So... to put it simply, I am discontinuing this story, for a few reasons. Feel free to read them out, or just ignore them and go about your merry day knowing this story died pretty quick.

Reason 1:

Commitment is not something I am good with, especially for something that is simply just leisure. Keeping semi-regular updates to the story isn't easy, especially when I run primarily on spur of the moment ideas. One shot/very few chapter stories are where I belong, not in longer stories, as much as I'd like to exist in both.

Reason 2:

This one may seem pretty obvious. My OC. There were plans for this guy. Not to become the protagonist or anything, I was serious about that. I did, however, have big plans for him, as I did for every other character.

As each character was to be introduced I was gonna give them a bit of screen time to familiarise them with the audience, because just expecting the readers to know the characters is a bad practice, even for fanfiction. Said screen time would lead to each character having a main goal to their character, some more impactful than others. Kirishima for instance, was gonna make him gay for this story and his whole thing was understanding that about himself, and Hyousuke (who's also gay, yes, that's why no date-o Ochaco) would more or less force Kirishima to wake up to himself about it and not be internally tortured like he was.

My approach to introducing this concept came in the form of that chapter focused around OC and best girl, and while I like to think I did a good job with the writing, the actual presentation in introducing the idea that this would be done for everyone... yea, didn't do that well.

Reason 3:

I had plenty of scenes planned out, including a rather brutal fight scene between Hyousuke and Kirishima (because I can write real time fist fighting better than any supernatural bullshit) that would be the beginning of Kirishima's coming out arc.

What I didn't have, however, was an idea on how I was gonna end it, where, when, how it would stray. This led me to making some of it up as I was going along, and I shouldn't need to explain why that's bad.

Without an end goal in sight, the story just came out very directionless, and the more I write it the less I know how to end it.

There were also plans to deal properly with depression, as the intro showed off, but as I wrote away from it I couldn't find a way to write it back in... eh. It was gonna be a whole thing about Deku learning to let others back into his heart after Bakugou fucked his life up, starting with Ochaco worming her way in.

Basically, many reasons as to why I'm cutting this story off, summed up into three key points. Reckon I'm just gonna stick with the one shots I do so much better, rely on my spur of the moment mindset to guide my future endeavours. If you wanna see more from me, feel free to follow, but don't expect anything more from this story.

Okay, that's all out of the way. To the next whatever with me!