Notes: I just want to thank everyone for reading. It's been a true pleasure writing this. Thanks again to thesvenmachine on the Kacchako Discord for giving me this prompt that started this whole mess and then letting me blab to her about all sorts of ideas that I had. It's thanks to talking to her that the whole bet thing came up. I don't know how this spiraled into what it did, but I've had a blast. I'm sad to see it go, but excited that I actually finished a long fic! You all have made that possible. The love and support that came from everyone has truly made this worth it. Thank you! Now, get ready for some fluff and fulfillment!

Truth be told, ever since Uraraka had basically run out on him after giving him the best kiss of his life, Bakugou didn't know what to do. He'd been stressing and acting out for the days since going out to eat with her, but after their night of games and that bet, he peace. There was nothing else he could do. Yeah, he could get moody and frustrated about it, but the ball was in her court. He couldn't force anything to happen. He couldn't force her to feel the same things that he felt. This was not something he could make go his way.

If Uraraka chose to ignore whatever the hell that had fallen between them, that would give him his answer. He would move on and that was that. There would be no more late night video games, no more ridiculous bets, none of that. For all he cared (and he cared a fucking lot, but found himself caring for her wants more), she could keep hanging out with Todoroki and progress her relationship with him. She could fall in love with Deku. It didn't matter. If she wasn't interested in him that way, he'd live with it. They could be just friends. He'd accept that.

Maybe that was what was surprising the most - that Bakugou would settle for something. It wasn't settling though. Right before making that bet about her kissing him, he'd come to realize something important: he liked being friends with her as much as he wanted more with her. He liked the games, the laughter, the jokes. Those were all things that he had with the rest of his friends, even though he didn't always cop to it. He was willing to give up wanting more if it meant keeping those.

He was more than willing to just be friends with her because it was important. Because she accepted him the way he was and never asked him to be more for her and yet he found himself wanting to do better. It still made him feel lighter. It still made him strive for more.

Uraraka was still good for him, regardless of what she meant to him, and he was good for her.

He would never forget that fight against her. He'd never forget her pride. How could he? Not when he'd felt pleased at seeing that grin on her face? He couldn't remember a time feeling so happy about getting bested.

The next day, Uraraka avoided him completely. Bakugou had expected to feel pissed - had definitely planned on feeling the urge to explode - but instead he had only felt relieved. He'd done whatever he could do. He hadn't realized how much tension had been building inside of him until she'd released him from her quirk and he'd crashed onto the couch, still feeling like he could float. He had been holding so much back, so much inside, that it was a wonder he hadn't given himself an ulcer. Even more ridiculous, he'd been lying to himself and it made him feel foolish. He hated that feeling almost more than losing.

With all that in mind, since Uraraka was avoiding him, Bakugou made no attempts at pressuring her or getting in her space. He let her be. Maybe his eyes roved over to Uraraka more than normal and she would look away every time, her cheeks tinged pink, but he couldn't fight it. He didn't even flip out when he saw her eating lunch and going over homework with Todoroki in the Grand Mess Hall. What was done was done.

The kiss meant nothing. It was just a bet. It was nothing.

Or at least it would've been nothing if not for the canyon of unsaid words that was building up between them every time they connected eyes and didn't say a word. There was no way in hell Uraraka could go on acting as if nothing had happened after that kiss. Either way, something had changed. They couldn't go back to playing video games Monday night without addressing it. Bakugou didn't know if he was up for that though hence why he found himself waiting for her.

Short of stomping over to her, grabbing her by the arm, and pulling her away from everyone so that they could talk in peace, Bakugou had to wait. It didn't help that every time he did look over her way, his eyes dropped to her lips, focusing on the way they tugged upward when she smiled or how she'd twist them when she was thinking. He couldn't stop thinking about how soft her lips had felt. He wanted to pull her away from everyone, but knew that it would only make things worse

If Uraraka didn't come to him, well, then he had his answer. He wouldn't waste either of their time, not for something like this. They had more important things on the line. They were here to become heroes, not discover some mushy ass feelings. He could respect that. Would it hurt? Like a bitch. But he'd suffered worse. He could handle anything thrown at him. Hell, he'd been kidnapped, watched his idol forced into retirement, messed up in his first hero provisional license exam, and so much more. He could handle this.

Of course, fate had another thing coming for him.

It was as if neither one of them could get away from each other. Try as she might to avoid him, it was like something was conspiring to put them together. She clearly didn't want to be around him, especially alone. It stung, but he refused to let it bother him. However, it wasn't like they couldn't get away from one another, somehow pulled together anyways.

When he went to Gym Gamma to solo train, she appeared thirty minutes into his session. Judging from the shocked look that had crossed her face before she could hide it, she hadn't known he was going to be there. Pft, she should have realized that when he wasn't at the dorms. They'd stuck to opposite sides of the gym, the tension crackling between them until Bakugou decided to finish off with a run on the track. He ignored the way her shoulders sunk in relief.

At lunch, without meaning to, they both reached to grab the last container of mochi at the same time, bumping shoulders and hands. Both of them retracted their hands quickly as if they'd been burned. Uraraka opened her mouth, cheeks turning steadily pink, when he'd huffed and walked off without a word to pay for his food. It was her favorite food; she could have it. Besides, he didn't need dessert anyways. He wasn't fond of sweets often.

Later that night, they found each other in the kitchen, her walking in right when he was plating his food. He still had dishes to clean, but rushed through them quickly as she set about finding something to eat. Unlike the normal junk food that she loved, he noticed that she had a healthy meal already cooked, just needing warmed up. She gave him a nervous smile and was out of the kitchen before he finished cleaning. When he stepped out of the kitchen, she was sitting on the couch with Asui and Ashido and he decided to eat in his dorm. He caught her glancing at him as he turned, but then kept on walking without looking back.

The next day, Uraraka was gone off campus. Bakugou definitely didn't go out of his way to find out where she'd gone - he wasn't about to ask any of her friends - but he overheard Deku in the common area telling Iida that she had gone to visit her parents for the weekend. It was a surprise trip that had come out of the blue, although she had mentioned at dinner last Saturday that she hadn't seen them in a while. Bakugou grit his teeth and forced himself not to react. It didn't mean anything. It wasn't like she'd left to specifically avoid being around him. It had nothing to do with him.

And yet, for some reason, with Uraraka gone from the dorms, it felt like something was missing.

Bakugou wouldn't let it get to him, but by Sunday, time was grating on him. The questioning, the wondering, the "what ifs" and what was going to happen… He couldn't stand it. He had to be patient. He had to wait. He wasn't the type of guy that would fly off the handle because he didn't get what he wanted - not anymore.

Come Monday night, either way, he'd get his answer and he would have to live with it. Either she'd show up to play video games or she wouldn't. He loathed the idea of sitting out there waiting for her - it made him feel so vulnerable and it gave her all the power - but he'd bite the bullet and do it. If the positions were flipped, he had a feeling that Uraraka would've done the same for him. She would be courteous. She would consider his feelings and give him time to sort through them. He could do that for her.

Fuck, if it didn't drive him up a wall though.

He didn't see her again until Monday. By the time she'd come back to the dorms, Bakugou had already been in bed. He was sitting in class with Kirishima and Sero when Uraraka walked in with Hagakure and Asui. He went to turn away like he'd done before, giving her an out so that it wouldn't seem like she was avoiding him, but then she smiled shyly at him and, damnit, his heart stuttered and he nearly broke the pencil that he was holding.

It didn't mean anything. The smile didn't mean anything.

The morning classes went by quickly, but not fast enough. During Midnight's class, she decided to pair them up for a small project. His first instinct was to turn to Uraraka, his body moving before his brain could finish the thought. When he found her turned towards him, he nearly jumped in his seat. Her pink spots on her cheek glowed even brighter. Before anything could happen though, Hagakure jumped excitedly in between them and asked Uraraka to be her partner.

Just like that, the moment came to an end and, for the first time since Thursday, explosions threatened to slip from his palms. He couldn't make a scene without looking like a total idiot. It was frustrating.

When lunch came though, Bakugou was brimming with so much energy that he was beginning to think that he needed to pull Uraraka away from everyone and have a talk with her. She was out of the classroom before he could even think further about it, which only made the turmoil even worse.

"You okay, man?" Kirishima asked as they walked out. "You've been kind of...weird all weekend."

"What?" Bakugou snapped. "I'm fine."

"Yeah, you've been quiet," Ashido added curiously, getting into his face. "That's not like you at all!"

Bakugou leaned back to get space. "I don't need to be loud all the time to be normal!"

Ashido laughed. "That's more like it."

They knew that he wasn't loud all the time and was fully capable of being quiet when the time called for it. Now they were just pressing his buttons on purpose. He glanced back at Kaminari, who held up his hands in defense and shook his head. No, it wasn't him. He hadn't said anything. Bakugou turned to Kirishima, who was wearing a look that was far too innocent for his own good and whistling, and narrowed his eyes. He might not know exactly what was going on, but he knew something was. He could probably sense Bakugou was refusing to deal with something and felt the need to push him.

That red-headed little shit.

And then Uraraka was in front of him, a nervous smile on her face and her hands held behind her back. "Hey, Bakugou, can we talk?"

"Sure, anything to get away from these nerds," Bakugou said, managing a nonchalance that he sure as shit didn't feel. The second she had appeared in front of him, his heart began to beat wildly and his palms started to sweat. If he didn't get out of here fast, then all of his friends were going to catch on and Kirishima would never let it go. Not that they weren't leaping to expectations now since Uraraka had come out of nowhere.

Still, pretending like this was totally normal, Bakugou waved Kirishima off, saying that he'd join them at lunch in a bit, and walked off with Uraraka. None of her friends were in sight. No Deku, no Asui, no Iida. She'd been smart enough to confront Bakugou without them as an audience, but not kind of enough to do the same for him. They were going to have a field day with this.

Ah, what did it matter? They'd already seen the two of them hold hands with him floating silently behind her. Kaminari was probably having a fit though. Hopefully he'd be able to keep his mouth shut.

After nearly five minutes of walking in silence, despite the voice in the back of Bakugou's head warning him to be patient for just a little longer, he couldn't handle it anymore and burst out, "So are you gonna talk or are we just going on a walk?"

"Oh, um" - Uraraka rubbed the back of her head and that smile twitched back onto her face again - "I was trying to find a place that was more private."

Bakugou stared at her. "Why?"

"Because I know how much you value your privacy," Uraraka replied earnestly. She stopped walking and her gaze fell down to her feet. He found himself unable to look away from her. She looked so nervous. It was written in her entire body - from the way she kept shifting on her feet, avoiding his gaze, and fiddling with her fingers until she finally hid them behind her back again. "And you always made sure that our… That no one knew we were hanging out."

"That's not…" Bakugou blew air out of his nose and turned to look at the sky. It was sunny as hell, matching her temperament a hell of a lot more than his. "It's not that I didn't want anyone knowing." When he glanced down at her briefly, her brown eyes bright with hope. Maybe he was reading too much into things. He had been waiting for her to talk with him all weekend and now that they were here he kind of wished he could leave. "Yeah, I didn't want anyone in my business, but I...preferred it being just us. I preferred it being our thing."

"'Preferred'," she repeated.

Bakugou huffed. "Okay - I liked it that way." He grimaced a little. "I liked being around just you and making all those dumb bets and no one else being involved. It was like… It was like I had you to myself."

"No need to sound so enthusiastic about it," Uraraka replied dryly as she folded her arms across her chest.

A scowl crossed Bakugou's face and he crossed his arms as well, mirroring her. His muscles tensed underneath his school jacket, but he didn't budge. "Hey, you're the one that wanted to talk, so you better start. I'm not doing all of it, not after you avoided me all weekend."

Uraraka dropped her arms and clasped her hands together in front of her. "Sorry about that."

"I don't need an apology," Bakugou told her. "I want an explanation."

Chewing on her bottom lip (which only drew his attention and made things even worse), Uraraka's shoulders dropping and she breathed out. "I was embarrassed."

"More so than after telling everyone in class that I was gonna be the number one hero?" Bakugou questioned incredulously. She opened her mouth and then closed it. "Than when you wore my shirt and held hands with me in front of everyone?" She blushed again as he reached out to tug on one of her bangs framing her face. "When you dyed your hair teal?" It was fading now. In another week or two, her hair would mostly be back to normal. As much as he enjoyed seeing that teal in a crowd, he'd still be able to spot her without it. "When we had dinner?"

"That didn't embarrass me," Uraraka said. "The dinner, I mean. I liked it." She fiddled with the pads on her fingertips, pressing down on them one at a time in thought. "None of it really embarrassed me in the end." An awkward laugh tumbled out of her. "Okay, that first one was super embarrassing. I was so mad at you! But the other ones…" She smiled up at him. It should not have affected him as much as it did. It pissed him off and at the same time he was okay with it. "They were all fun."

Bakugou swallowed. "Fun." She'd liked the dinner. What the fuck did that mean? "But that last bet wasn't."

"No!" Uraraka responded so suddenly and forcefully that Bakugou raised his eyebrows. Any other person might have taken a step back from how intense she got, but he didn't make a move. She flushed further. "That's not what I meant."

"Kind of hard to tell since you just ran off," Bakugou pointed out.

Uraraka took a deep breath. "I was embarrassed," she continued slower, as if forcing every word out, "because I thought maybe I crossed a line." He furrowed his brow. "You're very particular about certain things, like your space and all that, and yeah, the bets kinda pushed them, but I just…" She looked down at her feet again. "I thought it was okay, but then you pulled away and I realized how stupid I must have been, how maybe I had things all wrong, and I freaked out." She groaned and hid her face in her hands. "You must think I'm such an idiot!"

Out of all the things she was expecting, Bakugou bursting out into laughter was probably the last one. She peeled her hands away from her face and gawked at him, as if she was in disbelief over what she was hearing. It felt so fucking good to laugh. Every last bit of anxiety bled away from him and the knot that had started to reform in his chest was undone again. How could they be so stupid?

"Yeah, you're an idiot," Bakugou told her in between laughs. "But so am I."


Bakugou shook his head. "I pulled away because you looked afraid and I freaked out."

Had they really been dancing around each other? This whole time, they'd been on the same page and they hadn't even realized, although he had a suspicion that she'd figured out her feelings a little before him. He was stubborn and knew it. Uraraka would be more likely to recognize a crush before he did. How much anxiety had they wasted on this? Had she been torn up about all of this as much as him? It couldn't be. She didn't try to flush her feelings down a toilet.

Uraraka's gaze softened. "So you…"

"I made that bet for a reason, Round Face," Bakugou said pointedly, "and it wasn't to embarrass you."

"Then…" Realization blossomed in Uraraka's eyes and her entire body relaxed. "Oh."

Bakugou's hands clenched tightly over his arms. "Yeah."

For a moment, they stared at each other. Bakugou felt like they were directly at the tipping point. Whatever they decided to do next would change everything. They could laugh and go their separate ways. He'd accept it. They could step forward and be something more. He was terrified, but wanted it. Whatever happened, he would leave it up to her. He knew what he wanted, but he was unsure of how she felt. If the bets had taught him one thing, it was that doing something embarrassing was much different from doing something you didn't want to do. He'd given her an out on Thursday night. He wouldn't force her to do anything.

Very carefully, Uraraka put her hands on his and slowly peeled them off his arms. "Can I…?" Her eyes landed on his lips and he knew exactly what she was asking. His heart jumped into his throat.

"Hell yes," Bakugou barely managed to say before he cupped Uraraka's face, closed his eyes, and pressed his lips against hers.

This was was… He wouldn't say it was better, but it was. This time, both of them knew what they wanted and they knew what the other wanted as well. She kissed him with as much enthusiasm and desire as he felt, her hands gripping his arms tightly. He lost track of how many times they had been forced to breathe before kissing each other again. It wasn't just one kiss. It was a handful bundled into one moment. Her mouth was warm, wet, and wanting, pulling him further into her. He wouldn't have stopped kissing her even if their entire class showed up.

Despite her body being somewhat pressed up against his, it wasn't enough. His whole being demanded more. He took his hands away from her face and moved them down under her ass so that he could pick her up and press her even closer to him. She squeaked in surprise and he moved to set her down, thinking maybe he'd gone too far, when she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. Oh, fuck. Now it was too much. His head was spinning and his body buzzing and his skin burning.

Bakugou pulled away and took in a gasp of air. Uraraka did the same, giggling to herself, and pressed her forehead against his. For at least a minute, neither one of them said anything. They could only pant heavily in each other's space, her breath mixing in with his. She must've popped a mint or two before talking to him, maybe in hopes that something would go right. He nearly laughed. Gods, he'd had a spicy snack earlier. She didn't look like she cared, at least not right now.

"What was that about talking with me?" Bakugou asked in a murmur.

"Oh, would you shut up?" Uraraka laughed. She leaned back and held his face in his hands, so that when he opened his eyes, he was looking directly into hers. They were practically shining. "I bet you won't kiss me again."

"I bet you I will," Bakugou countered and then he was, their lips crashing against each other's again. He didn't give a shit if anyone saw them now. He wasn't about to hide how he felt, not anymore. It wasn't just their thing. She was his and he refused to let go.

And if they floated a few feet off the ground while kissing, well, they realized it before things got too out of hand.

That night, they still played Mario Kart like usual, but it kind of devolved into them kissing after Uraraka beat him. Both of them had realized that, while a few things would change, some things would remain the same. They both liked their game nights too much to give them up, although Bakugou planned on bringing his gaming system to the dorms instead of relying on Kaminari. They didn't need him as an excuse to be around each other more.

No doubt Kaminari would be pleased about that. Uraraka had been mortified when Bakugou had told her about Kaminari and what he'd figured out, especially the part about her taking off his shirt and throwing it at him. Her little moment of bravery definitely made her blush now. No longer pissed, it had just made him laugh.

Figuring out how things worked outside of those private moments was something different. Uraraka wanted to take things slow and Bakugou agreed, although it was a constant reminder for their teenage bodies and brains whenever it came up. Still, it wasn't like they were going to ditch their friends to each lunch with each other or forget about school. They had lives outside of each other and those were important to consider. They had goals.

It turned out that they could help one another with those too. Bakugou had never considered that someone might be able to lift him up the way Uraraka did. The closest he got to anyone with that was Kirishima and maybe he'd been holding himself back there as well. There were a lot of things that he'd never considered before until he and Uraraka had started playing Mario Kart together. Being with one another was just one thing. There were also their quirks to consider. The possibilities felt endless and his future - no, their future - bright.

Come Thursday night, the Mario Kart party commenced as usual with the entire class in the common area. There was a current and very serious grudge match between Iida and Sero, both of whom were determined to win. They had been coming out on top the last three nights everyone played and other people ready to break the streak. If Kaminari didn't win tonight, Bakugou was certain the redhead would rage quit. Even Deku had gotten really into it, having been knocked to third place twice by Iida. Ashido had come in first place once in a race, but then spent the rest of the races getting dogged on by the others. Bad luck all around.

Bakugou was sitting on the back of the couch and leaning forward, his forearms resting on his knees and his feet on the cushions, when Uraraka walked into the room with Asui. They'd brought snacks for everyone. That had been Uraraka's designated roll for most nights since she never played. The current race ended, solidly knocking Yaoyorozu out, and their classmates started to argue over who was next to take her place.

"Can I play?" Uraraka asked.

Deku brightened immediately. "Of course!" He glanced at Yaoyorozu, who nodded her head in agreement and handed her controller over to Uraraka.

Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat. "Hey, uh, not to sound like a jackass, but…"

"Do you even know how to play?" Mineta questioned, taking the heat off Kirishima, who looked relieved. He would have at least offered to help or give Uraraka some pointers while that grape little shit just gawked at her. Maybe the question had some traction to it, seeing as how she'd never played before and always turned Deku's offers down.

Bakugou smirked to himself. They didn't know her like he did.

"I'm sure I'll figure it out," Uraraka replied teasingly, connecting eyes with Bakugou. Before anyone could tell her otherwise, she sat down on the couch where his feet were. He pulled them to the side so that she was effectively sitting in between his legs. Everyone gawked at them, but neither one of them paid anyone else any mind. She tilted her head back to look up at him and winked. Cheeky girl. Turning her attention back to the game, she started the process of picking out her car. "So who am I racing against?"

Undeterred as she was, Bakugou could tell that the rest of the class was choking on their tongues, all except for Kaminari, who sank in his seat in relief. He wouldn't have to hide what he knew, even if he didn't know the full truth. Maybe it looked like one of the bets similar to what Uraraka and Bakugou had done before, but this felt different to him. It was final. This was the moment she had chosen to basically tell everyone where she and Bakugou stood and he couldn't be happier about it.

Hell, even Todoroki looked pleased where he sat on the ground in between couches. Maybe he'd figured out more than Bakugou had realized.

"You sure about that kart?" Uraraka teased Sero, a huge grin on her face that Bakugou recognized as bad news. Oh, these guys had another thing coming for them. They had no idea about the storm that Uraraka was about to rain on them and it was glorious. He soaked it all in, feeling proud that he had been the one to help her get here. Months ago, she wouldn't even pick up a controller in front of their friends in fear that she would get sick in front of them and now here she was actively goading them.

Sero picked the course, his hands gripping his controller tighter than before, and Bakugou laughed. They had no idea that this was Uraraka's favorite course, the one she always beat him on. Try as he might, he could never beat her at it, no matter what he did. He was still pissed about it. Now though, it pleased him immensely. Deku gave him an odd look for his laugh, but Bakugou didn't care. Let them think what they want. Let them know how he felt. It didn't matter. Because he had her and she had him. He'd fucking won.

Placing his hands on Uraraka's shoulders, he leaned down to say in her ear, "Kick their asses, Angel Face," loud enough for everyone to hear and she beamed.

Once the game started, Uraraka was in the zone. Never once taking his hands away from her shoulders, he could feel her body tense up whenever something bad happened, but then he'd squeeze her gently and she'd push on ahead. A few people gasped as she effortlessly dodges banana peels that Iida dropped right in front of her and then cheered when she knocked Sero out with a blue shell, just as she had done him that first night they played. When she came out as the victor, both boys and Deku were shocked at having been bested.

"Uraraka, I didn't know you were so good!" Deku exclaimed.

She blushed a little. "I might've had a little practice."

Bakugou snorted. A little, yeah right. If he knew one thing about himself, it was that practicing with him was no little thing. He put people through the ringer. Ask Kirishima about working out together. Boxing with him came at a price. He wondered how Uraraka would fair. After that team match up, he was dying to find out. She'd taken her first internship with Gunhead to work on her fighting skills, hadn't she? It'd make sense for her to continue trying to develop them and Bakugou needed to learn to be lighter on his feet.

Deku's eyes flickered from Uraraka to Bakugou, but it was Kirishima who piped up when Uraraka rested the side of her head against Bakugou's knee. "So, you two, huh?"

Bakugou leaned over and snatched the controller out of Deku's hand. "You came in last. It's my turn."

Ashido stuck out her tongue. "You just want to play since Uraraka is!"

"Well, if anyone stands a chance at winning against my girl," Bakugou replied smugly, lording over them on his position on the couch, "it's me."

Uraraka put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from giggling. Kaminari and Jirou looked at each other in such an obvious manner, their eyes widening and mouths dropping, that he was shocked no one else noticed them. Deku gave him a mind-boggled look and then turned to Todoroki, who merely shrugged his shoulders. Even Iida seemed at a loss for words, taking his glasses off to clean them and then put them back on again as if seeing them a hint clearer might give him the answer.

"Are you all gonna pick your karts or what?" Bakugou demanded.

"I'm way ahead of you," Uraraka said, having picked hers out while everyone else was flabbergasted.

Sero smiled nervously. "You're not just asking like this to throw us off, are you?"

"I don't need to play tricks in order to win," Bakugou snapped. He wasn't about to lie about something so that he could win. That wasn't who he was. When he wanted something, he was pretty obvious about it - hence that kiss - except for maybe when he didn't know himself that he wanted something. Uraraka could attest to that. When a few people gave him looks of disbelief, he scowled. "What? Do you want me to make out with her in front of you all to prove it?"

Uraraka flushed. "Bakugou!"

"Oh, this is real," Kirishima decided, chuckling to himself. He cast Todoroki a mock-pitying look. "Sorry about your luck, mate."

Todoroki shrugged noncommittally, as if he had neither an opinion or care for the matter. Bakugou didn't miss the look of appreciation that Uraraka passed him and he nodded his head. She must have told him something, at least. Whatever it was, Bakugou would get it out of her. He had his ways. She was particularly susceptible to tickles. They'd have to work on that. If all it took to get her to break down was a few tickles, villains would best her easily.

For now though, they had Mario Kart and Bakugou knew that he'd have to go the extra mile to beat her. That was what he liked about her the most: she pushed him at every step of the way. How could he say no to that?

"You ready?" Uraraka asked him, peering back at him again.

"Oh, you're on," Bakugou said with a grin.

Iida pressed start and the countdown began. It felt like the perfect beginning of a new game, except this time, they both would win if they played it right.