*Authors Note at the bottom.


October 2012

"Come on you stupid car!" I hiss.

I turn the key and once again nothing happens. I curse, slap my hand on the steering wheel in frustration and then bang my head on it. I groan out loud before getting out of the car.

I slam the door and kick it for good measure. I throw my keys on the ground in irritation and put my head in my hands. I curse again and look at the piece of shit car in front of me.

It is an old silver Pontiac that I have had since I started college four years ago. I didn't want my parents to buy me a car, so I saved up my own money from working at a grocery store while I attended college.

A month ago, I moved back to my hometown of North Bend, Washington and spent the last few weeks handing out my resume and references to all the schools in town. I went to WSU for my bachelor's and spent another few years getting my masters and certification to become a teacher.

Today is my first interview for a teaching position at Twin Falls Middle School, and now I am going to be late because my damn car won't start.

I huff, and just when I am about to pick up my keys off the ground, I hear a throat being cleared behind me.

Without standing back up, I turn my body towards the sound and see an extremely tall guy dressed in a white t-shirt, dirty jeans, and work boots. He is leaning against a brick building smoking a cigarette and staring at me in amusement.

I stand up and turn towards the guy. I am about ready to lay into him for laughing at my misfortune, but before I open my mouth, he speaks.

"Need some help?"

My mouth snaps closed at the sound of his smooth baritone voice. I blink several times when I get a better look at his God-like profile. I can't see his eyes since they are behind a pair of Ray Bans, but he has a sharp looking jaw, straight nose and a perfect mouth.

He chuckles at my obvious gawking and takes another hit of his cigarette before pointing at my car.

"Do you need some help?" he says slowly like he is talking to a small child.

I narrow my eyes at him and put my hands on my hips. "Does it look like I need help?" I snap which causes him to laugh.

I huff again and look away from him. Who does he think he is?

I turn back towards him when he finishes his cigarette and flicks it on the ground. "I might be of service," he shrugs and leans back against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

I look at him suspiciously for a few minutes before sighing heavily. I rub my forehead before reluctantly nodding my head. He smiles causing me to stop breathing for a second as he strides towards me. He takes off his sunglasses, giving me a glimpse of his unique gray eyes before winking at me and walking towards the front of my car.

I turn around and my breath hitches as his muscles flex when he opens the hood of my car. I walk towards him as he looks down at the engine.

"Do you know what's wrong?" I bite my nails.

"Yes, it's probably your fuel filter. It could be clogged," he says while touching a few things in the engine before crouching down and looking under the car.

"How do you know?" I groan and lean over to see what he is doing.

"I'm a mechanic. My family owns a garage a mile away from here. I can call one of the workers to come and tow it there," he says while shutting the hood.

I groan again and check my watch to see that I have an hour before I must be at my interview.

"Is it going to take long? I have an interview in about," I start to explain but my phone cuts me off.

I dig through my purse quickly and take out my iPhone. "Hello?"

The mystery man leans against my hood and watches me impassively.

I listen to the person on the phone and sigh inwardly when the lady that is supposed to interview me explains that she has a family emergency and can't see me today. We reschedule the interview for a few days later before hanging up.

I put my phone away and look towards the hot mystery man.

"Thank you. I appreciate it," I give him a small smile.

"No worries," he shrugs and takes out his phone to call, who I am assuming is the garage.

"Elliot, I need a tow," he says into the phone. He places the phone on his shoulder and takes out another cigarette and lights it.

I scrunch up my nose as he inhales. This man is hot as fuck and all, but he sure smokes too damn much for my taste. I cough when he accidentally blows the smoke towards me.

"Sorry," he says through his cigarette.

After a few seconds, he hangs up and flicks his cigarette to the ground.

"Got a name?" he suddenly says after a few minutes of silence.

I bite my lip as he stares at me. "Ana."

He nods. "The names Christian. Do you live around here?" he sticks out his hand.

I shake his hand, which is surprisingly soft for a mechanic before answering him. "Yes. I live about ten minutes from town. Just got home from attending WSU for four years," I explain.

"College graduate huh? What did ya study?" he runs his hand through his long copper hair which distracts me from his question.

"Education. I want to be a teacher," I clear my throat.

"Cool. Well hope you find something soon," he smiles and puts his sunglasses back on.

"Thanks," I shuffle from foot to foot while we wait for the tow truck.

He stares at me from under his glasses causing me to squirm. He smirks and starts to type on his phone for a few minutes before we hear a loud tow truck headed our way.

Christian nods towards the truck and says, "This is my brother now."

I look towards it and see a big red tow truck that says Grey Towing in silver lettering on the side. When the tow truck stops behind my car, the driver cuts the engine, and before I know it, a freakishly tall guy jumps out and slams the door.

My eyes widen as he gets closer to us. The guy has brown hair with a hint of copper in it just like Christian's. He is wearing a blue V-neck shirt and jeans. He's not as muscular as Christian, but he's just as tall as him, if not taller. My mouth drops open when he stops in front of me and slaps Christian on the back.

"What do we got?" he says smoothly as he takes out a cigarette. My eyes widen at how tall these two guys are. This new guy has got to be around 6'4," and Christian looks like he could be 6'3". I'm not a short person, but I find myself lifting my head up so that I can look at these two who stands side by side from each other.

I roll my eyes in annoyance when Christian lights up another cigarette that the guy hands him.

"Didn't you just have two of those in the last ten minutes?" I huff at Christian.

He chuckles and puts his hands up in surrender before placing the cigarette back in its pack. The other guy stares at him in amusement before he lights his cancer stick. I narrow my eyes at him and walk forward and take it out of his mouth and stomp on it with my heel.

"Those are bad for you," I snap at him.

He stares at me dumbfounded for a few seconds before he slowly walks forward and gets in my face. I swallow hard when he glares down at me and I must look up since he's so tall. His green eyes narrow at me before he speaks, "Don't ever touch my cig," he says darkly.

My mouth drops open and I absentmindedly nod my head. He suddenly smirks and closes my mouth with his finger before winking at me.

"Elliot, quit freaking the poor girl out. I apologize for my brother, Ana," Christian walks forward and rolls his eyes at him.

He chuckles and takes out another cigarette, places it between his lips and slaps Christian on the back. "I'm just messing with her. Let's get this show on the road," he says before heading back towards the truck.

"Come on; you can ride with us."

Christian ushers me to the truck, and I get in. Elliot and Christian take a few minutes to get my car sorted on the tow truck before they both hop inside. I sit there between them awkwardly while Elliot drives to the repair shop.

I look around the little mechanics shop, which is like any other repair shop. I sit down on one of the plastic chairs and pick up one of the numerous magazines that are in front of me.

I get bored and put the magazine back down and look in front of me when I see a tall brunette coming towards me. I get up when she reaches me and offers me her hand.

"Hi, I'm Ella Grey. Welcome to Grey Automotive. Have you been offered any refreshments?" she beams down at me.

I'm not really that struck by other women's beauty, but this woman in front of me is probably the most gorgeous women I have ever seen. She is tall and slender with light honey brown hair, beautiful pale gray eyes with a hint of blue, and her face is small and delicate. Her dimples appear when she smiles at me, waiting for my response.

"Um, no, but I'm okay right now. Did they find out what was wrong with my car?" I bite my lip and look behind her towards the back where my car is being worked on.

"They are still working on it. If you have a seat, my boys will be with you shortly," she smiles, and walks to the front desk, her heels clicking on the tiled floor.

"Boys?" I frown in confusion.

She smiles up at me once more and says, "Yes, my son, Christian, and Elliot. They will be with you shortly."

My eyes widen, and my mouth drops open once more. Wow, no wonder those two hotties are so good looking. I groan inwardly when a hot looking older man walks over to…Ella? Was that her name?

He smiles down at her lovingly when he reaches her. He takes hold of her chin and kisses her lightly on the lips, her eyes slowly close at the contact.

I suddenly turn my eyes away at the private moment between them and fidget in my seat feeling extremely uncomfortable in their presence.

I look down at my outfit and frown when I see that my skirt is a little wrinkled. I try to smooth it down as well as my hair, but before I can finish, a masculine voice startles me, "Your car is almost ready young lady."

I look up to see the same man standing in front of me. He is also tall with copper-colored hair and bright green eyes. He smiles down at me and offers me his hand. He is wearing one of those overalls that mechanics wear. His name; Thomas, is stitched on the front pocket. I swallow and give him my hand.

"I'm the owner, Thomas Grey. It's nice to meet you," he smiles politely causing my breath to hitch.

Good Lord, this hunk of a man must be the father. What is up with all these God-like Greys? Suddenly I feel frumpy within their presence. I stand up and try not to show how intimidated and self-conscious I am.

"It's nice to meet you too. Thank you all for being so kind," I smile graciously.

"Your cars done, milady," Elliot bows beside his father causing him to roll his eyes.

"Elliot, stop it. I'm sorry Ana," Christian pushes him away causing Elliot to laugh.

Thomas and Ella roll their eyes as we pass them in reception. Ella shakes her head at her son and Thomas chuckles.

"It was your fuel filter. It is all set," Christian says as he fills out some paperwork.

I nod and look around the garage once more. There are family pictures and photos of old cars on the walls. I spot a family photo that is hanging towards one of the offices in the back. I smile when my eyes land on a child who I'm assuming is a younger Christian.

"Just sigh here," he says handing me the invoice. I give him some cash when I spot the total, which isn't as much as I thought.

I sign my name, and I look up to see him looking nervous. My eyebrows raise in question when he stands there looking suddenly apprehensive. He runs his hand through his hair and looks down at the ground before staring back up at me. I bite my lip and blush when he stares into my eyes.

"Do you want to go out sometime?" he says in a rush while he rubs the back of his neck.

I giggle at his sudden embarrassment. I put my hair behind my ears and smile shyly at him. "I'd like that."

He smiles and gives me his number. He opens the door for me, and I get inside. I roll down the window after starting the engine. I look over at him to see him leaning against a pillar.

"I'll call you," he smirks and then walks away towards the front office.

AN: Here is my new story. I have several chapters pre-written, so I will TRY to update every Wednesday, but just know that I have a family and things can come up that will prevent me from updating, but I will try my best to keep the updates coming regularly.

I have had this plot idea long before I had written Surviving with You, so I am excited to finally be able to write it. I know there have been many pregnancy stories lately; mine included, so I thought about changing the plot, but after much thought, I decided just to keep my original idea.

Here is some background information:

All the characters will have different professions than they did in the books. Christian will not be a CEO, and there is no GEH. Ella and Thomas are Christian, and Elliot's biological parents and Grace and Carrick will not be related to Christian or Elliot in any way. Mia will be Grace and Carrick biological daughter. Carla and Ray will be Ana's biological parents.

Ella and Christian do not have the same backstory as they did in the books. There will be no past abuse, touch issues, BDSM and or Cheating. The story will be set in North Bend, Washington instead of Seattle.

Christian, Ana, Grace, and Carrick will not be wealthy. I wanted to do something different where they were just ordinary people with ordinary lives. The chapters and story will not be too long, and this will be in Christian and Ana's POV.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and thank you for reading and reviewing. See you next week.

Pinterest page for this story will be under my username: PassionForGrey