
Bill loved his mother, he really did. But if there was one thing every Weasley child considered more terrifying than their mother's yelling, it was her tears. And Bill couldn't have faced it now — her watery eyes as she took in the fresh scars that now marred his face.

He let his breathing return to normal once he heard the footsteps fade away. He knew only one person remained by his bedside now — he could feel the soothing rub of her thumb on his hand. And it was only her he wanted around, at this instant.

After years of working in dark tombs from wherein they would suddenly find themselves under the sharp, Egyptian sun, his eyes had learned to accustom to the change quick enough that he didn't even blink as he finally dropped his pretence of sleep and turned towards the woman he loved.

Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks wet. But they held pride, and love, and concern. No pity — he didn't need that now, and she understood him. Better than anyone else ever had.

"Water?" she asked, her voice slightly raspy.

Bill nodded, slowly sitting up, and accepted the filled goblet she offered. There was a stench of blood coming from his own clothes — he must have been too out of it to have shed off his robe at that time — and Bill idly wondered if Fleur could smell it, too? Or was it something caused by…

Fleur moved to sit by his side and ran a hand through his hair. It smelled of blood, too, Bill noticed. He really needed a shower.

His stomach grumbled, and he could feel a want of meat growing inside him. He forced it, and the related thoughts, away and pulled back Fleur who was starting to get up.

"You should eet something. I will get ze nurse."

Bill shook his head. "Wait, I promise I'll suffer all Madam Pomfrey puts me through later, but I want some time with you."

Fleur's gaze softened. Placing a hand on his cheek, she leaned in and kissed him lightly. Bill mustered a small smile and shuffled to the side to give her more space, putting his arm around her when she climbed onto the hospital bed.

"I love you, Fleur." Bill felt content then. A million thoughts about the recent happenings were there in his mind, ready to overwhelm him the minute he gave in to them.

But he was selfish, and he was determined not to break this little moment he had with her. Who knew when, or if, there would be another?"I love you, too, Bill."

He smiled and pulled her closer.

"That was brave of you." She turned to him. "Standing up to my mother like that," Bill elaborated, a smile forming on his face. "But it worked for you, and now you can expect a Weasley jumper this Christmas."

"Zey're 'ideous, though!" Bill snorted, and Fleur laughed a bit. "Oui, you know I am right."

Bill nodded. "But you'll look beautiful in them, too." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, noticing the streak of blood he left behind in the silvery locks.

Fleur smiled, and he knew she wouldn't care about the blood smear one bit.

"You truly are good-looking enough for both of us."

"You heard that?" She swatted at him, and Bill chuckled.

"I did. But you are. You're really the more beautiful among the two of us — inside and out."

A/N: Written for Jenny (Claude Amelia Song) as a very late birthday present!

Thank you, Tigger (whitetiger91) for betaing!

Written for TGS Sing a song along Challenge. Submission from East, Castelobruxo.

Word count: 586