The second hero has arrived!

"So this is duel academy." Said a 15 years old boy staring at the giant building known as the Duel Academy.

He had dark blue hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a black shirt with a grey hoodie over it, a pair of blue jeans and blue sneakers.
His name was Andrew Wilson and he was transferred to this school as a student. He was glad that he was able to transfer to this school. He expected the exams to be difficult, but he managed to score pretty high on the written part. The dueling part wasn't so bad either. Being transported to the academy by a helicopter, Andrew was awestruck by the sight of the academy island from so far up. After staring at the school building a couple of minutes Andrew went inside hoping to find the Chancellor's office so he could sign up as a student.

"This place is huge, I better ask someone for help." He said as he was having hard time to find the office. He noticed a brown haired woman with two earrings dressed in a pink dress with a white blue jacket over it and brown heeled boots. Andrew approached her and asked " Excuse me, I'm a transfer student and I'm having a hard time finding the Chancellor's office, can you help me?"

She stared at him for a few seconds and then nodded. "Ah yes. You were supposed to arrive this week. I'm Miss Fonda Fontaine! Follow me ." She said with a cheerful voice as she walked towards the direction of the office, with Andrew following her lead.

Two minutes later, they made it to the office. It was very big and most of the room was vacated, consisting only a chair, a desk and a flower pot. The person sitting on the chair turned out to be a bald man with a beard. He was wearing a red coat and a tie. He was doing some paperwork until he noticed Fontaine and Andrew entering.

"Oh, Miss Fontaine. What brings you here?"

Holding up her right hand towards Andrew, Fontaine presented out loud, "Well Chancellor Sheppard, this young man is the new transfer student who was supposed to meet you. He got lost so I helped him to find your office."

Andrew walked towards the desk and bowed his head politely. "My name is Andrew Wilson. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The Chancellor smiled and nodded. "Yes, it's nice to meet you too. Welcome to Duel Academy! Study hard to become the next King of games!"

"Thank you, Chancellor."

Sheppard turned his gaze towards Fontaine. "Miss Fontaine? Why don't you help Andrew fit in?"

The female adult nodded before placing a hand on Andrew's shoulder. "Come on, Andrew! let's get you suited up for your dorm!"

As the two of them left, Sheppard couldn't help but allow a smile to form across his face. Somehow, he had a feeling that this boy would make the future brighter.

Andrew waited outside a room where Miss Fontaine would get some things he needed for his time here in Duel academy. After a couple of minutes, she came out of the room while holding a box with the DA logo on the front and a red jacket on the top.

"Well, here you have it." Miss Fontaine said cheerfully. "Your DA supplies, including your slifer red uniform."

After she handed him the box and uniform, Andrew stared at said uniform. "Slifer red huh."

She nodded. "Yup that's right. You see, there are three different student dorms here: Obelisk blue, Ra yellow, and Slifer red.
Obelisk blue is the highest ranked dorm; some students are in blue because of their grades, others due to personal connections.
Ra yellow is second highest; those students have lots of potential.
And finally, Slifer red; the dorm meant for the students with the lowest ranks. And speaking of the slifer red, the academy rules states that transfer students have to start there."

"I see." Andrew said with an understanding look, before he gave a confident smile. "I guess I need to work my way up then."

Miss Fontaine smiled at his confidence. "Well, I'm sure you're going to do great here. Now if you excuse me, I have to head back to my class. You can look around campus for a bit. If you have some questions, don't hesitate to ask a teacher."

"Thank you." He said, as he watched her walk away. Andrew decided to take a look inside the box he was given. The first thing he noticed inside the box was his PDA, a device that a student could use to send messages to other students. Andrew placed the device inside one of his pockets, before he made his way to a nearby locker room so he could change. Once he was done, Andrew looked at himself wearing the slifer uniform. 'Not bad' He thought before leaving the locker room. As soon as he came out, he bumped into someone.

"Oops. Sorry." He apologized, before he got a good look at the person standing in front of him. It was a man with long black hair, wearing glasses and a white shirt. Andrew also noticed that the man was holding a fat cat with brown fur in his arms.

"Don't worry, that's alright." The man said before giving Andrew a curious look(Even though his eyes seemed to be closed). "And who might you be young man?"

"I'm Andrew Wilson, a transfer student."

The man gave him a friendly smile. "A yes, I've heard that you would come to this school. Well Andrew, I am professor Lyman Banner. As a teacher, I specialize in some of lesser known tactics and strategies in the world of duel monsters. And I'm also the slifer red dorm's headmaster. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I was wondering, can you help me find the slifer red dorm?"

Banner nodded. "Yes of course. I have nothing else to do anyway. Just follow me." He said as he escorted Andrew towards the intended location. After leaving the main building, they walked for some time before reaching their destination. Andrew sweat dropped at the site of what he assumed was the slifer dorm. It was a small building looking over the ocean. It was yellow color with a bright red roof. The front of the building had two stories with four doors each, with external stairs and walkways.

'Is this a dorm, or an outhouse?' Andrew thought.

Banner then took him to one of the dorm rooms. The room was moderately sized. There was a triple bunk bed in one end, a sink and cupboard in another and a few desks against the wall opposite the bed.

"Well here's your room. Although, three students are already living here so I'm going to inform them that you're going to share this room with them, if you don't mind."

Andrew shrugged. "As long as I have somewhere to sleep, I don't mind that much."

"Glad to hear it. I'll make sure that someone brings you another mattress for the room. So, you think you'll be fine from now on?"


"Good. Then I'll shall take my leave. Have a good day." With that said, banner left the dorm.

After having settling down into the room, Andrew decided to look around the campus. He found many different places on the island, like docks, a beach and even a building that was like how a library looked like from the outside. And judging from the building's yellow color, Andrew assumed that it was the Ra yellow dorm. Later on, Andrew decided to explore the school building so he wouldn't get lost again.

As he wandered through the hallway, Andrew heard noises coming from an entrance leading to a duel arena. Andrew walked inside and was amazed by the size of the arena and all stands around it. He then noticed the source of the noises he heard earlier. On the platform in the middle of the arena, there were two students dueling each other. One of them was a boy from the slifer red dorm and the one he was up against was a boy from the obelisk blue dorm.

"Whoa!" Andrew gasped when he saw something behind the obelisk student. It was a giant black and silver dragon, with spikes on its tail and over its body.

ATK: 2800 DEF: 1000 LV: 7

Andrew turned his head towards the slifer student and noticed that there was nothing on his side on the field. "Looks like that guy is in big trouble."

Obelisk student: 2400

Slifer student: 1300

The slifer student stared at the dragon nervously while he has nothing to protect himself with.

"Now my dragon, attack him directly!" After hearing the obelisk boy's command the dragon roared and clawed the slifer student causing him to fall down.

Obelisk student: 2400

Slifer student: 1300-0000

With the attack finished, the holograms disappeared. The slifer student groaned as he was trying to get up. The obelisk student approached him and held out his hand, offering to help him up. "Not bad pal." He said with a grin. The slifer student took his hand accepting his help. "Thanks, but damn you're good."

"Don't feel bad, you did quite well. Just keep practicing and you'll become even better before you know it."

"Sure. Thanks for dueling me." Said the slifer student before leaving the arena.

The obelisk student noticed Andrew standing near the platform.

"Hello there. I didn't notice you there earlier." He said as he approached Andrew. When the guy was close enough, Andrew was able have a better look at him. He was a few centimeters taller than him. His hair was dark purple and slightly spiky. And he had gray eyes.

"Well, I just came here." Said Andrew. "I was looking around campus when I heard noises coming from here. I didn't expect to find someone dueling here."

"Yeah. That guy needed some help to improve his dueling skills, so he asked me to have a practice duel with him. So, you come here often?"

"Actually, this is the first time I come to this arena. You see, I'm a transfer student and I just transferred in."

"A transfer student huh. Well it's nice to meet you, my name is Michael Kageyama, a first year student from Obelisk blue." Said the obelisk student named Michael, as he offered Andrew a handshake.

"Andrew Wilson." He said as he accepted the handshake.

"So what are you doing around here?"

"Like I said, I was just looking around campus. I don't really have anything else to do since I just came here."

"In that case, how about you duel me?"

"A duel?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah, I'm curious about your dueling skills. So, what do say?"

Andrew thought about it for a moment before nodding to him. "Sure, why not."

"Great." Michael said with a grin.

Ten minutes earlier somewhere else

An amount of students have just finished their classes, including three certain slifer students. One of them was a boy with brown eyes and brown hair. His name was Jaden Yuki. The second person was a boy who was shorter than the other two. He had blue hair and was wearing glasses. His name was Syrus Truesdale. The third person was a big broad boy with a big nose and black hair with a certain style that made him look like a koala. His name was Chumley Huffington.

"Did either of you get anything of what the teacher said? That guy's voice was so boring that I fell asleep five minutes in. " Jaden asked.

"Not me." Syrus answered. "I stayed up the whole time, but I can hardly remember anything he said."

"Yeah, same here." Chumley said.

"Hello boys." A voice spoke up. When Jaden and the others turned towards that voice, they saw professor Banner approaching them.

"Oh, professor Banner. What's up?"

"Well, I was actually looking for you three."

"Why. Do you need Syrus to become Pharaoh's scratch post again? Asked Jaden, causing Banner to chuckle at his joke.

"No, I just wanted to tell you about a transfer student who came to this school earlier today."

"A new student? Sweet. What's this new student like?" Jaden asked.

"Well…" Banner began, as he told them about his encounter with the new student. Once he was done...

"Oh, so he's gonna move into our room. Wicked."

"I don't know Jaden. Said Syrus. "We hardly have much space in our room."

"Oh, I'm sure it will be fine." Banner assured. "Andrew even said that he didn't mind so much. Well, I think I head back home. See you later." With that said, banner left the Slifer trio.

"So, do you guys think this Andrew guy is a good duelist?" Chumley asked.

"Well, I sure hope he is. I can hardly wait to duel him." Jaden said with an eager smile.

Suddenly, they noticed other students headed towards the main arena.

"Come on. The duel's gonna start."

"There's no way I'm gonna miss this."

Hearing the students mention this 'duel' interested Jaden.

"A duel? Come on guys, let's check it out!"

"Hey, wait up!" Syrus cried out as he and Chumley ran after Jaden.

"Aw, not running."

When they arrived into the arena, there were a decent number of students who had gathered to watch the duel. When they turned towards the platform they saw a slifer student facing an obelisk student. Right now the both of them were shuffling each others decks, which means they were about to start the duel.

"Sweet, we made it just in time." Jaden said.

"Yeah, but I wonder who is dueling. I don't recognize any of those two." Syrus wondered

"Me neither." Chumley said.

"Well I recognize at least one them." A voice spoke up. The slifer trio turned to see a boy with dark gray hair and matching gray eyes. This person was wearing a yellow jacket. In other words, a Ra student.

"Hey Bastion, what brings you here?" Jaden greeted

"The same as you I suppose. Now as for the two duelists over there, I recognize the one in blue. Michael Kageyama, a first year student from Obelisk blue. I saw his duel during the entrance exam and he simply defeated his duel proctor after two turns."

Jaden and his friends were surprised after hearing Bastion's explanation.

"Wow. Two turns, sounds like he has wicked skills." Jaden said amazed.

"Indeed. That slifer student on the other hand is no one I know."

Jaden stared at said student for a moment before a thought crossed his mind.

"Then maybe he is that transfer student we heard about."

"Transfer student?"

"Yeah, we met professor Banner earlier and he told us that a new student came to our school."

Bastion nodded before turning towards the duelists. "I see. Well, whoever he is, let's see how he stand up against Michael."

After shuffling each others decks and gave them to each other, Andrew and Michael went to their respective sides of the platform. Andrew inserted his deck into his duel disk and took a deep breath.

'Alright, here goes. I can do this.' Andrew thought

"Well Andrew? Are you ready?" Michael asked.

"You bet I am." Andrew answered.

"Let's duel." They both said in unison after activating their duel disks

Andrew: 4000

Michael: 4000

"How about you take the first turn?" Andrew offered

"Don't mind if I do." Michael drew a sixth card. "I'll start by summoning Mystic tomato in defense mode." A giant tomato with a creepy face appeared on the field. (ATK: 1400 DEF: 1100 LV:4) "Then I'll place three cards face-down and end my turn."

"Alright, I draw." Andrew looked at the card he drew and then nodded when saw what he got. "First I play the spell card Polymerization. And with it I fuse Elemental HERO Avian and Elemental HERO Burstinatrix to form Elemental HERO Nova master." Two monsters were sucked into a fusion vortex, a man wearing a green suit with feather wings and a woman wearing a red body suit. After they merged together, there were flames bursting out from the fusion vortex. The flames were then absorbed by a monster hiding within them: A warrior wearing a red and orange armor with a red cape. (ATK: 2600 DEF: 2100 LV: 8)

Jaden and his friends were surprised by seeing this, especially Jaden.

"Wow, I've never seen that HERO before. Who would have thought that someone else uses a hero deck like me?" Jaden said with amazement in his voice.

"Yeah, but it's strange that he fused Avian and Burstinatrix to form that guy. I mean, aren't they supposed to form Flame wingman?" Syrus asked.

"Yeah, you're right. That is strange." Chumley said.

"Not Really." Bastion pointed out, getting their attention. "The Elemental Heroes are known for their fusions. Whenever you fuse them, you have a choice of what high level monster they combine to create. And each monster has different powers."

"Oh, so when Jaden fuses those two Heroes, he can decide to form Flame wingman or Nova master." Syrus said as he summarized Bastions explanation.

"Wait I can? Wow, who knew?" Jaden asked dumbly, causing his friends to fall with anime style.

"Really Jaden?" Syrus asked with a sweat drop at his head. "You have a deck full of heroes and you never knew that?"

"Nope, not really. But still, this is so sweet. Now I really want to duel this guy."

As Andrew's monster landed on the field, Michael whistled as a sign of being impressed. "So, you start with a big gun huh?"

"Yes and since this was a special summon, I can still normal summon another monster. And I choose Elemental HERO Stratos." From the card he played , a warrior clad in blue and silver armor with turbine wings appeared alongside Nova master. (ATK: 1800 DEF: 300 LV: 4)

"This monster has two abilities and I can activate one them when he is summoned. I choose his first ability, for every other Hero I control, Stratos can destroy one spell or trap card on the field and I choose the middle one." At Andrew's command the propellers on the hero's turbine wings began to rotate, until they rotated so fast that they created whirlwinds, blowing away one of Michael's face down cards.

"And with that done, it's time for battle. Stratos, attack Mystic tomato." Andrew's hero flew towards the giant tomato and punched it in the face, causing it to shatter into pixels.

"Not bad, but not good enough to break through my defense. When my Mystic tomato is destroyed in battle, I'm allowed to special summon a dark attribute monster with up to 1500 atk points from my deck. The only catch is I have to summon it in attack mode. I choose another Mystic tomato." A replica of the first tomato appeared in its place. (ATK: 1400 DEF: 1100 LV: 4)

"Then I'll destroy that tomato as well. Nova master, attack with Burning Sphere Bomb!" The red and orange armored hero held up his palms towards each other and then a sphere of fire started to form between them. It grew in size until it was bigger than Mystic tomato itself and once the fire reached that size, the hero threw it at the tomato. The moment the fire sphere made contact with the monster, it exploded, blowing the tomato. Michael winced when most of the explosion reached him.

Michael: 4000-2800

"Well, since my other tomato was destroyed, I can bring out another monster. But this time I summon Plague wolf." The monster that appeared on the field this time was a zombie-like wolf. (ATK: 1000 DEF: 1000 LV: 3)

"Nova Master has a special ability also, every time he destroys a monster in battle, I get to draw a card from my deck." After his explanation, Andrew drew a card and inserted two of them into his duel disk. "I place two cards face down and end my turn."

"My turn then." As soon as Michael laid his eyes on the card he drew, he smirked. " Alright, I hope you're ready. Cuz I'm about to unleash a dangerous combo."

"A dangerous combo?"

"That's right, but first things first. I activate the spell card Fiend's Sanctuary. This allows me to summon a Metal Fiend Token to the field." A small gray featureless creature appeared on the field. (ATK: 0000 DEF: 0000 LV: 1) " Next I activate my Plague wolf's special ability, I can double its original attack points until the end of my turn." His monster lifted its head and howled. (ATK: 1000-2000)

'His wolf might be strong enough to take down my Stratos, but not my Nova master. So what could his plan be?' Andrew thought before he suddenly realized something. "Could it be…?" He then widened his eyes. "Your two face down cards."

"Sounds like you figured it out. That's right, in order to use my combo, I need two certain monsters and two special trap cards. And here is the first one." With that said, Michael revealed one of his face down cards. "I activate the trap card Crush Card Virus. First I have to sacrifice a dark attribute monster with 1000 attack points or less, like my token. And then, my trap card destroys all monsters on your side of the field, in your hand and that you draw in the next 3 turns, but only if they have 1500 or more attack points." His token was absorbed by the trap card and then it unleashed poison gas which caused Andrew's monsters to tremble until they shattered into pixels.

"And with that done, I activate my other trap. Deck Devastation Virus. In order to activate this card, I have to sacrifice a dark monster with 2000 or more attack points, like my Plague Wolf." The wolf monster howled before disappearing. "After that, my trap card destroys your monsters the same way as Crush Card Virus. However, this trap card can only destroy monsters with 1500 or less attack points." After hearing the explanation, Andrew was forced to discard the only card in his hand.

"This is definitely not lishus." Chumley said.

"You said it Chumley. One virus was bad enough, but two? That's just overkill." Jaden said.

"Indeed. Now any monster card he draw from his deck will be automatically destroyed." Bastion commented

"Well, no monsters left for you then."

"I'm not so sure about that." Andrew said as his graveyard slot started to glow. And then something appeared in front of him; a transparent version of a woman with long black hair, clad in a black armor.

"Huh? What's that?" Michael wondered.

"This is the card your virus forced me to discard, Elemental HERO Shadow Mist. When she is sent to the graveyard, I can activate her special ability, which allows me to add a HERO monster from my deck to my hand." Andrew explained looked through his deck. " The one I choose is Elemental HERO Bubbleman." He showed the to Michael before adding it his hand.

"I see. Well, my turn is not over yet. Since I have exactly 3 dark monsters in my graveyard, I can special summon Dark Armed Dragon." The giant monster that appeared on the field was a dragon that looked awfully familiar. (ATK: 2800 DEF: 1000 LV:7)

'That's the dragon from the last duel.' Andrew thought with a surprised look.

"If you think you can stop me with your face down cards, think again. I activate my dragon's special ability, by removing a dark monster in my graveyard from play, he can destroy one card on the field. I remove one of my Mystic tomatoes to destroy the face down card on my left." After Michael's card ejected from his duel disk, the dragon aimed it's tail at Andrew's face down card and shot a spike from it.

"In that case, I activate my face down card before it gets destroyed. It's called Waboku and thanks to this trap all battle damage I take this turn becomes zero." He explained as his card created a barrier before it was hit by the spike.

"No battle damage huh. Oh well, I can at least let my dragon destroy your other face down." Michael said as he activated his monster's ability again.

"Then I better activate that card as well. Reveal Call of the Haunted. With this I can summon a monster from my grave and I choose Stratos." The warrior with the turbine wings returned from the grave. "And since he was summoned, I can activate one his abilities again. This time, I choose his second ability; I can add another HERO monster from my deck to my hand. And I choose Elemental HERO Sparkman." Andrew said as he revealed the card he took from his deck.

"Not bad, but that won't stop my dragon from destroying your trap card." The spike shattered the card to pixels, destroying Andrew's monster in the process.

"Wait, what happened to Stratos?" Syrus wondered.

"When Call of the Haunted leaves the field, the monster summoned by it is automatically destroyed." Bastion explained.

"At least that guy got two heroes in his hand ready for action." Jaden said enthusiastic.

"Alright, now I activate the spell card Graceful Charity. This lets me draw 3 cards from my deck, but after that, I have to discard 2 cards from my hand." Michael explained as he drew 3 cards and discarded 2. "And with that, I end my turn."

"Okay, my move." Andrew said as he drew his next card.

"Don't forget. Thanks to my viruses, you have to send any monster card you draw from you're deck to the graveyard."

"Then luckily for me I drew a spell card instead. But first I summon Elemental HERO Bubbleman in defense mode." A stream of bubbles erupted from the ground and out of them, a light-blue armored man appeared. He was wearing a dark blue body suit underneath the armor, with light-blue boots, a white cape with two tanks on his back and some kind of water gun on his right hand. (ATK: 800 DEF: 1200 LV: 4)

"If Bubbleman is the only card I have on the field when he's summoned, I get to draw two cards. And it looks like none of them are monsters." Andrew said as he revealed the two cards he drew.

"Wow! He's very lucky to draw so few monsters." Syrus commented

"You said it Sy. He should play the lottery." Jaden said

"Alright, now I play the spell card Monster Reborn. With this I can summon a monster from the grave, and I choose Elemental HERO Shadow Mist." With the power from the spell card, the black armored woman appeared on the field. (ATK: 1000 DEF: 1500 LV: 4)

"When Shadow Mist is special summoned, I can add a quick-play spell card from my deck to my hand, as long as that card has the word 'Change' in its name."

'Hm, a 'Change' quick-play card huh?' Bastion thought

"And now I play my second Polymerization. And this time, I fuse Shadow Mist with Sparkman in my hand to form…" Shadow Mist was absorbed into the fusion vortex along with a gold armored man with a blue visor. "Elemental HERO Escuridao!" The new monster was a black armored warrior with claw-like fingers and two pairs of wings that seems to be made from the very shadows. (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000 LV: 8)

"Impressive monster, but I'm afraid that it's not strong enough to take down my dragon." Michael commented.

"Well, that can be changed, thanks to my monster's special ability. For every Elemental HERO in my graveyard, Escuridao gains 100 attack points. There are six heroes in there, giving my hero 600 extra points." Escuridao was surrounded by a dark aura as a sign of getting the strength from the fallen heroes. (ATK: 2500-3100)

"Sweetness! Now he can destroy that dragon." Jaden exclaimed.

"Yup, that's what I would have done." Chumley said.

"Escuridao, attack his Dark Armed Dragon." The dark hero gathered dark energy in her right palm and formed it into claws that are even longer than the normal ones, and flew towards the dragon in an attempt to slice it. But just as the hero monster was about to strike, a red armored warrior with long white hair appeared in front of the dragon and used its arms to block the attack.

"What?! What happened?" Andrew asked with a shocked tone.

"Your attack was canceled, thanks to my Necro Gardna." Michael replied. "He was one of the cards I discarded when I played Graceful Charity. If I have this monster in my graveyard, I can negate one attack by removing him from play."

"Aw man. He was so close to destroy that dragon." Syrus said.

"Yes. Michael certainly formulated a remarkable strategy to protect his dragon from harm."

'To think that Michael managed to save his dragon, even though he doesn't have other traps on the field. He's really good.' Andrew thought with an impressed look in his face. "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"My turn. And I'll start by activating the spell card Pot of Greed. This lets me draw two cards from my deck. And now I remove another monster from my graveyard to use my dragon's ability. Dark Armed Dragon, destroy his Escuridao.!" The dragon shot another spike from its tail, destroying the dark armored HERO. "And now I remove the last monster to destroy your Bubbleman." Once again, another spike shot out towards Andrew's monster. But when the spike was around 1 meter away from the blue armored HERO, he was suddenly enveloped in a light that blocked it.

"Whoa, What's happening to your monster?" Michael asked, as he was the one who was shocked this time.

"When you were targeting my Bubbleman, I activated my face down card. It's a spell card known as Mask Change."

"What does that do?"

"This card lets me send a HERO monster from my side of the field to the graveyard, and then I can summon a Masked HERO from my fusion deck with the same attribute that the sent monster had."

"Masked HERO, what's that?" Syrus asked

"Beats me, I've never heard of a HERO card like that." Jaden said

"I think I did." Bastion said as the slifer trio turned towards him. "As I recall, I've heard about a tournament that Maximillion Pegasus hosted a few months ago. That tournament offered a series of special HERO monsters as a Grande prize. Those cards were never released."

"Wow." Jaden before looking back at the duel. "I guess that guy won that tournament then. Now let's see what those Masked heroes can do."

In Bubbleman's place, a new monster appeared kneeling down on the field. It was a warrior clad in a blue and silver armor. He also wielded a long, white, double-pointed spear. (ATK: 2400 DEF: 2000 LV:6)

"Michael, meet my Masked HERO Vapor."

"Wow. To summon a fusion monster by using one monster and no more. That's impressive." Michael commented.

"Thanks. And don't think Vapor is a pushover just because he has less points than your dragon. He's much stronger than you think."

"Then allow me to test his strength after playing this spell card, Burial from a Different Dimension. This lets me return up to 3 monsters that have been removed from the game to the graveyard. So I'll take back my two Mystic tomatoes and Plague wolf." Michael picked up the named monster cards from his pocket and let them slide into the graveyard slot. "And you know what that means, don't you? I can use my dragon's ability again, so I remove one of my monsters so I can destroy your Vapor."

The dragon shot another spike which exploded when it made contact with the masked hero. A cloud of smoke surrounded Andrew's side of the field. Michael smirked confidently at this, that is until the smoke cleared, revealing something surprising. Andrew's monster was kneeling down on the field, completely unharmed.

"He survived? But how?"

"My Vapor has a special ability…" Andrew replied. "He can't be destroyed by card effects."

Michael widened his eyes for a moment before chuckling while scratching the back of his head. "Well, I guess you got me there."

"Told ya he wasn't a pushover."

"Then I just have to destroy him the old fashioned way. But first, I summon Pitch-Black Warwolf." A humanoid wolf wearing pieces of armor and holding a curved sword appeared on the field. (ATK: 1600 DEF: 800 LV: 4) "Then I activate the spell card Rush Recklessly. This lets me choose a monster on the field and increase its atk with 700 points until the end of the turn. And I choose my warwolf." The monster howled feeling the power within him increase. (ATK: 1600-2300)

"Pitch-Black Warwolf, attack his Vapor!" The monster ran towards the masked hero and slashed him with his sword. "Now Dark Armed dragon, strike his life points directly with Dark Dragon Talon Terror." The dragon raised its arm and slashed Andrew with its claws, forcing him to kneel down.

Andrew: 4000-1200

"Ow, that's gotta hurt." Chumley commented.

"Yeah no kidding. He just lost more than half of his life points." Syrus said

"Don't worry guys, the duel has just begun. I'm sure he can turn things around." Jaden said

After recovering from that last attack Andrew stood up.

"So, do you want to give up?" Michael asked.

"I don't think so." Andrew replied, earning a smirk from his opponent.

"That's the spirit, keep fighting until the end. I end my turn."

"My draw." Andrew a card and frowned when he saw that it was a monster card, which means he had no choice but discard it.

"Frustrating isn't it? With my two viruses affecting your deck, you won't be able to do so much. In fact every duelist I used my virus combo against wasn't able to survive long enough to defeat me."

"Yeah, I can imagine that they had hard time to fight against someone with your skills. However, just because your virus combo gives you an upper hand doesn't mean it's guaranteed that you win. Anything can happen in a duel."

"Is that so? Well then, show me what you've got."

"With pleasure. I activate the spell card Legacy of a Hero. Here's how it works, if I have at least two level four or higher Elemental Heroes in my graveyard, I'm allowed to draw 3 cards from my deck." Andrew drew his 3 cards and apparently those three cards were a monster card, a spell card and a trap card. After discarding his monster card, Andrew held up one of his remaining cards. "Next I activate this card, Swords of Revealing Light." Michael's monsters were surrounded by swords of light. "This spell card prevents you from attacking for the next three turns. And with that done, I place one card face down and end my turn."

Michael drew his card. 'If I'm not mistaking, his face down card is Fiendish Chain. That card has the power to stop an effect monster from attacking and use its abilities. Andrew is probably planning to use it to stop my dragon. Then I better wait until the right moment.

"I end my turn."

"Alright then, my move. First I play my own Pot of greed, which means two more cards for me." Andrew drew his two cards and was relieved that none of them were monster. "Next I activate the spell card E-Emergency Call. This lets me take an Elemental HERO from my deck and add it to my hand. And I think I'll summon it to field right now. Come forth, Elemental HERO Woodsman." The new monster kneeling down on the field was a green skinned man, with his right arm and leg being made of wood. (ATK: 1000 DEF: 2000 LV:4) "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"I draw." Michael looked at his new card and smirked. "Just the card I was waiting for. I summon Breaker the Magical Warrior." A man wearing a red outfit, resembling to Dark Magician appeared at the warwolf's right side. He was wielding a sword and a shield with a stone in the centre. (ATK: 1600 DEF: 1000 LV: 4)

"What can he do?"

"I'm glad you asked. When Breaker is normal summoned, he gets a spell counter which gives him 300 extra attack points." The stone on the shield started to glow. (ATK: 1600-1900) "But he's not going keep it for long, cuz now I activate his second ability, by removing his spell counter, Breaker can destroy one spell or trap card on the field." The spellcaster held up his shield and aimed at one of Andrew's cards.

'Damn. I was hoping to use my trap card to stop his dragon, but I guess I have no other choice here.'

"You triggered my trap, Fiendish Chain. This lets me choose an effect monster on the field, like your Breaker." Chains sprung up from the underground and wrapped themselves around Breaker the Magical Warrior, binding his movements. "Now then, as long as my trap card remains on the field, your monster won't be able to attack or use his abilities."

"Sweet. Now his spells and traps are safe."

"Not quite. He may have stopped Breaker, but there's still one monster on field with the capabilities to destroy his cards."

"Aw man, that's right. Dark Armed Dragon can use his ability."

"Alright, it's time for my dragon to break through your last defense. I remove my two last monsters from my graveyard in order to destroy your spell and face down card." The dragon's underbelly glowed purple, and then shot out twin disks of purple energy which struck down the revealing light card and the face down card. "Well, it's been fun, but I'm afraid this is the end. Dark Armed Dragon, attack his Woodsman." The dragon raised its arm once again and was about to strike down the wooden hero.

But before he was about to get hit, an electric barrier surrounded him and the attack was blocked. Michael was shocked by this turn of events. (Yup, I said shocked. LOL)

"What the hell? Where did that barrier come from?"

"It was created by a monster that was sent to my grave after I played Legacy of a Hero." Andrew explained as he held up a monster card depicting a mechanical turtle with a magnet at the tip of its tail. "It's called Electromagnetic Turtle. This monster has an ability similar to your Necro Gardna, but here's the difference; by removing this monster from my graveyard, I can end your battle phase."

"Simply remarkable," Bastion commented. "He actually managed to use Michael's virus combo to his advantage."

"You said it. This duel gets better by the minute."

Michael was quiet for a moment before he lets out an excited laugh. "Ha ha ha. Wow, you're even better than I thought. You are the first person who managed to remain in the game this far after I used my virus combo."

"Thanks. You are the toughest opponent I've faced yet."

"And I'm not going to get less. Since my battle phase has been ended, I switch my Pitch Black Warwolf to defense mode and end my turn with a face down card. You better make this turn count, cuz there won't be any more chances for you."

'I hate to admit it, but he's right. If I don't draw something good this turn, then it's game over for me.'
"I draw." Andrew looked at the card he drew and smiled.

"Well, what did you get?"

"You're about to find out. But first, I activate Woodsman's special ability, during each of my standby phases, I'm allowed to take a Polymerization from my deck or graveyard and add it to my hand."

'Hmm. He's probably planning to summon a fusion monster, so he can destroy my dragon. Good thing I placed my Staunch Defender trap card on the field. With it I can choose his target when he attacks. So no matter which monster he summons to field, my dragon will be safe.'

"Now I play the spell card Mask Charge. This lets me take two cards from my graveyard and add them to my hand; a HERO monster and a Change quick play card." Andrew held up the two cards he returned so Michael could have a look at them. He of course widened his eyes when he saw which monster Andrew brought back.

'Uh oh.'

"And now I summon back my old friend Stratos." The turbine winged hero appeared once again. "And with him summoned, I can once again use one of his abilities. And I choose his first ability and destroy your face down card." The hero used his turbines to create a cyclone, destroying Michael's trap card.

"Was that Staunch Defender?" Andrew asked.

"That's right. My plan was to use it to protect my dragon from your attack."

"Then nothing can stop me now, so I play Polymerization and combine my Stratos with Woodsman..." The fusion vortex appeared, absorbing the two heroes. "Now I summon Elemental HERO Gaia." The ground shook and cracked open, then a new monster that rivaled Dark Armed Dragon in size rose up from it. It was a warrior wearing a black armor with red spheres all over it. (ATK: 2200 DEF: 2600 LV: 6)

The whole crowd gasped in astonishment. "Whoa, that monster is huge. "Syrus commented

"You said it Sy." Jaden said. "And I always thought Thunder Giant was a big fella."

Michael stared at the monster with an amazed look in his face. "Wow, that's an impressive monster. So how do you plan to destroy my dragon with him?"

"By using his special ability of course." The hero smashed the ground with his fist and a crack formed from the fist to Dark Armed Dragon. Then suddenly, a light erupted from the crack and surrounded the dragon, causing it to roar in pain. "When Gaia is fusion summoned, he cuts your monster's attack points in half and then, all the points it lost are added to his own." (ATK: 2800-1400) The light crawled back into the crack and followed it back to Gaia's fist. Then the light was absorbed into his body, causing him to roar when he felt his power increase. (ATK: 2200-3600)

"Now Gaia, attack his Dark Armed Dragon. Continent Smash!" Gaia ran towards the dragon and punched it with his fist. The dragon groaned before it shattered into pixels.

Michael: 2800-0600

"Well done, but I'm still standing."

"That may be true, but this duel is over. For in case you have forgotten, my Stratos wasn't the only card I brought back from my graveyard."

Michael was confused by Andrew's reply, until his eyes widened in realization. "Oh crap, your spell card."

Andrew smirked as he held up the said card. "That's right, my Mask Change. Which means I can transform Gaia into a Masked HERO."A pillar of light surrounded Gaia. When the light faded, a new warrior stood there in Gaia's place. She was wearing a shining silver armor with a blue cape and wielded a sword. "Say hello to Masked HERO Dian. (ATK: 2800 DEF: 3000 LV: 8)

"2800 attack points!"

"More than enough to wipe you out. Dian, attack his Breaker and end this duel." Dian ran towards the magical warrior and stabbed him with her sword, causing him to shatter into pixels.

Michael: 0600-0000

As the holograms disappeared, Andrew sighed in relief before he was approached by Michael who extended his hand with a grinning face.
"Dude, that was an awesome duel. I can't believe you actually defeated me after I used my virus combo."

Andrew took the offer and both duelists shook hands. "Thanks, but this victory was not easily won. Like I said, you are the toughest opponent I've faced yet."

"He he. Thanks, you too. We should duel again someday."

"Yeah, just let me know when you want a rematch."

In the higher seats, an Obelisk blue girl watched as Andrew and Michael shook hands. "That was impressive, I hope I have the chance to duel him soon."

As the duelists released each other hands, they were approached by the Slifer trio and Bastion.

"Hey man, that was a nice dueling." Jaden said enthusiastically.

Bastion nodded. "Impressive indeed. I look forward to duel you someday."

"Thanks. My name is Andrew Wilson."

"So you're the transfer student we heard about. Well I'm Jaden Yuki, and welcome to Duel Academy. You're gonna love it in Slifer red. The dorms may be small, but they're extremely cozy and warm. Not to mention the food there is awesome."

"Well I wouldn't exactly say awesome, but it's pretty edible." Added Syrus

Andrew chuckled. "Well, something tells me that my time here is going to be interesting."

And so the slifers headed towards their dorm for dinner.

Phew, I'm finally done. The first chapter of my very first fanfic story. I've been reading the fanfic stories for quite some time and decided to write a story of my own. Of course I can't guarantee this story will be very good because of a few reasons. For example;

-I'm living in Sweden, so my english is limited

-I don't have much creativity, so writing this story won't be easy

But even so I'll try my best to write this story. If you like it, good for you.