Authors Note: I modeled the Jubliee after Enchancia's jubilee as well from Sofia the First.

Some spanish notes: Mantilla: is the brides veil

After and Now

Elena smiled as she looked at Gabe it had been announced just last week to their family that they were getting married. They were busy starting to get ready to prepare that as Elena was in search of her mother's wedding dress and Blanca was making Gabe's outfit despite the seamstress's protest. At the same time, they were preparing to leave to visit Satu. Currently, the two were with Isabel in Elena's parent's bedroom.

"I think I found the mantilla," said Isabel as she found the gauzy fabric. Elena smiled as Gabe placed the mantilla on top of her head as Isabel watched happily as her sister did look good. "You do look pretty. Are you sure you want a December wedding though? It'll be close to Navidad."

"It's perfect because people will be starting to celebrate," said Elena. "It'll be festive and everything."

Gabe agreed as he was searching in the closet looking for something. "Elena, I think I found the actual gown," he said as he tried not to arouse attention from outside the room.

This was going to be a surprise for Luisa and Francisco when they saw Elena in the dress. Currently, they were still sleeping since it was the very early morning hours. He gently lifted the dress from the rail and was careful not to step on it as he showed what he found to the girls. Elena got up quickly as Isabel's eyes grew wide. Yep, that was the dress he thought as he saw them get excited.

She was quick though as she already shredded out of her own regular gown to try it on.

"Shouldn't I not be here?" teased Gabe. "I mean it's bad luck…"

"No," said Isabel as she rolled her eyes. "That's only 24 hours before the wedding actually starts."

He watched as Isabel started to tie the dress up in the back as Elena started to feel a little misty eyed to be standing here in her mami's dress. She had seen the portraits of Lucia and Raul on their wedding day and Elena dreamed of wearing her mother's gown. The queen looked at herself in the mirror as she twirled around a little in the room.

Isabel just grinned as she looked very excited. "Elena, you look just like mami," she said breathless as Elena grinned.

"You look stunning Elena," said Gabe as he got up and kissed her as Isabel just awed at the sight. The two held it as her arms snaked up his shoulders and Gabe's hands on her waist pulled her close. Her hands got lost in his hair as Gabe was tempted to let hers out. Her tongue gently pressed up against his own as he opened for her as they ravished in the closeness between the two of them.

"Alright now that we know where the dress is," said Isabel breaking the two out of their passionate kiss. Elena blinked as she looked at her sister. "We should probably prepare for the jubilee today."

Right, right they were celebrating Avalor's birthday. It hadn't been celebrated at all during Shuriki's rule and with so much going on since coming back, now they were bringing the tradition back. The people were setting up and decorating their own homes with Avaloran pride. Everyone at the castle was preparing with a giant feast open to the citizens. There was going to be a parade right through the city with various businesses setting up.

Gabe and Elena shared a look as they had their own little secret themselves. The only other person who knew that they were going to do this was Naomi. Together they were going to announce the wedding date at the start of the party as they were rather excited about it.

"Alright now I'm going to go eat and get my invention and our abuelos," said Isabel as the jaquins were going to do sky painting again. "I'll leave you two love birds alone. Just don't be late to breakfast."

She shut the door behind her as the engaged couple looked at each other as Elena turned to have Gabe help her out of her dress in a couple of minutes. Luisa and Francisco were going be here soon to see themselves. Gabe had put a arm around her as they found themselves kissing again as Elena was careful not to rip the gown as the door swung open.

They separated as Lusia and Francisco were standing the door way.

"Elena, you look so beautiful!" said Luisa as she saw her nieta in the gown. Elena did a small twirl as Francisco felt a wash of sadness run over him. The last time he had seen this gown his own daughter was getting married. It was like yesterday.

"You look so much like your mother," agreed Francisco as Elena put her arm around him. It was quiet as they remembered Lucia together before Elena had to take off the dress. It was truly a beautiful gown with hand sewn lace design of flowers on the skirt of her dress. Ruffles made her sleeves and she had a bolero jacket to match. The mantilla long and to the train. The off white of being in a box for over 50 years made it look vintage like.

Together all four of them went down to breakfast as Esteban and Isabel were already there. Isabel had already seen her and Esteban… Well, she wanted to surprise him since a lot of the wedding planning was going through him to begin with as Elena was running the country. It was going to be nice to see that shocked look on his face.

Then finally did they turn to getting prepared for the jubilee. Luisa went to the kitchen to help with the final touches. Elena went to working on her speech as she relaxed outside. Naomi and Mateo still had time to get here. Isabel went to put finishing touches on the jaquins routine for the sky painting.

"Naomi!" called Elena as soon as she saw her blond friend down at the center of the city directing traffic. The parade was going to start right after Elena made her speech. Then they were going to have the feast and, on the way, back to celebrate with events such as face painting and other events.

Her friend hugged her as she gave some final instructions to one of the volunteers. "Are you ready?" asked Naomi. "You have a pretty big speech coming." She put an emphasis on speech, as it was more then just a speech, but an announcement. Elena kind of wished that Mateo was here but he was currently on a vacation with his girlfriend's family. She sighed as they had a lot to tell them.

"Don't forget you and Gabe are going to be on stage with me with the rest of my family. Which by the way, I need to remind Gabe not to wear his guard uniform. I'm making this special for a reason."

"I'll go and do it," said Naomi, "You just focus on what you're going to say." Elena nodded as her friend went off to find Gabe to make sure that he changed. The seamstresses should have something for him to change into as Naomi gave her a thumbs up as everything was going to start soon. She felt her heart flutter as she saw Naomi and Gabe talking with each other as they headed toward the seamstress room.

Elena looked at her paper at the announcement as she squealed a little before Armando was telling her to get in the carriage to head to the meeting point. The floats were just about ready to head off in the direction of the castle. Where was Naomi and Gabe? She took a breath as she saw both head their way. Naomi looked great in her new dress and Gabe looked very handsome as she just smiled.


They nodded before their family headed toward the entire party and the set up. Isabel was already there with the jaquins since she rode on Skylar to the main area and then back to the castle.

She stood on the stage as soon as she got there with her family right behind her as she stepped forward. Elena cleared her throat as she saw the jaquins ready for their own take off. It was supposed to happen as soon as she was done.

"Welcome," said Elena as she looked at the crowd around her. "I'd like to start to thank everyone for coming to celebrate. Avalor was founded long ago and despite many setbacks throughout time, we have made it to this point. I think we should make today a day to celebrate everything that have and share together."

Naomi nodded as she encouraged her to continue.

"I'd also like to take this time that I have recently become engaged," she said as there was a murmur of excitement across the crowd. "Some of you may know him but I'd like to introduce you to my dear friend and now fiancé Gabriel Nunez, a future king. The wedding is this December."

Her family shared looks as they didn't know that she would do that but they clapped, obviously thrilled. There were claps around from the crowd as Gabe smiled and waved with a small smile on his face a little humble. He saw his parents close to the stage as they were beaming proudly. His thoughts were spinning though.

King? He kept a straight face as he just now realized that he was going to be king. Not that the sound of King Gabriel didn't sound nice. It was the fact that it was happening made him feel, well, he couldn't place his finger on it. He was more excited to be with Elena more than he was about ruling a country. Besides all the power was still in Elena's hands. He just had to do other duties. It didn't seem that different from being charge of the rest of the guards. Still the thought never crossed his mind until she said it.

"Now let's go and celebrate!" called Elena as the jaquins shot up from behind them and painted the sky spelling out Avalor in bright red, gold, and turquoise. Skylar leading Nico, Ciela, and Avion flew across the sky.

The parades started forward as everyone started to gather and watched as the floats came by. A few people already started some of their own events with small booths littering across the city. Gabe turned to Elena as he kissed her cheek before they started heading back to the carriage to bring them back. They had to beat everyone to the castle to help with the food. There was singing at the front with the national anthem.

Around them people were talking about their own gossip. However, Gabe could hear people saying his own name. He thought he heard his teacher say something about him as they made their way in the crowd. A few people were happy about what they were doing. It was kind of strange to hear people talk about him like this.

"Are you okay?" asked Elena as she looked at him and they were alone, well alone as they could be. Now that people knew he could easily just kiss her in public. He leaned in and pressed his lips against her cheek as she linked their arms.

"Yea, it's just a little weird to hear people talking about me," he said after a minute as he thought about it. "I thought I heard my third-grade teacher talking about me to someone."

Elena grinned at him softly as she put her hand on his shoulder. "It's something you get used to," said Elena. "If you ever want to talk about it you know who to talk to." She smiled as he linked their fingers together as Luisa watched them from behind. They kissed before getting into the carriage together.

"Elena, I love you," he said after a minute.

"I love you too," she said they sat close. Isabel flew above them on Skylar as Elena waved. First Avalor. Pretty soon the wedding was going to be here.