"Ok Kids I know you're exited and all but it's time to be going to beds we all had a looong day." Qrow stated about to end the celebrations after the victory over Cinder.

"Oh come on! We deserve a party!" Yang exclaimed." I got you the goods that should give me us free pass!"

"Sorry firecraker but tomorrow's a day too. We'll be leaving to Altas in a week so you will have enough time to check the clubs." He was undeterred.

"Awwww anyone help?" But the rest of the crew had rather tired expression and the perspective of warm bed seemed very appealing right now." I'm surrounded by old people."

"Don't worry Yang! We'll go have some awesome adventure tomorrow!" Nora gave her thumbs up.

"Meeeeeeeeeh" The blonde whinned but finally obliged seeing as she was out-voted.

"Good since that's sorted out, bed time."

The group moved towards their respective rooms. As for the night arrangements Blake and Sun went to their own room arising the whole lot of suspicions while the rest of team Ruby to their room.

Jaune seeing the looks Nora was giving Ren decided to move to the one last free one in the wing as whole place was occupied by the Faunus army.

He knew they deserved some privacy. He also knew that his presence might not change Nora's plans and surely he would not want to witness that. Offering a goodnight to the duo with stress on good and a confident smile to Ren, Jaune returned to his room and took off his armor as he sat on the bed looking at his hands.


After so long he finally managed to unlock it. One would call it a miracle that by some cosmic even bigger miracle it turned out to be aura amplification. While not outright healing it managed to save Weiss life.

He let out a heavy sigh feeling his hands start to shake a bit. He clenched his fists trying to rein in the trembles.

Cinder almost did it again. Taking a life of a woman he cared about.

"You're just a failure with a death wish..." Her silky yet so infuriating voice rang across his skull stabbing him like a knife "Are you going to let her die too?"

He lost it. He lost it badly during the battle making a reckless charge and allowing her to lead him by the nose. He fought sloppily forgetting everything he learned in Beacon regressing back to his previous self.

If he used the moment of distraction Ruby provided and slashed Cinder instead of doing the goddamn thrust he could have avenged Pyrrh!

Now he just had to do with the news that Raven defeated Cinder.

Again he failed and just by pure luck someone did the job for him. Jaune his eyes started to burn with tears of shame.

Cinder was right. He was a failure. Whenever the death wish was debatable the truth stuck him harder than the Nuckelavee hooves.

He knew that of course but hearing that from a woman he hated with his whole heart was on entirely new level.

In her eyes he wasn't even worth killing.

Jaune only once in his life he hated himself as strongly as he did now.

It was the moment he realized that Pyrrha was dead. Feeling that he would not get any sleep this night he stood up and decided to go outside since the room became suffocating. He took his blade just in case and moved to leave the building unaware of a pair of curious eyes trailing him.

He walked downstairs seeing that Qrow was snoring on the sofa probably knocking himself out in the meantime.

He passed him and left the building onto the plaza seeing that the night was slowly being replaced by the day with graying sky on the east.

He decided to move to the forest nearby the school. While not the classy red of forever fall the lush green calmed his nerves a bit. After few minutes of walk he found some clearing far away from prying eyes.

He sat on the nearest rock and pulled out his scroll. He tapped the familiar folder and multiple videos Pyrrha made for him where shown as dozen of small Pyrrha's were looking at him with her small smile. There were also photos there from their time in Beacon, that seemed like from another life.

Despite the fact that not even a year passed since Pyrrha's death.

One photo in particular grabbed his attention this time. It was the one from the prom where he held her in his arms after the dance.

The look of pure bliss on Pyrrha's face brought a smile to his face. She was so happy that evening. He was so happy that evening.

Why he noticed it so late? He always found an excuse to not take a step forward and when he finally managed to do it he he screwed it up beyond belief.

'Why did you have to fall in love with me?' He felt his heart ached at the notion.' You could have a man thousand time better than me who would see you for you...' Jaune felt his eyes watered again.

"I'm so sorry Pyrrha..." He uttered through tight throat." I was too weak avenge you..."

He could not accomplish anything by himself, always having to rely on his friends or allies. Apparently all he was good for was putting them in danger.

Tears started to fall to the ground as he chocked a sob.

'I almost did it again...' He felt cold shiver went down his spine when recalled the horrid moment when Cinder's spear pierced Weiss. He had to run his mouth basically painting a target sign on his friends backs.

The wave of guilt mixed with shame washed over him as he started the photo.

'It's all my fault...' Somewhere in the very dark part of his mind a small voice of reason screamed at him that it really wasn't and there was nothing he could do but it was drowned in waves of self-loathing.

Be it a blessing or a curse his dark thoughts were interrupted by low growl coming from behind. Fast on his feet Jaune drew his sword and extended his shield.

It seemed that his negative feeling have drawn Grimm out.

He was never so happy to see a pack of Beowolfs. He needed to vent badly and those four would be perfect targets.

Without much hesitation he lunged at the Grimm yet this time in calm and controlled manner. The beast charged forwards but Jaune anticipated that. He ducked to the side and stabbed the nearest Grimm in the belly earning a howl of pain.

Not losing his momentum he pushed the corpse of the Beowolf onto his comrade pinning him down. Stepping on the pile of Grimm he jumped over and pierced the skull of another one killing it instantly.

Undeterred by the deaths of it's brethren the third Grimm jumped at Jaune but he easily blocked it with his shield plunging his blade into it's exposed belly just like Pyrrha taught him. With his long sword he easily reached it's heart and in matter of seconds the creature was dead.

The last Grimm finally got from underneath it's comrade just in time to be decapitated by almost lazy strike.

'Why I couldn't keep my cool back then?' Jaune closed his eyes feeling the exhaustion finally kick in. 'Why I can't do anything?'

He looked at the rising sun utterly lost and alone. He was the odd one out. His friends had each other with bonds that he would never hope to achieve. He was like the fifth wheel to them.

He was a failure among prodigies...

Yet as usual after the despair came grim determination to see things to the end. The anger directed at the world at himself that prevented him from fully succumbing into depression burned in his chest. Cinder might be gone but now he knew the true face of the enemy. He knew who was truly responsible for Pyrrha's death.

The corpses of Grimm dissolved leaving trails of dark smoke surrounding Jaune in the darkness for few second.

He would not rest until every single person involved in Pyrrha's death would not lay dead at his feet.

No matter the cost.


Weiss finally recalled why she initially hated the sisters... They snored like a trucks.

Yang was obviously the louder of the two but Ruby was not very far behind.

Weiss felt like her sanity was draining with every sound they made as she almost crushed her head with the pillow.

After hour of trying to sleep she decided to cut her losses and chose the lesser evil. She could either wait till the exhaustion finish her off or...bunk with Jaune.

While in the past she would pick exhaustion, or anything else for that matter after spending few days with the blonde she noticed that he wasn't the same goofball the was at Beacon. He was more quiet and matured quite a bit.

Which was promising.

With sigh she took her pillow and went to the room he was occupying taking the long way to not pass by Nora's and Ren's. She surely did NOT want to hear those noises.

When she was about to turn around the corner she noticed Jaune leaving his room carrying his sword.

'Where is that dunce going?' Weiss wondered, deciding to follow him. She was lucky that the night was warm since she was only in nightgown.' You better pray no one see me like that Arc!' Her cheeks colored slightly.

She huffed as the followed him to the forest holding the urge to hit him with the pillow. She wondered why she simply did not go the room and in case he woke her up explained the situation and go to sleep.

It was not like she was worried that something might have happened to him after what she saw while he fought Cinder. She still could not believe that the goofy blonde could adopt such murderous look on his face.

Jaune finally came to a stop sitting on a rock in small clearing. Weiss hid behind the tree observing him stealthy as he pulled out his scroll.

'I swear if he start watching something inappropriate-' Weiss face began to heat up.

"I'm so sorry Pyrrha...I was too weak avenge you..." Her mind went blank as she heard those words. Jaune's face twisted in pain before he hung his head down.

She could see the tears falling to the ground as he chocked a sob.

'Oh Jaune...' Weiss gulped feeling a wave of sympathy for the blonde. She could see how his hands trembled as he clutched the scroll.

She was just about to go to him when suddenly she heard a growl coming from behind him. Stifling a curse she saw four beowolf coming out of the woods.

'Why didn't I take my rapier instead of this stupid pillow!' She grit her teeth. She was not sure if he still had enough aura to summon anything more than Action-men sized knight.

Yet soon her thoughts were all but meaningless as Jaune pulled out his sword. She stood there with mouth agape as she swiftly dispatched the Grimm without even breaking a sweat. His moves clean and swift, unlike those few hours before.

The fight was over seconds after it began.

'But..why didn't he fight like that...' Weiss could not understand it but from the look of deep shame on Jaune's face he knew that too.

Horrible exhaustion climbed on his face as he looked in the sky with so much sadness and grief that Weiss had to turn her eyes from him.

She could not take it anymore. As quietly as she came she went back to the school going straight back to her room.

She could not handle being with Jaune in one room right now. What she just had seen was too much. The amount of raw pain the blonde was going through simply overwhelmed her.

But tomorrow...tomorrow she would do something about that, when her head would be clear and when she would know what to say to him...


A little story I thought while watching vol 5 ending. RT won't probably show it since Pyrrha has been remarkably absent in Mistral from all places but I think Jaune would come to a realization like that.