TAL21: Hey Readers of Symbols of Peace!

I have run into a bit of a problem, mostly that I'm doing my best to write out a new chapter for this story, I have my lovely beta KnifeChild helping me out, but due to tech being stupid, she hadn't been able to edit the chapter that I have sent her. T_T. I'm hoping that things clear up for her, but i will be doing a bunch of editing myself as I'm wrapping up the chapter. It might not be till the end of the week or possibly sometime next week that I will be posting it. And I'm really excited about it too. :) I will say this, you won't see Izuku in the next chapter, but You will see him after that. I'm having a bit of fun writing it down as I go. I also managed to snag a job! So lets hope i can keep this up!

I would love to hear from you guys and tell me what you think of the story so far! Please leave your awesome reviews and opinions because I love hearing from your guys! I'll see you guys in the new chapter! :D