far! And when you do…kill him!"
"Oh no…!", Simba gasped as he and Mufasa leaned to look behind the rock, seeing Scar talking to the hyena trio.
"S-so those predators are Scar's allies…", Mufasa coughed weakly. "And they are looking for us…"
"W-what can we do, Dad?!", Simba panicked.
"L-listen…", Mufasa said.
"But boss, what are you gonna do then? Shouldn't you tell the pride the sad news?", Shenzi asked.
"Of course I am! But before doing that, I'm gonna make sure my idiotic brother is really out of the game. Wait here! I calculated where he might have landed", Scar commanded and turned around, starting to walk while the hyenas ran in a different direction.
"S-Simba…hide! Scar can't see you", Mufasa commanded.
"But what about you?! He will kill you if sees you", Simba hesitated.
"Don't worry, I know a trick or two how to play dead. Now go", Mufasa pushed him forward. Biting his lip, Simba ran, hiding behind the rock. Taking a quick breath, Mufasa landed down and closed his eyes, avoiding to move and breathe. And as Scar finally stopped in front of him, Simba felt great hatred towards him.
You evil monster…
"Well well, I was waiting for more of a pathetic scene…", Scar snorted and examined his brother. "But oh well, dead is dead."
As Scar had circled his brother a couple of times, he backed away…and grinned.
"Dead as a deer. Don't worry, Muffy…your brat will join you very soon. And the kingdom will be in good paws."
Laughing, Scar walked off. Once he was out of sight, Mufasa lifted his head.
"Wow, Dad…that was awesome! How did you know how to do that?"
"My father taught us how to play dead if it's needed", Mufasa coughed, lifting himself slowly up. "But now, we must go."
"Good idea…I can't wait to tell Mom about this! Uncle Scar will be in so much trouble", Simba nodded.
"Yeah…let's go…", Mufasa grunted. "I can't wait to see Scar's face either when he sees my little trick…"
Walking very slowly, Mufasa felt how his body was hurting like hell. Simba was worried.
"Will you manage, Dad?"
"Yeah, don't worry…"
As The Pride Rock finally rose from the horizon, Simba began to run happily towards it…but suddenly, stopped.
"D-Dad! Look!"
"Huh?", Mufasa lifted his gaze. And as saw the scene, he retreated into the bushes.
"Son, quick! Hide!"
Obeying, Simba ran to his father and they lay down, seeing how their home was…filled with hyenas.
"Oh my god…hyenas! Everywhere!", Simba stared.
"Yes…Scar must have told everyone that we are dead…and is gathering his clan here…", Mufasa muttered.
"But if that's so…then we must warn Mom and others!"
"No, Simba…I'm afraid we can't. Scar managed there before us…and if we show ourselves now, he would kill us right away."
"But wouldn't his schemes be blown if we appear? I wanna see Mom and Nala!", Simba said.
"I know you would…but I'm worried Scar might hurt them if sees us. You saw with your own eyes what he can do", Mufasa coughed.
"Well yeah…so what do we do then?"
"I'm afraid we must leave The Pridelands...as much as it hurts."
"What?! Leave?! But why?!"
"Son…I'm seriously injured and can't possibly fight against Scar or his hyenas. He has plenty of them here and they would kill us soon, even if we showed ourselves now. And that's not even the worst part…Sarabi and others could be targeted as well. And I don't want that. We must disappear at least for some time that I can gather my strength. And since those hyenas must be looking for you, we can't possibly stay."
"But I…"
"Simba…I know this hurts you, it hurts me as well. But we must think about what is the wisest move. And to tell the truth, your life is much more important to me than the kingdom. I don't say we are abandoning it, but I must protect you", Mufasa said, standing up. "Now, let's go before we are seen."
Dropping his gaze, Simba nodded and went after his father. Looking over his shoulder, the cub saw how Scar was standing on top of the rock, while hyenas surrounded his home.
Mom…Nala…I promise we will come back to help you! I love you!
Moving quietly towards the border, Mufasa gazed at his son. Simba was still so young…he couldn't possibly understand the seriousness of this situation. He hated abandoning Sarabi…but he knew she would insist Mufasa take their son to safety. That's how she is…true and loving queen.
Be strong my love…we will be back.
Finally reaching the border, Simba watched the huge area in front of him.
"Where…where now, Dad?"
"I don't know…but wherever our path takes us, I'm here for you. Now, come on", Mufasa said, limping forward. Following him, Simba hung his head…and let tears fall.
As the sun disappeared behind the horizon, the two royal lions were now far from home and could only wonder what lies ahead. But at least they had each other…since they would soon notice how much their lives and relationship were gonna change…both in good and bad ways.