Disclaimer: I own nothing!
"We must make a decision, Albus." Minerva McGonagall sat across from the aging headmaster once again. Every other house had chosen their new fifth year prefects and were prepared to send out the letters giving the lucky students the news. However, Dumbledore and McGonagall could not come to an agreement on the male Gryffindor prefect.
Dumbledore looked over his glasses at his deputy. "Have you discussed this with the others?"
McGonagall nodded. "They agree with me, Albus. Hermione is perfect for the position, but Weasley? He's a good boy, Headmaster, but is his head clear enough to be a leader in the school?"
"Who would you prefer, Minerva? Harry? I can't put that on him this year. He has too much on him at the moment like it is, with the events of the tournament and Voldemort's return still hanging over him."
The head of Gryffindor nodded. "I agree. But why does it have to be one of the two? Why not Thomas or Longbottom? They're both good students who follow the rules, make good marks, don't get into trouble around every corner."
Dumbledore laughed. "Minerva, it sounds to me as if Mr. Potter and his friends are causing you a few sleepless nights."
Minerva shook her head. "I love those three, just as I love all of my lions, Albus. However, it seems as if when they are together, things…happen. I couldn't live with myself if I name Weasley or Potter prefect along with Granger and…" She couldn't finish her statement. The professor took a shuddering breath and began again. "Those three students bring out both the best and the worst of each other, and I can never predict which one will emerge at any given time. Ron and Hermione as prefects is just asking for trouble."
"Minerva, I'm sticking to my decision to name Ronald Weasley prefect of Gryffindor house this term."
"Could you just tell me why?" Minerva heard the finality in Dumbledore's voice and knew any more argument would be invalid.
Dumbledore nodded. "Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, do, as you said, bring out the best and worst in both each other and Harry Potter. They are constantly in trouble, arguing, running into dark lords…However, they also have the voice to lead their house into battle, should it come to that, and, unfortunately, it seems to be looking that way. Harry can't be prefect this year; he doesn't have the firm standing among his housemates at the moment due to the press tearing at us both for announcing Voldemort's return.
"However, those same students respect Ron Weasley, if for nothing else but for his family name and his personality. They look to Hermione for her knowledge. Ron and Hermione both need this moment to stand out from Harry's shadow and build a following. Otherwise, they will be of no help to Harry in the future. He's going to need all the friendship he can get."
Minerva thought for a moment. "I'll allow you that much. Okay, we'll try Weasley out at prefect. However, should he shirk his duties or get into too much trouble throughout the year…"
Dumbledore conceded, "He'll have to be replaced, as would any prefect. Thank you for seeing this my way, Minerva."
"You didn't really leave much choice, Albus. I'll go prepare their letters and owl them now. Good day."
After McGonagall left, Albus looked down at the letter from the Ministry on his desk. Harry's going to be much too busy this year to worry about being a prefect, he thought as he read the missive from Dolores Umbridge. Much too busy.