Chapter 11 Inches Away

Ayumi POV:

A month has passed since the start of a new semester and since my meeting with the woman called Yukino Yukinoshita. After Hachiman introduced me to her, she was quite interfering concerning Hachiman's attention. Almost every time she see's Hachiman in university, she instantly tries to strike a conversation. It was clear as day that she holds some form of attachment towards Hachiman wether if she's unaware of it or not. But what peeked my interest the most is how Hachiman reacts towards her. It was not obvious at first, but sooner or later I noticed that Hachiman seems uncomfortable when ever she was around. It was as if something happened between them that I do not know of. And this matter would be my second priority when I get the chance to talk to him privately

Hachiman, Iroha, Yumiko and I just met up a while ago to hangout. It would be a pain to discuss how we were able to convince Hachiman to participate but with our combined efforts, we were successful nonetheless. But our meet ups main reason was not just for the sake of hanging out but for me to invite them to an impressively large formal opening party tomorrow evening. Usually, I am only allowed to bring a single person for a single invitation but according to the planner, I am allowed to bring along with me a maximum of five individuals which was surprisingly lavish and unorthodox. But it is a Grand Opening for an impressively powerful business conglomerate which holds 8% of europe's total economy so I guess it's understandable.

I have already invited Yumiko and Iroha and they have already accepted but I decided to invite Hachiman as my date for the event so I decided to speak with him privately, when we are alone so the others won't have a say concerning the matter.

"Thank you for walking me home Hachiman" I smiled while I stared at his eyes affectionately.

Hachiman decided to walk all of us home. Since my home was the farthest I was the last to be with him which gave me an opportunity to talk to him and maybe, just maybe clear things up with him.

"No need to thank me, It's nothing" He stated as he faces towards his right. After he noticed we were making eye contact for too long.

"But still, It is rather late and I know your tired" I held the the bottom hem of his shit to refocus his attention towards me.

He looks back at me and continued.

"Its okay, Im not that tired. But Ishikki sure was a handful" he muttered with tiredness in his voice

I only giggled in reply.

"Anyways, I guess I should go, See you in class." He turns his back against me but there was much more I still needed to discuss. So I hurriedly grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Wait!... I… uh… wanna come inside? Maybe for a cup of tea?"

He stared at me while squinting his eyes, clearly prying for a clearer justification of my question.

"A cup of coffee instead?" I quickly followed up while flustered

He paused to think about it and a few seconds later he sighed and finally replied

"Fine, lead the way" He gestured.

I quickly checked the time using my wrist watch and it was already 11pm. Usually, Mother and Father would be asleep around 10pm while the maids would be asleep around 10:30pm. So, to avoid unnecessary teasing and misunderstandings. I decided to sneak Hachiman towards my room. The Security around the house usually won't tell Mother and Father since I am good friends with them so I have nothing to worry about. I greeted and bowed my head as I passed mr. Kurosaki, A guard member who's assigned inside the house. He smirked and whispered a rather snarky comment "You better be careful miss. I don't want to watch over little children just yet."

"Shut up!" I replied embarrassingly. I quickly looked at Hachiman to check if he heard. But thankfully he was not able to hear anything since he was just standing at my back curiously observing my home while standing in place patiently

"Um mr. Kurosaki. Can I ask a favor?"

"Sure, but nothing stupid okay?"

"Its nothing stupid really, remember the hot chocolate drink you make for me when I can't sleep when I was little? Can you make for me two cups? I was thinking about coffee but Hachiman seems tired and he needs to sleep and coffee doesn't just sit well with that. Can you? Pleeease?" I pleaded while I imitated the time I was little. Mr. Kurosaki is just weak when it's against kids.

"Fine fine, you sure take advantage of me huh little missy" he teased, recalling what he used to call me when I was little

"I'll send it right up. But no funny business okay" he continued and walks towards the kitchen

"Thank youuu mr Kurosaki!" I spoke with moderate loudness.

I hurriedly grabbed Hachiman's arm to lead him towards my room. We went up the stair case and made our way to the hallway and finally, we reached the entrance of my room. But suddenly I remembered something quite embarrassing.

"Wait here, let me clean things up first" I said embarrassed of my words.

"Sure?" He replied, confused

I instantly closed the door behind me in panic. I quickly ran towards my bed and grabbed the shameful body pillow that rested underneath the comforter, I finally shoved it under my bed in a clean and triumphant manner as I quickly checked around my room for other embarrassments.

Making sure it was clear. I hurriedly opened the door and invited Hachiman inside.

"Thanks for waiting!" I exclaimed while out of breath.

"Are you okay? Your breathing rather harshly" He stated with his voice sounding worried.

"Im okay, just out of breath" I gestured him in, and helped him remove his jacket so I could hang it in the nearby stand.

"Make yourself comfortable, please take a sit on that couch over there" I pointed.

My room was rather large for a single person. But I guess it is expected since my family quite spoiled me when I was a child. My room holds a queen sized bed and a couch at the end of it which is matched up with a coffee table and Flatscreen tv placed perfectly on the wall. By the left of my Bed were Huge windows adored with beautifully designed curtains that were picked by yours truly. And by the left of my bed were a bookcase and the door towards my bathroom and dressing room.

"Turn on the television if you want, but knowing you, you'd pick a book. Im just gonna change into something much more comfortable. It would only take a couple of minutes." I said as I made my way towards the dressing room

I hurriedly washed my face and applied a very slight amount of makeup to boost his interest. Then I changed into something comfortable but tempting just to tease him a little. I wore an impressively stylish sweater that ended a few inches above the mid area of my thighs. It was a tad too short for my tastes but if it is something to make him conscious of me then its way worth it.

I went out the dressing room and the instant I walked in towards his line of sight, I caught a brief glimpse of his cute reaction. For a brief second I saw him glancing towards my thighs as he quickly averted his gaze towards my face with an uncomfortable and flustered stare which boosted my confidence with a great margin.

I smirked and sat beside him by the couch.

As I sat down, I noticed that the sweater I am currently wearing was shorter when I am in a sitting position. I blushed and quickly glanced at Hachiman to check if he noticed. Thankfully or rather sadly, He was looking forward, avoiding my gaze.

We were both silent for a moment, we both don't know what to say, finally, I decided to speak first.

"Thank you for coming with us today. It was rather fun" I muttered looking down.

"It was fun for me too I guess. It was definitely better than lazing around my studio all day" He said while looking out the window.

"Well, knowing you, you would either be sleeping all day or reading those novels your into. It would be quite intoxicating for you to do it every weekend"

"Its not like I do it every weekend, I have others things to do too you know" He replied as he looked at me with annoyance in his expressions.

"Somehow I doubt that" I giggled

"Just last weekend, I had to go on a date with the daughter of one of my mom's friends It wa-"

"YOU WHAT?!" I exclaimed, shocked by what he just said

He quickly looked at me surprised and confused by my reaction. I blushed embarrassed by my actions and sat back down calmly

He paused for a few seconds and continued.

"I said that, just last week I had to go with a date with the daughter of one of my mom's friends. It was quite tiring but I came through" He muttered

I breath in and out to calm myself but unknown to me, my eyebrows were twitching and my hands were clamping up. I was annoyed and curious at the same time.

"So did you have fun?" I asked, with a slight menace in my voice

"Hmmm" he pondered and continued "Not really, but maybe a littl-"

I cut him off and asked again "So did you have fun?" I stared at him with the full extent of my menacing voice and gaze

"No no no, Not at all" He said quickly while panicking

"As expected of you" I replied relieved by his reply. It made me wonder if I was too obvious of my feelings and if wether he noticed or not.

"Whats her name?" I asked worried

He paused and stared at me, questioning himself internally if its okay to tell me. After a few seconds he continued.

"I'd rather not tell you. She would probably want her privacy"

"Hmph" I replied and looked away from him. After a few seconds I continued my questioning

"So, is she pretty? Cute? Beautiful?" I continued

"Honestly, she was quite beautiful. Surprisingly so"

I twitched in annoyance. In my anger I replied something rather unbecoming of me.

"You are a bad judge of character so I doubt that what your saying is even true. She may be average at best." I quickly said

"What are you saying? If I am bad judge of character then finding you way much more beautiful than her is incorrect" He replied dismissively

I blushed, unprepared of what he said

"I.. uh.. um.. I'm an e-exception!" I stuttered

"I guess that makes you average at best too huh?" he teased

"Shut up!" I replied embarrassingly. Playfully hitting his face with a pillow beside me.

"So are you meeting her again?"

"Maybe, We did exchanged numbe-"

I immediately interrupted him by trying to hit him again with a pillow. But this time even harder. Surprisingly he was able to catch me and grabbed my hand. Making me drop the pillow unto the floor.

My heart was beating in a rapid pace. He was holding my arm in a rough and yet gentle manner. Our faces were extravagantly close from each other. It was as if time stopped specifically for this enticing moment.

We were stuck and unable to move. We both could feel each others brisk breathing. I looked at his eyes affectionately to appeal to him and then I glanced towards his lips for a brief second. Being this close to him was euphoric at its own way. I was starving for him and It made me desperate. And a few moments later I was tempted, I slowly moved closer towards him and I cannot stop myself. My mind was telling to rethink my actions but my heart was telling me to go forward and so I did

My lips were now inches apart from him. I closed my to prepare the incoming contact.




But suddenly the door knocked.

Hachiman released his grasp from my arm and I open my eyes in surprise. He moved himself away from me and cleared his throat. I was glad I was stopped but I was significantly more annoyed by the sudden disturbance. I was blushing madly by my actions and I quickly ran towards the door in an effort to hide my shameful expressions.

Sup guys, sorry for the very late chapter. I am a very busy and i only found the time to write a new chapter. Sorry for any mistakes in writing. I don't really have time to correct them and I am kinda rusty.

Story wise, we are moving a little closer. Especially towards the the grand opening which will come in 1 – 2 chapters. So tell me what you think by reviewing. Ill be releasing the continuation of this chapter by tomorrow or this week. See ya