Chapter one (rewritten)
Disclaimer: I do not own Descendants.
Monday, June 17th (4h30 pm)
"Get. In. The. Limo. NOW!" Screamed Uma in Harry's face, quickly growing irritated with her best friend.
Her first mate only shook his head stubbornly in response. He crossed his arms over his chest and replied: "I won't leave without ye Uma."
The two pirates had been arguing loudly in front of t he crew and the royal guards. So far, King Ben was respecting the promise he made to Uma and was inviting more children from the isle to come to Auradon. He started by bringing over her crew so they would get a second chance and live amongst the heroes, the princes and the princesses. However, the young Beast had refused to allow all the kids from the isle to cross at once.
He claimed he wished to bring the villain kids over "group by group" in order to help them "settle in easier". Uma chose to stay behind to take care of the younger ones. She had been trying to get her first mate to understand that her decision was final for the past hour.
The sea witch sighed in annoyance and pushed one of her teal coloured braids back and behind her ear. All the other wharf rats had accepted to leave hours ago. Only Harry was obstinate enough to keep standing up to her. The royal guards, waiting on either side of the limousine, must have been getting impatient. Uma needed to get the pigheaded boy in one of the vehicules before they departed from the isle.
"Don't try to make me go," warned Harry with a glare.
Uma rolled her eyes at his obstination. The boy simply didn't understand! This could be his one shot at happiness and freedom. Like everyone else, she was aware Harry wasn't the most sane person on the isle. He was fragile and the slightest thing could tip him over into madness. Uma also knew he had done some rather nasty things to Ben while the royal was their prisoner. She did her best to avoid leaving Harry alone with him, so to not have "damaged goods". But sometimes, she didn't have a choice. Ursula's daughter was quite certain Ben only invited Harry because he had to. If the boy didn't leave this instant, she wasn't sure he'd ever be granted another chance.
She needed him to leave because her friend would finally be able to get off the prison-like island. He'd be safe, away from his dad, the nefarious Captain Hook. Of course, Uma would join him and the others eventually. It simply wasn't the right time now. She couldn't go to Auradon yet, not while there were still innocent kids who needed her help and protection. Didn't Harry know that? Couldn't he understand that?
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down. "I'm going to count to three and you have to be in one of those limos by three or else..." Harry made a confused face. He wasn't sure how much time he had.
"One..." Uma began counting, watching her first mate look anxiously back and forth between her and the rest of the crew.
What to do? Wondered the pirate, eyes shifting from the wharf rats to Uma, his beloved captain.
"Two. Harry..." warned Uma, seeing her first mate had yet to make a move.
What? panicked Harry, his blue eyes widening. He could've sworn he had more time.
"I'm sorry Harry." Said Uma, looking at him with genuine sadness in her brown eyes. "What?" He asked, tilting his head slightly in confusion.
His voice hardened and he started protesting. "Captain, I'm stayin' and ye can't do nothin' about it." Uma looked at him and answered softly: "I know. That's why I'm gonna have to make you."
Gil was standing behind Harry. On Uma's signal, he tackled the Hook boy to the ground. He may have been tallest than Gil, he wasn't always the strongest. The two rolled on the ground and Gil somehow ended up on top. Harry couldn't get up no matter how much he did try. He wiggled around like a fish on a hook, hopping to slip out of Gil's grip. He spat in Gil's face, yelled insults and threats. Gil simply looked bored as he glanced towards his captain. Harry kept struggling for a while, without any kind of success. Desperate, he started trying to slash his hook around. Uma took it away from him.
"Now, listen carefully." She ordered, kneeling right next to him. "I will be in Auradon with you as soon as I can. I just need you to stay put, okay?" The young captain brushed his left cheek lightly with her finger tip before standing back up. Uma's heart tightened when she saw his blue eyes grow soft. He twisted his neck and leaned his head towards her hand, eyes pleading for more attention. Uma forced herself to look away, seeing her friend hurting was painful to her.
She noded once at Gil who got up immediately. Gaston's third son pulled Harry up by the arm. Even tough Harry (who was staring pleadingly at Uma) didn't seem to be able of any kind of damage anymore, Gil wasn't taking any chances. He wrapped one of his muscular arms around the other boy's waist and left one on his wrist, holding him firmly.
Gil threw Harry into one of the cars. Captain Hook's only son scrambled to get out and back to his captain. But the wharf rats got ahold of him and held him down before he had the chance to get out. He kicked and punched everyone but they gripped him tightly. They let Gil into the vehicle. Gil slipped in through the open door and shut it behind him.
Now that Uma was out of his sight, Harry calmed down slightly. He was panting slightly and was a little exhausted. He had a far off expression and his body went limp. Desiree gently pulled the unhinged pirate onto the bench. Harry let himself be seated between Desiree and Gil, his eyes staring at something far away in the distance that no one else could see.
The other pirates watched in awe as the magical barrier was opened and the limo crossed the golden bridge towards Auradon.
Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! Reviews are always very appreciated.
Xx Sasha xX