Ok, post DOR, obviously. I guess you can consider this a sequel to "Fate", and its my first sequel ever! Yay! So all you readers are witnessing this, I have lost my sequel virginity! Hehehe, that don't sound right, does it? Anyway, read, and enjoy.

Disclaimer: The search is the most important part. Like when we found the cat, it had rabies. So I guess the lesson is, in the search, when you're searching for something, don't find it. Cause when you find it, it has rabies.


There was a soft knock on the door. He opened his eyes angrily as the door opened. "Herr Bellwiegg?" his servant stepped in.

"Joseph, you know not to disturb me during my prayers," the former Count admonished.

"I am aware, mien Herr, and I am very sorry. But the kitchen staff is ready to revolt. They demand a better salary, or they plan to leave."

Johann Bellwiegg rose from his knees and turned to his servant. "Then let them leave. I don't need them anyhow."

"Herr, we've already lost the launderers and the grounds staff. If things keep going as they are you will lose them all," Joseph reminded him.

"Including you, Joseph? Is that what you are saying?"

"Johann," Joseph moved closer, putting his hand on the mans shoulder. "I have seen you through worse, and I wouldn't leave you to fend for yourself. But I can't do everything. We need the others as well."

Johann sighed inwardly and rubbed his temples. He really meant it. They could all leave, for all he was concerned. He had lost far more in his life than they could imagine. But Joseph was right, he needed them. He couldn't live on his own. "Fine, tell them I will meet with them tomorrow to negotiate their salary."

"Thank you, mien Herr," Joseph smiled at him, turning toward the door.

"Oh, and Joseph!" The servant turned back. "I will have my brandy in the lounge in a half hour."

"Of course, mien Herr." Joseph closed the door behind him.

Johann kneeled and bowed his head, returning to his prayer. It was the same prayer that he had said everyday for the past sixteen year. It was, currently, what kept him going day to day. Without his faith, he knew he'd truly be lost.

He crossed himself, walked to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face. He stared at his reflection, running his fingers through prematurely grey hair. He had been doing this a lot lately, he noticed. It had always been a nervous habit of his. Johann studied the wrinkles that lined his forty two year old face. He looked and felt so much older. But the tragedies he had experienced in his life had aged him immensely.

The man sighed, walking from his bedchamber to the lounge. He sat in his chair, noticing his nightly brandy already waiting for him. He smiled and picked it up. Good old, reliable Joseph. He really was grateful for his staff, especially Joseph. Joseph was the only one who had stayed with him after 'the incident', as it was referred to by the staff. Referred to as such because going into any type of detail about 'the incident' would incur the wrath of a certain bitter ex Count. Personally, Johann didn't want to talk about any of it, especially with them. It was none of their business, anyhow.

But this didn't stop them from talking. Johann heard them. He knew that they thought he was crazy. His current staff knew very little of 'the incident'. They had heard the same rumors of demons that the townspeople had spoken of for years, but didn't believe any of it. The simply believed that their employer was a sorry old man, who was abandoned by his wife, yet foolishly prayed for the woman and a supposed child every night. But again, they knew very little about this. They all knew, however, about his downfall.

After 'the incident' Johann had become withdrawn, no longer interested in the plight of his subjects. His area of rule became less utopian, and more hostile. The rumors of a demon being born to their beloved Count spread quickly, diminishing public opinion in his god-fearing populace. All of his servants had left him, with the exception of Joseph. Combining these elements, he was deemed unfit to continue his reign as Count. He was relinquished from his position by his cousin, and he escaped to a mansion at the foot of the mountains. There he has stayed, at first, staying only on the grounds, but for the past twelve years, he has not even left the house itself. He is a hermit.

Johann reached over and grabbed the remote control, flicking on the television. He was greeted by the news. He took another sip of his brandy, and tried to pay attention to his only window to the outside world, but his attention drifted. In truth, Johann loathes the television, but watching the news with his brandy has become a nightly ritual for him. Plus, he doesn't want to be completely shut off from the outside. He still wants to know what's happening, even if he never plans to be a part of it.

He lifted the snifter to his lips again, but this time noticed it empty. He turned over to pour himself a second glass, then settled into the chair. The news was boring tonight, so Johann closed his eyes, and put his head back. His mind wandered as he thought about what he was going to do about his kitchen staff. He'd have to give them a raise, he couldn't live without them. Suddenly, his ears pricked up to something said on the television. Something about mutants? He opened his eyes and trained them on the TV.

"This is actual tape of these mutants in an attack in America," the news man said. He spoke on about mutants, the threat they were. Johann watched the tapes. There were what seemed to be a bunch of young mutants, facing off against a large robot. But what truly caught his eye was one mutant in particular. It was hard to see details in this tape, but there were certain things he was certain of. Blue fur, the tail, the yellow eyes. He gasped as he watched and felt tears in his eyes. 'It can't be' he thought to himself. 'Can it?' He crawled closer to the TV, to get a better look. But the tape ended at this point, and the newscaster was back. He began to rattle on about the mutant threat and the possibility of any of them hiding in Germany.

Johann leaned back against the chair bringing his hand up to his mouth. Tear began to spill from his eyes. He couldn't believe what he saw, but he also couldn't deny it. It had to be, he knew it. A loud sob escaped his throat.

"Herr Bellwiegg," Joseph walked over to him and knelt down. "What is it, mien Herr? Are you alright?"

"Mien Gott, Joseph," Johann cried to the man. "I saw him! On the television, I saw him!"

"You saw who?" Joseph asked.

Johann smiled at him as the tears continued to pour down his face. "My son, Joseph, I saw my son!"


Well, there you have it..I always have way cheesy endings to my chapters. I was going to go on more, and I did but I feel like the chapter just has to end there.

I don't think I've ever read a story about Kurt's dad, or at least one that I liked... But I'm a huge fan of the whole 'son of a count' thing. Hope you enjoyed it! There will be more!

Oh, by the way, REVIEW!!!!